path: root/parts/django/docs/releases
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22 files changed, 0 insertions, 5232 deletions
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/0.95.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/0.95.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7409bff..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/0.95.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-Django version 0.95 release notes
-Welcome to the Django 0.95 release.
-This represents a significant advance in Django development since the 0.91
-release in January 2006. The details of every change in this release would be
-too extensive to list in full, but a summary is presented below.
-Suitability and API stability
-This release is intended to provide a stable reference point for developers
-wanting to work on production-level applications that use Django.
-However, it's not the 1.0 release, and we'll be introducing further changes
-before 1.0. For a clear look at which areas of the framework will change (and
-which ones will *not* change) before 1.0, see the api-stability.txt file, which
-lives in the docs/ directory of the distribution.
-You may have a need to use some of the features that are marked as
-"subject to API change" in that document, but that's OK with us as long as it's
-OK with you, and as long as you understand APIs may change in the future.
-Fortunately, most of Django's core APIs won't be changing before version 1.0.
-There likely won't be as big of a change between 0.95 and 1.0 versions as there
-was between 0.91 and 0.95.
-Changes and new features
-The major changes in this release (for developers currently using the 0.91
-release) are a result of merging the 'magic-removal' branch of development.
-This branch removed a number of constraints in the way Django code had to be
-written that were a consequence of decisions made in the early days of Django,
-prior to its open-source release. It's now possible to write more natural,
-Pythonic code that works as expected, and there's less "black magic" happening
-behind the scenes.
-Aside from that, another main theme of this release is a dramatic increase in
-usability. We've made countless improvements in error messages, documentation,
-etc., to improve developers' quality of life.
-The new features and changes introduced in 0.95 include:
- * Django now uses a more consistent and natural filtering interface for
- retrieving objects from the database.
- * User-defined models, functions and constants now appear in the module
- namespace they were defined in. (Previously everything was magically
- transferred to the django.models.* namespace.)
- * Some optional applications, such as the FlatPage, Sites and Redirects
- apps, have been decoupled and moved into django.contrib. If you don't
- want to use these applications, you no longer have to install their
- database tables.
- * Django now has support for managing database transactions.
- * We've added the ability to write custom authentication and authorization
- backends for authenticating users against alternate systems, such as
- * We've made it easier to add custom table-level functions to models,
- through a new "Manager" API.
- * It's now possible to use Django without a database. This simply means
- that the framework no longer requires you to have a working database set
- up just to serve dynamic pages. In other words, you can just use
- URLconfs/views on their own. Previously, the framework required that a
- database be configured, regardless of whether you actually used it.
- * It's now more explicit and natural to override save() and delete()
- methods on models, rather than needing to hook into the pre_save() and
- post_save() method hooks.
- * Individual pieces of the framework now can be configured without
- requiring the setting of an environment variable. This permits use of,
- for example, the Django templating system inside other applications.
- * More and more parts of the framework have been internationalized, as
- we've expanded internationalization (i18n) support. The Django
- codebase, including code and templates, has now been translated, at least
- in part, into 31 languages. From Arabic to Chinese to Hungarian to Welsh,
- it is now possible to use Django's admin site in your native language.
-The number of changes required to port from 0.91-compatible code to the 0.95
-code base are significant in some cases. However, they are, for the most part,
-reasonably routine and only need to be done once. A list of the necessary
-changes is described in the `Removing The Magic`_ wiki page. There is also an
-easy checklist_ for reference when undertaking the porting operation.
-.. _Removing The Magic:
-.. _checklist:
-Problem reports and getting help
-Need help resolving a problem with Django? The documentation in the distribution
-is also available online_ at the `Django Web site`_. The :doc:`FAQ </faq/index>`
-document is especially recommended, as it contains a number of issues that come
-up time and again.
-For more personalized help, the `django-users`_ mailing list is a very active
-list, with more than 2,000 subscribers who can help you solve any sort of
-Django problem. We recommend you search the archives first, though, because
-many common questions appear with some regularity, and any particular problem
-may already have been answered.
-Finally, for those who prefer the more immediate feedback offered by IRC,
-there's a #django channel on that is regularly populated by
-Django users and developers from around the world. Friendly people are usually
-available at any hour of the day -- to help, or just to chat.
-.. _online:
-.. _Django Web site:
-.. _django-users:
-Thanks for using Django!
-The Django Team
-July 2006
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/0.96.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/0.96.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1224360..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/0.96.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-Django version 0.96 release notes
-Welcome to Django 0.96!
-The primary goal for 0.96 is a cleanup and stabilization of the features
-introduced in 0.95. There have been a few small `backwards-incompatible
-changes`_ since 0.95, but the upgrade process should be fairly simple
-and should not require major changes to existing applications.
-However, we're also releasing 0.96 now because we have a set of
-backwards-incompatible changes scheduled for the near future. Once
-completed, they will involve some code changes for application
-developers, so we recommend that you stick with Django 0.96 until the
-next official release; then you'll be able to upgrade in one step
-instead of needing to make incremental changes to keep up with the
-development version of Django.
-Backwards-incompatible changes
-The following changes may require you to update your code when you switch from
-0.95 to 0.96:
-``MySQLdb`` version requirement
-Due to a bug in older versions of the ``MySQLdb`` Python module (which
-Django uses to connect to MySQL databases), Django's MySQL backend now
-requires version 1.2.1p2 or higher of ``MySQLdb``, and will raise
-exceptions if you attempt to use an older version.
-If you're currently unable to upgrade your copy of ``MySQLdb`` to meet
-this requirement, a separate, backwards-compatible backend, called
-"mysql_old", has been added to Django. To use this backend, change
-the :setting:`DATABASE_ENGINE` setting in your Django settings file from
-to this::
- DATABASE_ENGINE = "mysql_old"
-However, we strongly encourage MySQL users to upgrade to a more recent
-version of ``MySQLdb`` as soon as possible, The "mysql_old" backend is
-provided only to ease this transition, and is considered deprecated;
-aside from any necessary security fixes, it will not be actively
-maintained, and it will be removed in a future release of Django.
-Also, note that some features, like the new :setting:`DATABASE_OPTIONS`
-setting (see the `databases documentation`_ for details), are only
-available on the "mysql" backend, and will not be made available for
-.. _databases documentation:
-Database constraint names changed
-The format of the constraint names Django generates for foreign key
-references have changed slightly. These names are generally only used
-when it is not possible to put the reference directly on the affected
-column, so they are not always visible.
-The effect of this change is that running `` reset`` and
-similar commands against an existing database may generate SQL with
-the new form of constraint name, while the database itself contains
-constraints named in the old form; this will cause the database server
-to raise an error message about modifying non-existent constraints.
-If you need to work around this, there are two methods available:
- 1. Redirect the output of ```` to a file, and edit the
- generated SQL to use the correct constraint names before
- executing it.
- 2. Examine the output of `` sqlall`` to see the new-style
- constraint names, and use that as a guide to rename existing
- constraints in your database.
-Name changes in ````
-A few of the options to ```` have changed with the addition of fixture
- * There are new ``dumpdata`` and ``loaddata`` commands which, as
- you might expect, will dump and load data to/from the
- database. These commands can operate against any of Django's
- supported serialization formats.
- * The ``sqlinitialdata`` command has been renamed to ``sqlcustom`` to
- emphasize that ``loaddata`` should be used for data (and ``sqlcustom`` for
- other custom SQL -- views, stored procedures, etc.).
- * The vestigial ``install`` command has been removed. Use ``syncdb``.
-Backslash escaping changed
-The Django database API now escapes backslashes given as query parameters. If
-you have any database API code that matches backslashes, and it was working before
-(despite the lack of escaping), you'll have to change your code to "unescape" the
-slashes one level.
-For example, this used to work::
- # Find text containing a single backslash
- MyModel.objects.filter(text__contains='\\\\')
-The above is now incorrect, and should be rewritten as::
- # Find text containing a single backslash
- MyModel.objects.filter(text__contains='\\')
-Removed ENABLE_PSYCO setting
-The ``ENABLE_PSYCO`` setting no longer exists. If your settings file includes
-``ENABLE_PSYCO`` it will have no effect; to use Psyco_, we recommend
-writing a middleware class to activate it.
-.. _psyco:
-What's new in 0.96?
-This revision represents over a thousand source commits and over four hundred
-bug fixes, so we can't possibly catalog all the changes. Here, we describe the
-most notable changes in this release.
-New forms library
-``django.newforms`` is Django's new form-handling library. It's a
-replacement for ``django.forms``, the old form/manipulator/validation
-framework. Both APIs are available in 0.96, but over the next two
-releases we plan to switch completely to the new forms system, and
-deprecate and remove the old system.
-There are three elements to this transition:
- * We've copied the current ``django.forms`` to
- ``django.oldforms``. This allows you to upgrade your code *now*
- rather than waiting for the backwards-incompatible change and
- rushing to fix your code after the fact. Just change your
- import statements like this::
- from django import forms # 0.95-style
- from django import oldforms as forms # 0.96-style
- * The next official release of Django will move the current
- ``django.newforms`` to ``django.forms``. This will be a
- backwards-incompatible change, and anyone still using the old
- version of ``django.forms`` at that time will need to change
- their import statements as described above.
- * The next release after that will completely remove
- ``django.oldforms``.
-Although the ``newforms`` library will continue to evolve, it's ready for use
-for most common cases. We recommend that anyone new to form handling skip the
-old forms system and start with the new.
-For more information about ``django.newforms``, read the `newforms
-.. _newforms documentation:
-URLconf improvements
-You can now use any callable as the callback in URLconfs (previously, only
-strings that referred to callables were allowed). This allows a much more
-natural use of URLconfs. For example, this URLconf::
- from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
- urlpatterns = patterns('',
- ('^myview/$', 'mysite.myapp.views.myview')
- )
-can now be rewritten as::
- from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
- from mysite.myapp.views import myview
- urlpatterns = patterns('',
- ('^myview/$', myview)
- )
-One useful application of this can be seen when using decorators; this
-change allows you to apply decorators to views *in your
-URLconf*. Thus, you can make a generic view require login very
- from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
- from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
- from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
- from mysite.myapp.models import MyModel
- info = {
- "queryset" : MyModel.objects.all(),
- }
- urlpatterns = patterns('',
- ('^myview/$', login_required(object_list), info)
- )
-Note that both syntaxes (strings and callables) are valid, and will continue to
-be valid for the foreseeable future.
-The test framework
-Django now includes a test framework so you can start transmuting fear into
-boredom (with apologies to Kent Beck). You can write tests based on doctest_
-or unittest_ and test your views with a simple test client.
-There is also new support for "fixtures" -- initial data, stored in any of the
-supported `serialization formats`_, that will be loaded into your database at the
-start of your tests. This makes testing with real data much easier.
-See `the testing documentation`_ for the full details.
-.. _doctest:
-.. _unittest:
-.. _the testing documentation:
-.. _serialization formats:
-Improvements to the admin interface
-A small change, but a very nice one: dedicated views for adding and
-updating users have been added to the admin interface, so you no
-longer need to worry about working with hashed passwords in the admin.
-Since 0.95, a number of people have stepped forward and taken a major
-new role in Django's development. We'd like to thank these people for
-all their hard work:
- * Russell Keith-Magee and Malcolm Tredinnick for their major code
- contributions. This release wouldn't have been possible without them.
- * Our new release manager, James Bennett, for his work in getting out
- 0.95.1, 0.96, and (hopefully) future release.
- * Our ticket managers Chris Beaven (aka SmileyChris), Simon Greenhill,
- Michael Radziej, and Gary Wilson. They agreed to take on the monumental
- task of wrangling our tickets into nicely cataloged submission. Figuring
- out what to work on is now about a million times easier; thanks again,
- guys.
- * Everyone who submitted a bug report, patch or ticket comment. We can't
- possibly thank everyone by name -- over 200 developers submitted patches
- that went into 0.96 -- but everyone who's contributed to Django is listed
- in AUTHORS_.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-alpha-1.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-alpha-1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 82846be..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-alpha-1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.0 alpha release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.0 alpha!
-This is the first in a series of preview/development releases leading
-up to the eventual release of Django 1.0, currently scheduled to take
-place in early September 2008. This release is primarily targeted at
-developers who are interested in testing the Django codebase and
-helping to identify and resolve bugs prior to the final 1.0 release.
-As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any
-such use is strongly discouraged.
-What's new in Django 1.0 alpha
-Django's development trunk has been the site of nearly constant
-activity over the past year, with several major new features landing
-since the 0.96 release. Some of the highlights include:
-Refactored admin application (newforms-admin)
- The Django administrative interface (``django.contrib.admin``) has
- been completely refactored; admin definitions are now completely
- decoupled from model definitions (no more ``class Admin``
- declaration in models!), rewritten to use Django's new
- form-handling library (introduced in the 0.96 release as
- ``django.newforms``, and now available as simply ``django.forms``)
- and redesigned with extensibility and customization in mind. Full
- documentation for the admin application is available online in the
- official Django documentation:
- :doc:`admin reference </ref/contrib/admin/index>`
-Improved Unicode handling
- Django's internals have been refactored to use Unicode throughout;
- this drastically simplifies the task of dealing with
- non-Western-European content and data in Django. Additionally,
- utility functions have been provided to ease interoperability with
- third-party libraries and systems which may or may not handle
- Unicode gracefully. Details are available in Django's
- Unicode-handling documentation:
- :doc:`unicode reference </ref/unicode>`
-An improved Django ORM
- Django's object-relational mapper -- the component which provides
- the mapping between Django model classes and your database, and
- which mediates your database queries -- has been dramatically
- improved by a massive refactoring. For most users of Django this
- is backwards-compatible; the public-facing API for database
- querying underwent a few minor changes, but most of the updates
- took place in the ORM's internals. A guide to the changes,
- including backwards-incompatible modifications and mentions of new
- features opened up by this refactoring, is available on the Django
- wiki:
-Automatic escaping of template variables
- To provide improved security against cross-site scripting (XSS)
- vulnerabilities, Django's template system now automatically
- escapes the output of variables. This behavior is configurable,
- and allows both variables and larger template constructs to be
- marked as safe (requiring no escaping) or unsafe (requiring
- escaping). A full guide to this feature is in the documentation
- for the :ttag:`autoescape` tag.
-There are many more new features, many bugfixes and many enhancements
-to existing features from previous releases. The ``newforms`` library,
-for example, has undergone massive improvements including several
-useful add-ons in ``django.contrib`` which complement and build on
-Django's form-handling capabilities, and Django's file-uploading
-handlers have been refactored to allow finer-grained control over the
-uploading process as well as streaming uploads of large files.
-Along with these improvements and additions, we've made a number of
-of backwards-incompatible changes to the framework, as features have been
-fleshed out and APIs have been finalized for the 1.0 release. A
-complete guide to these changes will be available as part of the final
-Django 1.0 release, and a comprehensive list of backwards-incompatible
-changes is also available on the Django wiki for those who want to
-begin developing and testing their upgrade process:
-The Django 1.0 roadmap
-One of the primary goals of this alpha release is to focus attention
-on the remaining features to be implemented for Django 1.0, and on the
-bugs that need to be resolved before the final release. Following
-this release, we'll be conducting a series of sprints building up to a
-series of beta releases and a release-candidate stage, followed soon
-after by Django 1.0. The timeline is projected to be:
-* August 1, 2008: Sprint (based in Washington, DC, and online).
-* August 5, 2008: Django 1.0 beta 1 release. This will also constitute
- the feature freeze for 1.0. Any feature to be included in 1.0 must
- be completed and in trunk by this time.
-* August 8, 2008: Sprint (based in Lawrence, KS, and online).
-* August 12, 2008: Django 1.0 beta 2 release.
-* August 15, 2008: Sprint (based in Austin, TX, and online).
-* August 19, 2008: Django 1.0 release candidate 1.
-* August 22, 2008: Sprint (based in Portland, OR, and online).
-* August 26, 2008: Django 1.0 release candidate 2.
-* September 2, 2008: Django 1.0 final release. The official Django 1.0
- release party will take place during the first-ever DjangoCon, to be
- held in Mountain View, CA, September 6-7.
-Of course, like any estimated timeline, this is subject to change as
-requirements dictate. The latest information will always be available
-on the Django project wiki:
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.0 release, we need your
-help. Although this alpha release is, again, *not* intended for
-production use, you can help the Django team by trying out the alpha
-codebase in a safe test environment and reporting any bugs or issues
-you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the central place to
-search for open issues:
-Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem
-you're running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress
-toward the 1.0 release, takes place daily on the django-developers
-mailing list:
-...and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If
-you're interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free
-to join the discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to
-contribute to Django:
- :doc:`contributing to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing
-documentation or simply triaging tickets and helping to test proposed
-bugfixes -- are always welcome and appreciated.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-alpha-2.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-alpha-2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e2e2e..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-alpha-2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.0 alpha 2 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.0 alpha 2!
-This is the second in a series of preview/development releases leading
-up to the eventual release of Django 1.0, currently scheduled to take
-place in early September 2008. This releases is primarily targeted at
-developers who are interested in testing the Django codebase and
-helping to identify and resolve bugs prior to the final 1.0 release.
-As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any
-such use is strongly discouraged.
-What's new in Django 1.0 alpha 2
-Django's development trunk has been the site of nearly constant activity over
-the past year, with several major new features landing since the 0.96 release.
-For features which were new as of Django 1.0 alpha 1, see :doc:`the 1.0 alpha 1
-release notes </releases/1.0-alpha-1>`. Since the 1.0 alpha 1 release several new
-features have landed, including:
-``django.contrib.gis`` (`GeoDjango`_)
- A project over a year in the making, this adds world-class GIS
- (`Geographic Information Systems`_) support to Django, in the form
- of a ``contrib`` application. `Its documentation`_ is currently
- being maintained externally, and will be merged into the main
- Django documentation prior to the final 1.0 release. Huge thanks
- go to Justin Bronn, Jeremy Dunck, Brett Hoerner and Travis Pinney
- for their efforts in creating and completing this feature.
