path: root/parts/django/docs/topics/http/urls.txt
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+URL dispatcher
+.. module:: django.core.urlresolvers
+A clean, elegant URL scheme is an important detail in a high-quality Web
+application. Django lets you design URLs however you want, with no framework
+There's no ``.php`` or ``.cgi`` required, and certainly none of that
+``0,2097,1-1-1928,00`` nonsense.
+See `Cool URIs don't change`_, by World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee, for
+excellent arguments on why URLs should be clean and usable.
+.. _Cool URIs don't change:
+To design URLs for an app, you create a Python module informally called a
+**URLconf** (URL configuration). This module is pure Python code and
+is a simple mapping between URL patterns (as simple regular expressions) to
+Python callback functions (your views).
+This mapping can be as short or as long as needed. It can reference other
+mappings. And, because it's pure Python code, it can be constructed
+.. _how-django-processes-a-request:
+How Django processes a request
+When a user requests a page from your Django-powered site, this is the
+algorithm the system follows to determine which Python code to execute:
+ 1. Django determines the root URLconf module to use. Ordinarily,
+ this is the value of the :setting:`ROOT_URLCONF` setting, but if the incoming
+ ``HttpRequest`` object has an attribute called ``urlconf`` (set by
+ middleware :ref:`request processing <request-middleware>`), its value
+ will be used in place of the :setting:`ROOT_URLCONF` setting.
+ 2. Django loads that Python module and looks for the variable
+ ``urlpatterns``. This should be a Python list, in the format returned by
+ the function :func:`django.conf.urls.defaults.patterns`.
+ 3. Django runs through each URL pattern, in order, and stops at the first
+ one that matches the requested URL.
+ 4. Once one of the regexes matches, Django imports and calls the given
+ view, which is a simple Python function. The view gets passed an
+ :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` as its first argument and any values
+ captured in the regex as remaining arguments.
+Here's a sample URLconf::
+ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^articles/2003/$', 'news.views.special_case_2003'),
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/$', 'news.views.year_archive'),
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/$', 'news.views.month_archive'),
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d+)/$', 'news.views.article_detail'),
+ )
+ * ``from django.conf.urls.defaults import *`` makes the ``patterns()``
+ function available.
+ * To capture a value from the URL, just put parenthesis around it.
+ * There's no need to add a leading slash, because every URL has that. For
+ example, it's ``^articles``, not ``^/articles``.
+ * The ``'r'`` in front of each regular expression string is optional but
+ recommended. It tells Python that a string is "raw" -- that nothing in
+ the string should be escaped. See `Dive Into Python's explanation`_.
+Example requests:
+ * A request to ``/articles/2005/03/`` would match the third entry in the
+ list. Django would call the function
+ ``news.views.month_archive(request, '2005', '03')``.
+ * ``/articles/2005/3/`` would not match any URL patterns, because the
+ third entry in the list requires two digits for the month.
+ * ``/articles/2003/`` would match the first pattern in the list, not the
+ second one, because the patterns are tested in order, and the first one
+ is the first test to pass. Feel free to exploit the ordering to insert
+ special cases like this.
+ * ``/articles/2003`` would not match any of these patterns, because each
+ pattern requires that the URL end with a slash.
+ * ``/articles/2003/03/3/`` would match the final pattern. Django would call
+ the function ``news.views.article_detail(request, '2003', '03', '3')``.
+.. _Dive Into Python's explanation:
+Named groups
+The above example used simple, *non-named* regular-expression groups (via
+parenthesis) to capture bits of the URL and pass them as *positional* arguments
+to a view. In more advanced usage, it's possible to use *named*
+regular-expression groups to capture URL bits and pass them as *keyword*
+arguments to a view.
+In Python regular expressions, the syntax for named regular-expression groups
+is ``(?P<name>pattern)``, where ``name`` is the name of the group and
+``pattern`` is some pattern to match.
