// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.


#include <gras_impl/block_actor.hpp>
#include <algorithm>

namespace gras

GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void BlockActor::sort_tags(const size_t i)
    if GRAS_LIKELY(not this->input_tags_changed[i]) return;
    std::vector<Tag> &tags_i = this->input_tags[i];
    std::sort(tags_i.begin(), tags_i.end());
    this->input_tags_changed[i] = false;

GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void BlockActor::trim_tags(const size_t i)
    //-- trim the input tags that are past the consumption zone
    //-- and post trimmed tags to the downstream based on policy

    std::vector<Tag> &tags_i = this->input_tags[i];
    const item_index_t items_consumed_i = this->stats.items_consumed[i];
    size_t last = 0;
    while (last < tags_i.size() and tags_i[last].offset < items_consumed_i)

    if GRAS_LIKELY(last == 0) return;

    //call the overloaded propagate_tags to do the dirty work
    this->block_ptr->propagate_tags(i, TagIter(tags_i.begin(), tags_i.begin()+last));

    //now its safe to perform the erasure
    tags_i.erase(tags_i.begin(), tags_i.begin()+last);
    this->stats.tags_consumed[i] += last;

GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void BlockActor::trim_msgs(const size_t i)
    const size_t num_read = this->num_input_msgs_read[i];
    if GRAS_UNLIKELY(num_read > 0)
        std::vector<PMCC> &input_msgs = this->input_msgs[i];
        input_msgs.erase(input_msgs.begin(), input_msgs.begin()+num_read);

} //namespace gras