/* autogenerated from "macros/MatrixOp/MATCATH.sci" */ function MATCATH() { MATCATH.prototype.define = function MATCATH() { model = scicos_model(); function_name = "mat_cath"; funtyp = 4; model.sim = list(function_name,funtyp); model.in1 = [[-1],[-1]]; model.in2 = [[-2],[-3]]; model.intyp = [1,1]; model.out = -1; model.out2 = 0; model.outtyp = -1; model.evtin = []; model.evtout = []; model.state = []; model.dstate = []; model.rpar = []; model.ipar = []; model.blocktype = "c"; model.firing = []; model.dep_ut = [true,false]; label = [sci2exp(2)]; gr_i = []; this.x = standard_define([2,3],model,label,gr_i); return new BasicBlock(this.x); } MATCATH.prototype.details = function MATCATH() { return this.x; } MATCATH.prototype.get = function MATCATH() { var options = { nin:["Number of input",this.nin], } return options; } MATCATH.prototype.set = function MATCATH() { this.nin = arguments[0]["nin"] this.lab = arguments[0]["lab"] this.x = arg1; model = arg1.model; graphics = arg1.graphics; label = graphics.exprs; if (size(label,"*")>1) { label = "size(evstr("+label[2-1]+"),\'*\')"; } while (true) { [ok,this.nin,this.lab] = scicos_getvalue("Set MATCATH block parameters",["Number of input"],list("vec",1),label); if (!ok) { break; } label = this.lab; in1 = [-1*(ones(this.nin,1)),-(transpose([2:this.nin+1]))]; out = [-1,0]; it = -1*(ones(this.nin,1)); ot = -1; [model,graphics,ok] = set_io(model,graphics,list(in1,it),list(out,ot),[],[]); if (ok) { funtyp = 4; model.sim = list("mat_cath",funtyp); graphics.exprs = label; arg1.graphics = graphics; arg1.model = model; this.x = arg1; break; } } return new BasicBlock(this.x); } }