/* autogenerated from "macros/Electrical/NPN.sci" */ function NPN() { NPN.prototype.define = function NPN() { var ModelName = "NPN"; var PrametersValue = [[50],[0.1],[0],[0.02],[1.200e-10],[5.000e-09],[1.000e-12],[4.000e-13],[5.000e-13],[0.8],[0.4],[0.8],[0.333],[1.000e-15],[1.000e-15],[0.02585],[40]]; var ParametersName = [["Bf"],["Br"],["Is"],["Vak"],["Tauf"],["Taur"],["Ccs"],["Cje"],["Cjc"],["Phie"],["Me"],["Phic"],["Mc"],["Gbc"],["Gbe"],["Vt"],["EMinMax"]]; this.model = scicos_model(); var Typein = []; var Typeout = []; var MI = []; var MO = []; var P = [[100,90,-2,0],[0,50,2,0],[100,10,-2,0]]; var PortName = [["C"],["B"],["E"]]; for (i=1;i<=size(P,"r");i+=1) { if (P[i-1][3-1]==1) { var Typein = [[Typein],["E"]]; var MI = [[MI],[PortName[i-1]]]; } if (P[i-1][3-1]==2) { var Typein = [[Typein],["I"]]; var MI = [[MI],[PortName[i-1]]]; } if (P[i-1][3-1]==-1) { var Typeout = [[Typeout],["E"]]; var MO = [[MO],[PortName[i-1]]]; } if (P[i-1][3-1]==-2) { var Typeout = [[Typeout],["I"]]; var MO = [[MO],[PortName[i-1]]]; } } this.model = scicos_model(); var mo = modelica(); this.model.sim = new ScilabString([ModelName]); mo.inputs = MI; mo.outputs = MO; this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble(PrametersValue); mo.parameters = list(ParametersName,PrametersValue,zeros(ParametersName)); var exprs = [["50"],["0.1"],["1.e-16"],["0.02"],["0.12e-9"],["5e-9"],["1e-12"],["0.4e-12"],["0.5e-12"],["0.8"],["0.4"],["0.8"],["0.333"],["1e-15"],["1e-15"],["0.02585"],["40"]]; var gr_i = new ScilabString(["xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"NPN\",sz(1),sz(2));"]); this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString(["c"]); this.model.dep_ut = new ScilabBoolean([false,true]); mo.model = ModelName; this.model.equations = new ScilabDouble([mo]); this.model.in = new ScilabDouble([ones(size(MI,"*"),1)]); this.model.out = new ScilabDouble([ones(size(MO,"*"),1)]); this.x = new standard_define(new ScilabDouble([2,2]),this.model,new ScilabDouble(exprs),list(gr_i,0)); this.x.graphics.in_implicit = Typein; this.x.graphics.out_implicit = Typeout; return new BasicBlock(this.x); } NPN.prototype.details = function NPN() { return this.x; } NPN.prototype.get = function NPN() { var options = { Bf:["Bf : Forward beta",this.Bf], Br:["Br : Reverse beta",this.Br], Is:["Is : Transport saturation current",this.Is], Vak:["Vak : Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt",this.Vak], Tauf:["Tauf: Ideal forward transit time",this.Tauf], Taur:["Taur: Ideal reverse transit time",this.Taur], Ccs:["Ccs : Collector-substrat(ground) cap.",this.Ccs], Cje:["Cje : Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap.",this.Cje], Cjc:["Cjc : Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap.",this.Cjc], Phie:["Phie: Base-emitter diffusion voltage",this.Phie], Me:["Me : Base-emitter gradation exponent",this.Me], Phic:["Phic: Base-collector diffusion voltage",this.Phic], Mc:["Mc : Base-collector gradation exponent",this.Mc], Gbc:["Gbc : Base-collector conductance",this.Gbc], Gbe:["Gbe : Base-emitter conductance",this.Gbe], Vt:["Vt : Voltage equivalent of temperature",this.Vt], EMinMax:["EMinmax: if x > EMinMax, the exp(x) is linearized",this.EMinMax], } return options; } NPN.prototype.set = function NPN() { var exprs = this.graphics.exprs; var exprs = this.x.graphics.exprs; while (true) { var ok = true; this.Bf = arguments[0]["Bf"]; this.Br = arguments[0]["Br"]; this.Is = arguments[0]["Is"]; this.Vak = arguments[0]["Vak"]; this.Tauf = arguments[0]["Tauf"]; this.Taur = arguments[0]["Taur"]; this.Ccs = arguments[0]["Ccs"]; this.Cje = arguments[0]["Cje"]; this.Cjc = arguments[0]["Cjc"]; this.Phie = arguments[0]["Phie"]; this.Me = arguments[0]["Me"]; this.Phic = arguments[0]["Phic"]; this.Mc = arguments[0]["Mc"]; this.Gbc = arguments[0]["Gbc"]; this.Gbe = arguments[0]["Gbe"]; this.Vt = arguments[0]["Vt"]; this.EMinMax = arguments[0]["EMinMax"]; if (!ok) { break; } this.x.model.equations.parameters[2-1] = list(this.Bf,this.Br,this.Is,this.Vak,this.Tauf,this.Taur,this.Ccs,this.Cje,this.Cjc,this.Phie,this.Me,this.Phic,this.Mc,this.Gbc,this.Gbe,this.Vt,this.EMinMax); this.x.graphics.exprs = exprs; break; } return new BasicBlock(this.x); } NPN.prototype.get_popup_title = function NPN() { var set_param_popup_title = "Set NPN block parameters:"; return set_param_popup_title; } }