/* autogenerated from "macros/Branching/GOTO.sci" */ function GOTO() { GOTO.prototype.define = function GOTO() { this.model = scicos_model(); this.model.sim = new ScilabString("goto"); this.model.in1 = new ScilabDouble(-1); this.model.in2 = new ScilabDouble(-2); this.model.intyp = new ScilabDouble(-1); this.model.out = []; this.model.out2 = []; this.model.outtyp = new ScilabDouble(1); this.model.ipar = new ScilabDouble(int(1)); this.model.opar = list(new ScilabString("A")); this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString("c"); this.model.dep_ut = [false,false]; exprs = [["A"],[sci2exp(1)]]; gr_i = []; this.x = standard_define([2,1],this.model,exprs,gr_i); this.x.graphics.id = "Goto"; return new BasicBlock(this.x); } GOTO.prototype.details = function GOTO() { return this.x; } GOTO.prototype.get = function GOTO() { var options = { tag:["Tag",this.tag], tagvis:["Tag Visibility(1=Local 2=scoped 3= global)",this.tagvis], } return options; } GOTO.prototype.set = function GOTO() { this.tag = arguments[0]["tag"] this.tagvis = parseFloat(arguments[0]["tagvis"]) this.x = arg1; graphics = arg1.graphics; exprs = graphics.exprs; this.model = arg1.model; while (true) { [ok,this.tag,this.tagvis,exprs] = scicos_getvalue("Set parameters",["Tag","Tag Visibility(1=Local 2=scoped 3= global)"],list("str",-1,"vec",1),exprs); if (!ok) { break; } this.tagvis = int(this.tagvis); if (((this.tagvis<1)||(this.tagvis>3))) { message("Tag Visibility must be between 1 and 3"); ok = false; } if (ok) { if (((this.model.ipar!=this.tagvis)||(this.model.opar!=list(this.tag)))) { needcompile = 4; y = needcompile; } graphics.exprs = exprs; this.model.opar = list(new ScilabDouble(this.tag)); this.model.ipar = new ScilabDouble(this.tagvis); this.x.model = this.model; this.x.graphics = graphics; arg1 = this.x; break; } } needcompile = resume(needcompile) return new BasicBlock(this.x); } }