+Here's the above example URLconf, rewritten to use named groups::
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^articles/2003/$', 'news.views.special_case_2003'),
+ (r'^articles/(?P<year>\d{4})/$', 'news.views.year_archive'),
+ (r'^articles/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{2})/$', 'news.views.month_archive'),
+ (r'^articles/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{2})/(?P<day>\d+)/$', 'news.views.article_detail'),
+ )
+This accomplishes exactly the same thing as the previous example, with one
+subtle difference: The captured values are passed to view functions as keyword
+arguments rather than positional arguments. For example:
+ * A request to ``/articles/2005/03/`` would call the function
+ ``news.views.month_archive(request, year='2005', month='03')``, instead
+ of ``news.views.month_archive(request, '2005', '03')``.
+ * A request to ``/articles/2003/03/3/`` would call the function
+ ``news.views.article_detail(request, year='2003', month='03', day='3')``.
+In practice, this means your URLconfs are slightly more explicit and less prone
+to argument-order bugs -- and you can reorder the arguments in your views'
+function definitions. Of course, these benefits come at the cost of brevity;
+some developers find the named-group syntax ugly and too verbose.
+The matching/grouping algorithm
+Here's the algorithm the URLconf parser follows, with respect to named groups
+vs. non-named groups in a regular expression:
+If there are any named arguments, it will use those, ignoring non-named arguments.
+Otherwise, it will pass all non-named arguments as positional arguments.
+In both cases, it will pass any extra keyword arguments as keyword arguments.
+See "Passing extra options to view functions" below.
+What the URLconf searches against
+The URLconf searches against the requested URL, as a normal Python string. This
+does not include GET or POST parameters, or the domain name.
+For example, in a request to ````, the URLconf
+will look for ``myapp/``.
+In a request to ````, the URLconf will look
+for ``myapp/``.
+The URLconf doesn't look at the request method. In other words, all request
+methods -- ``POST``, ``GET``, ``HEAD``, etc. -- will be routed to the same
+function for the same URL.
+Syntax of the urlpatterns variable
+``urlpatterns`` should be a Python list, in the format returned by the function
+:func:`django.conf.urls.defaults.patterns`. Always use ``patterns()`` to create
+the ``urlpatterns`` variable.
+Convention is to use ``from django.conf.urls.defaults import *`` at the top of
+your URLconf. This gives your module access to these objects:
+.. module:: django.conf.urls.defaults
+.. function:: patterns(prefix, pattern_description, ...)
+A function that takes a prefix, and an arbitrary number of URL patterns, and
+returns a list of URL patterns in the format Django needs.
+The first argument to ``patterns()`` is a string ``prefix``. See
+`The view prefix`_ below.
+The remaining arguments should be tuples in this format::
+ (regular expression, Python callback function [, optional dictionary [, optional name]])
+...where ``optional dictionary`` and ``optional name`` are optional. (See
+`Passing extra options to view functions`_ below.)
+.. note::
+ Because `patterns()` is a function call, it accepts a maximum of 255
+ arguments (URL patterns, in this case). This is a limit for all Python
+ function calls. This is rarely a problem in practice, because you'll
+ typically structure your URL patterns modularly by using `include()`
+ sections. However, on the off-chance you do hit the 255-argument limit,
+ realize that `patterns()` returns a Python list, so you can split up the
+ construction of the list.
+ ::
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ ...
+ )
+ urlpatterns += patterns('',
+ ...
+ )
+ Python lists have unlimited size, so there's no limit to how many URL
+ patterns you can construct. The only limit is that you can only create 254
+ at a time (the 255th argument is the initial prefix argument).
+.. versionadded:: 1.0
+.. function:: url(regex, view, kwargs=None, name=None, prefix='')
+You can use the ``url()`` function, instead of a tuple, as an argument to
+``patterns()``. This is convenient if you want to specify a name without the
+optional extra arguments dictionary. For example::
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ url(r'^index/$', index_view, name="main-view"),
+ ...
+ )
+This function takes five arguments, most of which are optional::
+ url(regex, view, kwargs=None, name=None, prefix='')
+See `Naming URL patterns`_ for why the ``name`` parameter is useful.
