from datetime import datetime
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from pytask.taskapp.models import Notification
def create_notification(role, sent_to, sent_from=None, reply=None, task=None, receiving_user=None, pynts=None, requested_by=None, remarks=None):
creates a notification based on the passed arguments.
to - a list of users to which the notification is to be sent
subject - subject of the notification message to be sent
message - message body of the notification
notification = Notification(sent_date =
notification.role = role
notification.sent_to = sent_to
if role == "PY":
notification.sent_from = sent_from
notification.task = task
notification.pynts = pynts
task_url= '%s'%(, task.title)
credits_url = '%s'%(, "click here")
mentor_url = '%s'%(, requested_by.username)
admin_url = '%s'%(, sent_from.username)
user_url = '%s'%(, receiving_user.username)
if reply:
notification.sub = "Approved request for assign of credits"
notification.message = """ Request made by %s to assign %s pynts to %s for the task %s has been approved by %s
%s if you want the view/assign pynts page of the task.
"""%(mentor_url, pynts, user_url, task_url, admin_url, credits_url)
notification.sub = "Rejected request for assign of credits"
notification.message = """ Request made by %s to assign %s pynts to %s for the task %s has been rejected by %s.
"""%(mentor_url, pynts, user_url, task_url, admin_url)
if remarks:
notification.remarks = remarks
notification.message += "Reason: %s
notification.message += "
def mark_notification_read(notification_id):
makes a notification identified by the notification_id read.
notification_id - a number denoting the id of the Notification object
notification = Notification.objects.get(id = notification_id)
except Notification.DoesNotExist:
return False
notification.is_read = True
return True
def delete_notification(notification_id):
deletes a notification identified by the notification_id.
notification_id - a number denoting the id of the Notification object
notification = Notification.objects.get(id = notification_id)
except Notification.DoesNotExist:
return False
notification.is_deleted = True
return True
def get_notification(nid, user):
""" if notification exists, and belongs to the current user, return it.
else return None.
notify_obj = Notification.objects.get(id=nid)
except Notification.DoesNotExist:
return None
if notify_obj.sent_to == user and ( not notify_obj.is_deleted ):
return notify_obj