path: root/Theron
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-10-11make use of new message registration macrosJosh Blum
2012-10-10remove unneeded include from install hdrsJosh Blum
2012-10-07updated Theron subproject with fixesJosh Blum
2012-10-07better naive defaults for thread poolJosh Blum
2012-10-04updated to latest subprojects, got compilingJosh Blum
due to the return 0 fix, interruptible threads are now optional, and by defualt off added empty hooks for max/min buffer stuff so its compiling...
2012-09-28started apology integration, removed tsbeJosh Blum
2012-09-24smaller buffers seems to make qa tests fasterJosh Blum
2012-09-20fun with inlinesJosh Blum
2012-09-18bring in theron and tsbe as submodulesJosh Blum