

\title[Introduction]{Advanced Python}

\author[FOSSEE] {The FOSSEE Group}

\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
\date[] {Mumbai, India}



  \frametitle{About this material}
  \item Covers some ``advanced'' Python material
  \item Does not cover all of Python
  \item Enough to do many things
  \item Learn more yourselves!

  \item Know ``Basic Python programming '' material well
  \item Uses Python 3.x exclusively
  \item Use any reasonable editor
    \item Canopy
    \item Spyder
    \item Emacs/Vim
    \item VS Code \url{code.visualstudio.com}
  \item Any Python environment works
    \item Canopy/EDM
    \item Conda/Anaconda
    \item Standard Python
  \item IPython

  \frametitle{Approach and advice}
  \item Entirely hands-on (type along!)
  \item Many exercises
  \item Do not treat this as theory!
  \item \alert{Learn by doing!}
