/* autogenerated from "macros/Misc/DEBUG.sci" */ function DEBUG() { DEBUG.prototype.define = function DEBUG() { this.model = scicos_model(); this.model.sim = list(new ScilabString(["%debug_scicos"]), new ScilabDouble([99])); this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString(["d"]); exprs = list("","xcos_debug_gui(flag,block);"); gr_i = []; this.x = standard_define([8,2],this.model,exprs,gr_i); return new BasicBlock(this.x); } DEBUG.prototype.details = function DEBUG() { return this.x; } DEBUG.prototype.get = function DEBUG() { var options = { } return options; } DEBUG.prototype.set = function DEBUG() { this.x = arg1; graphics = arg1.graphics; exprs = graphics.exprs; textmp = exprs[2-1]; ok = true; while (1==1) { [txt] = this.dialog[[["Enter scilab instructions for debugging."],[" Inputs are block and flag, output is block"]]-1][textmp-1]; if (txt!=[]) { tt = ["block=debug_scicos(block,flag)"]; if (execstr("deff(tt,txt)","errcatch")==0) { warnMode = warning("query"); warning("off"); save(this.TMPDIR+"/debug_scicos",this.debug_scicos); warning(warnMode); exprs[2-1] = txt; if ((scicos_debug()!=2&&scicos_debug()!=3)) { scicos_debug(2); } break; } else { message([["Error in the instructions"],[lasterror()]]); } } else { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) { graphics.exprs = exprs; this.x.graphics = graphics; } return new BasicBlock(this.x); } }