from datetime import datetime from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, redirect from pytask.taskapp.models import User, Task, Comment, Claim from pytask.taskapp.forms.task import TaskCreateForm, AddMentorForm, AssignTaskForm from import createTask, addMentor, publishTask, addSubTask, addClaim, assignTask, getTask, updateTask from pytask.taskapp.views.user import show_msg ## everywhere if there is no task, django should display 500 message.. but take care of that in sensitive views like add mentor and all ## do not create su user thro syncdb def browse_tasks(request): """ display all the tasks """ user = request.user task_list = Task.objects.order_by('id').reverse() context = {'user':user, 'task_list':task_list, } return render_to_response('task/browse.html', context) def view_task(request, tid): """ get the task depending on its tid and display accordingly if it is a get. check for authentication and add a comment if it is a post request. """ task_url = "/task/view/tid=%s"%tid user = request.user task = getTask(tid) comments = Comment.objects.filter(task=task) mentors = task.mentors.all() subs = task.subs.all() deps = task.deps.all() errors = [] is_guest = True if not user.is_authenticated() else False is_mentor = True if user in task.mentors.all() else False context = {'user':user, 'task':task, 'comments':comments, 'mentors':mentors, 'subs':subs, 'deps':deps, 'is_guest':is_guest, 'is_mentor':is_mentor, 'errors':errors, } context['task_viewable'] = True if ( task.status not in ["UP", "DL"] ) or is_mentor else False context['task_claimable'] = True if task.status in ["OP", "WR"] else False context['can_mod_mentors'] = True if task.status in ["UP", "OP", "LO", "WR"] and is_mentor else False context['can_mod_tasks'] = True if task.status in ["UP", "OP", "LO"] and is_mentor else False context['can_assign_credits'] = True if task.status in ["OP", "WR"] and is_mentor else False context['assigned_users'] = task.assigned_users.all() if request.method == 'POST': if not is_guest: data = request.POST["data"] task = getTask(tid) new_comment = Comment(task=task, data=data, created_by=user, return redirect(task_url) else: errors.append("You must be logged in to post a comment") return render_to_response('task/view.html', context) else: return render_to_response('task/view.html', context) def create_task(request): """ check for rights and create a task if applicable. if user cannot create a task, redirect to homepage. """ user = request.user is_guest = True if not user.is_authenticated() else False if not is_guest: user_profile = user.get_profile() can_create_task = False if user_profile.rights == "CT" else True if can_create_task: if request.method == "POST": form = TaskCreateForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data title = data['title'] desc = data['desc'] credits = data['credits'] publish = data['publish'] task = createTask(title,desc,user,credits) if not task: error_msg = "Another task with the same title exists" return render_to_response('task/create.html',{'form':form, 'error_msg':error_msg}) addMentor(task, user) updateTask(task,tags_field=data['tags_field']) if publish: publishTask(task) task_url = '/task/view/tid=%s' return redirect(task_url) else: return render_to_response('task/create.html',{'form':form}) else: form = TaskCreateForm() return render_to_response('task/create.html',{'form':form}) else: return show_msg('You are not authorised to create a task.') else: return show_msg('You are not authorised to create a task.') def add_mentor(request, tid): """ check if the current user has the rights to edit the task and add him. if user is not authenticated, redirect him to concerned page. """ task_url = "/task/view/tid=%s"%tid user = request.user task = getTask(tid) errors = [] is_guest = True if not user.is_authenticated() else False if (not is_guest) and user in task.mentors.all(): ## now iam going for a brute force method user_list = list(User.objects.all()) for mentor in task.mentors.all(): user_list.remove(mentor) for a_user in task.claimed_users.all(): user_list.remove(a_user) non_mentors = ((,_.username) for _ in user_list) ## code till must be made elegant and not brute force like above form = AddMentorForm(non_mentors) if request.method == "POST": uid = request.POST['mentor'] new_mentor = User.objects.get(id=uid) addMentor(task, new_mentor) return redirect(task_url) else: return render_to_response('task/addmentor.html', {'form':form, 'errors':errors}) else: return show_msg('You are not authorised to add mentors for this task', task_url, 'view the task') def add_tasks(request, tid): """ first display tasks which can be subtasks for the task and do the rest. """ task_url = "/task/view/tid=%s"%tid user = request.user task = getTask(tid) errors = [] is_guest = True if not user.is_authenticated() else False if (not is_guest) and user in task.mentors.all(): if task.status in ["OP", "LO"]: if request.method == "POST": ## first decide if adding subs and deps can be in same page ## only exclude tasks with status deleted pass else: ## write a form just like add mentor and get the form here pass else: errors = ["The task cannot be added subtasks or dependencies in this state"] # return render_to_response('task/add.html', {'form':form, 'errors':errors}) return show_msg('The task cannot be added subtasks or dependencies now', task_url, 'view the task') else: return show_msg('You are not authorised to add subtasks or dependencies for this task', task_url, 'view the task') def claim_task(request, tid): """ display a list of claims for get and display submit only if claimable """ ## create claims model and create a new database with required tables for it ## see if that "one to n" or "n to one" relationship has a special field task_url = "/task/view/tid=%s"%tid claim_url = "/task/claim/tid=%s"%tid errors = [] user = request.user task = getTask(tid) claims = Claim.objects.filter(task=task) is_guest = True if not user.is_authenticated() else False if user in task.mentors.all(): is_mentor = True else: is_mentor = False task_claimable = True if task.status in ["OP", "RE", "CL"] else False user_can_claim = True if task_claimable and not ( is_guest or is_mentor ) and ( user not in task.claimed_users.all() ) else False task_claimed = True if task.status == "CL" else False context = {'is_mentor':is_mentor, 'task':task, 'claims':claims, 'user_can_claim':user_can_claim, 'task_claimable':task_claimable, 'task_claimed':task_claimed, 'errors':errors} if not is_guest: if request.method == "POST": claim_proposal = request.POST['message'] if claim_proposal: addClaim(task, claim_proposal, user) return redirect(claim_url) else: errors.append('Please fill up proposal in the field below') return render_to_response('task/claim.html', context) else: return render_to_response('task/claim.html', context) else: return show_msg('You are not logged in to view claims for this task', task_url, 'view the task') def assign_task(request, tid): """ first get the status of the task and then assign it to one of claimed users generate list of claimed users by passing it as an argument to a function. """ task_url = "/task/view/tid=%s"%tid user = request.user task = getTask(tid) is_guest = True if not user.is_authenticated() else False is_mentor = True if user in task.mentors.all() else False task_claimed = True if task.status == "CL" else False if (not is_guest) and is_mentor: if task_claimed: user_list = ((,user.username) for user in task.claimed_users.all()) form = AssignTaskForm(user_list) if request.method == "POST": uid = request.POST['user'] assigned_user = User.objects.get(id=uid) assignTask(task, assigned_user) return redirect(task_url) else: return render_to_response('task/assign.html',{'form':form}) elif task.status == "AS": return show_msg('The task is already assigned', task_url, 'view the task') elif task.status == "OP": return show_msg('No one has still claimed the task', task_url, 'view the task') else: return show_msg('The task status is %s. how can you assign it now'%task.status, task_url, 'view the task') else: return show_msg('You are not authorised to perform this action', task_url, 'view the task') def edit_task(request, tid): """ see what are the attributes that can be edited depending on the current status and then give the user fields accordingly. """ return None