+The ``prefix`` parameter has the same meaning as the first argument to
+``patterns()`` and is only relevant when you're passing a string as the
+``view`` parameter.
+.. data:: handler404
+A callable, or a string representing the full Python import path to the view
+that should be called if none of the URL patterns match.
+By default, this is ``'django.views.defaults.page_not_found'``. That default
+value should suffice.
+.. versionchanged:: 1.2
+ Previous versions of Django only accepted strings representing import paths.
+.. data:: handler500
+A callable, or a string representing the full Python import path to the view
+that should be called in case of server errors. Server errors happen when you
+have runtime errors in view code.
+By default, this is ``'django.views.defaults.server_error'``. That default
+value should suffice.
+.. versionchanged:: 1.2
+ Previous versions of Django only accepted strings representing import paths.
+.. function:: include(<module or pattern_list>)
+A function that takes a full Python import path to another URLconf module that
+should be "included" in this place.
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+:func:`include` also accepts as an argument an iterable that returns URL
+See `Including other URLconfs`_ below.
+Notes on capturing text in URLs
+Each captured argument is sent to the view as a plain Python string, regardless
+of what sort of match the regular expression makes. For example, in this
+URLconf line::
+ (r'^articles/(?P<year>\d{4})/$', 'news.views.year_archive'),
+...the ``year`` argument to ``news.views.year_archive()`` will be a string, not
+an integer, even though the ``\d{4}`` will only match integer strings.
+A convenient trick is to specify default parameters for your views' arguments.
+Here's an example URLconf and view::
+ # URLconf
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^blog/$', ''),
+ (r'^blog/page(?P<num>\d+)/$', ''),
+ )
+ # View (in blog/
+ def page(request, num="1"):
+ # Output the appropriate page of blog entries, according to num.
+In the above example, both URL patterns point to the same view --
+```` -- but the first pattern doesn't capture anything from the
+URL. If the first pattern matches, the ``page()`` function will use its
+default argument for ``num``, ``"1"``. If the second pattern matches,
+``page()`` will use whatever ``num`` value was captured by the regex.
+Each regular expression in a ``urlpatterns`` is compiled the first time it's
+accessed. This makes the system blazingly fast.
+The view prefix
+You can specify a common prefix in your ``patterns()`` call, to cut down on
+code duplication.
+Here's the example URLconf from the :doc:`Django overview </intro/overview>`::
+ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/$', 'news.views.year_archive'),
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/$', 'news.views.month_archive'),
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d+)/$', 'news.views.article_detail'),
+ )
+In this example, each view has a common prefix -- ``'news.views'``.
+Instead of typing that out for each entry in ``urlpatterns``, you can use the
+first argument to the ``patterns()`` function to specify a prefix to apply to
+each view function.
+With this in mind, the above example can be written more concisely as::
+ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+ urlpatterns = patterns('news.views',
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/$', 'year_archive'),
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/$', 'month_archive'),
+ (r'^articles/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d+)/$', 'article_detail'),
+ )
+Note that you don't put a trailing dot (``"."``) in the prefix. Django puts
+that in automatically.
+Multiple view prefixes
+In practice, you'll probably end up mixing and matching views to the point
+where the views in your ``urlpatterns`` won't have a common prefix. However,
+you can still take advantage of the view prefix shortcut to remove duplication.
+Just add multiple ``patterns()`` objects together, like this:
+ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index'),
+ (r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/$', 'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_month'),
+ (r'^tag/(?P<tag>\w+)/$', 'weblog.views.tag'),
+ )
+ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+ urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.date_based',
+ (r'^$', 'archive_index'),
+ (r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/$','archive_month'),
+ )
+ urlpatterns += patterns('weblog.views',
+ (r'^tag/(?P<tag>\w+)/$', 'tag'),
+ )
+Including other URLconfs
+At any point, your ``urlpatterns`` can "include" other URLconf modules. This
+essentially "roots" a set of URLs below other ones.
