path: root/js/PDE
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/PDE')
2 files changed, 112 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/js/PDE/PDE.js b/js/PDE/PDE.js
index 9676eab6..0f1dd160 100644
--- a/js/PDE/PDE.js
+++ b/js/PDE/PDE.js
@@ -11,122 +11,123 @@ function PDE() {
params_pde = tlist([["paramspde"],["a"],["b"],["txt_exp"],["check_op1"],["a1"],["b1"],["check_op2"],["a2"],["b2"],["check_op3"],["a3"],["b3"],["check_op4"],["a4"],["b4"],["check_op5"],["a5"],["b5"],["check_op6"],["a6"],["b6"],["check_op7"],["a7"],["b7"],["discr_cst"],["discr_non_cst"],["signe"],["rad_automatique"],["rad_manuel"],["methode"],["ord1"],["ord2"],["ord3"],["degre"],["nnode"],["txt_pas"],["CI"],["dCI"],["CLa"],["CLa_exp"],["CLb"],["CLb_exp"],["points"]],"","","","0","","IN_EDP1(t)","0","","IN_EDP2(t)","0","","IN_EDP3(t)","0","","IN_EDP4(t)","0","","IN_EDP5(t)","0","","IN_EDP6(t)","0","","IN_EDP7(t)","0","0","0","0","0","0","","","","","","","","","0","IN_CL1(t)","0","IN_CL2(t)","");
label = list(params_pde,[],"");
gr_i = [];
- x = standard_define([3,3],model,label,gr_i);
+ this.x = standard_define([3,3],model,label,gr_i);
PDE.prototype.details = function PDE() {
+ return this.x;
PDE.prototype.get = function PDE() {
PDE.prototype.set = function PDE() {
- x = arg1;
+ this.x = arg1;
graphics =;
label = graphics.exprs;
model = arg1.model;
params_pde = label[1-1];
while (true) {
- if (!or(fun=="do_eval")) {
- [ok,a_domaine,b_domaine,discr,signe,choix,type_meth,degre,Nbr_maillage,CI,CI1,CLa_type,CLa_exp,CLb_type,CLb_exp,oper,a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a5,b5,a6,b6,a7,b7,k,mesures,params_pde] = IHM_EDP(params_pde);
- if (ok) {
- } else {
- if (exists("%scicos_context")) {
- [ok,a_domaine,b_domaine,discr,signe,choix,type_meth,degre,Nbr_maillage,CI,CI1,CLa_type,CLa_exp,CLb_type,CLb_exp,oper,a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a5,b5,a6,b6,a7,b7,k,mesures,params_pde] = setvalue_IHM_EDP(params_pde);
- okk = false;
- rdnom = "PDE";
- ok1 = true;
- while (true) {
- [okk,rdnom,lab] = scicos_getvalue("PLEASE, GIVE US THE BLOCK\'s NAME. ","New block\'s name :",list("str",1),label[3-1]);
- if (okk==false) {
- ok1 = false;
- label[3-1] = lab;
- rdnom = stripblanks(rdnom);
- if (rdnom==emptystr()) {
- ok1 = false;
-x_message("sorry C file name not defined");
- if (ok1) {
- if ((choix==0)) {
- ind4 = strindex(a4,"x");
- ind1 = strindex(a1,"x");
- ind2 = strindex(a2,"x");
- if ((ind4!=[]||ind1!=[]||ind2!=[])) {
- if ((signe==1)) {
- delta = 1;
- } else if ((signe==2)) {
- delta = -1;
- } else if ((signe==0)) {
- delta = 0;
- } else {
-x_message([["le discriminant n\'est pas constant,"],["Vous devez choisir son signe dans l\'IHM"]]);
- } else {
- delta = evstr(a4)^2-4*evstr(a1)*evstr(a2);
- if ((delta==[])) {
- delta = 0;
- type_meth = this.arbre_decision[delta-1];
- [flag_type,rdnom,DF_type,tt] = translate(CI,CI1,CLa_type,CLa_exp,CLb_type,CLb_exp,oper,type_meth,degre,a_domaine,b_domaine,Nbr_maillage,a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a5,b5,a6,b6,a7,b7,rdnom,mesures);
- Nbr = Nbr_maillage;
- if (((CLa_type==1)&&(DF_type==0||DF_type==1))||((CLb_type==1)&&(DF_type==0||DF_type==2))) {
- Nbr = Nbr+1;
- if ((mesures==[])) {
- out = Nbr_maillage;
- } else {
- out = [[Nbr_maillage],[size(mesures,"*")]];
- if ((flag_type==1)) {
- model.sim = list(rdnom,2004);
- if ((find(oper==1)!=[])) {
- model.state = zeros(2*Nbr_maillage,1);
- } else {
- model.state = zeros(Nbr_maillage,1);
- } else if ((flag_type==2)) {
- model.sim = list(rdnom,12004);
- if ((find(oper==1)!=[])) {
- if ((type_meth==3&&(find(oper==2)!=[]||find(oper==4)!=[]))) {
- model.state = zeros(6*Nbr_maillage,1);
- } else if ((type_meth==1)) {
- model.state = zeros(4*Nbr,1);
- } else {
- model.state = zeros(4*Nbr_maillage,1);
- } else {
- if ((type_meth==3&&(find(oper==2)!=[]||find(oper==4)!=[]))) {
