import datetime import pickle import sys from StringIO import StringIO from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core import management from django.db import connections, router, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS from django.db.utils import ConnectionRouter from django.test import TestCase from models import Book, Person, Pet, Review, UserProfile try: # we only have these models if the user is using multi-db, it's safe the # run the tests without them though. from models import Article, article_using except ImportError: pass class QueryTestCase(TestCase): multi_db = True def test_db_selection(self): "Check that querysets will use the default databse by default" self.assertEquals(Book.objects.db, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.all().db, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').db, 'other') self.assertEquals(Book.objects.db_manager('other').db, 'other') self.assertEquals(Book.objects.db_manager('other').all().db, 'other') def test_default_creation(self): "Objects created on the default database don't leak onto other databases" # Create a book on the default database using create() Book.objects.create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) # Create a book on the default database using a save dive = Book() dive.title="Dive into Python" dive.published =, 5, 4) # Check that book exists on the default database, but not on other database try: Book.objects.get(title="Pro Django") Book.objects.using('default').get(title="Pro Django") except Book.DoesNotExist:'"Dive Into Python" should exist on default database') self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('other').get, title="Pro Django" ) try: Book.objects.get(title="Dive into Python") Book.objects.using('default').get(title="Dive into Python") except Book.DoesNotExist:'"Dive into Python" should exist on default database') self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('other').get, title="Dive into Python" ) def test_other_creation(self): "Objects created on another database don't leak onto the default database" # Create a book on the second database Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) # Create a book on the default database using a save dive = Book() dive.title="Dive into Python" dive.published =, 5, 4)'other') # Check that book exists on the default database, but not on other database try: Book.objects.using('other').get(title="Pro Django") except Book.DoesNotExist:'"Dive Into Python" should exist on other database') self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.get, title="Pro Django" ) self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('default').get, title="Pro Django" ) try: Book.objects.using('other').get(title="Dive into Python") except Book.DoesNotExist:'"Dive into Python" should exist on other database') self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.get, title="Dive into Python" ) self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('default').get, title="Dive into Python" ) def test_basic_queries(self): "Queries are constrained to a single database" dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(, 5, 4)) self.assertEqual(dive.title, "Dive into Python") self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('default').get,, 5, 4)) dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title__icontains="dive") self.assertEqual(dive.title, "Dive into Python") self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('default').get, title__icontains="dive") dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title__iexact="dive INTO python") self.assertEqual(dive.title, "Dive into Python") self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('default').get, title__iexact="dive INTO python") dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(published__year=2009) self.assertEqual(dive.title, "Dive into Python") self.assertEqual(dive.published,, 5, 4)) self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('default').get, published__year=2009) years = Book.objects.using('other').dates('published', 'year') self.assertEqual([o.year for o in years], [2009]) years = Book.objects.using('default').dates('published', 'year') self.assertEqual([o.year for o in years], []) months = Book.objects.using('other').dates('published', 'month') self.assertEqual([o.month for o in months], [5]) months = Book.objects.using('default').dates('published', 'month') self.assertEqual([o.month for o in months], []) def test_m2m_separation(self): "M2M fields are constrained to a single database" # Create a book and author on the default database pro = Book.objects.create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) marty = Person.objects.create(name="Marty Alchin") # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") # Save the author relations pro.authors = [marty] dive.authors = [mark] # Inspect the m2m tables directly. # There should be 1 entry in each database self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 1) # Check that queries work across m2m joins self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('default').filter(authors__name='Marty Alchin').values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Pro Django']) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='Marty Alchin').values_list('title', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('default').filter(authors__name='Mark Pilgrim').values_list('title', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='Mark Pilgrim').values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) # Reget the objects to clear caches dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title="Dive into Python") mark = Person.objects.using('other').get(name="Mark Pilgrim") # Retrive related object by descriptor. Related objects should be database-baound self.assertEquals(list(dive.authors.all().values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Mark Pilgrim']) self.assertEquals(list(mark.book_set.all().values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) def test_m2m_forward_operations(self): "M2M forward manipulations are all constrained to a single DB" # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") # Save the author relations dive.authors = [mark] # Add a second author john = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="John Smith") self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='John Smith').values_list('title', flat=True)), []) dive.authors.add(john) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='Mark Pilgrim').values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='John Smith').values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) # Remove the second author dive.authors.remove(john) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='Mark Pilgrim').values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='John Smith').values_list('title', flat=True)), []) # Clear all authors dive.authors.clear() self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='Mark Pilgrim').values_list('title', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='John Smith').values_list('title', flat=True)), []) # Create an author through the m2m interface dive.authors.create(name='Jane Brown') self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='Mark Pilgrim').values_list('title', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').filter(authors__name='Jane Brown').values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) def test_m2m_reverse_operations(self): "M2M reverse manipulations are all constrained to a single DB" # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") # Save the author relations dive.authors = [mark] # Create a second book on the other database grease = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Greasemonkey Hacks",, 11, 1)) # Add a books to the m2m mark.book_set.add(grease) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(book__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Mark Pilgrim']) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(book__title='Greasemonkey Hacks').