path: root/js/Electrical/NPN.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'js/Electrical/NPN.js')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/js/Electrical/NPN.js b/js/Electrical/NPN.js
index 665dbda0..8a69f831 100644
--- a/js/Electrical/NPN.js
+++ b/js/Electrical/NPN.js
@@ -75,28 +75,28 @@ function NPN() {
return options;
NPN.prototype.set = function NPN() {
- this.Bf = arguments[0]["Bf"]
- this.Br = arguments[0]["Br"]
- this.Is = arguments[0]["Is"]
- this.Vak = arguments[0]["Vak"]
- this.Tauf = arguments[0]["Tauf"]
- this.Taur = arguments[0]["Taur"]
- this.Ccs = arguments[0]["Ccs"]
- this.Cje = arguments[0]["Cje"]
- this.Cjc = arguments[0]["Cjc"]
- this.Phie = arguments[0]["Phie"]
- this.Me = arguments[0]["Me"]
- this.Phic = arguments[0]["Phic"]
- this.Mc = arguments[0]["Mc"]
- this.Gbc = arguments[0]["Gbc"]
- this.Gbe = arguments[0]["Gbe"]
- this.Vt = arguments[0]["Vt"]
- this.EMinMax = arguments[0]["EMinMax"]
- this.exprs = arguments[0]["exprs"]
this.exprs =;
this.exprs =;
while (true) {
- [ok,this.Bf,this.Br,this.Is,this.Vak,this.Tauf,this.Taur,this.Ccs,this.Cje,this.Cjc,this.Phie,this.Me,this.Phic,this.Mc,this.Gbc,this.Gbe,this.Vt,this.EMinMax,this.exprs] = scicos_getvalue([["Set NPN block parameters:"],[""]],["Bf : Forward beta","Br : Reverse beta","Is : Transport saturation current","Vak : Early voltage (inverse), 1/Volt","Tauf: Ideal forward transit time","Taur: Ideal reverse transit time","Ccs : Collector-substrat(ground) cap.","Cje : Base-emitter zero bias depletion cap.","Cjc : Base-coll. zero bias depletion cap.","Phie: Base-emitter diffusion voltage","Me : Base-emitter gradation exponent","Phic: Base-collector diffusion voltage","Mc : Base-collector gradation exponent","Gbc : Base-collector conductance","Gbe : Base-emitter conductance","Vt : Voltage equivalent of temperature","EMinmax: if x > EMinMax, the exp(x) is linearized"],list("vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1),this.exprs);
+ var ok = true;
+ this.Bf = arguments[0]["Bf"];
+ this.Br = arguments[0]["Br"];
+ this.Is = arguments[0]["Is"];
+ this.Vak = arguments[0]["Vak"];
+ this.Tauf = arguments[0]["Tauf"];
+ this.Taur = arguments[0]["Taur"];
+ this.Ccs = arguments[0]["Ccs"];
+ this.Cje = arguments[0]["Cje"];
+ this.Cjc = arguments[0]["Cjc"];
+ this.Phie = arguments[0]["Phie"];
+ this.Me = arguments[0]["Me"];
+ this.Phic = arguments[0]["Phic"];
+ this.Mc = arguments[0]["Mc"];
+ this.Gbc = arguments[0]["Gbc"];
+ this.Gbe = arguments[0]["Gbe"];
+ this.Vt = arguments[0]["Vt"];
+ this.EMinMax = arguments[0]["EMinMax"];
+ this.exprs = arguments[0]["exprs"];
if (!ok) {