from datetime import datetime from pytask.taskapp.models import Profile, Task, Comment, Credit, Claim def publishTask(task): """ set the task status to open """ sub_tasks = task.subs.all() dependencies = task.deps.all() if sub_tasks or any(map(lambda t:t.status!="CM",dependencies)): task.status = "LO" else: task.status = "OP" return task def addSubTask(main_task, sub_task): """ add the task to subs attribute of the task and update its status. sub task can be added only if a task is in UP/OP/LO state. """ ## Shall modify after talking to pr about subtasks ## I think i might even remove the concept of subtasks main_task.subs.add(sub_task) sub_tasks = main_task.subs.all() if main_task.status == "OP": if any(map(lambda t:t.status!="CM",sub_tasks)): main_task.status = "LO" else: "CM" def addDep(main_task, dependency): """ add the dependency task to deps attribute of the task. update the status of main_task accordingly. note that deps can be added only if task is in UP/OP/LO/CD state. And also if the task doesn't have any subs. """ main_task.deps.add(dependency) deps = main_task.deps.all() if main_task.status in ["OP", "LO"]: if all(map(lambda t:t.status=="CM",deps)): main_task.status = "OP" else: main_task.status = "LO" def addMentor(task,mentor): """ add the mentor to mentors list of the task """ task.mentors.add(mentor) return task def createTask(title,desc,created_by,credits): """ creates a bare minimum task with title, description and credits. the creator of the task will be assigned as a mentor for the task. """ try: task = Task.objects.get(title__iexact=title) return None except Task.DoesNotExist: task = Task(title=title) task.desc = desc task.created_by = created_by task.credits = credits task.creation_datetime = return task def addClaim(task, message, user): """ add claim data to the database if it does not exist and also update the claimed users field of the task. """ task.claimed_users.add(user) claim = Claim() claim.message = message claim.task = task claim.user = user claim.creation_datetime = def assignTask(task, user): """ check for the status of task and assign it to the particular user """ if task.status in ['OP', 'WR']: task.assigned_users.add(user) task.claimed_users.remove(user) task.status = "WR" def getTask(tid): """ retreive the task from database. if the task has deps or subs, update its status correspondingly. """ task = Task.objects.get(id=tid) deps = task.deps.all() subs = task.subs.all() if deps and task.status in ["OP", "LO"]: task.status = "OP" if all(map(lambda t:t.status=="CM",deps)) else "LO" if subs and task.status in ["OP", "LO", "CM"]: task.status = "CM" if all(map(lambda t:t.status=="CM",subs)) else "LO" return task def updateTask(task, title=None, desc=None, credits=None, tags_field=None): """ update the property accordingly. while updating title, check for uniqueness of title. return None if any error. """ if title: try: task.title = title except IntegrityError: return None if desc:task.desc = desc if credits:task.credits = credits if tags_field:task.tags_field = tags_field return task