/* autogenerated from "macros/Sinks/CSCOPXY3D.sci" */ function CSCOPXY3D() { CSCOPXY3D.prototype.define = function CSCOPXY3D() { win = -1; clrs = [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[13]]; siz = [[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1],[1]]; wdim = [[600],[400]]; wpos = [[-1],[-1]]; N = 2; param3ds = [[50],[280]]; vec_x = [[-15],[15]]; vec_y = [[-15],[15]]; vec_z = [[-15],[15]]; nbr_curves = 1; model = scicos_model(); model.sim = list("cscopxy3d",4); model.in1 = [[1],[1],[1]]; model.in2 = [[1],[1],[1]]; model.intyp = [[1],[1],[1]]; model.evtin = 1; model.rpar = [[vec_x.slice()],[vec_y.slice()],[vec_z.slice()],[param3ds.slice()]]; model.ipar = [[win],[8],[N],[clrs.slice()],[siz.slice()],[8],[wpos.slice()],[wdim.slice()],[nbr_curves]]; model.blocktype = "d"; model.dep_ut = [false,false]; exprs = [[string(nbr_curves)],[strcat(string(clrs)," ")],[strcat(string(siz)," ")],[string(win)],[sci2exp([])],[sci2exp(wdim)],[strcat(string(vec_x)," ")],[strcat(string(vec_y)," ")],[strcat(string(vec_z)," ")],[strcat(string(param3ds)," ")],[string(N)]]; gr_i = []; x = standard_define([2,2],model,exprs,gr_i); } CSCOPXY3D.prototype.details = function CSCOPXY3D() { } CSCOPXY3D.prototype.get = function CSCOPXY3D() { } CSCOPXY3D.prototype.set = function CSCOPXY3D() { x = arg1; graphics = arg1.graphics; exprs = graphics.exprs; model = arg1.model; while (true) { [ok,nbr_curves,clrs,siz,win,wpos,wdim,vec_x,vec_y,vec_z,param3ds,N,exprs] = scicos_getvalue("Set Scope parameters",[["Number of curves"],["color (>0) or mark (<0)"],["Line or Mark Size"],["Output window number (-1 for automatic)"],["Output window position"],["Output window sizes"],["Xmin and Xmax"],["Ymin and Ymax"],["Zmin and Zmax"],["Alpha and Theta"],["Buffer size"]],list("vec",1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",2,"vec",2,"vec",2,"vec",2,"vec",1),exprs); if (!ok) { break; } mess = []; if (size(wpos,"*")!=0&&size(wpos,"*")!=2) { mess = [[mess],["Window position must be [] or a 2 vector"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (size(wdim,"*")!=0&&size(wdim,"*")!=2) { mess = [[mess],["Window dim must be [] or a 2 vector"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (size(clrs,"*")!=size(siz,"*")) { mess = [[mess],["Colors and Size must have same size"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (nbr_curves<=0) { mess = [[mess],["Number of curves cannot be negative or null"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (win<-1) { mess = [[mess],["Window number cannot be inferior than -1"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (N<1) { mess = [[mess],["Buffer size must be at least 1"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (N<2) { for (i=1;i<=size(clrs,"*");i+=1) { if (clrs[i-1]>0) { mess = [[mess],["Buffer size must be at least 2 or Change a color (must be >0)"],[" "]]; ok = false; } } } if (vec_y[1-1]>=vec_y[2-1]) { mess = [[mess],["Ymax must be higher than Ymin"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (vec_x[1-1]>=vec_x[2-1]) { mess = [[mess],["Xmax must be higher than Xmin"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (vec_z[1-1]>=vec_z[2-1]) { mess = [[mess],["Zmax must be higher than Zmin"],[" "]]; ok = false; } if (ok) { in1 = nbr_curves*ones(3,1); in2 = ones(3,1); [model,graphics,ok] = set_io(model,graphics,list([in1,in2],ones(3,1)),list(),ones(1,1),[]); if (wpos==[]) { wpos = [[-1],[-1]]; } if (wdim==[]) { wdim = [[-1],[-1]]; } rpar = [[vec_x.slice()],[vec_y.slice()],[vec_z.slice()],[param3ds.slice()]]; size_siz = size(siz,"*"); ipar = [[win],[size_siz],[N],[clrs.slice()],[siz.slice()],[1],[wpos.slice()],[wdim.slice()],[nbr_curves]]; model.rpar = rpar; model.ipar = ipar; graphics.exprs = exprs; x.graphics = graphics; x.model = model; break; } else { message(mess); } } } }