// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.


#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning (disable:4251)  // needs to have dll interface
#endif //_MSC_VER

#include <gras/gras.hpp>
#include <gras/weak_container.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

namespace gras

 * Element is a base class for all topological elements.
struct GRAS_API Element : boost::shared_ptr<ElementImpl>
    //! Create an empty element

    //! Creates a new element given the name
    Element(const std::string &name);

     * Create an element from a shared pointer to an element.
     * Good for that factory function/shared ptr paradigm.
    template <typename T>
    Element(const boost::shared_ptr<T> &elem);

    virtual ~Element(void);

    //! Convert this object to the element base class
    const Element &to_element(void) const;

    //! Convert this object to the element base class
    Element &to_element(void);

     * Set a reference wrapper for the parent container to this element.
     * Allows internals to get a reference to the container holding an element.
     * The actual container could be a shared_ptr or perhaps a Python object.
     * Note: the container parameter is assumed to be allocated with new.
     * The element object will be responsible for deleting container.
    void set_container(WeakContainer *container);

     * Check if another element is the same as this one.
     * \return true if the rhs is the same as *this.
    bool equals(const Element &rhs);

     * Get a canonical name for this element.
     * This is used for printing elements for debug purposes.
     * Do not rely on the string to have any specific formatting.
     * \return a canonical string representation
    std::string to_string(void) const;

     * identification interface

     * Set the unique identifier of this element.
     * The UID must be unique across the process.
     * Typically the user will set a UID so an element
     * will have a known indentification for the query client.
     * This call will throw if UID is not process-unique.
     * \param uid a new unique identifier for this element
    void set_uid(const std::string &uid);

     * Get the unique identifier of this element.
     * Typically, a name is given to an element on construction.
     * By default UID will be the name or name + some hash
     * when there is more than one element of the same name.
     * Otherwise UID is set the by the set_uid API call.
     * \return the element's unique identifier as a string
    std::string get_uid(void) const;

     * element tree interface

     * Adopt an element as a child under the given name.
     * This API allows the user to structure a hierarchy of elements.
     * This element will become the parent of the child element.
     * \param name the name of the child node
     * \param child an element to be adopted
    void adopt_element(const std::string &name, const Element &child);

     * Locate a block in the element tree hierarchy.
     * Paths are unix style, absolte and relatives paths are possible.
     * This call throws an invalid argument when bad paths are given.
     * Example path: /my_hier_block/my_block0
     * Example path: ../my_block1
     * \param path a path to a block (leaf) in the tree
     * \return a pointer to the block
    Block *locate_block(const std::string &path);


} //namespace gras

#include <gras/detail/element.hpp>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif //_MSC_VER