-Pluggable file storage
- Django's built-in ``FileField`` and ``ImageField`` now can take advantage of
- pluggable file-storage backends, allowing extensive customization of where
- and how uploaded files get stored by Django. For details, see :doc:`the
- files documentation </topics/files>`; big thanks go to Marty Alchin for
- putting in the hard work to get this completed.
-Jython compatibility
- Thanks to a lot of work from Leo Soto during a Google Summer of
- Code project, Django's codebase has been refactored to remove
- incompatibilities with `Jython`_, an implementation of Python
- written in Java, which runs Python code on the Java Virtual
- Machine. Django is now compatible with the forthcoming Jython 2.5
- release.
-There are many other new features and improvements in this release, including
-two major performance boosts: strings marked for translation using
-:doc:`Django's internationalization system </topics/i18n/index>` now consume far less
-memory, and Django's internal dispatcher -- which is invoked frequently during
-request/response processing and when working with Django's object-relational
-mapper -- is now significantly faster.
-.. _GeoDjango:
-.. _Geographic Information Systems:
-.. _Its documentation:
-.. _Jython:
-The Django 1.0 roadmap
-One of the primary goals of this alpha release is to focus attention
-on the remaining features to be implemented for Django 1.0, and on the
-bugs that need to be resolved before the final release. Following this
-release, we'll be conducting a series of development sprints building
-up to the beta and release-candidate stages, followed soon after by
-Django 1.0. The timeline is projected to be:
-* **August 14, 2008: Django 1.0 beta release.** Past this point Django
- will be in a "feature freeze" for the 1.0 release; after Django 1.0
- beta, the development focus will be solely on bug fixes and
- stabilization.
-* August 15, 2008: Sprint (based in Austin, Texas, USA, and online).
-* August 17, 2008: Sprint (based in Tel Aviv, Israel, and online).
-* **August 21, 2008: Django 1.0 release candidate 1.** At this point,
- all strings marked for translation within Django's codebase will be
- frozen, to provide contributors time to check and finalize all of
- Django's bundled translation files prior to the final 1.0 release.
-* August 22, 2008: Sprint (based in Portland, Oregon, USA, and online).
-* **August 26, 2008: Django 1.0 release candidate 2.**
-* August 30, 2008: Sprint (based in London, England, UK, and online).
-* **September 2, 2008: Django 1.0 final release.** The official Django
- 1.0 release party will take place during the first-ever DjangoCon,
- to be held in Mountain View, California, USA, September 6-7.
-Of course, like any estimated timeline, this is subject to change as
-requirements dictate. The latest information will always be available
-on the Django project wiki:
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.0 release, we need your
-help. Although this alpha release is, again, *not* intended for
-production use, you can help the Django team by trying out the alpha
-codebase in a safe test environment and reporting any bugs or issues
-you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the central place to
-search for open issues:
-Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem
-you're running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress
-toward the 1.0 release, takes place daily on the django-developers
-mailing list:
-...and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If
-you're interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free
-to join the discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to
-contribute to Django:
- :doc:`contributing to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing
-documentation or simply triaging tickets and helping to test proposed
-bugfixes -- are always welcome and appreciated.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-beta-2.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-beta-2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index eabd6b7..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0-beta-2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.0 beta 2 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.0 beta 2!
-This is the fourth in a series of preview/development releases leading
-up to the eventual release of Django 1.0, currently scheduled to take
-place in early September 2008. This releases is primarily targeted at
-developers who are interested in testing the Django codebase and
-helping to identify and resolve bugs prior to the final 1.0 release.
-As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any
-such use is discouraged.
-What's new in Django 1.0 beta 2
-Django's development trunk has been the site of nearly constant
-activity over the past year, with several major new features landing
-since the 0.96 release. For features which were new as of Django 1.0
-alpha 1, see :doc:`the 1.0 alpha 1 release notes
-</releases/1.0-alpha-1>`. For features which were new as of Django 1.0
-alpha 2, see :doc:`the 1.0 alpha 2 release notes
-</releases/1.0-alpha-2>`. For features which were new as of Django 1.0
-beta 1, see :doc:`the 1.0 beta 1 release notes </releases/1.0-beta>`.
-This beta release includes two major features:
-Refactored ``django.contrib.comments``
- As part of a Google Summer of Code project, Thejaswi Puthraya
- carried out a major rewrite and refactoring of Django's bundled
- comment system, greatly increasing its flexibility and
- customizability. :doc:`Full documentation
- </ref/contrib/comments/index>` is available, as well as :doc:`an
- upgrade guide </ref/contrib/comments/upgrade>` if you were using
- the previous incarnation of the comments application..
-Refactored documentation
- Django's bundled and online documentation has also been
- significantly refactored; the new documentation system uses
- `Sphinx`_ to build the docs and handle such niceties as topical
- indexes, reference documentation and cross-references within the
- docs. You can check out the new documentation `online`_ or, if you
- have Sphinx installed, build the HTML yourself from the
- documentation files bundled with Django.
-.. _Sphinx:
-.. _online:
-Along with these new features, the Django team has also been hard at
-work polishing Django's codebase for the final 1.0 release; this beta
-release contains a large number of smaller improvements and bugfixes
-from the ongoing push to 1.0.
-Also, as part of its ongoing deprecation process, Django's old
-form-handling system has been removed; this means ``django.oldforms``
-no longer exists, and its various API hooks (such as automatic
-manipulators) are no longer present in Django. This system has been
-completely replaced by :doc:`the new form-handling system
-</topics/forms/index>` in ``django.forms``.
-The Django 1.0 roadmap
-One of the primary goals of this beta release is to focus attention on
-the remaining features to be implemented for Django 1.0, and on the
-bugs that need to be resolved before the final release. As of this
-beta release, Django is in its final "feature freeze" for 1.0; feature
-requests will be deferred to later releases, and the development
-effort will be focused solely on bug-fixing and stability. Django is
-also now in a "string freeze"; translatable strings (labels, error
-messages, etc.) in Django's codebase will not be changed prior to the
-release, in order to allow our translators to produce the final 1.0
-version of Django's translation files.
-Following this release, we'll be conducting a final development sprint
-on August 30, 2008, based in London and coordinated online; the goal
-of this sprint will be to squash as many bugs as possible in
-anticipation of the final 1.0 release, which is currently targeted for
-**September 2, 2008**. The official Django 1.0 release party will take
-place during the first-ever DjangoCon, to be held in Mountain View,
-California, USA, September 6-7.
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.0 release, we need your
-help. Although this beta release is, again, *not* intended for
-production use, you can help the Django team by trying out the beta
-codebase in a safe test environment and reporting any bugs or issues
-you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the central place to
-search for open issues:
-Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem
-you're running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress
-toward the 1.0 release, takes place daily on the django-developers
-mailing list:
-...and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If
-you're interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free
-to join the discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to
-contribute to Django:
- :doc:`contributing to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing
-documentation or simply triaging tickets and helping to test proposed
-bugfixes -- are always welcome and appreciated.
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-Django 1.0 beta 1 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.0 beta 1!
-This is the third in a series of preview/development releases leading
-up to the eventual release of Django 1.0, currently scheduled to take
-place in early September 2008. This releases is primarily targeted at
-developers who are interested in testing the Django codebase and
-helping to identify and resolve bugs prior to the final 1.0 release.
-As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any
-such use is discouraged.
-What's new in Django 1.0 beta 1
-Django's development trunk has been the site of nearly constant activity over
-the past year, with several major new features landing since the 0.96 release.
-For features which were new as of Django 1.0 alpha 1, see :doc:`the 1.0 alpha 1
-release notes </releases/1.0-alpha-1>`. For features which were new as of Django
-1.0 alpha 2, see :doc:`the 1.0 alpha 2 release notes </releases/1.0-alpha-2>`.
-This beta release does not contain any major new features, but does
-include several smaller updates and improvements to Django:
-Generic relations in forms and admin
- Classes are now included in ``django.contrib.contenttypes`` which
- can be used to support generic relations in both the admin
- interface and in end-user forms. See :ref:`the documentation for
- generic relations <generic-relations>` for details.
-Improved flexibility in the admin
- Following up on the refactoring of Django's administrative
- interface (``django.contrib.admin``), introduced in Django 1.0
- alpha 1, two new hooks have been added to allow customized pre-
- and post-save handling of model instances in the admin. Full
- details are in :doc:`the admin documentation </ref/contrib/admin/index>`.
-``INSERT``/``UPDATE`` distinction
- Although Django's default behavior of having a model's ``save()``
- method automatically determine whether to perform an ``INSERT`` or
- an ``UPDATE`` at the SQL level is suitable for the majority of
- cases, there are occasional situations where forcing one or the
- other is useful. As a result, models can now support an additional
- parameter to ``save()`` which can force a specific
- operation. Consult the database API documentation for details
- and important notes about appropriate use of this parameter.
-Split ``CacheMiddleware``
- Django's ``CacheMiddleware`` has been split into three classes:
- ``CacheMiddleware`` itself still exists and retains all of its
- previous functionality, but it is now built from two separate
- middleware classes which handle the two parts of caching (inserting
- into and reading from the cache) separately, offering additional
- flexibility for situations where combining these functions into a
- single middleware posed problems. Full details, including updated
- notes on appropriate use, are in
- :doc:`the caching documentation </topics/cache>`.
-Removal of deprecated features
- A number of features and methods which had previously been marked
- as deprecated, and which were scheduled for removal prior to the
- 1.0 release, are no longer present in Django. These include
- imports of the form library from ``django.newforms`` (now located
- simply at ``django.forms``), the ``form_for_model`` and
- ``form_for_instance`` helper functions (which have been replaced
- by ``ModelForm``) and a number of deprecated features which were
- replaced by the dispatcher, file-uploading and file-storage
- refactorings introduced in the Django 1.0 alpha releases. A full
- list of these and all other backwards-incompatible changes is
- available on `the Django wiki`_.
-A number of other improvements and bugfixes have also been included:
-some tricky cases involving case-sensitivity in differing MySQL
-collations have been resolved, Windows packaging and installation has
-been improved and the method by which Django generates unique session
-identifiers has been made much more robust.
-.. _the documentation for generic relations: ../contenttypes/#generic-relations
-.. _the Django wiki:
-The Django 1.0 roadmap
-One of the primary goals of this beta release is to focus attention on
-the remaining features to be implemented for Django 1.0, and on the
-bugs that need to be resolved before the final release. Following this
-release, we'll be conducting a series of development sprints building
-up to the release-candidate stage, followed soon after by Django
-1.0. The timeline is projected to be:
-* August 15, 2008: Sprint (based in Austin, Texas, USA, and online).
-* August 17, 2008: Sprint (based in Tel Aviv, Israel, and online).
-* **August 21, 2008: Django 1.0 release candidate 1.** At this point,
- all strings marked for translation within Django's codebase will be
- frozen, to provide contributors time to check and finalize all of
- Django's bundled translation files prior to the final 1.0 release.
-* August 22, 2008: Sprint (based in Portland, Oregon, USA, and online).
-* **August 26, 2008: Django 1.0 release candidate 2.**
-* August 30, 2008: Sprint (based in London, England, UK, and online).
-* **September 2, 2008: Django 1.0 final release.** The official Django
- 1.0 release party will take place during the first-ever DjangoCon,
- to be held in Mountain View, California, USA, September 6-7.
-Of course, like any estimated timeline, this is subject to change as
-requirements dictate. The latest information will always be available
-on the Django project wiki:
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.0 release, we need your
-help. Although this beta release is, again, *not* intended for
-production use, you can help the Django team by trying out the beta
-codebase in a safe test environment and reporting any bugs or issues
-you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the central place to
-search for open issues:
-Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem
-you're running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress
-toward the 1.0 release, takes place daily on the django-developers
-mailing list:
-...and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If
-you're interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free
-to join the discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to
-contribute to Django:
- :doc:`contributing to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing
-documentation or simply triaging tickets and helping to test proposed
-bugfixes -- are always welcome and appreciated.
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-Porting your apps from Django 0.96 to 1.0
-.. highlight:: python
-Django 1.0 breaks compatibility with 0.96 in some areas.
-This guide will help you port 0.96 projects and apps to 1.0. The first part of
-this document includes the common changes needed to run with 1.0. If after going
-through the first part your code still breaks, check the section `Less-common
-Changes`_ for a list of a bunch of less-common compatibility issues.
-.. seealso::
- The :doc:`1.0 release notes </releases/1.0>`. That document explains the new
- features in 1.0 more deeply; the porting guide is more concerned with
- helping you quickly update your code.
-Common changes
-This section describes the changes between 0.96 and 1.0 that most users will
-need to make.
-Use Unicode
-Change string literals (``'foo'``) into Unicode literals (``u'foo'``). Django
-now uses Unicode strings throughout. In most places, raw strings will continue
-to work, but updating to use Unicode literals will prevent some obscure
-See :doc:`/ref/unicode` for full details.
-Common changes to your models file:
-Rename ``maxlength`` to ``max_length``
-Rename your ``maxlength`` argument to ``max_length`` (this was changed to be
-consistent with form fields):
-Replace ``__str__`` with ``__unicode__``
-Replace your model's ``__str__`` function with a ``__unicode__`` method, and
-make sure you `use Unicode`_ (``u'foo'``) in that method.
-Remove ``prepopulated_from``
-Remove the ``prepopulated_from`` argument on model fields. It's no longer valid
-and has been moved to the ``ModelAdmin`` class in ````. See `the
-admin`_, below, for more details about changes to the admin.
-Remove ``core``
-Remove the ``core`` argument from your model fields. It is no longer
-necessary, since the equivalent functionality (part of :ref:`inline editing
-<admin-inlines>`) is handled differently by the admin interface now. You don't
-have to worry about inline editing until you get to `the admin`_ section,
-below. For now, remove all references to ``core``.
-Replace ``class Admin:`` with ````
-Remove all your inner ``class Admin`` declarations from your models. They won't
-break anything if you leave them, but they also won't do anything. To register
-apps with the admin you'll move those declarations to an ```` file;
-see `the admin`_ below for more details.
-.. seealso::
- A contributor to djangosnippets__ has written a script that'll `scan your
- and generate a corresponding`__.
- __
- __
-Below is an example ```` file with all the changes you'll need to make:
-Old (0.96) ````::
- class Author(models.Model):
- first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
- last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
- slug = models.CharField(maxlength=60, prepopulate_from=('first_name', 'last_name'))
- class Admin:
- list_display = ['first_name', 'last_name']
- def __str__(self):
- return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
-New (1.0) ````::
- class Author(models.Model):
- first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
- last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
- slug = models.CharField(max_length=60)
- def __unicode__(self):
- return u'%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
-New (1.0) ````::
- from django.contrib import admin
- from models import Author
- class AuthorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- list_display = ['first_name', 'last_name']
- prepopulated_fields = {
- 'slug': ('first_name', 'last_name')
- }
-, AuthorAdmin)
-The Admin
-One of the biggest changes in 1.0 is the new admin. The Django administrative
-interface (``django.contrib.admin``) has been completely refactored; admin
-definitions are now completely decoupled from model definitions, the framework
-has been rewritten to use Django's new form-handling library and redesigned with
-extensibility and customization in mind.
-Practically, this means you'll need to rewrite all of your ``class Admin``
-declarations. You've already seen in `models`_ above how to replace your ``class
-Admin`` with a ```` call in an ```` file. Below are
-some more details on how to rewrite that ``Admin`` declaration into the new
-Use new inline syntax
-The new ``edit_inline`` options have all been moved to ````. Here's an
-Old (0.96)::
- class Parent(models.Model):
- ...
- class Child(models.Model):
- parent = models.ForeignKey(Parent, edit_inline=models.STACKED, num_in_admin=3)
-New (1.0)::
- class ChildInline(admin.StackedInline):
- model = Child
- extra = 3
- class ParentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- model = Parent
- inlines = [ChildInline]
-, ParentAdmin)
-See :ref:`admin-inlines` for more details.
-Simplify ``fields``, or use ``fieldsets``
-The old ``fields`` syntax was quite confusing, and has been simplified. The old
-syntax still works, but you'll need to use ``fieldsets`` instead.
-Old (0.96)::
- class ModelOne(models.Model):
- ...
- class Admin:
- fields = (
- (None, {'fields': ('foo','bar')}),
- )
- class ModelTwo(models.Model):
- ...
- class Admin:
- fields = (
- ('group1', {'fields': ('foo','bar'), 'classes': 'collapse'}),
- ('group2', {'fields': ('spam','eggs'), 'classes': 'collapse wide'}),
- )
-New (1.0)::
- class ModelOneAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- fields = ('foo', 'bar')
- class ModelTwoAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- fieldsets = (
- ('group1', {'fields': ('foo','bar'), 'classes': 'collapse'}),
- ('group2', {'fields': ('spam','eggs'), 'classes': 'collapse wide'}),
- )
-.. seealso::
- * More detailed information about the changes and the reasons behind them
- can be found on the `NewformsAdminBranch wiki page`__
- * The new admin comes with a ton of new features; you can read about them in
- the :doc:`admin documentation </ref/contrib/admin/index>`.
- __
-Update your root ````
-If you're using the admin site, you need to update your root ````.
-Old (0.96) ````::
- from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
- urlpatterns = patterns('',
- (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
- # ... the rest of your URLs here ...
- )
-New (1.0) ````::
- from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
- # The next two lines enable the admin and load each file:
- from django.contrib import admin
- admin.autodiscover()
- urlpatterns = patterns('',
- (r'^admin/(.*)',,
- # ... the rest of your URLs here ...
