%Tutorial slides on Python.
% Author: FOSSEE
% Copyright (c) 2009-2016, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay


% Modified from: generic-ornate-15min-45min.de.tex

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% Taken from Fernando's slides.



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% Title page
\title[Introduction]{Introductory Scientific Computing with
\subtitle{Introduction to Python}

\author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}

\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
\date[] {Mumbai, India


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    \alert{FOSSEE group (\url{fossee.in})} \\
    based at\\
    \alert{IIT Bombay}\\
    and funded by\\
    The National Mission on Education through ICT, \\
    \alert{Ministry of HRD, India}

        Why Python?

        For Scientific Computing?


  \frametitle{Need: Toolkit for diversity}
        \item Numeric and Symbolic
        \item Exploration and Visualization
        \item High performance
        \item Parallel computing
        \item User interfaces, Web
        \item Other tasks

  \frametitle{Why Python?}
  \item Easy to read and learn
  \item Powerful interactive interpreter
  \item Scalable, general purpose
  \item High-level, modular
  \item Procedural, OO, functional

  \frametitle{Why Python?}
  \item Extensive libraries
  \item Rapid application development
  \item Interface to C++, C and FORTRAN
  \item Cross-platform
  \item Open Source

  \frametitle{Requirements: numeric computation}




  \item Linear algebra
  \item Numerical integration
  \item Fourier transforms
  \item Signal processing
  \item Special functions
  \item Statistics
  \item Optimization
  \item Image processing
  \item ODE solvers
  \item Uses LAPACK, QUADPACK, ODEPACK, FFTPACK etc. from netlib

    \frametitle{Requirement: Exploration/Visualization}

  \frametitle{3D visualization with Mayavi2}

    \frametitle{Requirement: HPC, parallel computing}

  \frametitle{Requirement: UI}




\begin{frame}[plain, fragile]
    \frametitle{Super-simple UIs}
from traits.api import *
class Person(HasTraits):
    name = Str('name')
    age = Range(0.0, 200.0)
    sex = Enum('male', 'female')

p = Person(name='Ram')
\pgfimage[width=0.5\textwidth, interpolate=true]{data/intro/traits_ui_wx}
\pgfimage[width=0.5\textwidth, interpolate=true]{data/intro/traits_ui_qt}


    \frametitle{Easy to read and still compact?}
def qsort(L):
    """Quick sort for given sequence, `L`."""
    if not L: return L # exit recursion if input is empty
    pivot, rest = L[0], L[1:]
    less_than = [ lt for lt in rest if lt < pivot ]
    greater_eq = [ ge for ge in rest if ge >= pivot ]
    return qsort(less_than) + [pivot] + qsort(greater_eq)



    \structure{Python users?}


  \emphbar{\Large  \hfill Diverse needs, one language \hfill }
  \emphbar{\Large  \hfill Python! \hfill}


