

\title[OOP: Class Attributes]{Advanced Python}
\subtitle{Object Oriented Programming: class attributes}

\author[FOSSEE] {The FOSSEE Group}

\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
\date[] {Mumbai, India}



  \item Classes for encapsulation
  \item Inheritance
  \item \py{super,isinstance,issubclass}
  \item Containership
  \item Look at class attributes/methods

  \frametitle{Class/instance attributes}
  \item So far: instance attributes
class A:
    x = 1

In []: a = A()
In []: a.x
Out[]: 1

In []: b = A()
In []: assert b.x == a.x

  \frametitle{Class/instance attributes}
class A:
    x = 1

In []: a, b = A(), A()

In []: A.x = 2
In []: b.x
Out[]: 2

  \frametitle{Class/instance attributes: beware}
class A:
    x = 1

In []: a = A()
In []: a.x = 1
In []: A.x = 2
In []: a.x
Out[]: ??

  \frametitle{Understanding the scope}
  \item If \py{a.x} is not an instance attribute
  \item Python looks in the class for the attribute!
  \item So \py{a.x = 1} sets an instance attribute!

  \frametitle{Class attribute scope}
class A:
    x = 1
    def f(self):
        return self.x + 1

In []: a = A()
In []: a.f()
Out[]: 2

  \frametitle{Class methods}
  \item Can we have methods on the class?
class A:
    def method(cls, x):
        print(cls, x)

In []: A.method(1)
<class '__main__.A'> 1

  \frametitle{Class methods}
  \item \py{@classmethod} is a special decorator
  \item Makes the method a class method
  \item Implicit argument is the class (and not the instance)
  \item Useful when you don't want to construct the object

  \item Class attributes
  \item Class methods and the \py{@classmethod} decorator


\begin{frame}[plain, fragile]
  \frametitle{Exercise: Point class attribute}
    Create a simple \py{Point} class with class attributes \py{x, y} that
    default to 0.0.

In []: p = Point()
In []: p.x, p.y
Out[]: (0.0, 0.0)

\begin{frame}[plain, fragile]
class Point:
    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0

\begin{frame}[plain, fragile]
  \frametitle{Exercise: classmethod}
    Create a simple \py{Point} class with instance attributes \py{x, y} but
    add a class method \py{polar(r, theta)} that takes coordinates in $(r,
    \theta)$ form but returns a suitable point. Remember that, $x=r
    \cos(\theta), y=r\sin(\theta)$. For example:

In []: p = Point.polar(1.0, 0.0)
In []: p.x, p.y
Out[]: (1.0, 0.0)


\begin{frame}[plain, fragile]
from math import sin, cos
class Point:
    def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
    def polar(cls, r, theta):
        x = r*cos(theta)
        y = r*sin(theta)
        return cls(x, y)

