// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.


#include <gras/buffer_queue.hpp>
#include <gras_impl/bitset.hpp>
#include <vector>

namespace gras

struct OutputBufferQueues
    std::string name; //for debug


    void set_buffer_queue(const size_t i, BufferQueueSptr queue)
        _queues[i] = queue;

    void set_reserve_bytes(const size_t i, const size_t num_bytes)
        _reserve_bytes[i] = num_bytes;
        if (_queues[i]) _update(i);

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void resize(const size_t size)
        _reserve_bytes.resize(size, 1);
        total_idle_times.resize(size, 0);
        _became_idle_times.resize(size, time_now());

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void push(const size_t i, const SBuffer &buff)
        if (not _queues[i]) return; //block is likely done, throw out buffer

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void flush_all(void)
        const size_t old_size = this->size();

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE SBuffer &front(const size_t i)
        if GRAS_UNLIKELY(_inline_buffer[i]) return _inline_buffer[i];
        ASSERT(not this->empty(i));
        return _queues[i]->front();

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void consume(const size_t i)
        if GRAS_UNLIKELY(_inline_buffer[i])

        ASSERT(not this->empty(i));
        SBuffer &buff = this->front(i);
        if GRAS_UNLIKELY(buff.length == 0) return;

        //increment buffer for next use
        buff.offset += buff.length;
        buff.length = 0;


    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void pop(const size_t i)
        if GRAS_UNLIKELY(_inline_buffer[i])

        ASSERT(not _queues[i]->empty());

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void fail(const size_t i)
        _became_idle_times[i] = time_now();

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE bool ready(const size_t i) const
        return _bitset[i];

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE bool empty(const size_t i) const
        if GRAS_UNLIKELY(_inline_buffer[i]) return false;
        return (not _queues[i] or _queues[i]->empty());

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE bool all_ready(void) const
        return _bitset.all();

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE size_t size(void) const
        return _queues.size();

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void _update(const size_t i)
        const bool was_ready = _bitset[i];
        if (_queues[i] and not _queues[i]->empty())
            const SBuffer &front = _queues[i]->front();
            const size_t avail = front.get_actual_length() - front.offset -  front.length;
            _bitset.set(i, avail >= _reserve_bytes[i]);
        const bool is_ready = _bitset[i];
        if (is_ready and not was_ready) total_idle_times[i] += (time_now() - _became_idle_times[i]);
        if (not is_ready and was_ready) _became_idle_times[i] = time_now();
        ASSERT(total_idle_times[i] <= (time_now() - _init_time));

    GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void set_inline(const size_t i, const SBuffer &inline_buffer)
        ASSERT(not _inline_buffer[i]);
        _inline_buffer[i] = inline_buffer;
        _inline_buffer[i].length = 0;

    BitSet _bitset;
    std::vector<BufferQueueSptr> _queues;
    std::vector<size_t> _reserve_bytes;
    std::vector<SBuffer> _inline_buffer;
    std::vector<time_ticks_t> total_idle_times;
    std::vector<time_ticks_t> _became_idle_times;
    const time_ticks_t _init_time;


} //namespace gras