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Mark Pilgrim']) # Remove a book from the m2m mark.book_set.remove(grease) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(book__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Mark Pilgrim']) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(book__title='Greasemonkey Hacks').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) # Clear the books associated with mark mark.book_set.clear() self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(book__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(book__title='Greasemonkey Hacks').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) # Create a book through the m2m interface mark.book_set.create(title="Dive into HTML5",, 1, 1)) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(book__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(book__title='Dive into HTML5').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Mark Pilgrim']) def test_m2m_cross_database_protection(self): "Operations that involve sharing M2M objects across databases raise an error" # Create a book and author on the default database pro = Book.objects.create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) marty = Person.objects.create(name="Marty Alchin") # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") # Set a foreign key set with an object from a different database try: marty.book_set = [pro, dive]"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # Add to an m2m with an object from a different database try: marty.book_set.add(dive)"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # Set a m2m with an object from a different database try: marty.book_set = [pro, dive]"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # Add to a reverse m2m with an object from a different database try: dive.authors.add(marty)"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # Set a reverse m2m with an object from a different database try: dive.authors = [mark, marty]"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass def test_m2m_deletion(self): "Cascaded deletions of m2m relations issue queries on the right database" # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") dive.authors = [mark] # Check the initial state self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('other').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 1) # Delete the object on the other database dive.delete(using='other') self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 0) # The person still exists ... self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('other').count(), 1) # ... but the book has been deleted self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 0) # ... and the relationship object has also been deleted. self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 0) # Now try deletion in the reverse direction. Set up the relation again dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) dive.authors = [mark] # Check the initial state self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('other').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 1) # Delete the object on the other database mark.delete(using='other') self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 0) # The person has been deleted ... self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('other').count(), 0) # ... but the book still exists self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 1) # ... and the relationship object has been deleted. self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 0) def test_foreign_key_separation(self): "FK fields are constrained to a single database" # Create a book and author on the default database pro = Book.objects.create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) marty = Person.objects.create(name="Marty Alchin") george = Person.objects.create(name="George Vilches") # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") chris = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Chris Mills") # Save the author's favourite books pro.editor = george dive.editor = chris pro = Book.objects.using('default').get(title="Pro Django") self.assertEquals(, "George Vilches") dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title="Dive into Python") self.assertEquals(, "Chris Mills") # Check that queries work across foreign key joins self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('default').filter(edited__title='Pro Django').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'George Vilches']) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Pro Django').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('default').filter(edited__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Chris Mills']) # Reget the objects to clear caches chris = Person.objects.using('other').get(name="Chris Mills") dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title="Dive into Python") # Retrive related object by descriptor. Related objects should be database-baound self.assertEquals(list(chris.edited.values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) def test_foreign_key_reverse_operations(self): "FK reverse manipulations are all constrained to a single DB" dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") chris = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Chris Mills") # Save the author relations dive.editor = chris # Add a second book edited by chris html5 = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into HTML5",, 3, 15)) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into HTML5').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) chris.edited.add(html5) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into HTML5').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Chris Mills']) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Chris Mills']) # Remove the second editor chris.edited.remove(html5) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into HTML5').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Chris Mills']) # Clear all edited books chris.edited.clear() self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into HTML5').