/* autogenerated from "macros/Events/freq_div.sci" */ function freq_div() { freq_div.prototype.define = function freq_div() { scs_m_1 = scicos_diagram(); scs_m_1.objs[1-1] = Modulo_Count("define"); scs_m_1.objs[2-1] = CLKINV_f("define"); scs_m_1.objs[3-1] = CLKOUTV_f("define"); scs_m_1.objs[4-1] = IFTHEL_f("define"); scs_m_1.objs[5-1] = CLKSPLIT_f("define"); scs_m_1.objs[6-1] = scicos_link(); scs_m_1.objs[7-1] = scicos_link(); scs_m_1.objs[8-1] = scicos_link(); scs_m_1.objs[9-1] = scicos_link(); scs_m_1.objs[10-1] = scicos_link(); blk = scs_m_1.objs[1-1]; graphics = blk.graphics; model = blk.model; graphics.orig = [0,-100]; graphics.sz = [60,40]; graphics.exprs = [["0"],["3"]]; model.dstate = 3; model.ipar = 3; graphics.pout = 7; graphics.pein = 10; blk.graphics = graphics; blk.model = model; scs_m_1.objs[1-1] = blk; blk = scs_m_1.objs[2-1]; graphics = blk.graphics; model = blk.model; graphics.orig = [120,0]; graphics.sz = [20,20]; graphics.exprs = ["1"]; model.ipar = 1; graphics.peout = 6; blk.graphics = graphics; blk.model = model; scs_m_1.objs[2-1] = blk; blk = scs_m_1.objs[3-1]; graphics = blk.graphics; model = blk.model; graphics.orig = [130,-160]; graphics.sz = [20,20]; graphics.exprs = ["1"]; model.ipar = 1; graphics.pein = 8; blk.graphics = graphics; blk.model = model; scs_m_1.objs[3-1] = blk; blk = scs_m_1.objs[4-1]; graphics = blk.graphics; model = blk.model; graphics.orig = [100,-100]; graphics.sz = [60,40]; graphics.exprs = [["1"],["0"]]; model.ipar = 1; graphics.pin = 7; graphics.pein = 9; graphics.peout = [[0],[8]]; blk.graphics = graphics; blk.model = model; scs_m_1.objs[4-1] = blk; blk = scs_m_1.objs[5-1]; graphics = blk.graphics; model = blk.model; graphics.orig = [127,-33]; graphics.sz = [7,7]; graphics.pein = 6; graphics.peout = [[9],[10]]; blk.graphics = graphics; blk.model = model; scs_m_1.objs[5-1] = blk; lnk = scs_m_1.objs[6-1]; lnk.ct = [5,-1]; lnk.from = [2,1,0]; lnk.to = [5,1,1]; scs_m_1.objs[6-1] = lnk; lnk = scs_m_1.objs[7-1]; lnk.from = [1,1,0]; lnk.to = [4,1,1]; scs_m_1.objs[7-1] = lnk; lnk = scs_m_1.objs[8-1]; lnk.ct = [5,-1]; lnk.from = [4,2,0]; lnk.to = [3,1,1]; scs_m_1.objs[8-1] = lnk; lnk = scs_m_1.objs[9-1]; lnk.ct = [5,-1]; lnk.from = [5,1,0]; lnk.to = [4,1,1]; scs_m_1.objs[9-1] = lnk; lnk = scs_m_1.objs[10-1]; lnk.xx = [0,30,1]; lnk.yy = [0,-30,1]; lnk.ct = [5,-1]; lnk.from = [5,2,0]; lnk.to = [1,1,1]; scs_m_1.objs[10-1] = lnk; blk={}; lnk={}; model = scicos_model(); model.sim = "csuper"; model.evtin = 1; model.evtout = 1; model.rpar = scs_m_1; gr_i = []; this.x = standard_define([3,2],model,[],gr_i); return new BasicBlock(this.x); } freq_div.prototype.details = function freq_div() { return this.x; } freq_div.prototype.get = function freq_div() { var options = { %ph:["Phase (0 to division factor -1)",%ph], %df:["Division factor",%df], } return options; } freq_div.prototype.set = function freq_div() { %ph = parseFloat((arguments[0]["%ph"])) %df = parseFloat((arguments[0]["%df"])) for (i=1;i<=length(arg1.model.rpar.objs);i+=1) { o = arg1.model.rpar.objs[i-1]; if (typeof(o)=="Block"&&o.gui=="Modulo_Count") { path = i; break; } } newpar = list(); y = 0; spath = list(); spath[$+1-1] = "model"; spath[$+1-1] = "rpar"; spath[$+1-1] = "objs"; spath[$+1-1] = path; xx = arg1[spath-1]; xxn = xx; graphics = xx.graphics; exprs = graphics.exprs; model = xx.model; while (true) { [ok,%ph,%df,exprs] = scicos_getvalue("Set frequency division block parameters",["Phase (0 to division factor -1)","Division factor"],list("vec",1,"vec",1),exprs); if (!ok) { break; } if (ok) { if (%df<1) { %df = 1; } %ph = abs(%ph); if (%ph>%df-1) { %ph = %df-1; } graphics.exprs = exprs; model.ipar = %df; model.dstate = %ph; xxn.graphics = graphics; xxn.model = model; break; } } if (diffobjs(xxn,xx)) { model = xx.model; model_n = xxn.model; if (!is_modelica_block(xx)) { modified = or(model.sim!=model_n.sim)||!isequal(model.state,model_n.state)||!isequal(model.dstate,model_n.dstate)||!isequal(model.rpar,model_n.rpar)||!isequal(model.ipar,model_n.ipar)||!isequal(model.label,model_n.label); if (or(model.in1!=model_n.in1)||or(model.out!=model_n.out)) { needcompile = 1; } if (or(model.firing!=model_n.firing)) { needcompile = 2; } if (model.sim=="input"||model.sim=="output") { if (model.ipar!=model_n.ipar) { needcompile = 4; } } if (or(model.blocktype!=model_n.blocktype)||or(model.dep_ut!=model_n.dep_ut)) { needcompile = 4; } if ((model.nzcross!=model_n.nzcross)||(model.nmode!=model_n.nmode)) { needcompile = 4; } if (prod(size(model_n.sim))>1) { if (model_n.sim[2-1]>1000) { if (model.sim[1-1]!=model_n.sim[1-1]) { needcompile = 4; } } } } else { modified = or(model_n!=model); eq = model.equations; eqn = model_n.equations; if (or(eq.model!=eqn.model)||or(eq.inputs!=eqn.inputs)||or(eq.outputs!=eqn.outputs)) { needcompile = 4; } } arg1[spath-1] = xxn; newpar[size(newpar)+1-1] = 1; y = max(y,needcompile); } this.x = arg1; typ = newpar; return new BasicBlock(this.x); } }