/* autogenerated from "macros/NonLinear/DLRADAPT_f.sci" */ function DLRADAPT_f() { DLRADAPT_f.prototype.define = function DLRADAPT_f() { this.p = [[0],[1]]; this.rn = []; this.rd = [[math.complex(0.2,0.8),math.complex(0.2,-0.8)],[math.complex(0.3,0.7),math.complex(0.3,-0.7)]]; this.g = [[1],[1]]; this.last_u = []; this.last_y = [[0],[0]]; model = scicos_model(); model.sim = "dlradp"; model.in1 = [[1],[1]]; model.out = 1; model.evtin = 1; model.dstate = [[this.last_u],[this.last_y]]; model.rpar = [[this.p.slice()],[real(this.rn.slice())],[imag(this.rn.slice())],[real(this.rd.slice())],[imag(this.rd.slice())],[this.g.slice()]]; model.ipar = [[0],[2],[2]]; model.blocktype = "d"; model.firing = []; model.dep_ut = [true,false]; exprs = [[sci2exp(this.p)],[sci2exp(this.rn)],[sci2exp(this.rd,0)],[sci2exp(this.g)],[sci2exp(this.last_u)],[sci2exp(this.last_y)]]; gr_i = []; this.x = standard_define([2,2],model,exprs,gr_i); return new BasicBlock(this.x); } DLRADAPT_f.prototype.details = function DLRADAPT_f() { return this.x; } DLRADAPT_f.prototype.get = function DLRADAPT_f() { var options = { p:["Vector of p mesh points",this.p], rn:["Numerator roots (one line for each mesh)",this.rn], rd:["Denominator roots (one line for each mesh)",this.rd], g:["Vector of gain at mesh points",this.g], last_u:["past inputs (Num degree values)",this.last_u], last_y:["past outputs (Den degree values)",this.last_y], } return options; } DLRADAPT_f.prototype.set = function DLRADAPT_f() { this.p = parseFloat((arguments[0]["p"])) this.rn = parseFloat((arguments[0]["rn"])) this.rd = parseFloat((arguments[0]["rd"])) this.g = parseFloat((arguments[0]["g"])) this.last_u = parseFloat((arguments[0]["last_u"])) this.last_y = parseFloat((arguments[0]["last_y"])) this.x = arg1; graphics = arg1.graphics; exprs = graphics.exprs; model = arg1.model; while (true) { [ok,this.p,this.rn,this.rd,this.g,this.last_u,this.last_y,exprs] = scicos_getvalue("Set block parameters",["Vector of p mesh points","Numerator roots (one line for each mesh)","Denominator roots (one line for each mesh)","Vector of gain at mesh points","past inputs (Num degree values)","past outputs (Den degree values)"],list("vec",-1,"mat",[-1,-1],"mat",["size(%1,\'*\')","-1"],"vec","size(%1,\'*\')","vec","size(%2,2)","vec","size(%3,2)"),exprs); if (!ok) { break; } m = size(this.rn,2); [npt,n] = size(this.rd); if (m>=n) { message("Transfer must be strictly proper"); } else if (size(this.rn,1)!=0&&size(this.rn,1)!=size(this.p,"*")) { message("Numerator roots matrix row size\'s is incorrect"); } else { rpar = [[this.p.slice()],[real(this.rn.slice())],[imag(this.rn.slice())],[real(this.rd.slice())],[imag(this.rd.slice())],[this.g.slice()]]; ipar = [[m],[n],[npt]]; model.dstate = [[this.last_u.slice()],[this.last_y.slice()]]; model.rpar = rpar; model.ipar = ipar; graphics.exprs = exprs; this.x.graphics = graphics; this.x.model = model; break; } } return new BasicBlock(this.x); } }