/* autogenerated from "macros/Misc/MPBLOCK.sci" */ function MPBLOCK() { MPBLOCK.prototype.define = function MPBLOCK() { this.in1 = ["u"]; this.intype = ["I"]; this.out = [["y1"],["y2"]]; this.outtype = [["I"],["I"]]; var param = []; var paramv = list(); var pprop = []; var nameF = "myModel"; var exprs = tlist(["MPBLOCK","in","intype","out","outtype","param","paramv","pprop","nameF","funtxt"],sci2exp(this.in1.slice()),sci2exp(this.intype.slice()),sci2exp(this.out.slice()),sci2exp(this.outtype.slice()),sci2exp(param.slice()),list(string(0.1),string(.0001)),sci2exp(pprop.slice()),nameF,[]); this.model = scicos_model(); this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString(["c"]); this.model.dep_ut = new ScilabBoolean([true,true]); this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble([]); for (i=1;i<=lstsize(paramv);i+=1) { this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble([this.model.rpar],[paramv[i-1].slice()]); } var mo = modelica(); mo.model = nameF; mo.parameters = list(param,paramv); this.model.sim = list(new ScilabString([mo.model]), new ScilabDouble([10004])); mo.inputs = this.in1; mo.outputs = this.out; this.model.in = new ScilabDouble([ones(size(mo.inputs,"r"),1)]); this.model.out = new ScilabDouble([ones(size(mo.outputs,"r"),1)]); this.model.equations = mo; var gr_i = new ScilabString(["xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"MPBLOCK\",sz(1),sz(2));"]); this.x = new standard_define(new ScilabDouble([3,2]),this.model,new ScilabDouble([exprs]),gr_i); this.x.graphics.in_implicit = this.intype; this.x.graphics.out_implicit = this.outtype; return new BasicBlock(this.x); } MPBLOCK.prototype.details = function MPBLOCK() { return this.x; } MPBLOCK.prototype.get = function MPBLOCK() { alert("parameters cannot be modified"); } MPBLOCK.prototype.set = function MPBLOCK() { var exprs = this.graphics.exprs; if (this.type[exprs-1]==15) { var paramv = list(); var pprop = []; for (i=1;i<=size(this.model.rpar,"*");i+=1) { paramv[$+1-1] = string(this.model.rpar[i-1]); pprop[$+1-1] = 0; } var exprs = tlist(["MPBLOCK","in","intype","out","outtype","param","paramv","pprop","nameF","funtxt"],exprs[1-1][1-1],exprs[1-1][2-1],exprs[1-1][3-1],exprs[1-1][4-1],exprs[1-1][5-1],paramv,sci2exp(pprop.slice()),exprs[1-1][7-1],exprs[2-1]); } var lab_1 = list(exprs.in,exprs.intype,exprs.out,exprs.outtype,exprs.param,exprs.pprop,exprs.nameF); var lab_2 = exprs.paramv; while (true) { var tmpvar0 = getvalue("Set Modelica generic block parameters",[["Input variables: "],["Input variables types: "],["Output variables: "],["Output variables types:"],["Parameters in Modelica:"],["Parameters properties: "],["Model name in packages:"]],list("str",-1,"str",-1,"str",-1,"str",-1,"str",-1,"vec",-1,"str",-1),lab_1); var ok = tmpvar0[0]; var Tin = tmpvar0[1]; var Tintype = tmpvar0[2]; var Tout = tmpvar0[3]; var Touttype = tmpvar0[4]; var Tparam = tmpvar0[5]; var pprop = tmpvar0[6]; var Tfunam = tmpvar0[7]; var lab_1 = tmpvar0[8]; if (!ok) { break; } var ierr = execstr("in=stripblanks(evstr(Tin)); intype=stripblanks(evstr(Tintype)); out=stripblanks(evstr(Tout)); outtype=stripblanks(evstr(Touttype)); param=stripblanks(evstr(Tparam)); funam=stripblanks(Tfunam)","errcatch"); if (ierr!