{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %} {{task.title}} {% endblock %} {% block content %} Browse tasks

{{ task.title }}

created by {{ task.created_by.username }} on {{ task.creation_datetime.ctime }}
Mentors: {% for mentor in mentors %} {{mentor.username}}| {% endfor %} {% if is_mentor %}
Add another Mentor to this task
edit task goes here and it should contain all those add subs and add deps depending on availability
{% endif %}


{{ task.desc }}

status of task is {{task.status}}
{% if assigned_user %} Task has been assigned to {{assigned_user.username}}
{% endif %} {% if not is_guest %} View claims
{% endif %} {% if comments %}

{% for comment in comments %}
{{ comment.created_by.username }} at {{ comment.creation_datetime.ctime }} wrote:
{{ comment.data }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not is_guest %}
Add comment:

{% endif %} {% endblock %}