/* autogenerated from "macros/Misc/CBLOCK4.sci" */ function CBLOCK4() { CBLOCK4.prototype.define = function CBLOCK4() { funam = "toto"; model = scicos_model(); model.sim = list(" ",2004); model.in1 = 1; model.in2 = 1; model.intyp = 1; model.out = 1; model.out2 = 1; model.outtyp = 1; model.dep_ut = [true,false]; label = list([[funam],["n"],[sci2exp([model.in1,model.in2])],[sci2exp(model.intyp)],[sci2exp([model.out,model.out2])],[sci2exp(model.outtyp)],[sci2exp(model.evtin)],[sci2exp(model.evtout)],[sci2exp(model.state)],[sci2exp(model.dstate)],[sci2exp(model.odstate)],[sci2exp(model.rpar)],[sci2exp(model.ipar)],[sci2exp(model.opar)],[sci2exp(model.nmode)],[sci2exp(model.nzcross)],[sci2exp(model.firing)],["y"],["n"]],[]); gr_i = []; this.x = standard_define([4,2],model,label,gr_i); } CBLOCK4.prototype.details = function CBLOCK4() { return this.x; } CBLOCK4.prototype.get = function CBLOCK4() { } CBLOCK4.prototype.set = function CBLOCK4() { this.x = arg1; model = arg1.model; graphics = arg1.graphics; label = graphics.exprs; while (true) { [ok,function_name,impli,in1,it,out,ot,ci,co,xx,z,oz,rpar,ipar,opar,nmode,nzcr,auto0,depu,dept,lab] = scicos_getvalue("Set C-Block4 block parameters",[["Simulation function"],["Is block implicit? (y,n)"],["Input ports sizes"],["Input ports type"],["Output port sizes"],["Output ports type"],["Input event ports sizes"],["Output events ports sizes"],["Initial continuous state"],["Initial discrete state"],["Initial object state"],["Real parameters vector"],["Integer parameters vector"],["Object parameters list"],["Number of modes"],["Number of zero crossings"],["Initial firing vector (<0 for no firing)"],["Direct feedthrough (y or n)"],["Time dependence (y or n)"]],list("str",1,"str",1,"mat",[-1,2],"vec",-1,"mat",[-1,2],"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"lis",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"lis",-1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec","sum(%8)","str",1,"str",1),label[1-1]); if (!ok) { break; } label[1-1] = lab; funam = stripblanks(function_name); xx = xx.slice(); z = z.slice(); rpar = rpar.slice(); ipar = int(ipar.slice()); nx = size(xx,1); nz = size(z,1); ci = int(ci.slice()); nevin = size(ci,1); co = int(co.slice()); nevout = size(co,1); if (part(impli,1)=="y") { funtyp = 12004; } else { funtyp = 2004; } if ([[ci],[co]]!=[]) { if (max([[ci],[co]])>1) { message("vector event links not supported"); ok = false; } } if (ok) { depu = stripblanks(depu); if (part(depu,1)=="y") { depu = true; } else { depu = false; } dept = stripblanks(dept); if (part(dept,1)=="y") { dept = true; } else { dept = false; } dep_ut = [depu,dept]; if (funam==" ") { break; } if (model.sim[1-1]!=funam||sign(size(model.state,"*"))!=sign(nx)||sign(size(model.dstate,"*"))!=sign(nz)||model.nzcross!=nzcr||sign(size(model.evtout,"*"))!=sign(nevout)) { tt = []; } tt = label[2-1]; [model,graphics,ok] = set_io(model,graphics,list(in1,it),list(out,ot),ci,co); } if (ok) { while (true) { [ok,tt,cancel] = this.CC4[funam-1][tt-1]; if (!ok) { if (cancel) { break; } } else { model.sim = list(funam,funtyp); model.state = xx; model.dstate = z; model.odstate = oz; model.rpar = rpar; model.ipar = ipar; model.opar = opar; model.firing = auto0; model.nzcross = nzcr; model.nmode = nmode; model.dep_ut = dep_ut; label[2-1] = tt; this.x.model = model; graphics.exprs = label; this.x.graphics = graphics; break; } } if (ok||cancel) { break; } } } } }