// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information. #include "element_impl.hpp" #include using namespace gras; PropertyRegistry::PropertyRegistry(void){} PropertyRegistry::~PropertyRegistry(void){} /*********************************************************************** * The actual thread-safe implementation of property handling **********************************************************************/ void BlockActor::handle_prop_access( const PropAccessMessage &message, const Theron::Address from ) { //setup reply PropAccessMessage reply; reply.set = not message.set; reply.key = message.key; //call into the handler overload to do the property access try { reply.value = block_ptr->_handle_prop_access(message.key, message.value, message.set); } catch (const std::exception &e) { reply.error = e.what(); } catch (...) { reply.error = "unknown error"; } //send the reply this->Send(reply, from); //ACK this->highPrioAck(); } PMCC Block::_handle_prop_access(const std::string &key, const PMCC &value, const bool set) { PropertyRegistrySptr pr = (*this)->block->prop_registry[key]; if (not pr) throw std::invalid_argument("no property registered for key: " + key); if (set) { pr->set(value); return PMCC(); } return pr->get(); } /*********************************************************************** * A special receiver to handle the property access result **********************************************************************/ struct PropAccessReceiver : Theron::Receiver { PropAccessReceiver(void) { this->RegisterHandler(this, &PropAccessReceiver::handle_prop_access); } void handle_prop_access(const PropAccessMessage &msg, const Theron::Address) { this->message = msg; } PropAccessMessage message; }; /*********************************************************************** * Handle the get and set calls from the user's call-stack **********************************************************************/ template static PMCC prop_access_dispatcher(ActorType &actor, const std::string &key, const PMCC &value, const bool set) { PropAccessReceiver receiver; PropAccessMessage message; message.set = set; message.key = key; message.value = value; actor->Push(message, receiver.GetAddress()); actor->highPrioPreNotify(); receiver.Wait(); if (not receiver.message.error.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error(receiver.message.error); } return receiver.message.value; } void Block::_register_property(const std::string &key, PropertyRegistrySptr pr) { (*this)->block->prop_registry[key] = pr; } void Block::_set_property(const std::string &key, const PMCC &value) { prop_access_dispatcher((*this)->block, key, value, true); } PMCC Block::_get_property(const std::string &key) { return prop_access_dispatcher((*this)->block, key, PMCC(), false); }