- )
-Use ``django.forms`` instead of ``newforms``
-Replace ``django.newforms`` with ``django.forms`` -- Django 1.0 renamed the
-``newforms`` module (introduced in 0.96) to plain old ``forms``. The
-``oldforms`` module was also removed.
-If you're already using the ``newforms`` library, and you used our recommended
-``import`` statement syntax, all you have to do is change your import
- from django import newforms as forms
- from django import forms
-If you're using the old forms system (formerly known as ``django.forms`` and
-``django.oldforms``), you'll have to rewrite your forms. A good place to start
-is the :doc:`forms documentation </topics/forms/index>`
-Handle uploaded files using the new API
-Replace use of uploaded files -- that is, entries in ``request.FILES`` -- as
-simple dictionaries with the new :class:`~django.core.files.UploadedFile`. The
-old dictionary syntax no longer works.
-Thus, in a view like::
- def my_view(request):
- f = request.FILES['file_field_name']
- ...
-'d need to make the following changes:
-===================== =====================
-Old (0.96) New (1.0)
-===================== =====================
-``f['content']`` ````
-``f['filename']`` ````
-``f['content-type']`` ``f.content_type``
-===================== =====================
-Work with file fields using the new API
-The internal implementation of :class:`django.db.models.FileField` have changed.
-A visible result of this is that the way you access special attributes (URL,
-filename, image size, etc) of these model fields has changed. You will need to
-make the following changes, assuming your model's
-:class:`~django.db.models.FileField` is called ``myfile``:
-=================================== ========================
-Old (0.96) New (1.0)
-=================================== ========================
-``myfile.get_content_filename()`` ``myfile.content.path``
-``myfile.get_content_url()`` ``myfile.content.url``
-``myfile.get_content_size()`` ``myfile.content.size``
-``myfile.save_content_file()`` ````
-``myfile.get_content_width()`` ``myfile.content.width``
-``myfile.get_content_height()`` ``myfile.content.height``
-=================================== ========================
-Note that the ``width`` and ``height`` attributes only make sense for
-:class:`~django.db.models.ImageField` fields. More details can be found in the
-:doc:`model API </ref/models/fields>` documentation.
-Use ``Paginator`` instead of ``ObjectPaginator``
-The ``ObjectPaginator`` in 0.96 has been removed and replaced with an improved
-version, :class:`django.core.paginator.Paginator`.
-Learn to love autoescaping
-By default, the template system now automatically HTML-escapes the output of
-every variable. To learn more, see :ref:`automatic-html-escaping`.
-To disable auto-escaping for an individual variable, use the :tfilter:`safe`
-.. code-block:: html+django
- This will be escaped: {{ data }}
- This will not be escaped: {{ data|safe }}
-To disable auto-escaping for an entire template, wrap the template (or just a
-particular section of the template) in the :ttag:`autoescape` tag:
-.. code-block:: html+django
- {% autoescape off %}
- ... unescaped template content here ...
- {% endautoescape %}
-Less-common changes
-The following changes are smaller, more localized changes. They should only
-affect more advanced users, but it's probably worth reading through the list and
-checking your code for these things.
-* Add ``**kwargs`` to any registered signal handlers.
-* Connect, disconnect, and send signals via methods on the
- :class:`~django.dispatch.Signal` object instead of through module methods in
- ``django.dispatch.dispatcher``.
-* Remove any use of the ``Anonymous`` and ``Any`` sender options; they no longer
- exist. You can still receive signals sent by any sender by using
- ``sender=None``
-* Make any custom signals you've declared into instances of
- :class:`django.dispatch.Signal` instead of anonymous objects.
-Here's quick summary of the code changes you'll need to make:
-================================================= ======================================
-Old (0.96) New (1.0)
-================================================= ======================================
-``def callback(sender)`` ``def callback(sender, **kwargs)``
-``sig = object()`` ``sig = django.dispatch.Signal()``
-``dispatcher.connect(callback, sig)`` ``sig.connect(callback)``
-``dispatcher.send(sig, sender)`` ``sig.send(sender)``
-``dispatcher.connect(callback, sig, sender=Any)`` ``sig.connect(callback, sender=None)``
-================================================= ======================================
-If you were using Django 0.96's ``django.contrib.comments`` app, you'll need to
-upgrade to the new comments app introduced in 1.0. See
-:doc:`/ref/contrib/comments/upgrade` for details.
-Template tags
-:ttag:`spaceless` tag
-The spaceless template tag now removes *all* spaces between HTML tags, instead
-of preserving a single space.
-Local flavors
-U.S. local flavor
-``django.contrib.localflavor.usa`` has been renamed to
-:mod:``. This change was made to match the naming
-scheme of other local flavors. To migrate your code, all you need to do is
-change the imports.
-Getting a new session key
-``SessionBase.get_new_session_key()`` has been renamed to
-``_get_new_session_key()``. ``get_new_session_object()`` no longer exists.
-Loading a row no longer calls ``save()``
-Previously, loading a row automatically ran the model's ``save()`` method. This
-is no longer the case, so any fields (for example: timestamps) that were
-auto-populated by a ``save()`` now need explicit values in any fixture.
-Better exceptions
-The old :exc:`EnvironmentError` has split into an :exc:`ImportError` when
-Django fails to find the settings module and a :exc:`RuntimeError` when you try
-to reconfigure settings after having already used them
-``LOGIN_URL`` has moved
-The ``LOGIN_URL`` constant moved from ``django.contrib.auth`` into the
-``settings`` module. Instead of using ``from django.contrib.auth import
-LOGIN_URL`` refer to :setting:`settings.LOGIN_URL <LOGIN_URL>`.
-:setting:`APPEND_SLASH` behavior has been updated
-In 0.96, if a URL didn't end in a slash or have a period in the final
-component of its path, and ``APPEND_SLASH`` was True, Django would redirect
-to the same URL, but with a slash appended to the end. Now, Django checks to
-see whether the pattern without the trailing slash would be matched by
-something in your URL patterns. If so, no redirection takes place, because it
-is assumed you deliberately wanted to catch that pattern.
-For most people, this won't require any changes. Some people, though, have URL
-patterns that look like this::
- r'/some_prefix/(.*)$'
-Previously, those patterns would have been redirected to have a trailing
-slash. If you always want a slash on such URLs, rewrite the pattern as::
- r'/some_prefix/(.*/)$'
-Smaller model changes
-Different exception from ``get()``
-Managers now return a :exc:`MultipleObjectsReturned` exception
-instead of :exc:`AssertionError`:
-Old (0.96)::
- try:
- Model.objects.get(...)
- except AssertionError:
- handle_the_error()
-New (1.0)::
- try:
- Model.objects.get(...)
- except Model.MultipleObjectsReturned:
- handle_the_error()
-``LazyDate`` has been fired
-The ``LazyDate`` helper class no longer exists.
-Default field values and query arguments can both be callable objects, so
-instances of ``LazyDate`` can be replaced with a reference to ````:
-Old (0.96)::
- class Article(models.Model):
- title = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
- published = models.DateField(default=LazyDate())
-New (1.0)::
- import datetime
- class Article(models.Model):
- title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
- published = models.DateField(
-``DecimalField`` is new, and ``FloatField`` is now a proper float
-Old (0.96)::
- class MyModel(models.Model):
- field_name = models.FloatField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=3)
- ...
-New (1.0)::
- class MyModel(models.Model):
- field_name = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=3)
- ...
-If you forget to make this change, you will see errors about ``FloatField``
-not taking a ``max_digits`` attribute in ``__init__``, because the new
-``FloatField`` takes no precision-related arguments.
-If you're using MySQL or PostgreSQL, no further changes are needed. The
-database column types for ``DecimalField`` are the same as for the old
-If you're using SQLite, you need to force the database to view the
-appropriate columns as decimal types, rather than floats. To do this, you'll
-need to reload your data. Do this after you have made the change to using
-``DecimalField`` in your code and updated the Django code.
-.. warning::
- **Back up your database first!**
- For SQLite, this means making a copy of the single file that stores the
- database (the name of that file is the ``DATABASE_NAME`` in your
- file).
-To upgrade each application to use a ``DecimalField``, you can do the
-following, replacing ``<app>`` in the code below with each app's name:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ ./ dumpdata --format=xml <app> > data-dump.xml
- $ ./ reset <app>
- $ ./ loaddata data-dump.xml
- 1. It's important that you remember to use XML format in the first step of
- this process. We are exploiting a feature of the XML data dumps that makes
- porting floats to decimals with SQLite possible.
- 2. In the second step you will be asked to confirm that you are prepared to
- lose the data for the application(s) in question. Say yes; we'll restore
- this data in the third step, of course.
- 3. ``DecimalField`` is not used in any of the apps shipped with Django prior
- to this change being made, so you do not need to worry about performing
- this procedure for any of the standard Django models.
-If something goes wrong in the above process, just copy your backed up
-database file over the original file and start again.
-:func:`django.views.i18n.set_language` now requires a POST request
-Previously, a GET request was used. The old behavior meant that state (the
-locale used to display the site) could be changed by a GET request, which is
-against the HTTP specification's recommendations. Code calling this view must
-ensure that a POST request is now made, instead of a GET. This means you can
-no longer use a link to access the view, but must use a form submission of
-some kind (e.g. a button).
-``_()`` is no longer in builtins
-``_()`` (the callable object whose name is a single underscore) is no longer
-monkeypatched into builtins -- that is, it's no longer available magically in
-every module.
-If you were previously relying on ``_()`` always being present, you should now
-explicitly import ``ugettext`` or ``ugettext_lazy``, if appropriate, and alias
-it to ``_`` yourself::
- from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
-HTTP request/response objects
-Dictionary access to ``HttpRequest``
-``HttpRequest`` objects no longer directly support dictionary-style
-access; previously, both ``GET`` and ``POST`` data were directly
-available on the ``HttpRequest`` object (e.g., you could check for a
-piece of form data by using ``if 'some_form_key' in request`` or by
-reading ``request['some_form_key']``. This is no longer supported; if
-you need access to the combined ``GET`` and ``POST`` data, use
-``request.REQUEST`` instead.
-It is strongly suggested, however, that you always explicitly look in
-the appropriate dictionary for the type of request you expect to
-receive (``request.GET`` or ``request.POST``); relying on the combined
-``request.REQUEST`` dictionary can mask the origin of incoming data.
-Accessing ``HTTPResponse`` headers
-``django.http.HttpResponse.headers`` has been renamed to ``_headers`` and
-:class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` now supports containment checking directly.
-So use ``if header in response:`` instead of ``if header in response.headers:``.
-Generic relations
-Generic relations have been moved out of core
-The generic relation classes -- ``GenericForeignKey`` and ``GenericRelation``
--- have moved into the :mod:`django.contrib.contenttypes` module.
-:meth:`django.test.Client.login` has changed
-Old (0.96)::
- from django.test import Client
- c = Client()
- c.login('/path/to/login','myuser','mypassword')
-New (1.0)::
- # ... same as above, but then:
- c.login(username='myuser', password='mypassword')
-Management commands
-Running management commands from your code
-:mod:`` has been greatly refactored.
-Calls to management services in your code now need to use
-``call_command``. For example, if you have some test code that calls flush and
- from django.core import management
- management.flush(verbosity=0, interactive=False)
- management.load_data(['test_data'], verbosity=0)
-'ll need to change this code to read::
- from django.core import management
- management.call_command('flush', verbosity=0, interactive=False)
- management.call_command('loaddata', 'test_data', verbosity=0)
-Subcommands must now precede options
-```` and ```` now require subcommands to precede
-options. So:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ runserver
- longer works and should be changed to:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ runserver
-``Feed.__init__`` has changed
-The ``__init__()`` method of the syndication framework's ``Feed`` class now
-takes an ``HttpRequest`` object as its second parameter, instead of the feed's
-URL. This allows the syndication framework to work without requiring the sites
-framework. This only affects code that subclasses ``Feed`` and overrides the
-``__init__()`` method, and code that calls ``Feed.__init__()`` directly.
-Data structures
-``SortedDictFromList`` is gone
-``django.newforms.forms.SortedDictFromList`` was removed.
-:class:`django.utils.datastructures.SortedDict` can now be instantiated with
-a sequence of tuples.
-To update your code:
- 1. Use :class:`django.utils.datastructures.SortedDict` wherever you were
- using ``django.newforms.forms.SortedDictFromList``.
- 2. Because :meth:`django.utils.datastructures.SortedDict.copy` doesn't
- return a deepcopy as ``SortedDictFromList.copy()`` did, you will need
- to update your code if you were relying on a deepcopy. Do this by using
- ``copy.deepcopy`` directly.
-Database backend functions
-Database backend functions have been renamed
-Almost *all* of the database backend-level functions have been renamed and/or
-relocated. None of these were documented, but you'll need to change your code
-if you're using any of these functions, all of which are in :mod:`django.db`:
-======================================= ===================================================
-Old (0.96) New (1.0)
-======================================= ===================================================
-``backend.get_autoinc_sql`` ``connection.ops.autoinc_sql``
-``backend.get_date_extract_sql`` ``connection.ops.date_extract_sql``
-``backend.get_date_trunc_sql`` ``connection.ops.date_trunc_sql``
-``backend.get_datetime_cast_sql`` ``connection.ops.datetime_cast_sql``
-``backend.get_deferrable_sql`` ``connection.ops.deferrable_sql``
-``backend.get_drop_foreignkey_sql`` ``connection.ops.drop_foreignkey_sql``
-``backend.get_fulltext_search_sql`` ``connection.ops.fulltext_search_sql``
-``backend.get_last_insert_id`` ``connection.ops.last_insert_id``
-``backend.get_limit_offset_sql`` ``connection.ops.limit_offset_sql``
-``backend.get_max_name_length`` ``connection.ops.max_name_length``
-``backend.get_pk_default_value`` ``connection.ops.pk_default_value``
-``backend.get_random_function_sql`` ``connection.ops.random_function_sql``
-``backend.get_sql_flush`` ``connection.ops.sql_flush``
-``backend.get_sql_sequence_reset`` ``connection.ops.sequence_reset_sql``
-``backend.get_start_transaction_sql`` ``connection.ops.start_transaction_sql``
-``backend.get_tablespace_sql`` ``connection.ops.tablespace_sql``
-``backend.quote_name`` ``connection.ops.quote_name``
-``backend.get_query_set_class`` ``connection.ops.query_set_class``
-``backend.get_field_cast_sql`` ``connection.ops.field_cast_sql``
-``backend.get_drop_sequence`` ``connection.ops.drop_sequence_sql``
-``backend.OPERATOR_MAPPING`` ``connection.operators``
-``backend.allows_group_by_ordinal`` ``connection.features.allows_group_by_ordinal``
-``backend.allows_unique_and_pk`` ``connection.features.allows_unique_and_pk``
-``backend.autoindexes_primary_keys`` ``connection.features.autoindexes_primary_keys``
-``backend.needs_datetime_string_cast`` ``connection.features.needs_datetime_string_cast``
-``backend.needs_upper_for_iops`` ``connection.features.needs_upper_for_iops``
-``backend.supports_constraints`` ``connection.features.supports_constraints``
-``backend.supports_tablespaces`` ``connection.features.supports_tablespaces``
-``backend.uses_case_insensitive_names`` ``connection.features.uses_case_insensitive_names``
-``backend.uses_custom_queryset`` ``connection.features.uses_custom_queryset``
-======================================= ===================================================
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index 780dc53..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.0.1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.0.1 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.0.1!
-This is the first "bugfix" release in the Django 1.0 series, improving
-the stability and performance of the Django 1.0 codebase. As such,
-Django 1.0.1 contains no new features (and, pursuant to `our
-compatibility policy`_, maintains backwards compatibility with Django
-1.0), but does contain a number of fixes and other
-improvements. Django 1.0.1 is a recommended upgrade for any
-development or deployment currently using or targeting Django 1.0.
-Fixes and improvements in Django 1.0.1
-Django 1.0.1 contains over two hundred fixes to the original Django
-1.0 codebase; full details of every fix are available in `the
-Subversion log of the 1.0.X branch`_, but here are some of the
-* Several fixes in ``django.contrib.comments``, pertaining to RSS
- feeds of comments, default ordering of comments and the XHTML and
- internationalization of the default templates for comments.
-* Multiple fixes for Django's support of Oracle databases, including
- pagination support for GIS QuerySets, more efficient slicing of
- results and improved introspection of existing databases.
-* Several fixes for query support in the Django object-relational
- mapper, including repeated setting and resetting of ordering and
- fixes for working with ``INSERT``-only queries.
-* Multiple fixes for inline forms in formsets.
-* Multiple fixes for ``unique`` and ``unique_together`` model
- constraints in automatically-generated forms.
-* Fixed support for custom callable ``upload_to`` declarations when
- handling file uploads through automatically-generated forms.
-* Fixed support for sorting an admin change list based on a callable
- attributes in ``list_display``.
-* A fix to the application of autoescaping for literal strings passed
- to the ``join`` template filter. Previously, literal strings passed
- to ``join`` were automatically escaped, contrary to `the documented
- behavior for autoescaping and literal strings`_. Literal strings
- passed to ``join`` are no longer automatically escaped, meaning you
- must now manually escape them; this is an incompatibility if you
- were relying on this bug, but not if you were relying on escaping
- behaving as documented.
-* Improved and expanded translation files for many of the languages
- Django supports by default.
-* And as always, a large number of improvements to Django's
- documentation, including both corrections to existing documents and
- expanded and new documentation.
-.. _our compatibility policy:
-.. _the Subversion log of the 1.0.X branch:
-.. _the documented behavior for autoescaping and literal strings:
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.0.2 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.0.2!
