{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} {% if newest %} <<newest {% endif %} {% if newer %} <newer {% endif %} {% if older %} older> {% endif %} {% if oldest %} oldest>> {% endif %}
From:  {{req.sent_by.username}}
To: {% for to_user in sent_users %} {{to_user.username}}  {% endfor %}
sent on {{notification.sent_date|date:"D d M Y"}} at {{notification.sent_date|time:"H:i"}}
{% ifequal "PY" req.role %} {{req.sent_by.username}} assigned {{req.pynts}} pynts to {{req.receiving_user.username}} for the task {{req.task.title}}
{% else %} {% ifequal "MT" req.role %} {{req.sent_by.username}} requested you to act as a mentor for the task {{req.task.title}}
{% else %} You have been requested to act as {% ifequal "AD" req.role %} an Admin {% else %} {% ifequal "MG" req.role %} a Manager {% else %} a Developer {% endifequal %} {% endifequal %} for the website by {{req.sent_by.username}}.
{% endifequal %} {% endifequal %}
Please accept or reject the request.
Click here to return to the requests page. {% endblock %}