%Tutorial slides on Python.
% Author: FOSSEE
% Copyright (c) 2009-2016, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay


% Modified from: generic-ornate-15min-45min.de.tex

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% Taken from Fernando's slides.



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% Title page
\title[Preliminaries]{Introductory Scientific Computing with
\subtitle{Using Anaconda}

\author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}

\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
\date[] {Mumbai, India


%% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
%% the beginning of each subsection:


% If you wish to uncover everything in a step-wise fashion, uncomment
% the following command:




  \frametitle{Python distribution: Anaconda}
  \item \url{www.continuum.io/downloads}
  \item Cross platform: Linux, OSX, Windows
  \item Free installer
  \item Many packages

  \frametitle{For this course}
  \item Using Anaconda
  \item Easy for beginners
  \item Pre-installed with relevant packages
  \item Advanced users can use anything they want!

  \frametitle{Setup Anaconda}
    \item Download for your platform
    \item Install it
    \item Start Anaconda Navigator

  \frametitle{Launch/configure Spyder IDE}
  \item Start Spyder IDE from the Anaconda GUI
  \item Configure it for the course
  \item Preferences / IPython console / Graphics
    \item Auto-load pylab/numpy
    \item Graphics backend: qt5
    \item Hit Apply/OK
    \item Restart the editor

  \frametitle{Some basics}
  \item Hardware
  \item Operating system (or OS)
  \item Programs
  \item Processes
  \item Memory
  \item Communication (I/O, network, etc.)

  \frametitle{Some terminology}
  \item Terminal/console/command line: a program
  \item Command Line Interface: CLI
  \item Graphical User Interface: GUI
  \item Shell: exposes a CLI to the OS
  \item REPL: Read-Eval-Print Loop
  \item Text-editor: Spyder, VSCode, Emacs, Vim
  \item IDE: Integrated Development Environment
  \item Some text editors are also IDEs

  \frametitle{Using the terminal}
  \item Learning about the terminal
  \item Launch the anaconda terminal
  \item Execute Python programs there

  \item Using anaconda and Spyder
  \item Launching a terminal
  \item Some basics and terminology