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) # Create an author through the m2m interface chris.edited.create(title='Dive into Water',, 3, 15)) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into HTML5').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into Water').values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Chris Mills']) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').filter(edited__title='Dive into Python').values_list('name', flat=True)), []) def test_foreign_key_cross_database_protection(self): "Operations that involve sharing FK objects across databases raise an error" # Create a book and author on the default database pro = Book.objects.create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) marty = Person.objects.create(name="Marty Alchin") # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") # Set a foreign key with an object from a different database try: dive.editor = marty"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # Set a foreign key set with an object from a different database try: marty.edited = [pro, dive]"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # Add to a foreign key set with an object from a different database try: marty.edited.add(dive)"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # BUT! if you assign a FK object when the base object hasn't # been saved yet, you implicitly assign the database for the # base object. chris = Person(name="Chris Mills") html5 = Book(title="Dive into HTML5",, 3, 15)) # initially, no db assigned self.assertEquals(chris._state.db, None) self.assertEquals(html5._state.db, None) # old object comes from 'other', so the new object is set to use 'other'... dive.editor = chris html5.editor = mark self.assertEquals(chris._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(html5._state.db, 'other') # ... but it isn't saved yet self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').values_list('name',flat=True)), [u'Mark Pilgrim']) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').values_list('title',flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) # When saved (no using required), new objects goes to 'other' self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('default').values_list('name',flat=True)), [u'Marty Alchin']) self.assertEquals(list(Person.objects.using('other').values_list('name',flat=True)), [u'Chris Mills', u'Mark Pilgrim']) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('default').values_list('title',flat=True)), [u'Pro Django']) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').values_list('title',flat=True)), [u'Dive into HTML5', u'Dive into Python']) # This also works if you assign the FK in the constructor water = Book(title="Dive into Water",, 1, 1), editor=mark) self.assertEquals(water._state.db, 'other') # ... but it isn't saved yet self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('default').values_list('title',flat=True)), [u'Pro Django']) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').values_list('title',flat=True)), [u'Dive into HTML5', u'Dive into Python']) # When saved, the new book goes to 'other' self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('default').values_list('title',flat=True)), [u'Pro Django']) self.assertEquals(list(Book.objects.using('other').values_list('title',flat=True)), [u'Dive into HTML5', u'Dive into Python', u'Dive into Water']) def test_foreign_key_deletion(self): "Cascaded deletions of Foreign Key relations issue queries on the right database" mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") fido = Pet.objects.using('other').create(name="Fido", owner=mark) # Check the initial state self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Pet.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('other').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Pet.objects.using('other').count(), 1) # Delete the person object, which will cascade onto the pet mark.delete(using='other') self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Pet.objects.using('default').count(), 0) # Both the pet and the person have been deleted from the right database self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('other').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Pet.objects.using('other').count(), 0) def test_foreign_key_validation(self): "ForeignKey.validate() uses the correct database" mickey = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mickey") pluto = Pet.objects.using('other').create(name="Pluto", owner=mickey) self.assertEquals(None, pluto.full_clean()) def test_o2o_separation(self): "OneToOne fields are constrained to a single database" # Create a user and profile on the default database alice = User.objects.db_manager('default').create_user('alice', '') alice_profile = UserProfile.objects.using('default').create(user=alice, flavor='chocolate') # Create a user and profile on the other database bob = User.objects.db_manager('other').create_user('bob', '') bob_profile = UserProfile.objects.using('other').create(user=bob, flavor='crunchy frog') # Retrieve related objects; queries should be database constrained alice = User.objects.using('default').get(username="alice") self.assertEquals(alice.userprofile.flavor, "chocolate") bob = User.objects.using('other').get(username="bob") self.assertEquals(bob.userprofile.flavor, "crunchy frog") # Check that queries work across joins self.assertEquals(list(User.objects.using('default').filter(userprofile__flavor='chocolate').values_list('username', flat=True)), [u'alice']) self.assertEquals(list(User.objects.using('other').filter(userprofile__flavor='chocolate').values_list('username', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(User.objects.using('default').filter(userprofile__flavor='crunchy frog').values_list('username', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(User.objects.using('other').filter(userprofile__flavor='crunchy frog').values_list('username', flat=True)), [u'bob']) # Reget the objects to clear caches alice_profile = UserProfile.objects.using('default').get(flavor='chocolate') bob_profile = UserProfile.objects.using('other').get(flavor='crunchy frog') # Retrive related object by descriptor. Related objects should be database-baound self.assertEquals(alice_profile.user.username, 'alice') self.assertEquals(bob_profile.user.username, 'bob') def test_o2o_cross_database_protection(self): "Operations that involve sharing FK objects across databases raise an error" # Create a user and profile on the default database alice = User.objects.db_manager('default').create_user('alice', '') # Create a user and profile on the other database bob = User.objects.db_manager('other').create_user('bob', '') # Set a one-to-one relation with an object from a different database alice_profile = UserProfile.objects.using('default').create(user=alice, flavor='chocolate') try: bob.userprofile = alice_profile"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # BUT! if you assign a FK object when the base object hasn't # been saved yet, you implicitly assign the database for the # base object. bob_profile = UserProfile.objects.using('other').create(user=bob, flavor='crunchy frog') new_bob_profile = UserProfile(flavor="spring surprise") charlie = User(username='charlie',email='') charlie.set_unusable_password() # initially, no db assigned self.assertEquals(new_bob_profile._state.db, None) self.assertEquals(charlie._state.db, None) # old object comes from 'other', so the new object is set to use 'other'... new_bob_profile.user = bob charlie.userprofile = bob_profile self.assertEquals(new_bob_profile._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(charlie._state.db, 'other') # ... but it isn't saved yet self.assertEquals(list(User.objects.using('other').values_list('username',flat=True)), [u'bob']) self.assertEquals(list(UserProfile.objects.using('other').values_list('flavor',flat=True)), [u'crunchy frog']) # When saved (no using required), new objects goes to 'other' self.assertEquals(list(User.objects.using('default').values_list('username',flat=True)), [u'alice']) self.assertEquals(list(User.objects.using('other').values_list('username',flat=True)), [u'bob', u'charlie']) self.assertEquals(list(UserProfile.objects.using('default').values_list('flavor',flat=True)), [u'chocolate']) self.assertEquals(list(UserProfile.objects.using('other').values_list('flavor',flat=True)), [u'crunchy frog', u'spring surprise']) # This also works if you assign the O2O relation in the constructor denise = User.objects.db_manager('other').create_user('denise','') denise_profile = UserProfile(flavor="tofu", user=denise) self.assertEquals(denise_profile._state.db, 'other') # ... but it isn't saved yet self.assertEquals(list(UserProfile.objects.using('default').values_list('flavor',flat=True)), [u'chocolate']) self.assertEquals(list(UserProfile.objects.using('other').values_list('flavor',flat=True)), [u'crunchy frog', u'spring surprise']) # When saved, the new profile goes to 'other' self.assertEquals(list(UserProfile.objects.using('default').values_list('flavor',flat=True)), [u'chocolate']) self.assertEquals(list(UserProfile.objects.using('other').values_list('flavor',flat=True)), [u'crunchy frog', u'spring surprise', u'tofu']) def test_generic_key_separation(self): "Generic fields are constrained to a single database" # Create a book and author on the default database pro = Book.objects.create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) review1 = Review.objects.create(source="Python Monthly", content_object=pro) # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) review2 = Review.objects.using('other').create(source="Python Weekly", content_object=dive) review1 = Review.objects.using('default').get(source="Python Monthly") self.assertEquals(review1.content_object.title, "Pro Django") review2 = Review.objects.using('other').get(source="Python Weekly") self.assertEquals(review2.content_object.title, "Dive into Python") # Reget the objects to clear caches dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title="Dive into Python") # Retrive related object by descriptor. Related objects should be database-bound self.assertEquals(list('source', flat=True)), [u'Python Weekly']) def test_generic_key_reverse_operations(self): "Generic reverse manipulations are all constrained to a single DB" dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) temp = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Temp",, 5, 4)) review1 = Review.objects.using('other').create(source="Python Weekly", content_object=dive) review2 = Review.objects.using('other').create(source="Python Monthly", content_object=temp) self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter('source', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter('source', flat=True)), [u'Python Weekly']) # Add a second review self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter('source', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter('source', flat=True)), [u'Python Monthly', u'Python Weekly']) # Remove the second author self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter('source', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter('source', flat=True)), [u'Python Monthly']) # Clear all reviews self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter('source', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter('source', flat=True)), []) # Create an author through the generic interface'Python Daily') self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter('source', flat=True)), []) self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter('source', flat=True)), [u'Python Daily']) def test_generic_key_cross_database_protection(self): "Operations that involve sharing generic key objects across databases raise an error" # Create a book and author on the default database pro = Book.objects.create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) review1 = Review.objects.create(source="Python Monthly", content_object=pro) # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) review2 = Review.objects.using('other').create(source="Python Weekly", content_object=dive) # Set a foreign key with an object from a different database try: review1.content_object = dive"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # Add to a foreign key set with an object from a different database try:"Shouldn't be able to assign across databases") except ValueError: pass # BUT! if you assign a FK object when the base object hasn't # been saved yet, you implicitly assign the database for the # base object. review3 = Review(source="Python Daily") # initially, no db assigned self.assertEquals(review3._state.db, None) # Dive comes from 'other', so review3 is set to use 'other'... review3.content_object = dive self.assertEquals(review3._state.db, 'other') # ... but it isn't saved yet self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter('source', flat=True)), [u'Python Monthly']) self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter('source',flat=True)), [u'Python Weekly']) # When saved, John goes to 'other' self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('default').filter('source', flat=True)), [u'Python Monthly']) self.assertEquals(list(Review.objects.using('other').filter('source',flat=True)), [u'Python Daily', u'Python Weekly']) def test_generic_key_deletion(self): "Cascaded deletions of Generic Key relations issue queries on the right database" dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) review = Review.objects.using('other').create(source="Python Weekly", content_object=dive) # Check the initial state self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Review.