/* autogenerated from "macros/Events/EVTDLY_c.sci" */ function EVTDLY_c() { EVTDLY_c.prototype.define = function EVTDLY_c() { dt=0.1; ff=0.0; model=scicos_model(); model.sim=list("evtdly4",4); model.evtin=1; model.evtout=1; model.rpar=[[dt],[ff]]; model.blocktype="d"; model.firing=ff; model.dep_ut=[false,false]; exprs=[[string(dt)],[sci2exp(ff)]]; gr_i=[]; x=standard_define([3,2],model,exprs,gr_i); } EVTDLY_c.prototype.details = function EVTDLY_c() { } EVTDLY_c.prototype.get = function EVTDLY_c() { } EVTDLY_c.prototype.set = function EVTDLY_c() { x=arg1; graphics=arg1.graphics; exprs=graphics.exprs; model=arg1.model; while (true) { [ok,dt,ff,exprs]=scicos_getvalue([["Set Event Delay block parameters"],["Delay is the delay between an input event "],[" and the generated output event"],["Block may initially generate an output event before "],[" any input event. \"Date of initial output event\""],[" gives the date of this event. Set a negative value"],[" to disable any output event."]],[["Delay"],["Date of initial output event"]],list("vec",1,"vec",1),exprs); if (!ok) { break; } if (dt<=0) { message("Delay must be positive"); ok=false; } if (ok) { graphics.exprs=exprs; model.rpar=[[dt],[ff]]; model.firing=ff; x.graphics=graphics; x.model=model; break; } } } }