path: root/sbhs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-10-29Create separate button for testing boardsCruiseDevice
2018-10-29Add moderator featuresCruiseDevice
- Add form to update userboard. - Management command for adding online boards. - Add conditions for booking slots. - Add features to test, update and reset boards.
2018-10-26update slot booking functionalityCruiseDevice
- Only 2 slots can be booked in advance in a day - No more than one slot to be booked for the current hour
2018-10-26fix UI issues in websiteCruiseDevice
- separate header, body and footer using css ids in base.html to avoid text hiding in header and footer - remove unnecessary script tag and div tag from account/home.html - use django-crispy-forms to fix design issues in password_change_form, user_registration_form and user_login_form - fix UI issues in pages/info.html and pages_index.html
2018-10-26add __str__ method for Experiment modelCruiseDevice
2018-10-26add UserBoard model to admin.pyCruiseDevice
2018-10-26add django-crispy-forms to requirements.txtCruiseDevice
2018-10-25Uncheck Migrations filesCruiseDevice
2018-10-24Create experiment, moderator urls and update viewsCruiseDevice
- experiment initiation - create log_data of experiment - create graph from 1000 instance of log_data of particular mid - download user log_files - download zip of complete experiments directory which contains log_files of all the users - show all bookings in moderator dashboard - show all connected boards in moderator dashboard - test connected board if it is vacant. - fetch_logs from given time of each user. - seperate raspi_server from main server. - specify path for experiment logs and global logs
2018-10-24create custom_filter for vacant_slotCruiseDevice
2018-10-24Sbhs templatesCruiseDevice
2018-10-24Create FilterLogsForm and some changes in models.pyCruiseDevice
- add datetimepicker widget while Slot creation - create filterlogs form - usb_id field in models - save usb path of board in database - create user board relation
2018-10-24Sbhs static filesCruiseDevice
2018-10-08Fix UI issues in moderator dashboard and slot templatesCruiseDevice
- change dashboard_index to moderator_dashboard in home.html - change nav to sidebar nav in moderator dashboard - fix sidebar nav padding in slot/new.html - experiment initiation and maping of sbhs to rpis - update sbhs_raspi/requirements.txt
2018-10-08save details of the connected boardCruiseDevice
2018-10-08Create Flask API for sbhs devicesCruiseDevice
2018-09-28SBHS class which communicates with the deviceCruiseDevice
- get_usb_devices - connect_devices - create map of sbhs to usb - setHeat, setFan, setTemp - get machine id - reset board - create log files with sbhs readings
2018-09-28 -password reset templatesCruiseDevice
-dashboard templates -templatetags
2018-09-28Slot booking and password reset functionality addedCruiseDevice
- Password reset - dashboard skeleton for moderator - Slot booking template - Experiment views - update
2018-09-28minor changes in models.pyCruiseDevice
-delete commented code
2018-09-28some minor changes in forms.pyCruiseDevice
-remove calendar
2018-08-20static and template filesCruiseDevice
2018-08-20Application formsCruiseDevice
- UserLoginForm - UserRegistrationForm - SlotCreationForm
2018-08-20add send email and email verify decoratorCruiseDevice
2018-08-20django migrationsCruiseDevice
2018-08-20application views and its urlsCruiseDevice
2018-08-20create app models and register them in admin siteCruiseDevice
Models: - Profile - Slot - Experiment - Board - add create_group method for creating moderator group - create create_group command for creating moderator group - register model in admin site - delete Booking model
2018-07-25Create SBHS Django appCruiseDevice
- create project called sbhs_server - create app called sbhs - add model classes to sbhs models