cells: - markdown: | Pandas ====== - Provides a powerful `DataFrame` object. - Makes it easy to deal with "Tabular" data. - Very easy to read, process and visualize data. - See http://pandas.pydata.org - code: | %matplotlib inline import numpy as np import pandas as pd id: 0 - code: | x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) sin = np.sin(x) cos = np.cos(x) id: 1 - code: | df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'sin': sin, 'cos': cos, 'x-data':x}) # OR #df = pd.DataFrame(dict(x=x, sin=sin, cos=cos)) id: 2 - code: | df.head() # or df.tail() id: 3 - code: | df.tail() id: 4 - code: | df.describe() id: 5 - code: | df1 = df[10:13] df1.head() id: 6 - code: | df.x[::10] id: 7 - code: | df1.describe() id: 8 - code: | # df.x-data[:5] will not work!! df['x-data'][:5] id: 9 - code: | df['x'][:5] id: 10 - code: | df.x[:10] id: 11 - code: | df.columns id: 12 - code: | len(df) id: 13 - code: | df.index id: 14 - code: | df1 = df.copy() df1.head() id: 15 - markdown: | Indexing ========= - Give me a data frame, where all cosine values are >0. - code: | y = np.linspace(10, 11, 11) y id: 16 - code: | y> 10.5 id: 17 - code: | cond = y > 10.5 y[y > 10.7] id: 18 - code: | id: 19 - code: | id: 20 - code: | id: 21 - code: | condition = df.cos > 0.0 print(len(condition)) id: 22 - code: | df_positive_cos = df[condition] df_positive_cos.describe() id: 23 - code: | # Combining conditionals cond1 = df.sin > 0.0 df_all_positive = df[condition & cond1] df_all_positive.describe() id: 24 - code: | df_all_positive = df[(df.cos > 0.0) & (df.sin > 0)] df_all_positive.describe() id: 25 - code: | c = np.array([True, False, True, False]) c1 = np.array([False, True, False, False]) ~(c | c1) id: 26 - code: | cond1 = df_positive_cos.sin > 0.0 df_all_positive = df_positive_cos[cond1] df_all_positive.describe() id: 27 - code: | id: 28 - code: | # This adds a new column sincos df['sincos'] = df.sin*df.cos len(df.sincos) id: 29 - code: | df.describe() id: 30 - code: | # Remove a column with del. if 'x-data' in df: del df['x-data'] df.head() id: 31 - markdown: | Plotting ========= - code: | df.plot() # or #df.plot.line() id: 32 - markdown: | Notice that everything is plotted w.r.t. the index! Let us fix this! - code: | df.plot.line(x='x', y=['sin', 'cos']) id: 33 - code: | # See what this does df[(df.sin > 0.0) ^ (df.cos < 0.0)].plot.line(x='x', marker='o') id: 34 - code: | df.plot.hist(y='cos') # or #df.plot(y='cos', kind='hist') id: 35 - markdown: | Input and output CSV and other file formats -------------------------------------------- - `pd.read_csv()` - `df.to_csv()` - Can read/save to clip board. - Directly read from URLs. - code: | df.to_csv('sincos.csv', index=False) id: 36 - code: | df1 = pd.read_csv('sincos.csv') df1.head() id: 37 - code: | id: 38 - code: | id: 39 - markdown: | ### Conversion to LaTeX and HTML - code: | print(df[:5].to_latex()) id: 40 - code: | print(df[:5].to_latex(index=False)) id: 41 - code: | print(df[:5].to_html()) id: 42 - code: | from IPython.display import HTML HTML(df[:5].to_html()) id: 43 - markdown: | Selecting from the clipboard ============================= - Let us select data from wikipedia: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita Select some data and then do this: - code: | df2 = pd.read_clipboard() df2.columns = ['index', 'country', 'GDP'] df2.head() id: 44 - code: | url = 'http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~prabhu/tmp/sslc_small.csv' df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=';') id: 45 - code: | df.head() #df.describe() id: 46 - code: | df.fl.iloc[0] = np.nan id: 47 - code: | df.head() id: 48 - code: | df.describe() id: 49 - code: | pd.read_csv? id: 50 - markdown: | Exercise -------- Look at the following: - https://data.gov.in/catalog/annual-and-seasonal-maximum-temperature-india - https://data.gov.in/catalog/annual-and-seasonal-minimum-temperature-india Download the csv file into a `datafile.csv` on your machine. - code: | df = pd.read_csv('datafile.csv') df.head() id: 51 - code: | df.plot.line(x='YEAR') id: 52 - code: | id: 53 - markdown: | Exercise --------- Consider a smaller file: - File is at: http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~prabhu/tmp/sslc_small.csv - code: | url = 'http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~prabhu/tmp/sslc_small.csv' df = pd.read_csv(url) df.head() # Produces only one strange column of data! id: 54 - markdown: | Notice that this data is read incorrectly, this is because the separator is not a comma but a ';' so use this. - code: | df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=';') df.head() id: 55 - code: | df['region'].value_counts() id: 56 - code: | df.plot.scatter(x='fl', y='math') id: 57 - markdown: | There are more options to `pd.read_csv`, for example if `'AA'` is a value indicating a non-existing value you can pass an option, called `na_values`. Read more on the documentation for `read_csv`. - code: | url = 'http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~prabhu/tmp/sslc1.csv.gz' id: 58 - markdown: | - This has a very large CSV file that is gzipped to save space. - It can be loaded with the same method. - You can download it and see the file. To unzip it if you want you can do ``` $ gunzip sslc1.csv.gz ``` The file has missing values in the form of 'AA' entries for absent students. - code: | df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=';', na_values='AA') id: 59 - markdown: | If you have the `sslc1.csv` file locally you can do this: - code: | df = pd.read_csv('sslc1.csv', sep=';', na_values='AA') df.head() id: 60 - code: | df.describe() id: 61 - code: | df['pass'].value_counts() id: 62 - code: | df.groupby('region')['pass'].value_counts() id: 63 - code: | df.plot.hist(y='sl') id: 64 - markdown: | ## Pivoting - Powerful operation to group the data - Performs a multi-dimensional summarization of the data Here is a simple example - code: | pd.pivot_table(df, index=['region']) id: 65 - markdown: | The default aggregation function here is an average, i.e. `np.average`. - code: | # This is not useful but tells you how this can be changed. pd.pivot_table(df, index=['region'], aggfunc=np.sum) id: 66 - markdown: | More information ================== - http://pandas.pydata.org - Go through the tutorials here: http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jvns/pandas-cookbook/tree/v0.1/cookbook/ - Go over chapter 1 to 7. Excellent material on pivot tables with pandas - https://pbpython.com/pandas-pivot-table-explained.html An excellent book on data science related tools has a nice section on pivot tables. - https://jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataScienceHandbook/03.09-pivot-tables.html Also has other material on pandas - https://jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataScienceHandbook/03.00-introduction-to-pandas.html The notebooks can also be edited live if you wish. - code: | id: 67 # The lines below here may be deleted if you do not need them. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- metadata: kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 language: python name: python3 language_info: codemirror_mode: name: ipython version: 3 file_extension: .py mimetype: text/x-python name: python nbconvert_exporter: python pygments_lexer: ipython3 version: 3.6.0 nbformat: 4 nbformat_minor: 1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- data: [{execution_count: 1, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: 56, outputs: []}, {execution_count: 62, outputs: [{data: {text/html: "
\n\ \n\n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n
0A10001T N5336281644177NaNNaNNaN
1A10002A R5837423540212PNaNNaN
2A10003A M7256715570324PNaNNaN
3A10004S A8764835865357PNaNNaN
4A10005N A5945503548237PNaNNaN
", text/plain: ' region roll_number name fl sl math sci ss total pass withheld extra 0 A 10001 T N 53 36 28 16 44 177 NaN NaN NaN 1 A 10002 A R 58 37 42 35 40 212 P NaN NaN 2 A 10003 A M 72 56 71 55 70 324 P NaN NaN 3 A 10004 S A 87 64 83 58 65 357 P NaN NaN 4 A 10005 N A 59 45 50 35 48 237 P NaN NaN'}, execution_count: 62, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: 66, outputs: []}, {execution_count: 68, outputs: [{data: {text/html: "
\n\n .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n vertical-align:\ \ middle;\n }\n\n .dataframe tbody tr th {\n vertical-align:\ \ top;\n }\n\n .dataframe thead th {\n text-align: right;\n\ \ }\n\n\n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n
0A10001T NNaN36281644177NaNNaNNaN
1A10002A R58.037423540212PNaNNaN
2A10003A M72.056715570324PNaNNaN
3A10004S A87.064835865357PNaNNaN
4A10005N A59.045503548237PNaNNaN
", text/plain: " region roll_number name fl sl math sci\ \ ss total pass withheld \\\n0 A 10001 T N NaN 36\ \ 28 16 44 177 NaN NaN \n1 A 10002 A R\ \ 58.0 37 42 35 40 212 P NaN \n2 A 10003\ \ A M 72.0 56 71 55 70 324 P NaN \n3 A \ \ 10004 S A 87.0 64 83 58 65 357 P NaN \n4\ \ A 10005 N A 59.0 45 50 35 48 237 P \ \ NaN \n\n extra \n0 NaN \n1 NaN \n2 NaN \n3 NaN \ \ \n4 NaN "}, execution_count: 68, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: 67, outputs: [{data: {text/html: "
\n\n\ \n \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n