+For example, here's the URLconf for the `Django Web site`_ itself. It includes a
+number of other URLconfs::
+ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^weblog/', include('')),
+ (r'^documentation/', include('')),
+ (r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),
+ )
+Note that the regular expressions in this example don't have a ``$``
+(end-of-string match character) but do include a trailing slash. Whenever
+Django encounters ``include()``, it chops off whatever part of the URL matched
+up to that point and sends the remaining string to the included URLconf for
+further processing.
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+Another possibility is to include additional URL patterns not by specifying the
+URLconf Python module defining them as the `include`_ argument but by using
+directly the pattern list as returned by `patterns`_ instead. For example::
+ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+ extra_patterns = patterns('',
+ url(r'reports/(?P<id>\d+)/$', '', name='credit-reports'),
+ url(r'charge/$', 'credit.views.charge', name='credit-charge'),
+ )
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ url(r'^$', 'apps.main.views.homepage', name='site-homepage'),
+ (r'^help/', include('')),
+ (r'^credit/', include(extra_patterns)),
+ )
+This approach can be seen in use when you deploy an instance of the Django
+Admin application. The Django Admin is deployed as instances of a
+:class:`~django.contrib.admin.AdminSite`; each
+:class:`~django.contrib.admin.AdminSite` instance has an attribute ``urls``
+that returns the url patterns available to that instance. It is this attribute
+that you ``include()`` into your projects ``urlpatterns`` when you deploy the
+admin instance.
+.. _`Django Web site`:
+Captured parameters
+An included URLconf receives any captured parameters from parent URLconfs, so
+the following example is valid::
+ # In settings/urls/
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^(?P<username>\w+)/blog/', include('')),
+ )
+ # In foo/urls/
+ urlpatterns = patterns('foo.views',
+ (r'^$', 'blog.index'),
+ (r'^archive/$', 'blog.archive'),
+ )
+In the above example, the captured ``"username"`` variable is passed to the
+included URLconf, as expected.
+.. _topics-http-defining-url-namespaces:
+Defining URL Namespaces
+When you need to deploy multiple instances of a single application, it can be
+helpful to be able to differentiate between instances. This is especially
+important when using :ref:`named URL patterns <naming-url-patterns>`, since
+multiple instances of a single application will share named URLs. Namespaces
+provide a way to tell these named URLs apart.
+A URL namespace comes in two parts, both of which are strings:
+ * An **application namespace**. This describes the name of the application
+ that is being deployed. Every instance of a single application will have
+ the same application namespace. For example, Django's admin application
+ has the somewhat predictable application namespace of ``admin``.
+ * An **instance namespace**. This identifies a specific instance of an
+ application. Instance namespaces should be unique across your entire
+ project. However, an instance namespace can be the same as the
+ application namespace. This is used to specify a default instance of an
+ application. For example, the default Django Admin instance has an
+ instance namespace of ``admin``.
+URL Namespaces can be specified in two ways.
+Firstly, you can provide the application and instance namespace as arguments
+to ``include()`` when you construct your URL patterns. For example,::
+ (r'^help/', include('', namespace='foo', app_name='bar')),
+This will include the URLs defined in ```` into the application
+namespace ``bar``, with the instance namespace ``foo``.
+Secondly, you can include an object that contains embedded namespace data. If
+you ``include()`` a ``patterns`` object, that object will be added to the
+global namespace. However, you can also ``include()`` an object that contains
+a 3-tuple containing::
+ (<patterns object>, <application namespace>, <instance namespace>)
+This will include the nominated URL patterns into the given application and
+instance namespace. For example, the ``urls`` attribute of Django's
+:class:`~django.contrib.admin.AdminSite` object returns a 3-tuple that contains
+all the patterns in an admin site, plus the name of the admin instance, and the
+application namespace ``admin``.
+Once you have defined namespaced URLs, you can reverse them. For details on
+reversing namespaced urls, see the documentation on :ref:`reversing namespaced
+URLs <topics-http-reversing-url-namespaces>`.