=0) { x_message("Error in evaluation of variables."); var ok = false; } if (ok) { for (i=1;i<=size(this.in1,"*");i+=1) { var r = false; var ierr = execstr("r=validvar(in(i))","errcatch"); if (!r) { var ok = false; break; } } if (!ok) { x_message([["Invalid variable name for the input "+string(i)+"."],["\""+this.in1[i-1]+"\""],["Please choose another variable name."]]); } } if (ok) { for (i=1;i<=size(this.out,"*");i+=1) { var r = false; var ierr = execstr("r=validvar(out(i))","errcatch"); if (!r) { var ok = false; break; } } if (!ok) { x_message([["Invalid variable name for the output "+string(i)+"."],["\""+this.out[i-1]+"\""],["Please choose another variable name."]]); } } if (ok) { var param = param.slice(); for (i=1;i<=size(param,"*");i+=1) { var r = false; var ierr = execstr("r=validvar(param(i))","errcatch"); if (!r) { var ok = false; break; } } if (!ok) { x_message([["Invalid variable name for the parameter "+string(i)+"."],["\""+param[i-1]+"\""],["Please choose another variable name."]]); } } if (ok) { for (i=1;i<=size(this.intype,"*");i+=1) { if (this.intype[i-1]!="E"&&this.intype[i-1]!="I") { x_message("Input type should be \'E\' or \'I\'!"); var ok = false; break; } } } if (ok) { for (i=1;i<=size(this.outtype,"*");i+=1) { if (this.outtype[i-1]!="E"&&this.outtype[i-1]!="I") { x_message("Output type should be \'E\' or \'I\'!"); var ok = false; break; } } } if (ok) { if (or(size(this.intype)!=size(this.in1))) { x_message("Input variables are not well defined!"); var ok = false; } } if (ok) { if (or(size(this.outtype)!=size(this.out))) { x_message("Output variables are not well defined!"); var ok = false; } } if (ok) { var pprop = pprop.slice(); if ((size(param,"*")!=size(pprop,"*"))) { x_message([["There is differences in"],["size of param and size "],["of param properties."]]); var ok = false; } } if (ok) { if (max(pprop)>2||min(pprop)<0) { x_message([["Parameters properties must be :"],["0 : if it is a paramaters"],["1 : if it is an initial value of state,"],["2 : it it is a fixed initial state value."]]); var ok = false; } } if (ok) { if (this.funam=="") { x_message("The model name is not defined!"); var ok = false; } } if (ok) { var tmpvar1 = fileparts(this.funam); var dirF = tmpvar1[0]; var nameF = tmpvar1[1]; var extF = tmpvar1[2]; if ((extF!="")||(dirF!="")) { x_message("Invalid model name!"); var ok = false; } } if (ok) { var intypex = find(this.intype=="I"); var outtypex = find(this.outtype=="I"); var tmpvar2 = set_io(this.model,this.graphics,list([ones(this.in1),ones(this.in1)],ones(this.in1)),list([ones(this.out),ones(this.out)],ones(this.out)),[],[],intypex,outtypex); this.model = tmpvar2[0]; this.graphics = tmpvar2[1]; var ok = tmpvar2[2]; } if (ok) { var Tparam_lab = evstr(Tparam); var Tparam_sz = size(Tparam_lab,"*"); if (Tparam_sz>lstsize(lab_2)) { for (i=1;i<=(Tparam_sz-lstsize(lab_2));i+=1) { lab_2[$+1-1] = "0"; } } else if (Tparam_sz0) { mo.parameters = list(transpose(param),paramv,transpose(pprop)); } else { mo.parameters = list(transpose(param),paramv); } } this.model.equations = new ScilabDouble([mo]); this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble([]); for (i=1;i<=lstsize(paramv);i+=1) { this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble([this.model.rpar],[double(paramv[i-1].slice())]); } this.model.sim[1-1] = new ScilabDouble([this.funam]); exprs.in = lab_1[1-1]; exprs.intype = lab_1[2-1]; exprs.out = lab_1[3-1]; exprs.outtype = lab_1[4-1]; exprs.param = lab_1[5-1]; exprs.paramv = list(); if (Tparam_sz!=0) { if (this.type[lab_2-1]==15) { for (i=1;i<=lstsize(lab_2);i+=1) { exprs.paramv[i-1] = lab_2[i-1]; } } else { for (i=1;i<=size(lab_2,"*");i+=1) { exprs.paramv[i-1] = lab_2[i-1]; } } } exprs.pprop = lab_1[6-1]; exprs.nameF = lab_1[7-1]; exprs.funtxt = ""; this.x.model = this.model; this.graphics.gr_i[1-1][1-1] = new ScilabString(["txt=[\' "+nameF+" \'];"]); this.graphics.in_implicit = new ScilabString(this.intype); this.graphics.out_implicit = new ScilabDouble(this.outtype); this.graphics.exprs = exprs; this.x.graphics = this.graphics; break; } } return new BasicBlock(this.x); } }