import sys import os import time import subprocess import copy import numpy from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties import multiprocessing cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() from bm_registry import BENCHMARKS NUM_RUNS_PER_TEST = 3 BAD_BOOST_KILL_DURATION = 5.0 #seconds __path__ = os.path.dirname(__file__) import threading #because boost interrupts are broken in half the versions of boost #this stupidity makes stock gnuradio apps exit with bad boost def kill_after_timeout(p): time.sleep(BAD_BOOST_KILL_DURATION) try: p.kill() except: pass def run_a_single_one(args, env): print env p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) t = threading.Thread(target=kill_after_timeout, args = (p,)) t.daemon = True t.start() p.wait() out = #print out for line in out.splitlines(): if line.startswith('##RESULT##'): return float(line[len('##RESULT##'):].strip()) raise Exception, 'no result found!' #return t1-t0 def expand_tests(bm): for run in bm['tests']: if run.has_key('expand') and run['expand']: import copy new_run = copy.deepcopy(run) new_run['wat'] += '\n(Block)' new_run['env']['GRAS_YIELD'] = 'BLOCKING' yield new_run new_run = copy.deepcopy(run) new_run['wat'] += '\n(Spin)' new_run['env']['GRAS_YIELD'] = 'STRONG' yield new_run new_run = copy.deepcopy(run) new_run['wat'] += '\n(TPB)' new_run['env']['GRAS_YIELD'] = 'BLOCKING' new_run['env']['GRAS_TPP'] = '1' yield new_run else: yield run def do_a_benchmark(bm): title = bm['wat'] print '#'*(len(title)+25) print '## running benchmark:', title print '#'*(len(title)+25) result_means = list() result_stddevs = list() test_names = list() for run in expand_tests(bm): test_name = run['wat'] print '-'*(len(test_name)+25) print '-- running test:', test_name.replace('\n', ' ') print '-'*(len(test_name)+25) test_names.append(test_name) args = run['args'] args[0] = os.path.join(__path__, args[0]) args = [sys.executable] + args env = run['env'] env = copy.copy(env) if run.has_key('envextra'): env.update(run['envextra']) run_results = list() for num_runs in range(NUM_RUNS_PER_TEST): res = run_a_single_one(args=args, env=env) print 'Result:', res run_results.append(res) result_means.append(numpy.average(run_results)) result_stddevs.append(numpy.std(run_results)) print 'result_means', result_means print 'result_stddevs', result_stddevs bogomips = numpy.array(result_means)/1e6 bogomips_dev = numpy.array(result_stddevs)/1e6 ind = numpy.arange(len(test_names)) width = 0.35 fig = Figure() fig.set_size_inches((11,8.5)) FigureCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, ylabel='Performance (BogoMips)', title=title, xlabel='', xticks=ind+width/2., xticklabels=test_names ) rects =, bogomips, width, color='blue', yerr=bogomips_dev, error_kw=dict(elinewidth=6, ecolor='pink'), label=bm['moar'] ) ax.set_xlim(-width, max(len(ind), 4)) ax.set_ylim(0, max(*bogomips)*1.1 + max(*bogomips_dev)*2) for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.text(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2.0, 1.01*height, '%.3f'%height, horizontalalignment='center') ax.grid(True) fontP = FontProperties() fontP.set_size('small') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles, labels, prop=fontP, loc="upper right") print '\n' return fig if __name__ == '__main__': #################################################################### ## create pdf generator #################################################################### pdf_pages = PdfPages(sys.argv[1]) #################################################################### ## loop through tests #################################################################### for bm in BENCHMARKS: fig = do_a_benchmark(bm) pdf_pages.savefig(fig) #################################################################### ## done #################################################################### print 'make pdf...' pdf_pages.close() print 'done!'