{% extends "base.html" %} {% load staticfiles %} {% block content %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% include 'account/sub_nav.html' %} {% endif %}


List of experiments:

  1. Identification of Transfer Function of a Single Board Heater System through Step Response Experiment
  2. Identification of Transfer Function of a Single Board Heater System through Ramp Response Experiment
  3. Frequency Response Analysis of a Single Board Heater System by the Application of Sine Wave
  4. Controlling Single Board Heater System using PID controller
  5. Two Degrees of Freedom (2­DOF) Controller
  6. PRBS Modeling and Implementation of Pole Placement Controller
  7. Implementing Internal Model Controller for First Order System on a Single Board Heater System
  8. Design and Implementation of Self Tuning PI and PID Controllers on Single Board Heater System
  9. Model Predictive Control in Single Board Heater System using SCILAB

{% endblock %}