- model.state = zeros(4*Nbr_maillage,1);
- } else if ((type_meth==1)) {
- model.state = zeros(2*Nbr,1);
- } else {
- model.state = zeros(2*Nbr_maillage,1);
- [ok1] = CFORTREDP(rdnom,tt);
- if (!ok1) {
- if (!ok) {
- [model,graphics,ok] = check_io(model,graphics,ones(k,1),out.slice(),[],[]);
- label[1-1] = params_pde;
- label[2-1] = tt;
- graphics.exprs = label;
- = graphics;
- x.model = model;
+ [ln,fun]=where()
+ if (!or(fun=="do_eval")) {
+ [ok,a_domaine,b_domaine,discr,signe,choix,type_meth,degre,Nbr_maillage,CI,CI1,CLa_type,CLa_exp,CLb_type,CLb_exp,oper,a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a5,b5,a6,b6,a7,b7,k,mesures,params_pde] = IHM_EDP(params_pde);
+ if (ok) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (exists("%scicos_context")) {
+ [ok,a_domaine,b_domaine,discr,signe,choix,type_meth,degre,Nbr_maillage,CI,CI1,CLa_type,CLa_exp,CLb_type,CLb_exp,oper,a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a5,b5,a6,b6,a7,b7,k,mesures,params_pde] = setvalue_IHM_EDP(params_pde);
+ }
+ }
+ okk = false;
+ rdnom = "PDE";
+ ok1 = true;
+ while (true) {
+ [okk,rdnom,lab] = scicos_getvalue("PLEASE, GIVE US THE BLOCK\'s NAME. ","New block\'s name :",list("str",1),label[3-1]);
+ if (okk==false) {
+ ok1 = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ label[3-1] = lab;
+ rdnom = stripblanks(rdnom);
+ if (rdnom==emptystr()) {
+ ok1 = false;
+ x_message("sorry C file name not defined");
+ }
+ if (ok1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((choix==0)) {
+ ind4 = strindex(a4,"x");
+ ind1 = strindex(a1,"x");
+ ind2 = strindex(a2,"x");
+ if ((ind4!=[]||ind1!=[]||ind2!=[])) {
+ if ((signe==1)) {
+ delta = 1;
+ } else if ((signe==2)) {
+ delta = -1;
+ } else if ((signe==0)) {
+ delta = 0;
+ } else {
+ x_message([["le discriminant n\'est pas constant,"],["Vous devez choisir son signe dans l\'IHM"]]);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ delta = evstr(a4)^2-4*evstr(a1)*evstr(a2);
+ }
+ if ((delta==[])) {
+ delta = 0;
+ }
+ type_meth = this.arbre_decision[delta-1];
+ }
+ [flag_type,rdnom,DF_type,tt] = translate(CI,CI1,CLa_type,CLa_exp,CLb_type,CLb_exp,oper,type_meth,degre,a_domaine,b_domaine,Nbr_maillage,a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,a4,b4,a5,b5,a6,b6,a7,b7,rdnom,mesures);
+ Nbr = Nbr_maillage;
+ if (((CLa_type==1)&&(DF_type==0||DF_type==1))||((CLb_type==1)&&(DF_type==0||DF_type==2))) {
+ Nbr = Nbr+1;
+ }
+ if ((mesures==[])) {
+ out = Nbr_maillage;
+ } else {
+ out = [[Nbr_maillage],[size(mesures,"*")]];
+ }
+ if ((flag_type==1)) {
+ model.sim = list(rdnom,2004);
+ if ((find(oper==1)!=[])) {
+ model.state = zeros(2*Nbr_maillage,1);
+ } else {
+ model.state = zeros(Nbr_maillage,1);
+ }
+ } else if ((flag_type==2)) {
+ model.sim = list(rdnom,12004);
+ if ((find(oper==1)!=[])) {
+ if ((type_meth==3&&(find(oper==2)!=[]||find(oper==4)!=[]))) {
+ model.state = zeros(6*Nbr_maillage,1);
+ } else if ((type_meth==1)) {
+ model.state = zeros(4*Nbr,1);
+ } else {
+ model.state = zeros(4*Nbr_maillage,1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((type_meth==3&&(find(oper==2)!=[]||find(oper==4)!=[]))) {
+ model.state = zeros(4*Nbr_maillage,1);
+ } else if ((type_meth==1)) {
+ model.state = zeros(2*Nbr,1);
+ } else {
+ model.state = zeros(2*Nbr_maillage,1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [ok1] = CFORTREDP(rdnom,tt);
+ if (!ok1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ [model,graphics,ok] = check_io(model,graphics,ones(k,1),out.slice(),[],[]);
+ }
+ label[1-1] = params_pde;
+ label[2-1] = tt;
+ graphics.exprs = label;
+ = graphics;
+ this.x.model = model;
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/js/PDE/PDE.pickle b/js/PDE/PDE.pickle
index fb271fe8..4ca94fdd 100644
--- a/js/PDE/PDE.pickle
+++ b/js/PDE/PDE.pickle
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ c__builtin__
. \ No newline at end of file