-This is the second "bugfix" release in the Django 1.0 series,
-improving the stability and performance of the Django 1.0 codebase. As
-such, Django 1.0.2 contains no new features (and, pursuant to
-:doc:`our compatibility policy </misc/api-stability>`, maintains backwards compatibility with Django
-1.0.0), but does contain a number of fixes and other
-improvements. Django 1.0.2 is a recommended upgrade for any
-development or deployment currently using or targeting Django 1.0.
-Fixes and improvements in Django 1.0.2
-The primary reason behind this release is to remedy an issue in the
-recently-released Django 1.0.1; the packaging scripts used for Django
-1.0.1 omitted some directories from the final release package,
-including one directory required by ``django.contrib.gis`` and part of
-Django's unit-test suite.
-Django 1.0.2 contains updated packaging scripts, and the release
-package contains the directories omitted from Django 1.0.1. As such,
-this release contains all of the fixes and improvements from Django
-1.0.1; see :doc:`the Django 1.0.1 release notes </releases/1.0.1>` for
-Additionally, in the period since Django 1.0.1 was released:
-* Updated Hebrew and Danish translations have been added.
-* The default ``__repr__`` method of Django models has been made more
- robust in the face of bad Unicode data coming from the
- ``__unicode__`` method; rather than raise an exception in such
- cases, ``repr()`` will now contain the string "[Bad Unicode data]"
- in place of the invalid Unicode.
-* A bug involving the interaction of Django's ``SafeUnicode`` class
- and the MySQL adapter has been resolved; ``SafeUnicode`` instances
- (generated, for example, by template rendering) can now be assigned
- to model attributes and saved to MySQL without requiring an explicit
- intermediate cast to ``unicode``.
-* A bug affecting filtering on a nullable ``DateField`` in SQLite has
- been resolved.
-* Several updates and improvements have been made to Django's
- documentation.
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.0 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.0!
-We've been looking forward to this moment for over three years, and it's finally
-here. Django 1.0 represents a the largest milestone in Django's development to
-date: a Web framework that a group of perfectionists can truly be proud of.
-Django 1.0 represents over three years of community development as an Open
-Source project. Django's received contributions from hundreds of developers,
-been translated into fifty languages, and today is used by developers on every
-continent and in every kind of job.
-An interesting historical note: when Django was first released in July 2005, the
-initial released version of Django came from an internal repository at revision
-number 8825. Django 1.0 represents revision 8961 of our public repository. It
-seems fitting that our 1.0 release comes at the moment where community
-contributions overtake those made privately.
-Stability and forwards-compatibility
-:doc:`The release of Django 1.0 </releases/1.0>` comes with a promise of API
-stability and forwards-compatibility. In a nutshell, this means that code you
-develop against Django 1.0 will continue to work against 1.1 unchanged, and you
-should need to make only minor changes for any 1.X release.
-See the :doc:`API stability guide </misc/api-stability>` for full details.
-Backwards-incompatible changes
-Django 1.0 has a number of backwards-incompatible changes from Django 0.96. If
-you have apps written against Django 0.96 that you need to port, see our
-detailed porting guide:
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- 1.0-porting-guide
-A complete list of backwards-incompatible changes can be found at
-What's new in Django 1.0
-A *lot*!
-Since Django 0.96, we've made over 4,000 code commits, fixed more than 2,000
-bugs, and edited, added, or removed around 350,000 lines of code. We've also
-added 40,000 lines of new documentation, and greatly improved what was already
-In fact, new documentation is one of our favorite features of Django 1.0, so we
-might as well start there. First, there's a new documentation site:
-The documentation has been greatly improved, cleaned up, and generally made
-awesome. There's now dedicated search, indexes, and more.
-We can't possibly document everything that's new in 1.0, but the documentation
-will be your definitive guide. Anywhere you see something like:
-.. versionadded:: 1.0
- This feature is new in Django 1.0
-You'll know that you're looking at something new or changed.
-The other major highlights of Django 1.0 are:
-Re-factored admin application
-The Django administrative interface (``django.contrib.admin``) has been
-completely refactored; admin definitions are now completely decoupled from model
-definitions (no more ``class Admin`` declaration in models!), rewritten to use
-Django's new form-handling library (introduced in the 0.96 release as
-``django.newforms``, and now available as simply ``django.forms``) and
-redesigned with extensibility and customization in mind. Full documentation for
-the admin application is available online in the official Django documentation:
-See the :doc:`admin reference </ref/contrib/admin/index>` for details
-Improved Unicode handling
-Django's internals have been refactored to use Unicode throughout; this
-drastically simplifies the task of dealing with non-Western-European content and
-data in Django. Additionally, utility functions have been provided to ease
-interoperability with third-party libraries and systems which may or may not
-handle Unicode gracefully. Details are available in Django's Unicode-handling
-See :doc:`/ref/unicode`.
-An improved ORM
-Django's object-relational mapper -- the component which provides the mapping
-between Django model classes and your database, and which mediates your database
-queries -- has been dramatically improved by a massive refactoring. For most
-users of Django this is backwards-compatible; the public-facing API for database
-querying underwent a few minor changes, but most of the updates took place in
-the ORM's internals. A guide to the changes, including backwards-incompatible
-modifications and mentions of new features opened up by this refactoring, is
-`available on the Django wiki`__.
-Automatic escaping of template variables
-To provide improved security against cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities,
-Django's template system now automatically escapes the output of variables. This
-behavior is configurable, and allows both variables and larger template
-constructs to be marked as safe (requiring no escaping) or unsafe (requiring
-escaping). A full guide to this feature is in the documentation for the
-:ttag:`autoescape` tag.
-``django.contrib.gis`` (GeoDjango)
-A project over a year in the making, this adds world-class GIS (`Geographic
-Information Systems`_) support to Django, in the form of a ``contrib``
-application. Its documentation is currently being maintained externally, and
-will be merged into the main Django documentation shortly. Huge thanks go to
-Justin Bronn, Jeremy Dunck, Brett Hoerner and Travis Pinney for their efforts in
-creating and completing this feature.
-See for details.
-.. _Geographic Information Systems:
-Pluggable file storage
-Django's built-in ``FileField`` and ``ImageField`` now can take advantage of
-pluggable file-storage backends, allowing extensive customization of where and
-how uploaded files get stored by Django. For details, see :doc:`the files
-documentation </topics/files>`; big thanks go to Marty Alchin for putting in the
-hard work to get this completed.
-Jython compatibility
-Thanks to a lot of work from Leo Soto during a Google Summer of Code project,
-Django's codebase has been refactored to remove incompatibilities with
-`Jython`_, an implementation of Python written in Java, which runs Python code
-on the Java Virtual Machine. Django is now compatible with the forthcoming
-Jython 2.5 release.
-See :doc:`/howto/jython`.
-.. _Jython:
-Generic relations in forms and admin
-Classes are now included in ``django.contrib.contenttypes`` which can be used to
-support generic relations in both the admin interface and in end-user forms. See
-:ref:`the documentation for generic relations <generic-relations>` for details.
-``INSERT``/``UPDATE`` distinction
-Although Django's default behavior of having a model's ``save()`` method
-automatically determine whether to perform an ``INSERT`` or an ``UPDATE`` at the
-SQL level is suitable for the majority of cases, there are occasional situations
-where forcing one or the other is useful. As a result, models can now support an
-additional parameter to ``save()`` which can force a specific operation.
-See :ref:`ref-models-force-insert` for details.
-Split ``CacheMiddleware``
-Django's ``CacheMiddleware`` has been split into three classes:
-``CacheMiddleware`` itself still exists and retains all of its previous
-functionality, but it is now built from two separate middleware classes which
-handle the two parts of caching (inserting into and reading from the cache)
-separately, offering additional flexibility for situations where combining these
-functions into a single middleware posed problems.
-Full details, including updated notes on appropriate use, are in :doc:`the
-caching documentation </topics/cache>`.
-Refactored ``django.contrib.comments``
-As part of a Google Summer of Code project, Thejaswi Puthraya carried out a
-major rewrite and refactoring of Django's bundled comment system, greatly
-increasing its flexibility and customizability. :doc:`Full documentation
-</ref/contrib/comments/index>` is available, as well as :doc:`an upgrade guide
-</ref/contrib/comments/upgrade>` if you were using the previous incarnation of
-the comments application.
-Removal of deprecated features
-A number of features and methods which had previously been marked as deprecated,
-and which were scheduled for removal prior to the 1.0 release, are no longer
-present in Django. These include imports of the form library from
-``django.newforms`` (now located simply at ``django.forms``), the
-``form_for_model`` and ``form_for_instance`` helper functions (which have been
-replaced by ``ModelForm``) and a number of deprecated features which were
-replaced by the dispatcher, file-uploading and file-storage refactorings
-introduced in the Django 1.0 alpha releases.
-Known issues
-We've done our best to make Django 1.0 as solid as possible, but unfortunately
-there are a couple of issues that we know about in the release.
-Multi-table model inheritance with ``to_field``
-If you're using :ref:`multiple table model inheritance
-<multi-table-inheritance>`, be aware of this caveat: child models using a custom
-``parent_link`` and ``to_field`` will cause database integrity errors. A set of
-models like the following are **not valid**::
- class Parent(models.Model):
- name = models.CharField(max_length=10)
- other_value = models.IntegerField(unique=True)
- class Child(Parent):
- father = models.OneToOneField(Parent, primary_key=True, to_field="other_value", parent_link=True)
- value = models.IntegerField()
-This bug will be fixed in the next release of Django.
-Caveats with support of certain databases
-Django attempts to support as many features as possible on all database
-backends. However, not all database backends are alike, and in particular many of the supported database differ greatly from version to version. It's a good idea to checkout our :doc:`notes on supported database </ref/databases>`:
- - :ref:`mysql-notes`
- - :ref:`sqlite-notes`
- - :ref:`oracle-notes`
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.1 alpha 1 release notes
-February 23, 2009
-Welcome to Django 1.1 alpha 1!
-This is the first in a series of preview/development releases leading up to the
-eventual release of Django 1.1, currently scheduled to take place in April 2009.
-This release is primarily targeted at developers who are interested in trying
-out new features and testing the Django codebase to help identify and resolve
-bugs prior to the final 1.1 release.
-As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any such use is
-What's new in Django 1.1 alpha 1
-ORM improvements
-Two major enhancements have been added to Django's object-relational mapper
-Aggregate support
-.. currentmodule:: django.db.models
-It's now possible to run SQL aggregate queries (i.e. ``COUNT()``, ``MAX()``,
-``MIN()``, etc.) from within Django's ORM. You can choose to either return the
-results of the aggregate directly, or else annotate the objects in a
-:class:`QuerySet` with the results of the aggregate query.
-This feature is available as new :meth:`QuerySet.aggregate()`` and
-:meth:`QuerySet.annotate()`` methods, and is covered in detail in :doc:`the ORM
-aggregation documentation </topics/db/aggregation>`
-Query expressions
-Queries can now refer to a another field on the query and can traverse
-relationships to refer to fields on related models. This is implemented in the
-new :class:`F` object; for full details, including examples, consult the
-:ref:`documentation for F expressions <query-expressions>`.
-Performance improvements
-.. currentmodule:: django.test
-Tests written using Django's :doc:`testing framework </topics/testing>` now run
-dramatically faster (as much as 10 times faster in many cases).
-This was accomplished through the introduction of transaction-based tests: when
-using :class:`django.test.TestCase`, your tests will now be run in a transaction
-which is rolled back when finished, instead of by flushing and re-populating the
-database. This results in an immense speedup for most types of unit tests. See
-the documentation for :class:`TestCase` and :class:`TransactionTestCase` for a
-full description, and some important notes on database support.
-Other improvements
-Other new features and changes introduced since Django 1.0 include:
-* The :doc:`CSRF protection middleware </ref/contrib/csrf>` has been split into
- two classes -- ``CsrfViewMiddleware`` checks incoming requests, and
- ``CsrfResponseMiddleware`` processes outgoing responses. The combined
- ``CsrfMiddleware`` class (which does both) remains for
- backwards-compatibility, but using the split classes is now recommended in
- order to allow fine-grained control of when and where the CSRF processing
- takes place.
-* :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` and code which uses it (e.g., the
- ``{% url %}`` template tag) now works with URLs in Django's administrative
- site, provided that the admin URLs are set up via ``include(``
- (sending admin requests to the ```` view still works, but URLs
- in the admin will not be "reversible" when configured this way).
-* The ``include()`` function in Django URLconf modules can now accept sequences
- of URL patterns (generated by ``patterns()``) in addition to module names.
-* Instances of Django forms (see :doc:`the forms overview </topics/forms/index>`)
- now have two additional methods, ``hidden_fields()`` and ``visible_fields()``,
- which return the list of hidden -- i.e., ``<input type="hidden">`` -- and
- visible fields on the form, respectively.
-* The ``redirect_to`` generic view (see :doc:`the generic views documentation
- </ref/generic-views>`) now accepts an additional keyword argument
- ``permanent``. If ``permanent`` is ``True``, the view will emit an HTTP
- permanent redirect (status code 301). If ``False``, the view will emit an HTTP
- temporary redirect (status code 302).
-* A new database lookup type -- ``week_day`` -- has been added for ``DateField``
- and ``DateTimeField``. This type of lookup accepts a number between 1 (Sunday)
- and 7 (Saturday), and returns objects where the field value matches that day
- of the week. See :ref:`the full list of lookup types <field-lookups>` for
- details.
-* The ``{% for %}`` tag in Django's template language now accepts an optional
- ``{% empty %}`` clause, to be displayed when ``{% for %}`` is asked to loop
- over an empty sequence. See :doc:`the list of built-in template tags
- </ref/templates/builtins>` for examples of this.
-The Django 1.1 roadmap
-Before Django 1.1 goes final, several other preview/development releases will be
-made available. The current schedule consists of at least the following:
-* Week of *March 20, 2009:* Django 1.1 beta 1, at which point Django 1.1 will
- be in "feature freeze": no new features will be implemented for 1.1
- past that point, and all new feature work will be deferred to
- Django 1.2.
-* Week of *April 2, 2009:* Django 1.1 release candidate. At this point all
- strings marked for translation must freeze to allow translations to
- be submitted in advance of the final release.
-* Week of *April 13, 2009:* Django 1.1 final.
-If deemed necessary, additional alpha, beta or release candidate packages will
-be issued prior to the final 1.1 release.
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.1 release, we need your help. Although this
-alpha release is, again, *not* intended for production use, you can help the
-Django team by trying out the alpha codebase in a safe test environment and
-reporting any bugs or issues you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the
-central place to search for open issues:
- *
-Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem you're
-running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress toward the
-1.1 release, takes place daily on the django-developers mailing list:
- *
-... and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If you're
-interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free to join the
-discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to contribute to
- * :doc:`How to contribute to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing documentation or simply
-triaging tickets and helping to test proposed bugfixes -- are always welcome and
-Development sprints for Django 1.1 will also be taking place at PyCon US 2009,
-on the dedicated sprint days (March 30 through April 2), and anyone who wants to
-help out is welcome to join in, either in person at PyCon or virtually in the
-IRC channel or on the mailing list.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1-beta-1.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1-beta-1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 535f818..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1-beta-1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.1 beta 1 release notes
-March 23, 2009
-Welcome to Django 1.1 beta 1!
-This is the second in a series of preview/development releases leading up to
-the eventual release of Django 1.1, currently scheduled to take place in April
-2009. This release is primarily targeted at developers who are interested in
-trying out new features and testing the Django codebase to help identify and
-resolve bugs prior to the final 1.1 release.
-As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any such use
-is discouraged.
-What's new in Django 1.1 beta 1
-.. seealso::
- The :doc:`1.1 alpha release notes </releases/1.1-alpha-1>`, which has a
- list of everything new between Django 1.0 and Django 1.1 alpha.
-Model improvements
-.. currentmodule:: django.db.models
-A number of features have been added to Django's model layer:
-"Unmanaged" models
-You can now control whether or not Django creates database tables for a model
-using the :attr:`~Options.managed` model option. This defaults to ``True``,
-meaning that Django will create the appropriate database tables in
-:djadmin:`syncdb` and remove them as part of :djadmin:`reset` command. That
-is, Django *manages* the database table's lifecycle.
-If you set this to ``False``, however, no database table creating or deletion
-will be automatically performed for this model. This is useful if the model
-represents an existing table or a database view that has been created by some
-other means.
-For more details, see the documentation for the :attr:`~Options.managed`
-Proxy models
-You can now create :ref:`proxy models <proxy-models>`: subclasses of existing
-models that only add Python behavior and aren't represented by a new table.
-That is, the new model is a *proxy* for some underlying model, which stores
-all the real data.
-All the details can be found in the :ref:`proxy models documentation
-<proxy-models>`. This feature is similar on the surface to unmanaged models,
-so the documentation has an explanation of :ref:`how proxy models differ from
-unmanaged models <proxy-vs-unmanaged-models>`.
-Deferred fields
-In some complex situations, your models might contain fields which could
-contain a lot of data (for example, large text fields), or require expensive
-processing to convert them to Python objects. If you know you don't need those
-particular fields, you can now tell Django not to retrieve them from the
-You'll do this with the new queryset methods
-:meth:`~django.db.models.QuerySet.defer` and
-New admin features
-Since 1.1 alpha, a couple of new features have been added to Django's admin
-Editable fields on the change list
-You can now make fields editable on the admin list views via the new
-:ref:`list_editable <admin-list-editable>` admin option. These fields will show
-up as form widgets on the list pages, and can be edited and saved in bulk.
-Admin "actions"
-You can now define :doc:`admin actions </ref/contrib/admin/actions>` that can perform
-some action to a group of models in bulk. Users will be able to select objects on
-the change list page and then apply these bulk actions to all selected objects.