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Review.objects.using('other').count(), 1) # Delete the Book object, which will cascade onto the pet dive.delete(using='other') self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Review.objects.using('default').count(), 0) # Both the pet and the person have been deleted from the right database self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Review.objects.using('other').count(), 0) def test_ordering(self): "get_next_by_XXX commands stick to a single database" pro = Book.objects.create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) learn = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Learning Python",, 7, 16)) self.assertEquals(learn.get_next_by_published().title, "Dive into Python") self.assertEquals(dive.get_previous_by_published().title, "Learning Python") def test_raw(self): "test the raw() method across databases" dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) val = Book.objects.db_manager("other").raw('SELECT id FROM multiple_database_book') self.assertEqual(map(lambda o:, val), []) val = Book.objects.raw('SELECT id FROM multiple_database_book').using('other') self.assertEqual(map(lambda o:, val), []) def test_select_related(self): "Database assignment is retained if an object is retrieved with select_related()" # Create a book and author on the other database mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4), editor=mark) # Retrieve the Person using select_related() book = Book.objects.using('other').select_related('editor').get(title="Dive into Python") # The editor instance should have a db state self.assertEqual(book.editor._state.db, 'other') def test_subquery(self): """Make sure as_sql works with subqueries and master/slave.""" sub = Person.objects.using('other').filter(name='fff') qs = Book.objects.filter(editor__in=sub) # When you call __str__ on the query object, it doesn't know about using # so it falls back to the default. If the subquery explicitly uses a # different database, an error should be raised. self.assertRaises(ValueError, str, qs.query) # Evaluating the query shouldn't work, either try: for obj in qs: pass'Iterating over query should raise ValueError') except ValueError: pass def test_related_manager(self): "Related managers return managers, not querysets" mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") # extra_arg is removed by the BookManager's implementation of # create(); but the BookManager's implementation won't get called # unless edited returns a Manager, not a queryset mark.book_set.create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4), extra_arg=True) mark.book_set.get_or_create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4), extra_arg=True) mark.edited.create(title="Dive into Water",, 5, 4), extra_arg=True) mark.edited.get_or_create(title="Dive into Water",, 5, 4), extra_arg=True) class TestRouter(object): # A test router. The behaviour is vaguely master/slave, but the # databases aren't assumed to propagate changes. def db_for_read(self, model, instance=None, **hints): if instance: return instance._state.db or 'other' return 'other' def db_for_write(self, model, **hints): return DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS def allow_relation(self, obj1, obj2, **hints): return obj1._state.db in ('default', 'other') and obj2._state.db in ('default', 'other') def allow_syncdb(self, db, model): return True class AuthRouter(object): """A router to control all database operations on models in the contrib.auth application""" def db_for_read(self, model, **hints): "Point all read operations on auth models to 'default'" if model._meta.app_label == 'auth': # We use default here to ensure we can tell the difference # between a read request and a write request for Auth objects return 'default' return None def db_for_write(self, model, **hints): "Point all operations on auth models to 'other'" if model._meta.app_label == 'auth': return 'other' return None def allow_relation(self, obj1, obj2, **hints): "Allow any relation if a model in Auth is involved" if obj1._meta.app_label == 'auth' or obj2._meta.app_label == 'auth': return True return None def allow_syncdb(self, db, model): "Make sure the auth app only appears on the 'other' db" if db == 'other': return model._meta.app_label == 'auth' elif model._meta.app_label == 'auth': return False return None class WriteRouter(object): # A router that only expresses an opinion on writes def db_for_write(self, model, **hints): return 'writer' class RouterTestCase(TestCase): multi_db = True def setUp(self): # Make the 'other' database appear to be a slave of the 'default' self.old_routers = router.routers router.routers = [TestRouter()] def tearDown(self): # Restore the 'other' database as an independent database router.routers = self.old_routers def test_db_selection(self): "Check that querysets obey the router for db suggestions" self.assertEquals(Book.objects.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(Book.objects.all().db, 'other') self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').db, 'default') self.assertEquals(Book.objects.db_manager('default').db, 'default') self.assertEquals(Book.objects.db_manager('default').all().db, 'default') def test_syncdb_selection(self): "Synchronization behaviour is predicatable" self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('default', User)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('default', Book)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('other', User)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('other', Book)) # Add the auth router to the chain. # TestRouter is a universal synchronizer, so it should have no effect. router.routers = [TestRouter(), AuthRouter()] self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('default', User)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('default', Book)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('other', User)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('other', Book)) # Now check what happens if the router order is the other way around router.routers = [AuthRouter(), TestRouter()] self.assertFalse(router.allow_syncdb('default', User)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('default', Book)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('other', User)) self.assertFalse(router.allow_syncdb('other', Book)) def test_partial_router(self): "A router can choose to implement a subset of methods" dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) # First check the baseline behaviour self.assertEquals(router.db_for_read(User), 'other') self.assertEquals(router.db_for_read(Book), 'other') self.assertEquals(router.db_for_write(User), 'default') self.assertEquals(router.db_for_write(Book), 'default') self.assertTrue(router.allow_relation(dive, dive)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('default', User)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('default', Book)) router.routers = [WriteRouter(), AuthRouter(), TestRouter()] self.assertEquals(router.db_for_read(User), 'default') self.assertEquals(router.db_for_read(Book), 'other') self.assertEquals(router.db_for_write(User), 'writer') self.assertEquals(router.db_for_write(Book), 'writer') self.assertTrue(router.allow_relation(dive, dive)) self.assertFalse(router.allow_syncdb('default', User)) self.assertTrue(router.allow_syncdb('default', Book)) def test_database_routing(self): marty = Person.objects.using('default').create(name="Marty Alchin") pro = Book.objects.using('default').create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16), editor=marty) pro.authors = [marty] # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) # An update query will be routed to the default database Book.objects.filter(title='Pro Django').update(pages=200) try: # By default, the