path: root/js/IntegerOp/LOGIC.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/IntegerOp/LOGIC.js')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/js/IntegerOp/LOGIC.js b/js/IntegerOp/LOGIC.js
index 98689ead..5a517eb8 100644
--- a/js/IntegerOp/LOGIC.js
+++ b/js/IntegerOp/LOGIC.js
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ function LOGIC() {
this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString(["c"]);
this.model.firing = new ScilabBoolean([false]);
this.model.dep_ut = [true,false];
- exprs = [[sci2exp(this.mat)],[sci2exp(0)]];
- gr_i = [];
+ var exprs = [[sci2exp(this.mat)],[sci2exp(0)]];
+ var gr_i = [];
this.x = standard_define([2,2],this.model,exprs,gr_i);
return new BasicBlock(this.x);
@@ -34,33 +34,36 @@ function LOGIC() {
this.mat = inverse(arguments[0]["mat"])
this.herit = arguments[0]["herit"]
this.x = arg1;
- graphics =;
- exprs = graphics.exprs;
+ var graphics =;
+ var exprs = graphics.exprs;
this.model = arg1.model;
while (true) {
[ok,this.mat,this.herit,exprs] = scicos_getvalue([[msprintf("Set %s block parameters","LOGIC")],[" "],["Combinatorial logic"],[" "],["  Rows of the matrix are the output values"],["  Number of rows must be a power of two."],["  Number of columns gives the number of outputs."],[" "]],["Truth Table (matrix of outputs)","Accepts Inherited Events (0:No, 1:Yes)"],list("mat",[-1,-2],"vec",1),exprs);
if (!ok) {
- nout = size(this.mat,2);
- nin = (log(size(this.mat,1))/log(2));
- u1 = floor(nin);
+ var nout = size(this.mat,2);
+ var nin = (log(size(this.mat,1))/log(2));
+ var u1 = floor(nin);
if ((u1!=nin)) {
block_parameter_error(msprintf("Wrong size for \'%s\' parameter: %d.","Truth Table",size(this.mat,1)),"Number of rows must be a power of two.");
- ok = false;
+ var ok = false;
} else if ((find(this.mat.slice()!=0&&this.mat.slice()!=1)!=[])) {
block_parameter_error(msprintf("Wrong value for \'%s\' parameter.","Truth Table"),msprintf("Elements must be in the interval %s.","[0, 1]"));
- ok = false;
+ var ok = false;
} else if (this.herit<0||this.herit>1) {
block_parameter_error(msprintf("Wrong value for \'%s\' parameter: %d.","Accepts Inherited Events",this.herit),msprintf("Must be in the interval %s.","[0, 1]"));
- ok = false;
+ var ok = false;
if (ok) {
- in1 = [ones(nin,1),ones(nin,1)];
- out = [ones(nout,1),ones(nout,1)];
- it = 5*ones(1,nin);
- ot = 5*ones(1,nout);
- [this.model,graphics,ok] = set_io(this.model,graphics,list(in1,it),list(out,ot),ones(1-this.herit,1),[]);
+ var in1 = [ones(nin,1),ones(nin,1)];
+ var out = [ones(nout,1),ones(nout,1)];
+ var it = 5*ones(1,nin);
+ var ot = 5*ones(1,nout);
+ var tmpvar0 = set_io(this.model,graphics,list(in1,it),list(out,ot),ones(1-this.herit,1),[])
+ this.model = tmpvar0[0]
+ var graphics = tmpvar0[1]
+ var ok = tmpvar0[2];
if (ok) {
graphics.exprs = exprs;