Sandhi is a visual programming software particularly for control systems. Sandhi is forked from GNU Radio project which uses GRAS (GNU Radio Advanced Scheduler)
# Dependencies
Sandhi is conglomeration of lot of libraries and softwares. For computational purposes, Scilab and Octave can be interfaced with Sandhi. Sandhi uses a special wrapper called Sciscipy which alllows one to call scilab functions from python without having to worry about datatype conversion.
To build Sandhi, following dependencies have to be met-
If on Ubuntu one can directly install using command*-
Sciscipy is a must for Sandhi's control blocks to work; To install:
1. Clone sciscipy-1.0.0 from our repository
`git clone`
2. Run _install_ script from the directory with sudo privileges to automatically pull all dependencies for Sciscipy, build and install it.
`sudo ./install`
*Please note that Sandhi has been known to *not* work libboost1.49 available in Ubuntu 12.10
# Build Guide
# Road Map