", text/plain: " roll_number fl sl \ \ math sci ss \\\ncount 40.000000 39.000000 40.000000\ \ 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 \nmean 27708.800000 73.230769\ \ 56.375000 65.425000 51.825000 63.500000 \nstd 29338.523097\ \ 12.616742 15.903052 23.915329 18.092196 17.558693 \nmin \ \ 10001.000000 43.000000 36.000000 25.000000 16.000000 35.000000\ \ \n25% 19495.750000 65.500000 44.000000 44.750000 36.750000\ \ 50.000000 \n50% 27395.500000 75.000000 53.500000 61.500000\ \ 52.000000 61.500000 \n75% 29276.250000 83.000000 70.250000\ \ 86.750000 60.250000 74.500000 \nmax 199976.000000 90.000000\ \ 90.000000 100.000000 86.000000 97.000000 \n\n total\ \ withheld extra \ncount 40.000000 0.0 0.0 \nmean 309.850000\ \ NaN NaN \nstd 81.745869 NaN NaN \nmin 161.000000\ \ NaN NaN \n25% 247.000000 NaN NaN \n50% 304.000000\ \ NaN NaN \n75% 357.000000 NaN NaN \nmax 456.000000\ \ NaN NaN "}, execution_count: 67, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: 69, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: 70, outputs: [ {data: {text/html: "
\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n
0A;010001;T\ \ N;053;036;28;16;44;177;;;
1A;010002;A R;058;037;42;35;40;212;P;;
2A;010003;A M;072;056;71;55;70;324;P;;
3A;010004;S A;087;064;83;58;65;357;P;;
4A;010005;N A;059;045;50;35;48;237;P;;
", text/plain: " region;roll_number;name;fl;sl;math;sci;ss;total;pass;withheld;extra\n\ 0 A;010001;T N;053;036;28;16;44;177;;; \n\ 1 A;010002;A R;058;037;42;35;40;212;P;; \n\ 2 A;010003;A M;072;056;71;55;70;324;P;; \n\ 3 A;010004;S A;087;064;83;58;65;357;P;; \n\ 4 A;010005;N A;059;045;50;35;48;237;P;; "}, execution_count: 70, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: 71, outputs: [{data: {text/html: "
\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n
0A10001T N5336281644177NaNNaNNaN
1A10002A R5837423540212PNaNNaN
2A10003A M7256715570324PNaNNaN
3A10004S A8764835865357PNaNNaN
4A10005N A5945503548237PNaNNaN
", text/plain: ' region roll_number name fl sl math sci ss total pass withheld extra 0 A 10001 T N 53 36 28 16 44 177 NaN NaN NaN 1 A 10002 A R 58 37 42 35 40 212 P NaN NaN 2 A 10003 A M 72 56 71 55 70 324 P NaN NaN 3 A 10004 S A 87 64 83 58 65 357 P NaN NaN 4 A 10005 N A 59 45 50 35 48 237 P NaN NaN'}, execution_count: 71, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: 72, outputs: [{data: {text/plain: 'C 13 B 9 A 9 D 9 Name: region, dtype: int64'}, execution_count: 72, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: 73, outputs: [{data: {text/plain: }, execution_count: 73, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}, {data: {image/png: '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', text/plain:
}, metadata: {needs_background: light}, output_type: display_data}]}, {execution_count: 3, outputs: []}, {execution_count: 4, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: 14, outputs: [{data: {text/plain: 'P 159072 Name: pass, dtype: int64'}, execution_count: 14, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: 18, outputs: [{data: {text/plain: 'region pass A P 31013 B P 36202 C P 26681 D P 22080 E P 20880 F P 22216 Name: pass, dtype: int64'}, execution_count: 18, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}, {execution_count: 7, outputs: [{data: {text/html: "
\n\ \n\n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n
", text/plain: " fl math roll_number sci \ \ sl ss \\\nregion \ \ \nA 54.156497 63.149551 105609.081674\ \ 50.432756 73.686377 62.453164 \nB 55.239836 63.638822 105746.142280\ \ 52.747653 74.455093 64.448891 \nC 54.080346 62.733572 124099.117879\ \ 50.344222 74.076716 64.647672 \nD 52.968296 62.589993 \ \ 86303.811307 51.186670 73.665423 64.119590 \nE 52.085389\ \ 62.724153 97040.595682 48.743782 72.772392 61.520147 \nF \ \ 53.396229 61.694766 105989.116946 49.735712 72.041425 61.167210\ \ \n\n total \nregion \nA 303.789099\ \ \nB 310.482572 \nC 305.822393 \nD 304.428818 \n\ E 297.731881 \nF 297.852010 "}, execution_count: 7, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: 8, outputs: [{data: {text/html: "
\n\ \n\n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n \n\ \ \n \n
", text/plain: " extra\ \ fl math roll_number sci sl \\\nregion\ \ \n\ A 0.0 1970430.0 2297949.0 3844276182 1835248.0 2681742.0\ \ \nB 0.0 2282731.0 2630638.0 4371651268 2180377.0 3078048.0\ \ \nC 0.0 1689470.0 1960926.0 3879462524 1573559.0 2315490.0\ \ \nD 0.0 1348255.0 1593729.0 2198158074 1303315.0 1875890.0\ \ \nE 0.0 1290103.0 1553740.0 2404665961 1207286.0 1802936.0\ \ \nF 0.0 1407578.0 1629112.0 2799596535 1313172.0 1902542.0\ \ \n\n ss total \nregion \ \ \nA 2272858.0 11058227.0 \nB 2663866.0 12835660.0 \ \ \nC 2020563.0 9560008.0 \nD 1632613.0 7753802.0 \n\ E 1523731.0 7377796.0 \nF 1615059.0 7867463.0 "}, execution_count: 8, metadata: {}, output_type: execute_result}]}, {execution_count: null, outputs: []}]