// Scicos // // Copyright (C) INRIA - METALAU Project // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // See the file ../license.txt // function [x,y,typ]=Bache(job,arg1,arg2) // exemple d'un bloc implicit, // - sans entree ni sortie de conditionnement // - avec une entree et une sortie de type implicit et de dimension 1 // - avec un dialogue de saisie de parametre x=[]; y=[]; typ=[]; select job case "set" then x=arg1; graphics=arg1.graphics; exprs=graphics.exprs model=arg1.model; while %t do [ok,Patm,A,ze1,ze2,zs1,zs2,z0,T0,p_rho,exprs]=scicos_getvalue("Parametres de la bache", .. ["Pression dans le ciel de la bache : Patm (Pa)";.. "Section de la bache : A (m2)";.. "Altitude du piquage d entrée 1: ze1 (m)";.. "Altitude du piquage d entrée 2: ze2 (m)";.. "Altitude du piquage de sortie 1: zs1 (m)";.. "Altitude du piquage de sortie 2: zs2 (m)";.. "Altitude initiale du fluide : z0 (m)";.. "Température initiale du fluide : T0 (K)";.. "Si >0, masse volumique imposée du fluide : p_rho (kg/m3)"],.. list("vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1),exprs) if ~ok then break, end model.rpar=[Patm;A;ze1;ze2;zs1;zs2;z0;T0;p_rho] model.equations.parameters(2)=list(Patm,A,ze1,ze2,zs1,zs2,z0,T0,p_rho) graphics.exprs=exprs x.graphics=graphics; x.model=model break end case "define" then in=2 out=3 model=scicos_model() model.in=[-(1:in)']; model.out=[-(1:out)']; Patm=1.013E5 A=1 ze1=40 ze2=0 zs1=40 zs2=0 z0=30 T0=290 p_rho=0 model.rpar=[Patm;A;ze1;ze2;zs1;zs2;z0;T0;p_rho] model.sim="Bache" model.blocktype="c" model.dep_ut=[%t %f] mo=modelica() mo.model="Bache" mo.inputs=["Ce1" "Ce2"]; mo.outputs=["Cs1" "Cs2" "yNiveau"]; mo.parameters=list(["Patm";"A";"ze1";"ze2";"zs1";"zs2";"z0";"T0";"p_rho"],[Patm;A;ze1;ze2;zs1;zs2;z0;T0;p_rho]) model.equations=mo model.in=ones(size(mo.inputs,"*"),1) model.out=ones(size(mo.outputs,"*"),1) exprs=[string(Patm);string(A);string(ze1);string(ze2);string(zs1);string(zs2);string(z0);string(T0);string(p_rho)] gr_i=[]; //'xfpolys(orig(1)+[0;5;7;3;5;10;10;0;0]*sz(1)/10,orig(2)+[4;2;7;7;2;0;4;0;4]*sz(2)/10,scs_color(15))' x=standard_define([2 2],model,exprs,list(gr_i,0)) x.graphics.in_implicit=["I";"I"] x.graphics.out_implicit=["I";"I";"E"] end endfunction