+Passing extra options to view functions
+URLconfs have a hook that lets you pass extra arguments to your view functions,
+as a Python dictionary.
+Any URLconf tuple can have an optional third element, which should be a
+dictionary of extra keyword arguments to pass to the view function.
+For example::
+ urlpatterns = patterns('blog.views',
+ (r'^blog/(?P<year>\d{4})/$', 'year_archive', {'foo': 'bar'}),
+ )
+In this example, for a request to ``/blog/2005/``, Django will call the
+``blog.views.year_archive()`` view, passing it these keyword arguments::
+ year='2005', foo='bar'
+This technique is used in :doc:`generic views </ref/generic-views>` and in the
+:doc:`syndication framework </ref/contrib/syndication>` to pass metadata and
+options to views.
+.. admonition:: Dealing with conflicts
+ It's possible to have a URL pattern which captures named keyword arguments,
+ and also passes arguments with the same names in its dictionary of extra
+ arguments. When this happens, the arguments in the dictionary will be used
+ instead of the arguments captured in the URL.
+Passing extra options to ``include()``
+Similarly, you can pass extra options to ``include()``. When you pass extra
+options to ``include()``, *each* line in the included URLconf will be passed
+the extra options.
+For example, these two URLconf sets are functionally identical:
+Set one::
+ #
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^blog/', include('inner'), {'blogid': 3}),
+ )
+ #
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^archive/$', 'mysite.views.archive'),
+ (r'^about/$', 'mysite.views.about'),
+ )
+Set two::
+ #
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^blog/', include('inner')),
+ )
+ #
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^archive/$', 'mysite.views.archive', {'blogid': 3}),
+ (r'^about/$', 'mysite.views.about', {'blogid': 3}),
+ )
+Note that extra options will *always* be passed to *every* line in the included
+URLconf, regardless of whether the line's view actually accepts those options
+as valid. For this reason, this technique is only useful if you're certain that
+every view in the included URLconf accepts the extra options you're passing.
+Passing callable objects instead of strings
+Some developers find it more natural to pass the actual Python function object
+rather than a string containing the path to its module. This alternative is
+supported -- you can pass any callable object as the view.
+For example, given this URLconf in "string" notation::
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^archive/$', 'mysite.views.archive'),
+ (r'^about/$', 'mysite.views.about'),
+ (r'^contact/$', ''),
+ )
+You can accomplish the same thing by passing objects rather than strings. Just
+be sure to import the objects::
+ from mysite.views import archive, about, contact
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^archive/$', archive),
+ (r'^about/$', about),
+ (r'^contact/$', contact),
+ )
+The following example is functionally identical. It's just a bit more compact
+because it imports the module that contains the views, rather than importing
+each view individually::
+ from mysite import views
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^archive/$', views.archive),
+ (r'^about/$', views.about),
+ (r'^contact/$',,
+ )
+The style you use is up to you.
+Note that if you use this technique -- passing objects rather than strings --
+the view prefix (as explained in "The view prefix" above) will have no effect.
+.. _naming-url-patterns:
+Naming URL patterns
+.. versionadded:: 1.0
+It's fairly common to use the same view function in multiple URL patterns in
+your URLconf. For example, these two URL patterns both point to the ``archive``
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^archive/(\d{4})/$', archive),
+ (r'^archive-summary/(\d{4})/$', archive, {'summary': True}),
+ )
+This is completely valid, but it leads to problems when you try to do reverse
+URL matching (through the ``permalink()`` decorator or the :ttag:`url` template
+tag). Continuing this example, if you wanted to retrieve the URL for the
+``archive`` view, Django's reverse URL matcher would get confused, because *two*
+URLpatterns point at that view.
