// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.


#include <gras/hier_block.hpp>

namespace gras

struct GRAS_API GlobalBlockConfig

     * Constrain the maximum number of items that
     * work can be called with for all output ports.
     * Default = 0 aka disabled.
    size_t maximum_output_items;

     * Set the global memory node affinity.
     * Blocks that have not been explicitly set,
     * will take on this new buffer_affinity.
     * Default = -1 aka no affinity.
    long buffer_affinity;

struct GRAS_API TopBlock : HierBlock

    TopBlock(const std::string &name);

    virtual ~TopBlock(void);

    //! Get the global block config settings
    const GlobalBlockConfig &global_config(void) const;

    //! Get the global block config settings
    GlobalBlockConfig &global_config(void);

     * Commit changes to the overall flow graph.
     * Call this after modifying connections.
     * Commit is called automatically by start/stop/run.
    void commit(void);

     * Run is for finite flow graph executions.
     * Mostly for testing purposes only.
    void run(void);

    //! Start a flow graph execution (does not block)
    virtual void start(void);

    //! Stop a flow graph execution (does not block)
    virtual void stop(void);

     * Wait for threads to exit after stop() or run().
     * This is a blocking call and will not return until
     * all blocks in the topology have been marked done.
    virtual void wait(void);

     * Wait for threads to exit after stop() or run().
     * This is call will block until timeout or done.
     * \param timeout the timeout in seconds
     * \return true of execution completed
    virtual bool wait(const double timeout);

     * Query the flow graph for information.
     * An external app will visualize the data.
     * \param args the input query args
     * \return formatted result of the query
    virtual std::string query(const std::string &args);

} //namespace gras