path: root/parts/django/tests/regressiontests/delete_regress/
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Diffstat (limited to 'parts/django/tests/regressiontests/delete_regress/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/parts/django/tests/regressiontests/delete_regress/ b/parts/django/tests/regressiontests/delete_regress/
deleted file mode 100644
index 26cd3c5..0000000
--- a/parts/django/tests/regressiontests/delete_regress/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-import datetime
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.db import backend, connection, transaction, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
-from django.test import TestCase, TransactionTestCase
-from models import Book, Award, AwardNote, Person, Child, Toy, PlayedWith, PlayedWithNote
-# Can't run this test under SQLite, because you can't
-# get two connections to an in-memory database.
-if settings.DATABASES[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]['ENGINE'] != 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
- class DeleteLockingTest(TransactionTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- # Create a second connection to the default database
- conn_settings = settings.DATABASES[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]
- self.conn2 = backend.DatabaseWrapper({
- 'HOST': conn_settings['HOST'],
- 'NAME': conn_settings['NAME'],
- 'OPTIONS': conn_settings['OPTIONS'],
- 'PASSWORD': conn_settings['PASSWORD'],
- 'PORT': conn_settings['PORT'],
- 'USER': conn_settings['USER'],
- 'TIME_ZONE': settings.TIME_ZONE,
- })
- # Put both DB connections into managed transaction mode
- transaction.enter_transaction_management()
- transaction.managed(True)
- self.conn2._enter_transaction_management(True)
- def tearDown(self):
- # Close down the second connection.
- transaction.leave_transaction_management()
- self.conn2.close()
- def test_concurrent_delete(self):
- "Deletes on concurrent transactions don't collide and lock the database. Regression for #9479"
- # Create some dummy data
- b1 = Book(id=1, pagecount=100)
- b2 = Book(id=2, pagecount=200)
- b3 = Book(id=3, pagecount=300)
- transaction.commit()
- self.assertEquals(3, Book.objects.count())
- # Delete something using connection 2.
- cursor2 = self.conn2.cursor()
- cursor2.execute('DELETE from delete_regress_book WHERE id=1')
- self.conn2._commit();
- # Now perform a queryset delete that covers the object
- # deleted in connection 2. This causes an infinite loop
- # under MySQL InnoDB unless we keep track of already
- # deleted objects.
- Book.objects.filter(pagecount__lt=250).delete()
- transaction.commit()
- self.assertEquals(1, Book.objects.count())
-class DeleteCascadeTests(TestCase):
- def test_generic_relation_cascade(self):
- """
- Test that Django cascades deletes through generic-related
- objects to their reverse relations.
- This might falsely succeed if the database cascades deletes
- itself immediately; the postgresql_psycopg2 backend does not
- give such a false success because ForeignKeys are created with
- DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, so its internal cascade is
- delayed until transaction commit.
- """
- person = Person.objects.create(name='Nelson Mandela')
- award = Award.objects.create(name='Nobel', content_object=person)
- note = AwardNote.objects.create(note='a peace prize',
- award=award)
- self.assertEquals(AwardNote.objects.count(), 1)
- person.delete()
- self.assertEquals(Award.objects.count(), 0)
- # first two asserts are just sanity checks, this is the kicker:
- self.assertEquals(AwardNote.objects.count(), 0)
- def test_fk_to_m2m_through(self):
- """
- Test that if a M2M relationship has an explicitly-specified
- through model, and some other model has an FK to that through
- model, deletion is cascaded from one of the participants in
- the M2M, to the through model, to its related model.
- Like the above test, this could in theory falsely succeed if
- the DB cascades deletes itself immediately.
- """
- juan = Child.objects.create(name='Juan')
- paints = Toy.objects.create(name='Paints')
- played = PlayedWith.objects.create(child=juan, toy=paints,
- note = PlayedWithNote.objects.create(played=played,
- note='the next Jackson Pollock')
- self.assertEquals(PlayedWithNote.objects.count(), 1)
- paints.delete()
- self.assertEquals(PlayedWith.objects.count(), 0)
- # first two asserts just sanity checks, this is the kicker:
- self.assertEquals(PlayedWithNote.objects.count(), 0)
-class LargeDeleteTests(TestCase):
- def test_large_deletes(self):
- "Regression for #13309 -- if the number of objects > chunk size, deletion still occurs"
- for x in range(300):
- track = Book.objects.create(pagecount=x+100)
- Book.objects.all().delete()
- self.assertEquals(Book.objects.count(), 0)