get query will be directed to 'other' Book.objects.get(title='Pro Django')"Shouldn't be able to find the book") except Book.DoesNotExist: pass # But the same query issued explicitly at a database will work. pro = Book.objects.using('default').get(title='Pro Django') # Check that the update worked. self.assertEquals(pro.pages, 200) # An update query with an explicit using clause will be routed # to the requested database. Book.objects.using('other').filter(title='Dive into Python').update(pages=300) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.get(title='Dive into Python').pages, 300) # Related object queries stick to the same database # as the original object, regardless of the router self.assertEquals(list(pro.authors.values_list('name', flat=True)), [u'Marty Alchin']) self.assertEquals(, u'Marty Alchin') # get_or_create is a special case. The get needs to be targetted at # the write database in order to avoid potential transaction # consistency problems book, created = Book.objects.get_or_create(title="Pro Django") self.assertFalse(created) book, created = Book.objects.get_or_create(title="Dive Into Python", defaults={'published', 5, 4)}) self.assertTrue(created) # Check the head count of objects self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 2) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 1) # If a database isn't specified, the read database is used self.assertEquals(Book.objects.count(), 1) # A delete query will also be routed to the default database Book.objects.filter(pages__gt=150).delete() # The default database has lost the book. self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 1) def test_foreign_key_cross_database_protection(self): "Foreign keys can cross databases if they two databases have a common source" # Create a book and author on the default database pro = Book.objects.using('default').create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) marty = Person.objects.using('default').create(name="Marty Alchin") # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") # Set a foreign key with an object from a different database try: dive.editor = marty except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Database assignments of original objects haven't changed... self.assertEquals(marty._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(mark._state.db, 'other') # ... but they will when the affected object is saved. self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'default') # ...and the source database now has a copy of any object saved try: Book.objects.using('default').get(title='Dive into Python').delete() except Book.DoesNotExist:'Source database should have a copy of saved object') # This isn't a real master-slave database, so restore the original from other dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title='Dive into Python') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') # Set a foreign key set with an object from a different database try: marty.edited = [pro, dive] except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Assignment implies a save, so database assignments of original objects have changed... self.assertEquals(marty._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(mark._state.db, 'other') # ...and the source database now has a copy of any object saved try: Book.objects.using('default').get(title='Dive into Python').delete() except Book.DoesNotExist:'Source database should have a copy of saved object') # This isn't a real master-slave database, so restore the original from other dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title='Dive into Python') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') # Add to a foreign key set with an object from a different database try: marty.edited.add(dive) except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Add implies a save, so database assignments of original objects have changed... self.assertEquals(marty._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(mark._state.db, 'other') # ...and the source database now has a copy of any object saved try: Book.objects.using('default').get(title='Dive into Python').delete() except Book.DoesNotExist:'Source database should have a copy of saved object') # This isn't a real master-slave database, so restore the original from other dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title='Dive into Python') # If you assign a FK object when the base object hasn't # been saved yet, you implicitly assign the database for the # base object. chris = Person(name="Chris Mills") html5 = Book(title="Dive into HTML5",, 3, 15)) # initially, no db assigned self.assertEquals(chris._state.db, None) self.assertEquals(html5._state.db, None) # old object comes from 'other', so the new object is set to use the # source of 'other'... self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') dive.editor = chris html5.editor = mark self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(mark._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(chris._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(html5._state.db, 'default') # This also works if you assign the FK in the constructor water = Book(title="Dive into Water",, 1, 1), editor=mark) self.assertEquals(water._state.db, 'default') # If you create an object through a FK relation, it will be # written to the write database, even if the original object # was on the read database cheesecake = mark.edited.create(title='Dive into Cheesecake',, 3, 15)) self.assertEquals(cheesecake._state.db, 'default') # Same goes for get_or_create, regardless of whether getting or creating cheesecake, created = mark.edited.get_or_create(title='Dive into Cheesecake',, 3, 15)) self.assertEquals(cheesecake._state.db, 'default') puddles, created = mark.edited.get_or_create(title='Dive into Puddles',, 3, 15)) self.assertEquals(puddles._state.db, 'default') def test_m2m_cross_database_protection(self): "M2M relations can cross databases if the database share a source" # Create books and authors on the inverse to the usual database pro = Book.objects.using('other').create(pk=1, title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) marty = Person.objects.using('other').create(pk=1, name="Marty Alchin") dive = Book.objects.using('default').create(pk=2, title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) mark = Person.objects.using('default').create(pk=2, name="Mark Pilgrim") # Now save back onto the usual databse. # This simulates master/slave - the objects exist on both database, # but the _state.db is as it is for all other tests.'default')'default')'other')'other') # Check that we have 2 of both types of object on both databases self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('default').count(), 2) self.assertEquals(Book.objects.using('other').count(), 2) self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('default').count(), 2) self.assertEquals(Person.objects.using('other').count(), 2) # Set a m2m set with an object from a different database try: marty.book_set = [pro, dive] except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Database assignments don't change