-Django ships with one pre-defined admin action to delete a group of objects in
-one fell swoop.
-Testing improvements
-.. currentmodule:: django.test.client
-A couple of small but very useful improvements have been made to the
-:doc:`testing framework </topics/testing>`:
- * The test :class:`Client` now can automatically follow redirects with the
- ``follow`` argument to :meth:`Client.get` and :meth:``. This
- makes testing views that issue redirects simpler.
- * It's now easier to get at the template context in the response returned
- the test client: you'll simply access the context as
- ``request.context[key]``. The old way, which treats ``request.context``
- as a list of contexts, one for each rendered template, is still
- available if you need it.
-Conditional view processing
-Django now has much better support for :doc:`conditional view processing
-</topics/conditional-view-processing>` using the standard ``ETag`` and
-``Last-Modified`` HTTP headers. This means you can now easily short-circuit
-view processing by testing less-expensive conditions. For many views this can
-lead to a serious improvement in speed and reduction in bandwidth.
-Other improvements
-Finally, a grab-bag of other neat features made their way into this beta
-release, including:
- * The :djadmin:`dumpdata` management command now accepts individual
- model names as arguments, allowing you to export the data just from
- particular models.
- * There's a new :tfilter:`safeseq` template filter which works just like
- :tfilter:`safe` for lists, marking each item in the list as safe.
- * :doc:`Cache backends </topics/cache>` now support ``incr()`` and
- ``decr()`` commands to increment and decrement the value of a cache key.
- On cache backends that support atomic increment/decrement -- most
- notably, the memcached backend -- these operations will be atomic, and
- quite fast.
- * Django now can :doc:`easily delegate authentication to the Web server
- </howto/auth-remote-user>` via a new authentication backend that supports
- the standard ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable used for this purpose.
- * There's a new :func:`django.shortcuts.redirect` function that makes it
- easier to issue redirects given an object, a view name, or a URL.
- * The ``postgresql_psycopg2`` backend now supports :ref:`native PostgreSQL
- autocommit <postgresql-notes>`. This is an advanced, PostgreSQL-specific
- feature, that can make certain read-heavy applications a good deal
- faster.
-The Django 1.1 roadmap
-Before Django 1.1 goes final, at least one other preview/development release
-will be made available. The current schedule consists of at least the
-* Week of *April 2, 2009:* Django 1.1 release candidate. At this point all
- strings marked for translation must freeze to allow translations to
- be submitted in advance of the final release.
-* Week of *April 13, 2009:* Django 1.1 final.
-If deemed necessary, additional beta or release candidate packages will be
-issued prior to the final 1.1 release.
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.1 release, we need your help. Although this
-beta release is, again, *not* intended for production use, you can help the
-Django team by trying out the beta codebase in a safe test environment and
-reporting any bugs or issues you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the
-central place to search for open issues:
- *
-Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem you're
-running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress toward the
-1.1 release, takes place daily on the django-developers mailing list:
- *
-... and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If you're
-interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free to join the
-discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to contribute to
- * :doc:`How to contribute to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing documentation or simply
-triaging tickets and helping to test proposed bugfixes -- are always welcome and
-Development sprints for Django 1.1 will also be taking place at PyCon US 2009,
-on the dedicated sprint days (March 30 through April 2), and anyone who wants to
-help out is welcome to join in, either in person at PyCon or virtually in the
-IRC channel or on the mailing list.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1-rc-1.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1-rc-1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f74444f..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1-rc-1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.1 RC 1 release notes
-July 21, 2009
-Welcome to the first Django 1.1 release candidate!
-This is the third -- and likely last -- in a series of
-preview/development releases leading up to the eventual release of
-Django 1.1, currently scheduled to take place approximately one week
-after this release candidate. This release is targeted primarily at
-developers who are interested in trying out new features and testing
-the Django codebase to help identify and resolve any critical bugs
-prior to the final 1.1 release.
-As such, this release is not yet intended for production use, and any
-such use is discouraged.
-What's new in Django 1.1 RC 1
-The Django codebase has -- with one exception -- been in feature
-freeze since the first 1.1 beta release, and so this release candidate
-contains only one new feature (see below); work leading up to this
-release candidate has instead been focused on bugfixing, particularly
-on the new features introduced prior to the 1.1 beta.
-For an overview of those features, consult :doc:`the Django 1.1 beta
-release notes </releases/1.1-beta-1>`.
-URL namespaces
-The 1.1 beta release introduced the ability to use reverse URL
-resolution with Django's admin application, which exposed a set of
-:ref:`named URLs <naming-url-patterns>`. Unfortunately, achieving
-consistent and correct reverse resolution for admin URLs proved
-extremely difficult, and so one additional feature was added to Django
-to resolve this issue: URL namespaces.
-In short, this feature allows the same group of URLs, from the same
-application, to be included in a Django URLConf multiple times, with
-varying (and potentially nested) named prefixes which will be used
-when performing reverse resolution. For full details, see :ref:`the
-documentation on defining URL namespaces
-Due to the changes needed to support this feature, the URL pattern
-names used when reversing admin URLs have changed since the 1.1 beta
-release; if you were developing applications which took advantage of
-this new feature, you will need to update your code to reflect the new
-names (for most purposes, changing ``admin_`` to ``admin:`` in names
-to be reversed will suffice). For a full list of URL pattern names
-used by the admin and information on how namespaces are applied to
-them, consult the documentation on :ref:`reversing admin URLs
-The Django 1.1 roadmap
-As of this release candidate, Django 1.1 is in both feature freeze and
-"string freeze" -- all strings marked for translation in the Django
-codebase will retain their current form in the final Django 1.1
-release. Only critical release-blocking bugs will receive attention
-between now and the final 1.1 release.
-If no such bugs are discovered, Django 1.1 will be released
-approximately one week after this release candidate, on or about July
-28, 2009.
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.1 release, we need your
-help. Although this release candidate is, again, *not* intended for
-production use, you can help the Django team by trying out this
-release candidate in a safe testing environment and reporting any bugs
-or issues you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the central
-place to search for open issues:
- *
-Please open a new ticket only if no existing ticket corresponds to a
-problem you're running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress
-toward the 1.1 release, takes place daily on the django-developers
-mailing list:
- *
-... and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If you're
-interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free to join the
-discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to contribute to
- * :doc:`How to contribute to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing documentation or simply
-triaging tickets and helping to test proposed bugfixes -- are always welcome and
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1.2.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1.2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 90a6975..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1.2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.1.2 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.1.2!
-This is the second "bugfix" release in the Django 1.1 series,
-improving the stability and performance of the Django 1.1 codebase.
-Django 1.1.2 maintains backwards compatibility with Django
-1.1.0, but contain a number of fixes and other
-improvements. Django 1.1.2 is a recommended upgrade for any
-development or deployment currently using or targeting Django 1.1.
-For full details on the new features, backwards incompatibilities, and
-deprecated features in the 1.1 branch, see the :doc:`/releases/1.1`.
-Backwards-incompatible changes in 1.1.2
-Test runner exit status code
-The exit status code of the test runners (``tests/`` and ``python test``) no longer represents the number of failed tests, since a
-failure of 256 or more tests resulted in a wrong exit status code. The exit
-status code for the test runner is now 0 for success (no failing tests) and 1
-for any number of test failures. If needed, the number of test failures can be
-found at the end of the test runner's output.
-Cookie encoding
-To fix bugs with cookies in Internet Explorer, Safari, and possibly other
-browsers, our encoding of cookie values was changed so that the characters
-comma and semi-colon are treated as non-safe characters, and are therefore
-encoded as ``\054`` and ``\073`` respectively. This could produce backwards
-incompatibilities, especially if you are storing comma or semi-colon in
-cookies and have javascript code that parses and manipulates cookie values
-One new feature
-Ordinarily, a point release would not include new features, but in the
-case of Django 1.1.2, we have made an exception to this rule. Django
-1.2 (the next major release of Django) will contain a feature that
-will improve protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
-attacks. This feature requires the use of a new :ttag:`csrf_token`
-template tag in all forms that Django renders.
-To make it easier to support both 1.1.X and 1.2.X versions of Django with
-the same templates, we have decided to introduce the :ttag:`csrf_token` template
-tag to the 1.1.X branch. In the 1.1.X branch, :ttag:`csrf_token` does nothing -
-it has no effect on templates or form processing. However, it means that the
-same template will work with Django 1.2.
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index 3ca8344..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.1 release notes
-July 29, 2009
-Welcome to Django 1.1!
-Django 1.1 includes a number of nifty `new features`_, lots of bug
-fixes, and an easy upgrade path from Django 1.0.
-.. _new features: `What's new in Django 1.1`_
-.. _backwards-incompatible-changes-1.1:
-Backwards-incompatible changes in 1.1
-Django has a policy of :doc:`API stability </misc/api-stability>`. This means
-that, in general, code you develop against Django 1.0 should continue to work
-against 1.1 unchanged. However, we do sometimes make backwards-incompatible
-changes if they're necessary to resolve bugs, and there are a handful of such
-(minor) changes between Django 1.0 and Django 1.1.
-Before upgrading to Django 1.1 you should double-check that the following
-changes don't impact you, and upgrade your code if they do.
-Changes to constraint names
-Django 1.1 modifies the method used to generate database constraint names so
-that names are consistent regardless of machine word size. This change is
-backwards incompatible for some users.
-If you are using a 32-bit platform, you're off the hook; you'll observe no
-differences as a result of this change.
-However, **users on 64-bit platforms may experience some problems** using the
-:djadmin:`reset` management command. Prior to this change, 64-bit platforms
-would generate a 64-bit, 16 character digest in the constraint name; for
- ALTER TABLE myapp_sometable ADD CONSTRAINT object_id_refs_id_5e8f10c132091d1e FOREIGN KEY ...
-Following this change, all platforms, regardless of word size, will generate a
-32-bit, 8 character digest in the constraint name; for example::
- ALTER TABLE myapp_sometable ADD CONSTRAINT object_id_refs_id_32091d1e FOREIGN KEY ...
-As a result of this change, you will not be able to use the :djadmin:`reset`
-management command on any table made by a 64-bit machine. This is because the
-the new generated name will not match the historically generated name; as a
-result, the SQL constructed by the reset command will be invalid.
-If you need to reset an application that was created with 64-bit constraints,
-you will need to manually drop the old constraint prior to invoking
-Test cases are now run in a transaction
-Django 1.1 runs tests inside a transaction, allowing better test performance
-(see `test performance improvements`_ for details).
-This change is slightly backwards incompatible if existing tests need to test
-transactional behavior, if they rely on invalid assumptions about the test
-environment, or if they require a specific test case ordering.
-For these cases, :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase` can be used instead.
-This is a just a quick fix to get around test case errors revealed by the new
-rollback approach; in the long-term tests should be rewritten to correct the
-test case.
-.. _removed-setremoteaddrfromforwardedfor-middleware:
-Removed ``SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor`` middleware
-For convenience, Django 1.0 included an optional middleware class --
-``django.middleware.http.SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor`` -- which updated the
-value of ``REMOTE_ADDR`` based on the HTTP ``X-Forwarded-For`` header commonly
-set by some proxy configurations.
-It has been demonstrated that this mechanism cannot be made reliable enough for
-general-purpose use, and that (despite documentation to the contrary) its
-inclusion in Django may lead application developers to assume that the value of
-``REMOTE_ADDR`` is "safe" or in some way reliable as a source of authentication.
-While not directly a security issue, we've decided to remove this middleware
-with the Django 1.1 release. It has been replaced with a class that does nothing
-other than raise a ``DeprecationWarning``.
-If you've been relying on this middleware, the easiest upgrade path is:
- * Examine `the code as it existed before it was removed`__.
- * Verify that it works correctly with your upstream proxy, modifying
- it to support your particular proxy (if necessary).
- * Introduce your modified version of ``SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor`` as a
- piece of middleware in your own project.
-Names of uploaded files are available later
-.. currentmodule:: django.db.models
-In Django 1.0, files uploaded and stored in a model's :class:`FileField` were
-saved to disk before the model was saved to the database. This meant that the
-actual file name assigned to the file was available before saving. For example,
-it was available in a model's pre-save signal handler.
-In Django 1.1 the file is saved as part of saving the model in the database, so
-the actual file name used on disk cannot be relied on until *after* the model
-has been saved.
-Changes to how model formsets are saved
-.. currentmodule:: django.forms.models
-In Django 1.1, :class:`BaseModelFormSet` now calls :meth:``.
-This is backwards-incompatible if you were modifying ``self.initial`` in a model
-formset's ``__init__``, or if you relied on the internal ``_total_form_count``
-or ``_initial_form_count`` attributes of BaseFormSet. Those attributes are now
-public methods.
-Fixed the ``join`` filter's escaping behavior
-The :ttag:`join` filter no longer escapes the literal value that is
-passed in for the connector.
-This is backwards incompatible for the special situation of the literal string
-containing one of the five special HTML characters. Thus, if you were writing
-``{{ foo|join:"&" }}``, you now have to write ``{{ foo|join:"&amp;" }}``.
-The previous behavior was a bug and contrary to what was documented
-and expected.
-Permanent redirects and the ``redirect_to()`` generic view
-Django 1.1 adds a ``permanent`` argument to the
-:func:`django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to()` view. This is technically
-backwards-incompatible if you were using the ``redirect_to`` view with a
-format-string key called 'permanent', which is highly unlikely.
-.. _deprecated-features-1.1:
-Features deprecated in 1.1
-One feature has been marked as deprecated in Django 1.1:
- * You should no longer use ``AdminSite.root()`` to register that admin
- views. That is, if your URLconf contains the line::
- (r'^admin/(.*)',,
- You should change it to read::
- (r'^admin/', include(,
-You should begin to remove use of this feature from your code immediately.
-``AdminSite.root`` will raise a ``PendingDeprecationWarning`` if used in
-Django 1.1. This warning is hidden by default. In Django 1.2, this warning will
-be upgraded to a ``DeprecationWarning``, which will be displayed loudly. Django
-1.3 will remove ``AdminSite.root()`` entirely.
-For more details on our deprecation policies and strategy, see
-What's new in Django 1.1
-Quite a bit: since Django 1.0, we've made 1,290 code commits, fixed 1,206 bugs,
-and added roughly 10,000 lines of documentation.
-The major new features in Django 1.1 are:
-ORM improvements
-.. currentmodule:: django.db.models
-Two major enhancements have been added to Django's object-relational mapper
-(ORM): aggregate support, and query expressions.
-Aggregate support
-It's now possible to run SQL aggregate queries (i.e. ``COUNT()``, ``MAX()``,
-``MIN()``, etc.) from within Django's ORM. You can choose to either return the
-results of the aggregate directly, or else annotate the objects in a
-:class:`QuerySet` with the results of the aggregate query.
-This feature is available as new :meth:`QuerySet.aggregate()`` and
-:meth:`QuerySet.annotate()`` methods, and is covered in detail in :doc:`the ORM
-aggregation documentation </topics/db/aggregation>`.
-Query expressions
-Queries can now refer to a another field on the query and can traverse
-relationships to refer to fields on related models. This is implemented in the
-new :class:`F` object; for full details, including examples, consult the
-:ref:`documentation for F expressions <query-expressions>`.
-Model improvements
-A number of features have been added to Django's model layer:
-"Unmanaged" models
-You can now control whether or not Django manages the life-cycle of the database
-tables for a model using the :attr:`~Options.managed` model option. This
-defaults to ``True``, meaning that Django will create the appropriate database
-tables in :djadmin:`syncdb` and remove them as part of the :djadmin:`reset`
-command. That is, Django *manages* the database table's lifecycle.
-If you set this to ``False``, however, no database table creating or deletion
-will be automatically performed for this model. This is useful if the model
-represents an existing table or a database view that has been created by some
-other means.
-For more details, see the documentation for the :attr:`~Options.managed`
-Proxy models
-You can now create :ref:`proxy models <proxy-models>`: subclasses of existing
-models that only add Python-level (rather than database-level) behavior and
-aren't represented by a new table. That is, the new model is a *proxy* for some
-underlying model, which stores all the real data.
-All the details can be found in the :ref:`proxy models documentation
-<proxy-models>`. This feature is similar on the surface to unmanaged models,
-so the documentation has an explanation of :ref:`how proxy models differ from
-unmanaged models <proxy-vs-unmanaged-models>`.
-Deferred fields
-In some complex situations, your models might contain fields which could
-contain a lot of data (for example, large text fields), or require expensive
-processing to convert them to Python objects. If you know you don't need those
-particular fields, you can now tell Django not to retrieve them from the
-You'll do this with the new queryset methods
-:meth:`~django.db.models.QuerySet.defer` and
-Testing improvements
-A few notable improvements have been made to the :doc:`testing framework
-Test performance improvements
-.. currentmodule:: django.test
-Tests written using Django's :doc:`testing framework </topics/testing>` now run
-dramatically faster (as much as 10 times faster in many cases).
-This was accomplished through the introduction of transaction-based tests: when
-using :class:`django.test.TestCase`, your tests will now be run in a transaction
-which is rolled back when finished, instead of by flushing and re-populating the
-database. This results in an immense speedup for most types of unit tests. See
-the documentation for :class:`TestCase` and :class:`TransactionTestCase` for a
-full description, and some important notes on database support.
-Test client improvements
-.. currentmodule:: django.test.client
-A couple of small -- but highly useful -- improvements have been made to the
-test client:
- * The test :class:`Client` now can automatically follow redirects with the
- ``follow`` argument to :meth:`Client.get` and :meth:``. This
- makes testing views that issue redirects simpler.
- * It's now easier to get at the template context in the response returned
- the test client: you'll simply access the context as
- ``request.context[key]``. The old way, which treats ``request.context`` as
- a list of contexts, one for each rendered template in the inheritance
- chain, is still available if you need it.
