/* autogenerated from "macros/Sinks/CSCOPXY.sci" */ function CSCOPXY() { CSCOPXY.prototype.define = function CSCOPXY() { this.win = -1; this.clrs = 4; this.siz = 1; this.wdim = [[600],[400]]; this.wpos = [[-1],[-1]]; this.N = 2; this.xmin = -15; this.xmax = 15; this.ymin = -15; this.ymax = 15; this.nbr_curves = 1; this.model = scicos_model(); this.model.sim = list(new ScilabString(["cscopxy"]), new ScilabDouble([4])); this.model.in1 = new ScilabDouble([1],[1]); this.model.in2 = new ScilabDouble([1],[1]); this.model.intyp = new ScilabDouble([1],[1]); this.model.evtin = new ScilabDouble([1]); this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble([this.xmin],[this.xmax],[this.ymin],[this.ymax]); this.model.ipar = new ScilabDouble([this.win],[1],[this.N],[this.clrs],[this.siz],[1],[this.wpos.slice()],[this.wdim.slice()],[this.nbr_curves]); this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString(["d"]); this.model.dep_ut = new ScilabDouble([false,false]); this.exprs = [[string(this.nbr_curves)],[sci2exp(this.clrs)],[sci2exp(this.siz)],[string(this.win)],[sci2exp([])],[sci2exp(this.wdim)],[string(this.xmin)],[string(this.xmax)],[string(this.ymin)],[string(this.ymax)],[string(this.N)]]; this.gr_i = new ScilabString(["xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"CSCOPXY\",sz(1),sz(2));"]); this.x = standard_define([2,2],this.model,this.exprs,this.gr_i); return new BasicBlock(this.x); } CSCOPXY.prototype.details = function CSCOPXY() { return this.x; } CSCOPXY.prototype.get = function CSCOPXY() { var options = { nbr_curves:["Number of Curves",this.nbr_curves], clrs:["color (>0) or mark (<0)",this.clrs], siz:["line or mark size",this.siz], win:["Output window number (-1 for automatic)",this.win], wpos:["Output window position",this.wpos.toString().replace(/,/g," ")], wdim:["Output window sizes",this.wdim.toString().replace(/,/g," ")], xmin:["Xmin",this.xmin], xmax:["Xmax",this.xmax], ymin:["Ymin",this.ymin], ymax:["Ymax",this.ymax], N:["Buffer size",this.N], } return options; } CSCOPXY.prototype.set = function CSCOPXY() { this.nbr_curves = parseFloat(arguments[0]["nbr_curves"]) this.clrs = parseFloat(arguments[0]["clrs"]) this.siz = parseFloat(arguments[0]["siz"]) this.win = parseFloat(arguments[0]["win"]) this.wpos = inverse(arguments[0]["wpos"]) this.wdim = inverse(arguments[0]["wdim"]) this.xmin = parseFloat(arguments[0]["xmin"]) this.xmax = parseFloat(arguments[0]["xmax"]) this.ymin = parseFloat(arguments[0]["ymin"]) this.ymax = parseFloat(arguments[0]["ymax"]) this.N = parseFloat(arguments[0]["N"]) this.exprs = arguments[0]["exprs"] this.x = arg1; this.graphics = arg1.graphics; this.exprs = this.graphics.exprs; this.model = arg1.model; while (true) { [ok,this.nbr_curves,this.clrs,this.siz,this.win,this.wpos,this.wdim,this.xmin,this.xmax,this.ymin,this.ymax,this.N,this.exprs] = scicos_getvalue("Set Scope parameters",["Number of Curves","color (>0) or mark (<0)","line or mark size","Output window number (-1 for automatic)","Output window position","Output window sizes","Xmin","Xmax","Ymin","Ymax","Buffer size"],list("vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1),this.exprs); if (!ok) { break; } var mess = []; if (size(this.wpos,"*")!=0&&size(this.wpos,"*")!=2) { var mess = [[mess],["Window position must be [] or a 2 vector"],[" "]]; var ok = false; } if (size(this.wdim,"*")!=0&&size(this.wdim,"*")!=2) { var mess = [[mess],["Window dim must be [] or a 2 vector"],[" "]]; var ok = false; } if (this.nbr_curves<=0) { var mess = [[mess],["Number of Curves cannot be negative or null"],[" "]]; var ok = false; } if (this.win<-1) { var mess = [[mess],["Window number cannot be inferior than -1"],[" "]]; var ok = false; } if (this.N<1) { var mess = [[mess],["Buffer size must be at least 1"],[" "]]; var ok = false; } if (this.N==1&&this.clrs>0) { var mess = [[mess],["Buffer size must be at least 2"],[" "]]; var ok = false; } if (this.ymin>=this.ymax) { var mess = [[mess],["Ymax must be greater than Ymin"],[" "]]; var ok = false; } if (this.xmin>=this.xmax) { var mess = [[mess],["Xmax must be greater than Xmin"],[" "]]; var ok = false; } if (!ok) { message(mess); } else { var in1 = this.nbr_curves*ones(2,1); var in2 = ones(2,1); var tmpvar0 = set_io(this.model,this.graphics,list([in1,in2],ones(2,1)),list(),ones(1,1),[]); this.model = tmpvar0[0]; this.graphics = tmpvar0[1]; var ok = tmpvar0[2]; if (this.wpos==[]) { this.wpos = [[-1],[-1]]; } if (this.wdim==[]) { this.wdim = [[-1],[-1]]; } var rpar = [[this.xmin],[this.xmax],[this.ymin],[this.ymax]]; var ipar = [[this.win],[1],[this.N],[this.clrs],[this.siz],[1],[this.wpos.slice()],[this.wdim.slice()],[this.nbr_curves]]; this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble(rpar); this.model.ipar = new ScilabDouble(ipar); this.graphics.exprs = new ScilabDouble([this.exprs]); this.x.graphics = this.graphics; this.x.model = this.model; break; } } return new BasicBlock(this.x); } }