self.assertEquals(marty._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(mark._state.db, 'other') # All m2m relations should be saved on the default database self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 2) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 0) # Reset relations Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').delete() # Add to an m2m with an object from a different database try: marty.book_set.add(dive) except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Database assignments don't change self.assertEquals(marty._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(mark._state.db, 'other') # All m2m relations should be saved on the default database self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 0) # Reset relations Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').delete() # Set a reverse m2m with an object from a different database try: dive.authors = [mark, marty] except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Database assignments don't change self.assertEquals(marty._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(mark._state.db, 'other') # All m2m relations should be saved on the default database self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 2) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 0) # Reset relations Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').delete() self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 0) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 0) # Add to a reverse m2m with an object from a different database try: dive.authors.add(marty) except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Database assignments don't change self.assertEquals(marty._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(mark._state.db, 'other') # All m2m relations should be saved on the default database self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('default').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Book.authors.through.objects.using('other').count(), 0) # If you create an object through a M2M relation, it will be # written to the write database, even if the original object # was on the read database alice = dive.authors.create(name='Alice') self.assertEquals(alice._state.db, 'default') # Same goes for get_or_create, regardless of whether getting or creating alice, created = dive.authors.get_or_create(name='Alice') self.assertEquals(alice._state.db, 'default') bob, created = dive.authors.get_or_create(name='Bob') self.assertEquals(bob._state.db, 'default') def test_o2o_cross_database_protection(self): "Operations that involve sharing FK objects across databases raise an error" # Create a user and profile on the default database alice = User.objects.db_manager('default').create_user('alice', '') # Create a user and profile on the other database bob = User.objects.db_manager('other').create_user('bob', '') # Set a one-to-one relation with an object from a different database alice_profile = UserProfile.objects.create(user=alice, flavor='chocolate') try: bob.userprofile = alice_profile except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Database assignments of original objects haven't changed... self.assertEquals(alice._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(alice_profile._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(bob._state.db, 'other') # ... but they will when the affected object is saved. self.assertEquals(bob._state.db, 'default') def test_generic_key_cross_database_protection(self): "Generic Key operations can span databases if they share a source" # Create a book and author on the default database pro = Book.objects.using('default' ).create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) review1 = Review.objects.using('default' ).create(source="Python Monthly", content_object=pro) # Create a book and author on the other database dive = Book.objects.using('other' ).create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4)) review2 = Review.objects.using('other' ).create(source="Python Weekly", content_object=dive) # Set a generic foreign key with an object from a different database try: review1.content_object = dive except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Database assignments of original objects haven't changed... self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(review1._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(review2._state.db, 'other') # ... but they will when the affected object is saved. self.assertEquals(review1._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'default') # ...and the source database now has a copy of any object saved try: Book.objects.using('default').get(title='Dive into Python').delete() except Book.DoesNotExist:'Source database should have a copy of saved object') # This isn't a real master-slave database, so restore the original from other dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title='Dive into Python') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') # Add to a generic foreign key set with an object from a different database try: except ValueError:"Assignment across master/slave databases with a common source should be ok") # Database assignments of original objects haven't changed... self.assertEquals(pro._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(review1._state.db, 'default') self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(review2._state.db, 'other') # ... but they will when the affected object is saved. self.assertEquals(dive._state.db, 'default') # ...and the source database now has a copy of any object saved try: Book.objects.using('default').get(title='Dive into Python').delete() except Book.DoesNotExist:'Source database should have a copy of saved object') # BUT! if you assign a FK object when the base object hasn't # been saved yet, you implicitly assign the database for the # base object. review3 = Review(source="Python Daily") # initially, no db assigned self.assertEquals(review3._state.db, None) # Dive comes from 'other', so review3 is set to use the source of 'other'... review3.content_object = dive self.assertEquals(review3._state.db, 'default') # If you create an object through a M2M relation, it will be # written to the write database, even if the original object # was on the read database dive = Book.objects.using('other').get(title='Dive into Python') nyt ="New York Times", content_object=dive) self.assertEquals(nyt._state.db, 'default') def test_m2m_managers(self): "M2M relations are represented by managers, and can be controlled like managers" pro = Book.objects.using('other').create(pk=1, title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) marty = Person.objects.using('other').create(pk=1, name="Marty Alchin") pro.authors = [marty] self.assertEquals(pro.authors.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(pro.authors.db_manager('default').db, 'default') self.assertEquals(pro.authors.db_manager('default').all().db, 'default') self.assertEquals(marty.book_set.