// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information. #include #include "tag_handlers.hpp" using namespace gras; void BlockActor::mark_done(void) { if (this->block_state == BLOCK_STATE_DONE) return; //can re-enter checking done first this->block_ptr->stop(); //flush partial output buffers to the downstream for (size_t i = 0; i < this->get_num_outputs(); i++) { if (not this->output_queues.ready(i)) continue; SBuffer &buff = this->output_queues.front(i); if (buff.length == 0) continue; InputBufferMessage buff_msg; buff_msg.buffer = buff; this->post_downstream(i, buff_msg); this->output_queues.pop(i); } this->interruptible_thread.reset(); //mark down the new state this->block_state = BLOCK_STATE_DONE; //release upstream, downstream, and executor tokens this->token_pool.clear(); //release all buffers in queues this->input_queues.flush_all(); this->output_queues.flush_all(); //tell the upstream and downstram to re-check their tokens //this is how the other blocks know who is interested, //and can decide based on interest to set done or not for (size_t i = 0; i < this->get_num_inputs(); i++) { this->post_upstream(i, OutputCheckMessage()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < this->get_num_outputs(); i++) { this->post_downstream(i, InputCheckMessage()); } if (ARMAGEDDON) std::cerr << "==================================================\n" << "== The " << block_ptr->to_string() << " is done...\n" << "==================================================\n" << std::flush; } void BlockActor::input_fail(const size_t i) { //input failed, accumulate and try again if (not this->input_queues.is_accumulated(i)) { this->input_queues.accumulate(i); this->task_kicker(); return; } //otherwise check for done, else wait for more if (this->inputs_done[i]) { this->mark_done(); return; } //check that the input is not already maxed if (this->input_queues.is_front_maximal(i)) { throw std::runtime_error("input_fail called on maximum_items buffer"); } //mark fail: not ready until a new buffer appears this->input_queues.fail(i); } void BlockActor::output_fail(const size_t i) { SBuffer &buff = this->output_queues.front(i); //check that the input is not already maxed const size_t front_items = buff.length/this->output_items_sizes[i]; if (front_items >= this->output_configs[i].maximum_items) { throw std::runtime_error("output_fail called on maximum_items buffer"); } //mark fail: not ready until a new buffer appears this->output_queues.fail(i); } void BlockActor::handle_task(void) { //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- Decide if its possible to continue any processing: //-- Handle task may get called for incoming buffers, //-- however, not all ports may have available buffers. //------------------------------------------------------------------ this->handle_task_count++; if (not this->is_work_allowed()) return; this->work_count++; #ifdef WORK_DEBUG WorkDebugPrinter WDP(block_ptr->to_string()); #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- Asynchronous notification through atomic variable //-- that the executor has instructed workers to stop. //------------------------------------------------------------------ if (active_token.expired()) { this->mark_done(); return; } const size_t num_inputs = this->get_num_inputs(); const size_t num_outputs = this->get_num_outputs(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- initialize input buffers before work //------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t output_inline_index = 0; this->input_items.min() = ~0; this->input_items.max() = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inputs; i++) { this->sort_tags(i); ASSERT(this->input_queues.ready(i)); const SBuffer &buff = this->input_queues.front(i); const void *mem = buff.get(); size_t items = buff.length/this->input_items_sizes[i]; this->input_items[i].get() = mem; this->input_items[i].size() = items; this->input_items.min() = std::min(this->input_items.min(), items); this->input_items.max() = std::max(this->input_items.max(), items); //inline dealings, how and when input buffers can be inlined into output buffers //* if ( buff.unique() and input_configs[i].inline_buffer and output_inline_index < num_outputs and buff.get_affinity() == this->buffer_affinity ){ //copy buffer reference but push with zero length, same offset SBuffer new_obuff = buff; new_obuff.length = 0; this->flush_output(output_inline_index); this->output_queues.push(output_inline_index, new_obuff); //you got inlined! output_inline_index++; //done do this output port again } //*/ } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- initialize output buffers before work //------------------------------------------------------------------ this->output_items.min() = ~0; this->output_items.max() = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_outputs; i++) { ASSERT(this->output_queues.ready(i)); SBuffer &buff = this->output_queues.front(i); ASSERT(buff.length == 0); //assumes it was flushed last call void *mem = buff.get(); const size_t bytes = buff.get_actual_length() - buff.offset; size_t items = bytes/this->output_items_sizes[i]; this->output_items[i].get() = mem; this->output_items[i].size() = items; this->output_items.min() = std::min(this->output_items.min(), items); this->output_items.max() = std::max(this->output_items.max(), items); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- the work //------------------------------------------------------------------ if (this->interruptible_thread) { this->interruptible_thread->call(); } else { this->task_work(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- Flush output buffers downstream //------------------------------------------------------------------ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_outputs; i++) { this->flush_output(i); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- Message self based on post-work conditions //------------------------------------------------------------------ //missing at least one upstream provider? //since nothing else is coming in, its safe to mark done for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inputs; i++) { const bool nothing = this->input_queues.empty(i) and this->input_tags[i].empty(); this->inputs_available.set(i, not nothing); if (this->is_input_done(i)) this->mark_done(); } //still have IO ready? kick off another task this->task_kicker(); } void BlockActor::consume(const size_t i, const size_t items) { #ifdef ITEM_CONSPROD std::cerr << name << " consume " << items << std::endl; #endif this->items_consumed[i] += items; const size_t bytes = items*this->input_items_sizes[i]; this->input_queues.consume(i, bytes); this->trim_tags(i); } void BlockActor::produce(const size_t i, const size_t items) { #ifdef ITEM_CONSPROD std::cerr << name << " produce " << items << std::endl; #endif SBuffer &buff = this->output_queues.front(i); this->items_produced[i] += items; const size_t bytes = items*this->output_items_sizes[i]; buff.length += bytes; } void BlockActor::produce_buffer(const size_t i, const SBuffer &buffer) { this->flush_output(i); const size_t items = buffer.length/output_items_sizes[i]; this->items_produced[i] += items; InputBufferMessage buff_msg; buff_msg.buffer = buffer; this->post_downstream(i, buff_msg); } GRAS_FORCE_INLINE void BlockActor::flush_output(const size_t i) { if (this->output_queues.empty(i) or this->output_queues.front(i).length == 0) return; SBuffer &buff = this->output_queues.front(i); InputBufferMessage buff_msg; buff_msg.buffer = buff; this->post_downstream(i, buff_msg); //increment buffer for next use buff.offset += buff.length; buff.length = 0; //release whatever has been used of the output buffer this->output_queues.pop(i); }