-New admin features
-Django 1.1 adds a couple of nifty new features to Django's admin interface:
-Editable fields on the change list
-You can now make fields editable on the admin list views via the new
-:ref:`list_editable <admin-list-editable>` admin option. These fields will show
-up as form widgets on the list pages, and can be edited and saved in bulk.
-Admin "actions"
-You can now define :doc:`admin actions </ref/contrib/admin/actions>` that can
-perform some action to a group of models in bulk. Users will be able to select
-objects on the change list page and then apply these bulk actions to all
-selected objects.
-Django ships with one pre-defined admin action to delete a group of objects in
-one fell swoop.
-Conditional view processing
-Django now has much better support for :doc:`conditional view processing
-</topics/conditional-view-processing>` using the standard ``ETag`` and
-``Last-Modified`` HTTP headers. This means you can now easily short-circuit
-view processing by testing less-expensive conditions. For many views this can
-lead to a serious improvement in speed and reduction in bandwidth.
-URL namespaces
-Django 1.1 improves :ref:`named URL patterns <naming-url-patterns>` with the
-introduction of URL "namespaces."
-In short, this feature allows the same group of URLs, from the same application,
-to be included in a Django URLConf multiple times, with varying (and potentially
-nested) named prefixes which will be used when performing reverse resolution. In
-other words, reusable applications like Django's admin interface may be
-registered multiple times without URL conflicts.
-For full details, see :ref:`the documentation on defining URL namespaces
-In Django 1.1, GeoDjango_ (i.e. ``django.contrib.gis``) has several new
- * Support for SpatiaLite_ -- a spatial database for SQLite -- as a spatial
- backend.
- * Geographic aggregates (``Collect``, ``Extent``, ``MakeLine``, ``Union``)
- and ``F`` expressions.
- * New ``GeoQuerySet`` methods: ``collect``, ``geojson``, and
- ``snap_to_grid``.
- * A new list interface methods for ``GEOSGeometry`` objects.
-For more details, see the `GeoDjango documentation`_.
-.. _geodjango:
-.. _spatialite:
-.. _geodjango documentation:
-Other improvements
-Other new features and changes introduced since Django 1.0 include:
-* The :doc:`CSRF protection middleware </ref/contrib/csrf>` has been split into
- two classes -- ``CsrfViewMiddleware`` checks incoming requests, and
- ``CsrfResponseMiddleware`` processes outgoing responses. The combined
- ``CsrfMiddleware`` class (which does both) remains for
- backwards-compatibility, but using the split classes is now recommended in
- order to allow fine-grained control of when and where the CSRF processing
- takes place.
-* :func:`~django.core.urlresolvers.reverse` and code which uses it (e.g., the
- ``{% url %}`` template tag) now works with URLs in Django's administrative
- site, provided that the admin URLs are set up via ``include(``
- (sending admin requests to the ```` view still works, but URLs
- in the admin will not be "reversible" when configured this way).
-* The ``include()`` function in Django URLconf modules can now accept sequences
- of URL patterns (generated by ``patterns()``) in addition to module names.
-* Instances of Django forms (see :doc:`the forms overview </topics/forms/index>`)
- now have two additional methods, ``hidden_fields()`` and ``visible_fields()``,
- which return the list of hidden -- i.e., ``<input type="hidden">`` -- and
- visible fields on the form, respectively.
-* The ``redirect_to`` generic view (see :doc:`the generic views documentation
- </ref/generic-views>`) now accepts an additional keyword argument
- ``permanent``. If ``permanent`` is ``True``, the view will emit an HTTP
- permanent redirect (status code 301). If ``False``, the view will emit an HTTP
- temporary redirect (status code 302).
-* A new database lookup type -- ``week_day`` -- has been added for ``DateField``
- and ``DateTimeField``. This type of lookup accepts a number between 1 (Sunday)
- and 7 (Saturday), and returns objects where the field value matches that day
- of the week. See :ref:`the full list of lookup types <field-lookups>` for
- details.
-* The ``{% for %}`` tag in Django's template language now accepts an optional
- ``{% empty %}`` clause, to be displayed when ``{% for %}`` is asked to loop
- over an empty sequence. See :doc:`the list of built-in template tags
- </ref/templates/builtins>` for examples of this.
-* The :djadmin:`dumpdata` management command now accepts individual
- model names as arguments, allowing you to export the data just from
- particular models.
-* There's a new :tfilter:`safeseq` template filter which works just like
- :tfilter:`safe` for lists, marking each item in the list as safe.
-* :doc:`Cache backends </topics/cache>` now support ``incr()`` and
- ``decr()`` commands to increment and decrement the value of a cache key.
- On cache backends that support atomic increment/decrement -- most
- notably, the memcached backend -- these operations will be atomic, and
- quite fast.
-* Django now can :doc:`easily delegate authentication to the Web server
- </howto/auth-remote-user>` via a new authentication backend that supports
- the standard ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable used for this purpose.
-* There's a new :func:`django.shortcuts.redirect` function that makes it
- easier to issue redirects given an object, a view name, or a URL.
-* The ``postgresql_psycopg2`` backend now supports :ref:`native PostgreSQL
- autocommit <postgresql-notes>`. This is an advanced, PostgreSQL-specific
- feature, that can make certain read-heavy applications a good deal
- faster.
-What's next?
-We'll take a short break, and then work on Django 1.2 will begin -- no rest for
-the weary! If you'd like to help, discussion of Django development, including
-progress toward the 1.2 release, takes place daily on the django-developers
-mailing list:
- *
-... and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. Feel free to
-join the discussions!
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to contribute to
- * :doc:`How to contribute to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing documentation or simply
-triaging tickets and helping to test proposed bugfixes -- are always welcome and
-And that's the way it is.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-alpha-1.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-alpha-1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4144a9a..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-alpha-1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.2 alpha 1 release notes
-January 5, 2010
-Welcome to Django 1.2 alpha 1!
-This is the first in a series of preview/development releases leading up to the
-eventual release of Django 1.2, currently scheduled to take place in March 2010.
-This release is primarily targeted at developers who are interested in trying
-out new features and testing the Django codebase to help identify and resolve
-bugs prior to the final 1.2 release.
-As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any such use is
-Backwards-incompatible changes in 1.2
-CSRF Protection
-There have been large changes to the way that CSRF protection works, detailed in
-:doc:`the CSRF documentaton </ref/contrib/csrf>`. The following are the major
-changes that developers must be aware of:
- * ``CsrfResponseMiddleware`` and ``CsrfMiddleware`` have been deprecated, and
- **will be removed completely in Django 1.4**, in favor of a template tag that
- should be inserted into forms.
- * All contrib apps use a ``csrf_protect`` decorator to protect the view. This
- requires the use of the ``csrf_token`` template tag in the template, so if you
- have used custom templates for contrib views, you MUST READ THE :ref:`UPGRADE
- INSTRUCTIONS <ref-csrf-upgrading-notes>` to fix those templates.
- * ``CsrfViewMiddleware`` is included in :setting:`MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES` by
- default. This turns on CSRF protection by default, so that views that accept
- POST requests need to be written to work with the middleware. Instructions
- on how to do this are found in the CSRF docs.
- * CSRF-related code has moved from ``contrib`` to ``core`` (with
- backwards compatible imports in the old locations, which are
- deprecated).
-:ttag:`if` tag changes
-Due to new features in the :ttag:`if` template tag, it no longer accepts 'and',
-'or' and 'not' as valid **variable** names. Previously that worked in some
-cases even though these strings were normally treated as keywords. Now, the
-keyword status is always enforced, and template code like ``{% if not %}`` or
-``{% if and %}`` will throw a TemplateSyntaxError.
-``LazyObject`` is an undocumented utility class used for lazily wrapping other
-objects of unknown type. In Django 1.1 and earlier, it handled introspection in
-a non-standard way, depending on wrapped objects implementing a public method
-``get_all_members()``. Since this could easily lead to name clashes, it has been
-changed to use the standard method, involving ``__members__`` and ``__dir__()``.
-If you used ``LazyObject`` in your own code, and implemented the
-``get_all_members()`` method for wrapped objects, you need to make the following
- * If your class does not have special requirements for introspection (i.e. you
- have not implemented ``__getattr__()`` or other methods that allow for
- attributes not discoverable by normal mechanisms), you can simply remove the
- ``get_all_members()`` method. The default implementation on ``LazyObject``
- will do the right thing.
- * If you have more complex requirements for introspection, first rename the
- ``get_all_members()`` method to ``__dir__()``. This is the standard method,
- from Python 2.6 onwards, for supporting introspection. If you are require
- support for Python < 2.6, add the following code to the class::
- __members__ = property(lambda self: self.__dir__())
-``__dict__`` on Model instances
-Historically, the ``__dict__`` attribute of a model instance has only contained
-attributes corresponding to the fields on a model.
-In order to support multiple database configurations, Django 1.2 has
-added a ``_state`` attribute to object instances. This attribute will
-appear in ``__dict__`` for a model instance. If your code relies on
-iterating over __dict__ to obtain a list of fields, you must now
-filter the ``_state`` attribute of out ``__dict__``.
-``get_db_prep_*()`` methods on Field
-Prior to v1.2, a custom field had the option of defining several
-functions to support conversion of Python values into
-database-compatible values. A custom field might look something like::
- class CustomModelField(models.Field):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_value(self, value):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
- # ...
-In 1.2, these three methods have undergone a change in prototype, and
-two extra methods have been introduced::
- class CustomModelField(models.Field):
- # ...
- def get_prep_value(self, value):
- # ...
- def get_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_save(self, value, connection):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value, connection, prepared=False):
- # ...
-These changes are required to support multiple databases:
-``get_db_prep_*`` can no longer make any assumptions regarding the
-database for which it is preparing. The ``connection`` argument now
-provides the preparation methods with the specific connection for
-which the value is being prepared.
-The two new methods exist to differentiate general data preparation
-requirements, and requirements that are database-specific. The
-``prepared`` argument is used to indicate to the database preparation
-methods whether generic value preparation has been performed. If
-an unprepared (i.e., ``prepared=False``) value is provided to the
-``get_db_prep_*()`` calls, they should invoke the corresponding
-``get_prep_*()`` calls to perform generic data preparation.
-Conversion functions has been provided which will transparently
-convert functions adhering to the old prototype into functions
-compatible with the new prototype. However, this conversion function
-will be removed in Django 1.4, so you should upgrade your Field
-definitions to use the new prototype.
-If your ``get_db_prep_*()`` methods made no use of the database
-connection, you should be able to upgrade by renaming
-``get_db_prep_value()`` to ``get_prep_value()`` and
-``get_db_prep_lookup()`` to ``get_prep_lookup()`. If you require
-database specific conversions, then you will need to provide an
-implementation ``get_db_prep_*`` that uses the ``connection``
-argument to resolve database-specific values.
-Stateful template tags
-Template tags that store rendering state on the node itself may experience
-problems if they are used with the new :ref:`cached
-template loader<template-loaders>`.
-All of the built-in Django template tags are safe to use with the cached
-loader, but if you're using custom template tags that come from third
-party packages, or that you wrote yourself, you should ensure that the
-``Node`` implementation for each tag is thread-safe. For more
-information, see
-:ref:`template tag thread safety considerations<template_tag_thread_safety>`.
-Test runner exit status code
-The exit status code of the test runners (``tests/`` and ``python test``) no longer represents the number of failed tests, since a
-failure of 256 or more tests resulted in a wrong exit status code. The exit
-status code for the test runner is now 0 for success (no failing tests) and 1
-for any number of test failures. If needed, the number of test failures can be
-found at the end of the test runner's output.
-Features deprecated in 1.2
-CSRF response rewriting middleware
-``CsrfResponseMiddleware``, the middleware that automatically inserted CSRF
-tokens into POST forms in outgoing pages, has been deprecated in favor of a
-template tag method (see above), and will be removed completely in Django
-1.4. ``CsrfMiddleware``, which includes the functionality of
-``CsrfResponseMiddleware`` and ``CsrfViewMiddleware`` has likewise been
-Also, the CSRF module has moved from contrib to core, and the old imports are
-deprecated, as described in the :ref:`upgrading notes <ref-csrf-upgrading-notes>`.
-The ``SMTPConnection`` class has been deprecated in favor of a generic
-E-mail backend API. Old code that explicitly instantiated an instance
-of an SMTPConnection::
- from django.core.mail import SMTPConnection
- connection = SMTPConnection()
- messages = get_notification_email()
- connection.send_messages(messages)
-should now call :meth:`~django.core.mail.get_connection()` to
-instantiate a generic e-mail connection::
- from django.core.mail import get_connection
- connection = get_connection()
- messages = get_notification_email()
- connection.send_messages(messages)
-Depending on the value of the :setting:`EMAIL_BACKEND` setting, this
-may not return an SMTP connection. If you explicitly require an SMTP
-connection with which to send e-mail, you can explicitly request an
-SMTP connection::
- from django.core.mail import get_connection
- connection = get_connection('django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend')
- messages = get_notification_email()
- connection.send_messages(messages)
-If your call to construct an instance of ``SMTPConnection`` required
-additional arguments, those arguments can be passed to the
-:meth:`~django.core.mail.get_connection()` call::
- connection = get_connection('django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend', hostname='localhost', port=1234)
-Specifying databases
-Prior to Django 1.1, Django used a number of settings to control access to a
-single database. Django 1.2 introduces support for multiple databases, and as
-a result, the way you define database settings has changed.
-**Any existing Django settings file will continue to work as expected
-until Django 1.4.** Old-style database settings will be automatically
-translated to the new-style format.
-In the old-style (pre 1.2) format, there were a number of
-``DATABASE_`` settings at the top level of your settings file. For
- DATABASE_NAME = 'test_db'
- DATABASE_ENGINE = 'postgresql_psycopg2'
- DATABASE_USER = 'myusername'
-These settings are now contained inside a dictionary named
-:setting:`DATABASES`. Each item in the dictionary corresponds to a
-single database connection, with the name ``'default'`` describing the
-default database connection. The setting names have also been
-shortened to reflect the fact that they are stored in a dictionary.
-The sample settings given previously would now be stored using::
- 'default': {
- 'NAME': 'test_db',
- 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
- 'USER': 'myusername',
- 'PASSWORD': 's3krit',
- }
- }
-This affects the following settings:
- ========================================= ==========================
- Old setting New Setting
- ========================================= ==========================
- :setting:`DATABASE_ENGINE` :setting:`ENGINE`
- :setting:`DATABASE_HOST` :setting:`HOST`
- :setting:`DATABASE_NAME` :setting:`NAME`
- :setting:`DATABASE_OPTIONS` :setting:`OPTIONS`
- :setting:`DATABASE_PASSWORD` :setting:`PASSWORD`
- :setting:`DATABASE_PORT` :setting:`PORT`
- :setting:`DATABASE_USER` :setting:`USER`
- :setting:`TEST_DATABASE_NAME` :setting:`TEST_NAME`
- ========================================= ==========================
-These changes are also required if you have manually created a database
-connection using ``DatabaseWrapper()`` from your database backend of choice.
-In addition to the change in structure, Django 1.2 removes the special
-handling for the built-in database backends. All database backends
-must now be specified by a fully qualified module name (i.e.,
-``django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2``, rather than just
-User Messages API
-The API for storing messages in the user ``Message`` model (via
-``user.message_set.create``) is now deprecated and will be removed in Django
-1.4 according to the standard :doc:`release process </internals/release-process>`.
-To upgrade your code, you need to replace any instances of::
- user.message_set.create('a message')
-with the following::
- from django.contrib import messages
- messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'a message')
-Additionally, if you make use of the method, you need to replace the
- for message in user.get_and_delete_messages():
- ...
- from django.contrib import messages
- for message in messages.get_messages(request):
- ...
-For more information, see the full
-:doc:`messages documentation </ref/contrib/messages>`. You should begin to
-update your code to use the new API immediately.
-Date format helper functions
-``django.utils.translation.get_date_formats()`` and
-``django.utils.translation.get_partial_date_formats()`` have been deprecated
-in favor of the appropriate calls to ``django.utils.formats.get_format()``
-which is locale aware when :setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, and falls
-back to default settings if set to ``False``.
-To get the different date formats, instead of writing::
- from django.utils.translation import get_date_formats
- date_format, datetime_format, time_format = get_date_formats()
- from django.utils import formats
- date_format = formats.get_format('DATE_FORMAT')
- datetime_format = formats.get_format('DATETIME_FORMAT')
- time_format = formats.get_format('TIME_FORMAT')
-or, when directly formatting a date value::
- from django.utils import formats
- value_formatted = formats.date_format(value, 'DATETIME_FORMAT')
-The same applies to the globals found in ``django.forms.fields``:
-Use ``django.utils.formats.get_format()`` to get the appropriate formats.
-What's new in Django 1.2 alpha 1
-The following new features are present as of this alpha release; this
-release also marks the end of major feature development for the 1.2
-release cycle. Some minor features will continue development until the
-1.2 beta release, however.
-CSRF support
-Django now has much improved protection against :doc:`Cross-Site
-Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks</ref/contrib/csrf>`. This type of attack
-occurs when a malicious Web site contains a link, a form button or
-some javascript that is intended to perform some action on your Web
-site, using the credentials of a logged-in user who visits the
-malicious site in their browser. A related type of attack, 'login
-CSRF', where an attacking site tricks a user's browser into logging
-into a site with someone else's credentials, is also covered.
-E-mail Backends
-You can now :ref:`configure the way that Django sends e-mail
-<topic-email-backends>`. Instead of using SMTP to send all e-mail, you
-can now choose a configurable e-mail backend to send messages. If your
-hosting provider uses a sandbox or some other non-SMTP technique for
-sending mail, you can now construct an e-mail backend that will allow
-Django's standard :doc:`mail sending methods</topics/email>` to use
-those facilities.