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(marty.book_set.db_manager('default').db, 'default') self.assertEquals(marty.book_set.db_manager('default').all().db, 'default') def test_foreign_key_managers(self): "FK reverse relations are represented by managers, and can be controlled like managers" marty = Person.objects.using('other').create(pk=1, name="Marty Alchin") pro = Book.objects.using('other').create(pk=1, title="Pro Django",, 12, 16), editor=marty) self.assertEquals(marty.edited.db, 'other') self.assertEquals(marty.edited.db_manager('default').db, 'default') self.assertEquals(marty.edited.db_manager('default').all().db, 'default') def test_generic_key_managers(self): "Generic key relations are represented by managers, and can be controlled like managers" pro = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Pro Django",, 12, 16)) review1 = Review.objects.using('other').create(source="Python Monthly", content_object=pro) self.assertEquals(, 'other') self.assertEquals('default').db, 'default') self.assertEquals('default').all().db, 'default') def test_subquery(self): """Make sure as_sql works with subqueries and master/slave.""" # Create a book and author on the other database mark = Person.objects.using('other').create(name="Mark Pilgrim") dive = Book.objects.using('other').create(title="Dive into Python",, 5, 4), editor=mark) sub = Person.objects.filter(name='Mark Pilgrim') qs = Book.objects.filter(editor__in=sub) # When you call __str__ on the query object, it doesn't know about using # so it falls back to the default. Don't let routing instructions # force the subquery to an incompatible database. str(qs.query) # If you evaluate the query, it should work, running on 'other' self.assertEquals(list(qs.values_list('title', flat=True)), [u'Dive into Python']) class AuthTestCase(TestCase): multi_db = True def setUp(self): # Make the 'other' database appear to be a slave of the 'default' self.old_routers = router.routers router.routers = [AuthRouter()] def tearDown(self): # Restore the 'other' database as an independent database router.routers = self.old_routers def test_auth_manager(self): "The methods on the auth manager obey database hints" # Create one user using default allocation policy User.objects.create_user('alice', '') # Create another user, explicitly specifying the database User.objects.db_manager('default').create_user('bob', '') # The second user only exists on the other database alice = User.objects.using('other').get(username='alice') self.assertEquals(alice.username, 'alice') self.assertEquals(alice._state.db, 'other') self.assertRaises(User.DoesNotExist, User.objects.using('default').get, username='alice') # The second user only exists on the default database bob = User.objects.using('default').get(username='bob') self.assertEquals(bob.username, 'bob') self.assertEquals(bob._state.db, 'default') self.assertRaises(User.DoesNotExist, User.objects.using('other').get, username='bob') # That is... there is one user on each database self.assertEquals(User.objects.using('default').count(), 1) self.assertEquals(User.objects.using('other').count(), 1) def test_dumpdata(self): "Check that dumpdata honors allow_syncdb restrictions on the router" User.objects.create_user('alice', '') User.objects.db_manager('default').create_user('bob', '') # Check that dumping the default database doesn't try to include auth # because allow_syncdb prohibits auth on default new_io = StringIO() management.call_command('dumpdata', 'auth', format='json', database='default', stdout=new_io) command_output = new_io.getvalue().strip() self.assertEqual(command_output, '[]') # Check that dumping the other database does include auth new_io = StringIO() management.call_command('dumpdata', 'auth', format='json', database='other', stdout=new_io) command_output = new_io.getvalue().strip() self.assertTrue('"email": "",' in command_output) _missing = object() class UserProfileTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.old_auth_profile_module = getattr(settings, 'AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE', _missing) settings.AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'multiple_database.UserProfile' def tearDown(self): if self.old_auth_profile_module is _missing: del settings.AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE else: settings.AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = self.old_auth_profile_module def test_user_profiles(self): alice = User.objects.create_user('alice', '') bob = User.objects.db_manager('other').create_user('bob', '') alice_profile = UserProfile(user=alice, flavor='chocolate') bob_profile = UserProfile(user=bob, flavor='crunchy frog') self.assertEquals(alice.get_profile().flavor, 'chocolate') self.assertEquals(bob.get_profile().flavor, 'crunchy frog') class AntiPetRouter(object): # A router that only expresses an opinion on syncdb, # passing pets to the 'other' database def allow_syncdb(self, db, model): "Make sure the auth app only appears on the 'other' db" if db == 'other': return model._meta.object_name == 'Pet' else: return model._meta.object_name != 'Pet' return None class FixtureTestCase(TestCase): multi_db = True fixtures = ['multidb-common', 'multidb'] def setUp(self): # Install the anti-pet router self.old_routers = router.routers router.routers = [AntiPetRouter()] def tearDown(self): # Restore the 'other' database as an independent database router.routers = self.old_routers def test_fixture_loading(self): "Multi-db fixtures are loaded correctly" # Check that "Pro Django" exists on the default database, but not on other database try: Book.objects.get(title="Pro Django") Book.objects.using('default').get(title="Pro Django") except Book.DoesNotExist:'"Pro Django" should exist on default database') self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('other').get, title="Pro Django" ) # Check that "Dive into Python" exists on the default database, but not on other database try: Book.objects.using('other').get(title="Dive into Python") except Book.DoesNotExist:'"Dive into Python" should exist on other database') self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.get, title="Dive into Python" ) self.assertRaises(Book.DoesNotExist, Book.objects.using('default').get, title="Dive into Python" ) # Check that "Definitive Guide" exists on the both databases try: Book.objects.get(title="The Definitive Guide to Django") Book.objects.using('default').get(title="The Definitive Guide to Django") Book.objects.using('other').get(title="The Definitive Guide to Django") except Book.DoesNotExist:'"The Definitive Guide to Django" should exist on both databases') def test_pseudo_empty_fixtures(self): "A fixture can contain entries, but lead to nothing in the database; this shouldn't raise an error (ref #14068)" new_io = StringIO() management.call_command('loaddata', 'pets', stdout=new_io, stderr=new_io) command_output = new_io.getvalue().strip() # No objects will actually be loaded self.assertTrue("Installed 0 object(s) (of 2) from 1 fixture(s)" in command_output) class PickleQuerySetTestCase(TestCase): multi_db = True def test_pickling(self): for db in connections: Book.objects.using(db).create(title='Dive into Python',, 5, 4)) qs = Book.objects.all() self.assertEqual(qs.db, pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(qs)).db)