+To solve this problem, Django supports **named URL patterns**. That is, you can
+give a name to a URL pattern in order to distinguish it from other patterns
+using the same view and parameters. Then, you can use this name in reverse URL
+Here's the above example, rewritten to use named URL patterns::
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ url(r'^archive/(\d{4})/$', archive, name="full-archive"),
+ url(r'^archive-summary/(\d{4})/$', archive, {'summary': True}, "arch-summary"),
+ )
+With these names in place (``full-archive`` and ``arch-summary``), you can
+target each pattern individually by using its name:
+.. code-block:: html+django
+ {% url arch-summary 1945 %}
+ {% url full-archive 2007 %}
+Even though both URL patterns refer to the ``archive`` view here, using the
+``name`` parameter to ``url()`` allows you to tell them apart in templates.
+The string used for the URL name can contain any characters you like. You are
+not restricted to valid Python names.
+.. note::
+ When you name your URL patterns, make sure you use names that are unlikely
+ to clash with any other application's choice of names. If you call your URL
+ pattern ``comment``, and another application does the same thing, there's
+ no guarantee which URL will be inserted into your template when you use
+ this name.
+ Putting a prefix on your URL names, perhaps derived from the application
+ name, will decrease the chances of collision. We recommend something like
+ ``myapp-comment`` instead of ``comment``.
+.. _topics-http-reversing-url-namespaces:
+URL namespaces
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+Namespaced URLs are specified using the ``:`` operator. For example, the main
+index page of the admin application is referenced using ``admin:index``. This
+indicates a namespace of ``admin``, and a named URL of ``index``.
+Namespaces can also be nested. The named URL ``foo:bar:whiz`` would look for
+a pattern named ``whiz`` in the namespace ``bar`` that is itself defined within
+the top-level namespace ``foo``.
+When given a namespaced URL (e.g. ``myapp:index``) to resolve, Django splits
+the fully qualified name into parts, and then tries the following lookup:
+ 1. First, Django looks for a matching application namespace (in this
+ example, ``myapp``). This will yield a list of instances of that
+ application.
+ 2. If there is a *current* application defined, Django finds and returns
+ the URL resolver for that instance. The *current* application can be
+ specified as an attribute on the template context - applications that
+ expect to have multiple deployments should set the ``current_app``
+ attribute on any ``Context`` or ``RequestContext`` that is used to
+ render a template.
+ The current application can also be specified manually as an argument
+ to the :func:`reverse()` function.
+ 3. If there is no current application. Django looks for a default
+ application instance. The default application instance is the instance
+ that has an instance namespace matching the application namespace (in
+ this example, an instance of the ``myapp`` called ``myapp``).
+ 4. If there is no default application instance, Django will pick the last
+ deployed instance of the application, whatever its instance name may be.
+ 5. If the provided namespace doesn't match an application namespace in
+ step 1, Django will attempt a direct lookup of the namespace as an
+ instance namespace.
+If there are nested namespaces, these steps are repeated for each part of the
+namespace until only the view name is unresolved. The view name will then be
+resolved into a URL in the namespace that has been found.
+To show this resolution strategy in action, consider an example of two instances
+of ``myapp``: one called ``foo``, and one called ``bar``. ``myapp`` has a main
+index page with a URL named `index`. Using this setup, the following lookups are
+ * If one of the instances is current - say, if we were rendering a utility page
+ in the instance ``bar`` - ``myapp:index`` will resolve to the index page of
+ the instance ``bar``.
+ * If there is no current instance - say, if we were rendering a page
+ somewhere else on the site - ``myapp:index`` will resolve to the last
+ registered instance of ``myapp``. Since there is no default instance,
+ the last instance of ``myapp`` that is registered will be used. This could
+ be ``foo`` or ``bar``, depending on the order they are introduced into the
+ urlpatterns of the project.
+ * ``foo:index`` will always resolve to the index page of the instance ``foo``.
+If there was also a default instance - i.e., an instance named `myapp` - the
+following would happen:
+ * If one of the instances is current - say, if we were rendering a utility page
+ in the instance ``bar`` - ``myapp:index`` will resolve to the index page of
+ the instance ``bar``.
