/* autogenerated from "macros/Linear/SOM_f.sci" */ function SOM_f() { SOM_f.prototype.define = function SOM_f() { var sgn = [[1],[1],[1]]; this.model = scicos_model(); this.model.sim = list(new ScilabString(["sum"]), new ScilabDouble([2])); this.model.in = new ScilabDouble([-1],[-1],[-1]); this.model.out = new ScilabDouble([-1]); this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble(sgn); this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString(["c"]); this.model.dep_ut = new ScilabBoolean([true,false]); var exprs = [[sci2exp(1)],[sci2exp(sgn)]]; var gr_i = new ScilabString(["xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"SOM_f\",sz(1),sz(2));"]); this.x = new standard_define(new ScilabDouble([2,2]),this.model,new ScilabDouble(exprs),gr_i); return new BasicBlock(this.x); } SOM_f.prototype.details = function SOM_f() { return this.x; } SOM_f.prototype.get = function SOM_f() { alert("parameters cannot be modified"); } SOM_f.prototype.set = function SOM_f() { var exprs = this.graphics.exprs; if (size(exprs,"*")==2) { var exprs = exprs[2-1]; } if (size(exprs,"*")!=3) { var exprs = string(this.model.rpar); } if (this.graphics.flip) { var labs = ["down","left","up"]; } else { var labs = ["down","right","up"]; } var str = [["This sum block is obsolete","parameters cannot be modified. Please replace it with new sum block"],["and gain blocks in the linear palette"," ","Input ports are located at up, side and down positions.","Current gains are:"]]; var str = [[str],[(part(labs.slice(),1,7)+exprs.slice())]]; message(str); throw "user error"; return new BasicBlock(this.x); } SOM_f.prototype.get_popup_title = function SOM_f() { var set_param_popup_title = "Set parameters"; return set_param_popup_title; } }