{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} {% if is_guest %} Welcome Guest
Register Login

Recent Tasks:
{% for task in task_list %} {{ task.title }}
{% endfor %} {% else %} Logged in as {{ user.username }}
{% endif %} {% if notifications.count %} You have {{ notifications.count }} unread {% ifnotequal notifications.count 1 %} notifications {% else %} notification {% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %} {% if requests.count %} You have {{ requests.count }} unreplied {% ifnotequal requests.count 1 %} requests {% else %} request {% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %} {% if user.task_claimed_users.count %} {{ user.task_claimed_users.count }} claimed {% ifnotequal user.task_claimed_users.count 1 %} tasks {% else %} task {% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %} {% if user.task_assigned_users.count %} You are currently working on {{ user.task_assigned_users.count }} {% ifnotequal user.task_assigned_users.count 1 %} tasks {% else %} task {% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %} {% if user.task_mentors.count %} Mentoring {{ user.task_mentors.count }} {% ifnotequal user.task_mentors.count 1 %} tasks {% else %} task {% endifnotequal %}
{% endif %} {% if unpublished_tasks %}
Unpublished tasks viewable by you:
{% for a_task in unpublished_tasks %} {{a_task.title}}    {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{% if can_create_task %} Create a task
{% endif %} {% ifequal user.get_profile.rights "MG" %} Request another to be a Developer Request another user to act as manager
{% endifequal %} {% ifequal user.get_profile.rights "AD" %} Request another to be a Developer
Request another user to act as a Manager
Request another user to act as an Admin
{% endifequal %} {% endblock %}