+ * If there is no current instance - say, if we were rendering a page somewhere
+ else on the site - ``myapp:index`` will resolve to the index page of the
+ default instance.
+ * ``foo:index`` will again resolve to the index page of the instance ``foo``.
+Utility methods
+If you need to use something similar to the :ttag:`url` template tag in
+your code, Django provides the following method (in the
+``django.core.urlresolvers`` module):
+.. function:: reverse(viewname, urlconf=None, args=None, kwargs=None, current_app=None)
+``viewname`` is either the function name (either a function reference, or the
+string version of the name, if you used that form in ``urlpatterns``) or the
+`URL pattern name`_. Normally, you won't need to worry about the
+``urlconf`` parameter and will only pass in the positional and keyword
+arguments to use in the URL matching. For example::
+ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+ def myview(request):
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('arch-summary', args=[1945]))
+.. _URL pattern name: `Naming URL patterns`_
+The ``reverse()`` function can reverse a large variety of regular expression
+patterns for URLs, but not every possible one. The main restriction at the
+moment is that the pattern cannot contain alternative choices using the
+vertical bar (``"|"``) character. You can quite happily use such patterns for
+matching against incoming URLs and sending them off to views, but you cannot
+reverse such patterns.
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+The ``current_app`` argument allows you to provide a hint to the resolver
+indicating the application to which the currently executing view belongs.
+This ``current_app`` argument is used as a hint to resolve application
+namespaces into URLs on specific application instances, according to the
+:ref:`namespaced URL resolution strategy <topics-http-reversing-url-namespaces>`.
+.. admonition:: Make sure your views are all correct.
+ As part of working out which URL names map to which patterns, the
+ ``reverse()`` function has to import all of your URLconf files and examine
+ the name of each view. This involves importing each view function. If
+ there are *any* errors whilst importing any of your view functions, it
+ will cause ``reverse()`` to raise an error, even if that view function is
+ not the one you are trying to reverse.
+ Make sure that any views you reference in your URLconf files exist and can
+ be imported correctly. Do not include lines that reference views you
+ haven't written yet, because those views will not be importable.
+The :func:`django.core.urlresolvers.resolve` function can be used for resolving
+URL paths to the corresponding view functions. It has the following signature:
+.. function:: resolve(path, urlconf=None)
+``path`` is the URL path you want to resolve. As with
+:func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse`, you don't need to
+worry about the ``urlconf`` parameter. The function returns
+the triple (view function, arguments, keyword arguments).
+If the URL does not resolve, the function raises an
+:class:`~django.http.Http404` exception.
+For example, it can be used for testing if a view would raise a ``Http404``
+error before redirecting to it::
+ from urlparse import urlparse
+ from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
+ from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404
+ def myview(request):
+ next = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None) or '/'
+ response = HttpResponseRedirect(next)
+ # modify the request and response as required, e.g. change locale
+ # and set corresponding locale cookie
+ view, args, kwargs = resolve(urlparse(next)[2])
+ kwargs['request'] = request
+ try:
+ view(*args, **kwargs)
+ except Http404:
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
+ return response
+The :func:`django.db.models.permalink` decorator is useful for writing short
+methods that return a full URL path. For example, a model's
+``get_absolute_url()`` method. See :func:`django.db.models.permalink` for more.
+.. function:: get_script_prefix()
+.. versionadded:: 1.0
+Normally, you should always use :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` or
+:func:`~django.db.models.permalink` to define URLs within your application.
+However, if your application constructs part of the URL hierarchy itself, you
+may occasionally need to generate URLs. In that case, you need to be able to
+find the base URL of the Django project within its web server
+(normally, :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` takes care of this for
+you). In that case, you can call ``get_script_prefix()``, which will return the
+script prefix portion of the URL for your Django project. If your Django
+project is at the root of its webserver, this is always ``"/"``, but it can be
+changed, for instance by using ``django.root`` (see :ref:`How to use
+Django with Apache and mod_python <howto-deployment-modpython>`). \ No newline at end of file