-This also makes it easier to debug mail sending - Django ships with
-backend implementations that allow you to send e-mail to a
-:ref:`file<topic-email-file-backend>`, to the
-:ref:`console<topic-email-console-backend>`, or to
-:ref:`memory<topic-email-memory-backend>` - you can even configure all
-e-mail to be :ref:`thrown away<topic-email-dummy-backend>`.
-Messages Framework
-Django now includes a robust and configurable :doc:`messages framework
-</ref/contrib/messages>` with built-in support for cookie- and session-based
-messaging, for both anonymous and authenticated clients. The messages framework
-replaces the deprecated user message API and allows you to temporarily store
-messages in one request and retrieve them for display in a subsequent request
-(usually the next one).
-Support for multiple databases
-Django 1.2 adds the ability to use :doc:`more than one database
-</topics/db/multi-db>` in your Django project. Queries can be
-issued at a specific database with the `using()` method on
-querysets; individual objects can be saved to a specific database
-by providing a ``using`` argument when you save the instance.
-'Smart' if tag
-The :ttag:`if` tag has been upgraded to be much more powerful. First, support
-for comparison operators has been added. No longer will you have to type:
-.. code-block:: html+django
- {% ifnotequal a b %}
- ...
- {% endifnotequal %}
- you can now do:
-.. code-block:: html+django
- {% if a != b %}
- ...
- {% endif %}
-The operators supported are ``==``, ``!=``, ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``, ``>=`` and
-``in``, all of which work like the Python operators, in addition to ``and``,
-``or`` and ``not`` which were already supported.
-Also, filters may now be used in the ``if`` expression. For example:
-.. code-block:: html+django
- <div
- {% if|lower == message.recipient|lower %}
- class="highlight"
- {% endif %}
- >{{ message }}</div>
-Template caching
-In previous versions of Django, every time you rendered a template it
-would be reloaded from disk. In Django 1.2, you can use a :ref:`cached
-template loader <template-loaders>` to load templates once, then use
-the cached result for every subsequent render. This can lead to a
-significant performance improvement if your templates are broken into
-lots of smaller subtemplates (using the ``{% extends %}`` or ``{%
-include %}`` tags).
-As a side effect, it is now much easier to support non-Django template
-languages. For more details, see the :ref:`notes on supporting
-non-Django template languages<topic-template-alternate-language>`.
-Natural keys in fixtures
-Fixtures can refer to remote objects using
-:ref:`topics-serialization-natural-keys`. This lookup scheme is an
-alternative to the normal primary-key based object references in a
-fixture, improving readability, and resolving problems referring to
-objects whose primary key value may not be predictable or known.
-Models can now use a 64 bit :class:`~django.db.models.BigIntegerField` type.
-Fast Failure for Tests
-The :djadmin:`test` subcommand of ````, and the ````
-script used to run Django's own test suite, support a new ``--failfast`` option.
-When specified, this option causes the test runner to exit after encountering
-a failure instead of continuing with the test run. In addition, the handling
-of ``Ctrl-C`` during a test run has been improved to trigger a graceful exit
-from the test run that reports details of the tests run before the interruption.
-Improved localization
-Django's :doc:`internationalization framework </topics/i18n/index>` has been
-expanded by locale aware formatting and form processing. That means, if
-enabled, dates and numbers on templates will be displayed using the format
-specified for the current locale. Django will also use localized formats
-when parsing data in forms.
-See :ref:`Format localization <format-localization>` for more details.
-Added ``readonly_fields`` to ``ModelAdmin``
-:attr:`django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.readonly_fields` has been added to
-enable non-editable fields in add/change pages for models and inlines. Field
-and calculated values can be displayed along side editable fields.
-Customizable syntax highlighting
-You can now use the ``DJANGO_COLORS`` environment variable to modify
-or disable the colors used by ```` to provide
-:ref:`syntax highlighting <syntax-coloring>`.
-The Django 1.2 roadmap
-Before the final Django 1.2 release, several other preview/development
-releases will be made available. The current schedule consists of at
-least the following:
-* Week of **January 26, 2010**: First Django 1.2 beta release. Final
- feature freeze for Django 1.2.
-* Week of **March 2, 2010**: First Django 1.2 release
- candidate. String freeze for translations.
-* Week of **March 9, 2010**: Django 1.2 final release.
-If necessary, additional alpha, beta or release-candidate packages
-will be issued prior to the final 1.2 release. Django 1.2 will be
-released approximately one week after the final release candidate.
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.2 release, we need your help. Although this
-alpha release is, again, *not* intended for production use, you can help the
-Django team by trying out the alpha codebase in a safe test environment and
-reporting any bugs or issues you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the
-central place to search for open issues:
- *
-Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem you're
-running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress toward the
-1.2 release, takes place daily on the django-developers mailing list:
- *
-... and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If you're
-interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free to join the
-discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to contribute to
- * :doc:`How to contribute to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing documentation or simply
-triaging tickets and helping to test proposed bugfixes -- are always welcome and
-Development sprints for Django 1.2 will also be taking place at PyCon
-US 2010, on the dedicated sprint days (February 22 through 25), and
-anyone who wants to help out is welcome to join in, either in person
-at PyCon or virtually in the IRC channel or on the mailing list.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-beta-1.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-beta-1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a12ef3..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-beta-1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.2 beta 1 release notes
-February 5, 2010
-Welcome to Django 1.2 beta 1!
-This is the second in a series of preview/development releases leading
-up to the eventual release of Django 1.2, currently scheduled to take
-place in March 2010. This release is primarily targeted at developers
-who are interested in trying out new features and testing the Django
-codebase to help identify and resolve bugs prior to the final 1.2
-As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any
-such use is discouraged.
-This document covers changes since the Django 1.2 alpha release; the
-:doc:`1.2 alpha release notes </releases/1.2-alpha-1>` cover new and
-updated features in Django between 1.1 and 1.2 alpha.
-Deprecations and other changes in 1.2 beta
-This beta release deprecates two portions of public API, and
-introduces a potentially backwards-incompatible change to
-another. Under :doc:`our API stability policy </misc/api-stability>`,
-deprecation proceeds over multiple release cycles: initially, the
-deprecated API will raise ``PendingDeprecationWarning``, followed by
-raising ``DeprecationWarning`` in the next release, and finally
-removal of the deprecated API in the release after that. APIs
-beginning the deprecation process in Django 1.2 will be removed in the
-Django 1.4 release.
-Unit test runners
-Django 1.2 changes the test runner tools to use a class-based
-approach. Old style function-based test runners will still work, but
-should be updated to use the new :ref:`class-based runners
-Syndication feeds
-The :class:`django.contrib.syndication.feeds.Feed` class is being
-replaced by the :class:`django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed` class.
-The old ``feeds.Feed`` class is deprecated. The new class has an
-almost identical API, but allows instances to be used as views.
-Also, in accordance with `RSS best practices`_, RSS feeds will now
-include an ``atom:link`` element. You may need to update your tests to
-take this into account.
-For more information, see the full :doc:`syndication framework
-documentation </ref/contrib/syndication>`.
-.. _RSS best practices:
-Cookie encoding
-Due to cookie-handling bugs in Internet Explorer, Safari, and possibly
-other browsers, Django's encoding of cookie values was changed so that
-the characters comma (',') and semi-colon (';') are treated as
-non-safe characters, and are therefore encoded as ``\054`` and
-``\073`` respectively. This could produce backwards incompatibilities
-if you are relying on the ability to set these characters directly in
-cookie values.
-What's new in 1.2 beta
-This 1.2 beta release marks the final feature freeze for Django 1.2;
-while most feature development was completed for 1.2 alpha (which
-constituted a freeze on major features), a few other new features were
-added afterward and so are new as of 1.2 beta.
-Object-level permissions
-A foundation for specifying permissions at the per-object level was
-added in Django 1.2 alpha but not documented with the alpha release.
-The default authentication backends shipped with Django do not
-currently make use of this, but third-party authentication backends
-are free to do so. See the :doc:`authentication docs </topics/auth>`
-for more information.
-Permissions for anonymous users
-If you provide a custom authentication backend with the attribute
-``supports_anonymous_user`` set to ``True``, the ``AnonymousUser``
-class will check the backend for permissions, just as the normal
-``User`` does. This is intended to help centralize permission
-handling; apps can always delegate the question of whether something
-is allowed or not to the authorization/authentication system. See the
-:doc:`authentication docs </topics/auth>` for more details.
-``select_related()`` improvements
-The ``select_related()`` method of ``QuerySet`` now accepts the
-``related_name`` of a reverse one-to-one relation in the list of
-fields to select. One-to-one relations will not, however, be traversed
-by a depth-based ``select_related()`` call.
-The Django 1.2 roadmap
-Before the final Django 1.2 release, at least one additional
-preview/development releases will be made available. The current
-schedule consists of at least the following:
-* Week of **March 2, 2010**: First Django 1.2 release
- candidate. String freeze for translations.
-* Week of **March 9, 2010**: Django 1.2 final release.
-If necessary, additional beta or release-candidate packages will be
-issued prior to the final 1.2 release. Django 1.2 will be released
-approximately one week after the final release candidate.
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.2 release, we need your
-help. Although this beta release is, again, *not* intended for
-production use, you can help the Django team by trying out the beta
-codebase in a safe test environment and reporting any bugs or issues
-you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the central place to
-search for open issues:
- *
-Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem
-you're running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress
-toward the 1.2 release, takes place daily on the django-developers
-mailing list:
- *
-... and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If you're
-interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free to join the
-discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to
-contribute to Django:
- * :doc:`How to contribute to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing documentation
-or simply triaging tickets and helping to test proposed bugfixes --
-are always welcome and appreciated.
-Development sprints for Django 1.2 will also be taking place at PyCon
-US 2010, on the dedicated sprint days (February 22 through 25), and
-anyone who wants to help out is welcome to join in, either in person
-at PyCon or virtually in the IRC channel or on the mailing list.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-rc-1.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-rc-1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b599dcc..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2-rc-1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.2 RC 1 release notes
-May 5, 2010
-Welcome to the first Django 1.2 release candidate!
-This is the third -- and likely last -- in a series of
-preview/development releases leading up to the eventual release of
-Django 1.2. This release is targeted primarily at developers who are
-interested in trying out new features and testing the Django codebase
-to help identify and resolve any critical bugs prior to the final 1.2
-As such, this release is not yet intended for production use, and any
-such use is discouraged.
-Django has been feature frozen since the 1.2 beta release, so this
-release candidate contains no new features, only bugfixes; for a
-summary of features new to Django 1.2, consult the :doc:`1.2 alpha
-</releases/1.2-alpha-1>` and :doc:`1.2 beta </releases/1.2-beta-1>`
-release notes.
-Python compatibility
-While not a new feature, it's important to note that Django 1.2
-introduces the first shift in our Python compatibility policy since
-Django's initial public debut. Previous Django releases were tested
-and supported on 2.x Python versions from 2.3 up; Django 1.2, however,
-drops official support for Python 2.3. As such, the minimum Python
-version required for Django is now 2.4, and Django is tested and
-supported on Python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6, and will be supported on the
-as-yet-unreleased Python 2.7.
-This change should affect only a small number of Django users, as most
-operating-system vendors today are shipping Python 2.4 or newer as
-their default version. If you're still using Python 2.3, however,
-you'll need to stick to Django 1.1 until you can upgrade; per
-:doc:`our support policy </internals/release-process>`, Django 1.1 will
-continue to receive security support until the release of Django 1.3.
-A roadmap for Django's overall 2.x Python support, and eventual
-transition to Python 3.x, is currently being developed, and will be
-announced prior to the release of Django 1.3.
-The Django 1.2 roadmap
-As of this release candidate, Django 1.2 is in both feature freeze and
-"string freeze" -- all strings marked for translation in the Django
-codebase will retain their current form in the final Django 1.2
-release. Only critical release-blocking bugs, documentation and
-updated translation files will receive attention between now and the
-final 1.2 release. Note that Django's localization infrastructure has
-been expanded for 1.2, and translation packages should now include a
-```` file containing data for localized formatting of
-numbers and dates.
-If no critical bugs are discovered, Django 1.2 will be released
-approximately one week after this release candidate, on or about May
-12, 2010.
-What you can do to help
-In order to provide a high-quality 1.2 release, we need your
-help. Although this release candidate is, again, *not* intended for
-production use, you can help the Django team by trying out this
-release candidate in a safe testing environment and reporting any bugs
-or issues you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the central
-place to search for open issues:
- *
-Please open a new ticket only if no existing ticket corresponds to a
-problem you're running into.
-Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress
-toward the 1.2 release, takes place daily on the django-developers
-mailing list:
- *
-... and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If you're
-interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free to join the
-discussions there.
-Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to contribute to
- * :doc:`How to contribute to Django </internals/contributing>`
-Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing documentation or simply
-triaging tickets and helping to test proposed bugfixes -- are always welcome and
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.2.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ae74ab..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.2.2 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.2.2!
-This is the second "bugfix" release in the Django 1.2 series,
-improving the stability and performance of the Django 1.2 codebase.
-Django 1.2.2 maintains backwards compatibility with Django
-1.2.1, but contain a number of fixes and other
-improvements. Django 1.2.2 is a recommended upgrade for any
-development or deployment currently using or targeting Django 1.2.
-For full details on the new features, backwards incompatibilities, and
-deprecated features in the 1.2 branch, see the :doc:`/releases/1.2`.
-One new feature
-Ordinarily, a point release would not include new features, but in the
-case of Django 1.2.2, we have made an exception to this rule.
-In order to test a bug fix that forms part of the 1.2.2 release, it
-was necessary to add a feature -- the ``enforce_csrf_checks`` flag --
-to the :mod:`test client <django.test.client>`. This flag forces
-the test client to perform full CSRF checks on forms. The default
-behavior of the test client hasn't changed, but if you want to do
-CSRF checks with the test client, it is now possible to do so.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.4.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.4.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5472a28..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.4.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.2.4 release notes
-Welcome to Django 1.2.4!
-This is the fourth "bugfix" release in the Django 1.2 series,
-improving the stability and performance of the Django 1.2 codebase.
-Django 1.2.4 maintains backwards compatibility with Django
-1.2.3, but contain a number of fixes and other
-improvements. Django 1.2.4 is a recommended upgrade for any
-development or deployment currently using or targeting Django 1.2.
-For full details on the new features, backwards incompatibilities, and
-deprecated features in the 1.2 branch, see the :doc:`/releases/1.2`.
-One new feature
-Ordinarily, a point release would not include new features, but in the
-case of Django 1.2.4, we have made an exception to this rule.
-One of the bugs fixed in Django 1.2.4 involves a set of
-circumstances whereby a running a test suite on a multiple database
-configuration could cause the original source database (i.e., the
-actual production database) to be dropped, causing catastrophic loss
-of data. In order to provide a fix for this problem, it was necessary
-to introduce a new setting -- :setting:`TEST_DEPENDENCIES` -- that
-allows you to define any creation order dependencies in your database
-Most users -- even users with multiple-database configurations -- need
-not be concerned about the data loss bug, or the manual configuration of
-:setting:`TEST_DEPENDENCIES`. See the `original problem report`_
-documentation on :ref:`controlling the creation order of test
-databases <topics-testing-creation-dependencies>` for details.
-.. _original problem report:
-The function-based :setting:`TEST_RUNNER` previously used to execute
-the GeoDjango test suite, :func:`django.contrib.gis.tests.run_gis_tests`,
-was finally deprecated in favor of a class-based test runner,
-:class:`django.contrib.gis.tests.GeoDjangoTestSuiteRunner`, added in this
-In addition, the GeoDjango test suite is now included when
-:ref:`running the Django test suite <running-unit-tests>` with ````
-and using :ref:`spatial database backends <spatial-backends>`.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index efff2a6..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/1.2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1139 +0,0 @@
-Django 1.2 release notes
-*May 17, 2010.*
-Welcome to Django 1.2!
-Nearly a year in the making, Django 1.2 packs an impressive list of `new
-features`_ and lots of bug fixes. These release notes cover the new features,
-as well as important changes you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from
-Django 1.1 or older versions.
-.. _new features: `What's new in Django 1.2`_
-Django 1.2 introduces several large, important new features, including:
- * Support for `multiple database connections`_ in a single Django instance.
- * `Model validation`_ inspired by Django's form validation.
- * Vastly `improved protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery`_ (CSRF).
- * A new `user "messages" framework`_ with support for cookie- and session-based
- message for both anonymous and authenticated users.
- * Hooks for `object-level permissions`_, `permissions for anonymous users`_,
- and `more flexible username requirements`_.
- * Customization of e-mail sending via `e-mail backends`_.
- * New :ref:`"smart" if template tag <new-in-1.2-smart-if>` which supports
- comparison operators.
-.. _multiple database connections: `support for multiple databases`_
-.. _improved protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery: `improved CSRF protection`_
-.. _user "messages" framework: `messages framework`_
-.. _more flexible username requirements: `relaxed requirements for usernames`_
-These are just the highlights; full details and a complete list of features `may
-be found below`_.
-.. _may be found below: `what's new in django 1.2`_
-.. seealso::
- `Django Advent`_ covered the release of Django 1.2 with a series of
- articles and tutorials that cover some of the new features in depth.
-.. _django advent:
-Wherever possible these features have been introduced in a backwards-compatible
-manner per :doc:`our API stability policy </misc/api-stability>` policy.
-However, a handful of features *have* changed in ways that, for some users, will be
-backwards-incompatible. The big changes are:
- * Support for Python 2.3 has been dropped. See the full notes
- below.
