// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information. /*********************************************************************** * There is allocation overhead for sending messages. * Want per worker-allocator for message allocation... * But until thats possible, install a new global allocator. * This allocator uses a fixed pool for small sized buffers, * and otherwise the regular malloc/free for larger buffers. **********************************************************************/ #include <gras/gras.hpp> #include <gras_impl/debug.hpp> #include <Theron/Detail/Threading/SpinLock.h> #include <Theron/IAllocator.h> #include <Theron/AllocatorManager.h> #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp> #define MY_ALLOCATOR_CHUNK_SIZE 256 #define MY_ALLOCATOR_POOL_SIZE (MY_ALLOCATOR_CHUNK_SIZE * (1 << 18)) static unsigned long long unwanted_malloc_count = 0; static struct ExitPrinter { ExitPrinter(void){} ~ExitPrinter(void) { if (unwanted_malloc_count) { VAR(unwanted_malloc_count); } } } exit_printer; static struct WorkerAllocator : Theron::IAllocator { WorkerAllocator(void) { const size_t N = MY_ALLOCATOR_POOL_SIZE/MY_ALLOCATOR_CHUNK_SIZE; queue.set_capacity(N); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { const ptrdiff_t pool_ptr = ptrdiff_t(pool) + i*MY_ALLOCATOR_CHUNK_SIZE; queue.push_back((void *)pool_ptr); } pool_end = ptrdiff_t(pool) + MY_ALLOCATOR_POOL_SIZE; Theron::AllocatorManager::Instance().SetAllocator(this); } ~WorkerAllocator(void) { //NOP } void *Allocate(const SizeType size) { if GRAS_LIKELY(size <= MY_ALLOCATOR_CHUNK_SIZE) { mSpinLock.Lock(); if GRAS_UNLIKELY(queue.empty()) { unwanted_malloc_count++; mSpinLock.Unlock(); return std::malloc(size); } void *memory = queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); mSpinLock.Unlock(); return memory; } else { //std::cout << "malloc size " << size << std::endl; return std::malloc(size); } } void Free(void *const memory) { const bool in_pool = ptrdiff_t(memory) >= ptrdiff_t(pool) and ptrdiff_t(memory) < pool_end; if GRAS_LIKELY(in_pool) { mSpinLock.Lock(); queue.push_front(memory); mSpinLock.Unlock(); } else { std::free(memory); } } boost::circular_buffer<void *> queue; THERON_PREALIGN(GRAS_MAX_ALIGNMENT) char pool[MY_ALLOCATOR_POOL_SIZE] THERON_POSTALIGN(GRAS_MAX_ALIGNMENT); ptrdiff_t pool_end; Theron::Detail::SpinLock mSpinLock; } my_alloc;