// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information. #ifndef INCLUDED_LIBGRAS_ALLOC_ON_NODE_HPP #define INCLUDED_LIBGRAS_ALLOC_ON_NODE_HPP #include <Theron/Assert.h> #include <Theron/Detail/Threading/Utils.h> //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- a little cross platform numa allocator //-- use the existing theron defines for convenience //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void *AllocOnNode(const long node, const size_t size) { #if THERON_NUMA #if THERON_WINDOWS #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 return VirtualAllocExNuma( GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE, node ); #else return NULL; #endif #elif THERON_GCC if ((numa_available() < 0)) { return NULL; } return numa_alloc_onnode(size, node); #endif #endif // THERON_NUMA return NULL; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- free memory allocated by AllocOnNode -- needs mem and size //---------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void FreeOnNode(void *mem, const size_t size) { #if THERON_NUMA #if THERON_WINDOWS VirtualFree(mem, size, MEM_RELEASE); #elif THERON_GCC numa_free(mem, size); #endif #endif // THERON_NUMA } #endif /*INCLUDED_LIBGRAS_ALLOC_ON_NODE_HPP*/