- * The new CSRF protection framework is not backwards-compatible with
- the old system. Users of the old system will not be affected until
- the old system is removed in Django 1.4.
- However, upgrading to the new CSRF protection framework requires a few
- important backwards-incompatible changes, detailed in `CSRF Protection`_,
- below.
- * Authors of custom :class:`~django.db.models.Field` subclasses should be
- aware that a number of methods have had a change in prototype, detailed
- under `get_db_prep_*() methods on Field`_, below.
- * The internals of template tags have changed somewhat; authors of custom
- template tags that need to store state (e.g. custom control flow tags)
- should ensure that their code follows the new rules for `stateful template
- tags`_
- * The :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.user_passes_test`,
- :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.login_required`, and
- :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.permission_required`, decorators
- from :mod:`django.contrib.auth` only apply to functions and no longer
- work on methods. There's a simple one-line fix `detailed below`_.
-.. _detailed below: `user_passes_test, login_required and permission_required`_
-Again, these are just the big features that will affect the most users. Users
-upgrading from previous versions of Django are heavily encouraged to consult
-the complete list of :ref:`backwards-incompatible changes
-<backwards-incompatible-changes-1.2>` and the list of :ref:`deprecated
-features <deprecated-features-1.2>`.
-Python compatibility
-While not a new feature, it's important to note that Django 1.2
-introduces the first shift in our Python compatibility policy since
-Django's initial public debut. Previous Django releases were tested
-and supported on 2.x Python versions from 2.3 up; Django 1.2, however,
-drops official support for Python 2.3. As such, the minimum Python
-version required for Django is now 2.4, and Django is tested and
-supported on Python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6, and will be supported on the
-as-yet-unreleased Python 2.7.
-This change should affect only a small number of Django users, as most
-operating-system vendors today are shipping Python 2.4 or newer as
-their default version. If you're still using Python 2.3, however,
-you'll need to stick to Django 1.1 until you can upgrade; per
-:doc:`our support policy </internals/release-process>`, Django 1.1 will
-continue to receive security support until the release of Django 1.3.
-A roadmap for Django's overall 2.x Python support, and eventual
-transition to Python 3.x, is currently being developed, and will be
-announced prior to the release of Django 1.3.
-What's new in Django 1.2
-Support for multiple databases
-Django 1.2 adds the ability to use :doc:`more than one database
-</topics/db/multi-db>` in your Django project. Queries can be issued at a
-specific database with the `using()` method on ``QuerySet`` objects. Individual
-objects can be saved to a specific database by providing a ``using`` argument
-when you call ``save()``.
-Model validation
-Model instances now have support for :ref:`validating their own data
-<validating-objects>`, and both model and form fields now accept configurable
-lists of :doc:`validators </ref/validators>` specifying reusable, encapsulated
-validation behavior. Note, however, that validation must still be performed
-explicitly. Simply invoking a model instance's ``save()`` method will not
-perform any validation of the instance's data.
-Improved CSRF protection
-Django now has much improved protection against :doc:`Cross-Site Request Forgery
-(CSRF) attacks</ref/contrib/csrf>`. This type of attack occurs when a malicious
-Web site contains a link, a form button or some JavaScript that is intended to
-perform some action on your Web site, using the credentials of a logged-in user
-who visits the malicious site in their browser. A related type of attack, "login
-CSRF," where an attacking site tricks a user's browser into logging into a site
-with someone else's credentials, is also covered.
-Messages framework
-Django now includes a robust and configurable :doc:`messages framework
-</ref/contrib/messages>` with built-in support for cookie- and session-based
-messaging, for both anonymous and authenticated clients. The messages framework
-replaces the deprecated user message API and allows you to temporarily store
-messages in one request and retrieve them for display in a subsequent request
-(usually the next one).
-Object-level permissions
-A foundation for specifying permissions at the per-object level has been added.
-Although there is no implementation of this in core, a custom authentication
-backend can provide this implementation and it will be used by
-:class:`django.contrib.auth.models.User`. See the :doc:`authentication docs
-</topics/auth>` for more information.
-Permissions for anonymous users
-If you provide a custom auth backend with ``supports_anonymous_user`` set to
-``True``, AnonymousUser will check the backend for permissions, just like
-User already did. This is useful for centralizing permission handling - apps
-can always delegate the question of whether something is allowed or not to
-the authorization/authentication backend. See the :doc:`authentication
-docs </topics/auth>` for more details.
-Relaxed requirements for usernames
-The built-in :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` model's
-:attr:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.username` field now allows a wider range
-of characters, including ``@``, ``+``, ``.`` and ``-`` characters.
-E-mail backends
-You can now :ref:`configure the way that Django sends e-mail
-<topic-email-backends>`. Instead of using SMTP to send all e-mail, you
-can now choose a configurable e-mail backend to send messages. If your
-hosting provider uses a sandbox or some other non-SMTP technique for
-sending mail, you can now construct an e-mail backend that will allow
-Django's standard :doc:`mail sending methods</topics/email>` to use
-those facilities.
-This also makes it easier to debug mail sending. Django ships with
-backend implementations that allow you to send e-mail to a
-:ref:`file<topic-email-file-backend>`, to the
-:ref:`console<topic-email-console-backend>`, or to
-:ref:`memory<topic-email-memory-backend>`. You can even configure all
-e-mail to be :ref:`thrown away<topic-email-dummy-backend>`.
-.. _new-in-1.2-smart-if:
-"Smart" :ttag:`if` tag
-The :ttag:`if` tag has been upgraded to be much more powerful. First, we've
-added support for comparison operators. No longer will you have to type:
-.. code-block:: html+django
- {% ifnotequal a b %}
- ...
- {% endifnotequal %}
-You can now do this:
-.. code-block:: html+django
- {% if a != b %}
- ...
- {% endif %}
-There's really no reason to use ``{% ifequal %}`` or ``{% ifnotequal %}``
-anymore, unless you're the nostalgic type.
-The operators supported are ``==``, ``!=``, ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``, ``>=``,
-``in`` and ``not in``, all of which work like the Python operators, in addition
-to ``and``, ``or`` and ``not``, which were already supported.
-Also, filters may now be used in the ``if`` expression. For example:
-.. code-block:: html+django
- <div
- {% if|lower == message.recipient|lower %}
- class="highlight"
- {% endif %}
- >{{ message }}</div>
-Template caching
-In previous versions of Django, every time you rendered a template, it
-would be reloaded from disk. In Django 1.2, you can use a :ref:`cached
-template loader <template-loaders>` to load templates once, then
-cache the result for every subsequent render. This can lead to a
-significant performance improvement if your templates are broken into
-lots of smaller subtemplates (using the ``{% extends %}`` or ``{%
-include %}`` tags).
-As a side effect, it is now much easier to support non-Django template
-languages. For more details, see the :ref:`notes on supporting
-non-Django template languages<topic-template-alternate-language>`.
-Natural keys in fixtures
-Fixtures can now refer to remote objects using
-:ref:`topics-serialization-natural-keys`. This lookup scheme is an
-alternative to the normal primary-key based object references in a
-fixture, improving readability and resolving problems referring to
-objects whose primary key value may not be predictable or known.
-Fast failure for tests
-Both the :djadmin:`test` subcommand of ```` and the
-```` script used to run Django's own test suite now support a
-``--failfast`` option. When specified, this option causes the test runner to
-exit after encountering a failure instead of continuing with the test run. In
-addition, the handling of ``Ctrl-C`` during a test run has been improved to
-trigger a graceful exit from the test run that reports details of the tests that
-were run before the interruption.
-Models can now use a 64-bit :class:`~django.db.models.BigIntegerField` type.
-Improved localization
-Django's :doc:`internationalization framework </topics/i18n/index>` has been expanded
-with locale-aware formatting and form processing. That means, if enabled, dates
-and numbers on templates will be displayed using the format specified for the
-current locale. Django will also use localized formats when parsing data in
-forms. See :ref:`Format localization <format-localization>` for more details.
-``readonly_fields`` in ``ModelAdmin``
-:attr:`django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.readonly_fields` has been added to
-enable non-editable fields in add/change pages for models and inlines. Field
-and calculated values can be displayed alongside editable fields.
-Customizable syntax highlighting
-You can now use a ``DJANGO_COLORS`` environment variable to modify or disable
-the colors used by ```` to provide :ref:`syntax highlighting
-Syndication feeds as views
-:doc:`Syndication feeds </ref/contrib/syndication>` can now be used directly as
-views in your :doc:`URLconf </topics/http/urls>`. This means that you can
-maintain complete control over the URL structure of your feeds. Like any other
-view, feeds views are passed a ``request`` object, so you can do anything you
-would normally do with a view, like user based access control, or making a feed
-a named URL.
-The most significant new feature for :doc:`GeoDjango </ref/contrib/gis/index>`
-in 1.2 is support for multiple spatial databases. As a result,
-the following :ref:`spatial database backends <spatial-backends>`
-are now included:
-* :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis`
-* :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends.mysql`
-* :mod:``
-* :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends.spatialite`
-GeoDjango now supports the rich capabilities added
-in the `PostGIS 1.5 release <>`_.
-New features include suppport for the the :ref:`geography type <geography-type>`
-and enabling of :ref:`distance queries <distance-queries>`
-with non-point geometries on geographic coordinate systems.
-Support for 3D geometry fields was added, and may be enabled
-by setting the :attr:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeometryField.dim`
-keyword to 3 in your :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeometryField`.
-The :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.Extent3D` aggregate
-and :meth:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoQuerySet.extent3d` ``GeoQuerySet``
-method were added as a part of this feature.
-The following :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoQuerySet`
-methods are new in 1.2:
-* :meth:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoQuerySet.force_rhr`
-* :meth:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoQuerySet.reverse_geom`
-* :meth:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoQuerySet.geohash`
-The :ref:`GEOS interface <ref-geos>` was updated to use
-thread-safe C library functions when available on the platform.
-The :ref:`GDAL interface <ref-gdal>` now allows the user to
-set a :attr:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.Layer.spatial_filter` on
-the features returned when iterating over a
-Finally, :doc:`GeoDjango's documentation </ref/contrib/gis/index>` is now
-included with Django's and is no longer
-hosted separately at ` <>`_.
-.. _1.2-js-assisted-inlines:
-JavaScript-assisted handling of inline related objects in the admin
-If a user has JavaScript enabled in their browser, the interface for
-inline objects in the admin now allows inline objects to be
-dynamically added and removed. Users without JavaScript-enabled
-browsers will see no change in the behavior of inline objects.
-New ``now`` template tag format specifier characters: ``c`` and ``u``
-The argument to the :ttag:`now` has gained two new format characters:
-``c`` to specify that a datetime value should be formatted in ISO 8601
-format, and ``u`` that allows output of the microseconds part of a
-datetime or time value.
-These are also available in others parts like the :tfilter:`date` and
-:tfilter:`time` template filters, the ``humanize`` template tag library
-and the new `format localization`_ framework.
-.. _format localization: `Improved localization`_
-.. _backwards-incompatible-changes-1.2:
-Backwards-incompatible changes in 1.2
-Wherever possible the new features above have been introduced in a
-backwards-compatible manner per :doc:`our API stability policy
-</misc/api-stability>` policy. This means that practically all existing
-code which worked with Django 1.1 will continue to work with Django
-1.2; such code will, however, begin issuing warnings (see below for
-However, a handful of features *have* changed in ways that, for some
-users, will be immediately backwards-incompatible. Those changes are
-detailed below.
-CSRF Protection
-We've made large changes to the way CSRF protection works, detailed in
-:doc:`the CSRF documentaton </ref/contrib/csrf>`. Here are the major changes you
-should be aware of:
- * ``CsrfResponseMiddleware`` and ``CsrfMiddleware`` have been deprecated and
- will be removed completely in Django 1.4, in favor of a template tag that
- should be inserted into forms.
- * All contrib apps use a ``csrf_protect`` decorator to protect the view. This
- requires the use of the ``csrf_token`` template tag in the template. If you
- have used custom templates for contrib views, you MUST READ THE :ref:`UPGRADE
- INSTRUCTIONS <ref-csrf-upgrading-notes>` to fix those templates.
- * ``CsrfViewMiddleware`` is included in :setting:`MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES` by
- default. This turns on CSRF protection by default, so views that accept
- POST requests need to be written to work with the middleware. Instructions
- on how to do this are found in the CSRF docs.
- * All of the CSRF has moved from contrib to core (with backwards
- compatible imports in the old locations, which are deprecated and
- will cease to be supported in Django 1.4).
-``get_db_prep_*()`` methods on ``Field``
-Prior to Django 1.2, a custom ``Field`` had the option of defining
-several functions to support conversion of Python values into
-database-compatible values. A custom field might look something like::
- class CustomModelField(models.Field):
- # ...
- def db_type(self):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_value(self, value):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
- # ...
-In 1.2, these three methods have undergone a change in prototype, and
-two extra methods have been introduced::
- class CustomModelField(models.Field):
- # ...
- def db_type(self, connection):
- # ...
- def get_prep_value(self, value):
- # ...
- def get_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_save(self, value, connection):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
- # ...
- def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value, connection, prepared=False):
- # ...
-These changes are required to support multiple databases --
-``db_type`` and ``get_db_prep_*`` can no longer make any assumptions
-regarding the database for which it is preparing. The ``connection``
-argument now provides the preparation methods with the specific
-connection for which the value is being prepared.
-The two new methods exist to differentiate general data-preparation
-requirements from requirements that are database-specific. The
-``prepared`` argument is used to indicate to the database-preparation
-methods whether generic value preparation has been performed. If
-an unprepared (i.e., ``prepared=False``) value is provided to the
-``get_db_prep_*()`` calls, they should invoke the corresponding
-``get_prep_*()`` calls to perform generic data preparation.
-We've provided conversion functions that will transparently
-convert functions adhering to the old prototype into functions
-compatible with the new prototype. However, these conversion functions
-will be removed in Django 1.4, so you should upgrade your ``Field``
-definitions to use the new prototype as soon as possible.
-If your ``get_db_prep_*()`` methods made no use of the database
-connection, you should be able to upgrade by renaming
-``get_db_prep_value()`` to ``get_prep_value()`` and
-``get_db_prep_lookup()`` to ``get_prep_lookup()``. If you require
-database specific conversions, then you will need to provide an
-implementation ``get_db_prep_*`` that uses the ``connection``
-argument to resolve database-specific values.
-Stateful template tags
-Template tags that store rendering state on their ``Node`` subclass
-have always been vulnerable to thread-safety and other issues; as of
-Django 1.2, however, they may also cause problems when used with the
-new :ref:`cached template loader<template-loaders>`.
-All of the built-in Django template tags are safe to use with the cached
-loader, but if you're using custom template tags that come from third
-party packages, or from your own code, you should ensure that the
-``Node`` implementation for each tag is thread-safe. For more
-information, see
-:ref:`template tag thread safety considerations<template_tag_thread_safety>`.
-You may also need to update your templates if you were relying on the
-implementation of Django's template tags *not* being thread safe. The
-:ttag:`cycle` tag is the most likely to be affected in this way,
-especially when used in conjunction with the :ttag:`include` tag.
-Consider the following template fragment::
- {% for object in object_list %}
- {% include "subtemplate.html" %}
- {% endfor %}
-with a ``subtemplate.html`` that reads::
- {% cycle 'even' 'odd' %}
-Using the non-thread-safe, pre-Django 1.2 renderer, this would output::
- even odd even odd ...
-Using the thread-safe Django 1.2 renderer, you will instead get::
- even even even even ...
-This is because each rendering of the :ttag:`include` tag is an
-independent rendering. When the :ttag:`cycle` tag was not thread safe,
-the state of the :ttag:`cycle` tag would leak between multiple
-renderings of the same :ttag:`include`. Now that the :ttag:`cycle` tag
-is thread safe, this leakage no longer occurs.
-``user_passes_test``, ``login_required`` and ``permission_required``
-``django.contrib.auth.decorators`` provides the decorators
-``login_required``, ``permission_required`` and
-``user_passes_test``. Previously it was possible to use these
-decorators both on functions (where the first argument is 'request')
-and on methods (where the first argument is 'self', and the second
-argument is 'request'). Unfortunately, flaws were discovered in the
-code supporting this: it only works in limited circumstances, and
-produces errors that are very difficult to debug when it does not
-For this reason, the 'auto adapt' behavior has been removed, and if
-you are using these decorators on methods, you will need to manually
-apply :func:`django.utils.decorators.method_decorator` to convert the
-decorator to one that works with methods. For example, you would
-change code from this::
- class MyClass(object):
- @login_required
- def my_view(self, request):
- pass
-to this::
- from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
- class MyClass(object):
- @method_decorator(login_required)
- def my_view(self, request):
- pass
- from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
- login_required_m = method_decorator(login_required)
- class MyClass(object):
- @login_required_m
- def my_view(self, request):
- pass
-For those of you who've been following the development trunk, this
-change also applies to other decorators introduced since 1.1,
-including ``csrf_protect``, ``cache_control`` and anything created
-using ``decorator_from_middleware``.
-:ttag:`if` tag changes
-Due to new features in the :ttag:`if` template tag, it no longer
-accepts 'and', 'or' and 'not' as valid **variable** names. Previously,
-these strings could be used as variable names. Now, the keyword status
-is always enforced, and template code such as ``{% if not %}`` or ``{%
-if and %}`` will throw a ``TemplateSyntaxError``. Also, ``in`` is a
-new keyword and so is not a valid variable name in this tag.
-``LazyObject`` is an undocumented-but-often-used utility class used for lazily
-wrapping other objects of unknown type.
-In Django 1.1 and earlier, it handled introspection in a non-standard way,
-depending on wrapped objects implementing a public method named
-``get_all_members()``. Since this could easily lead to name clashes, it has been
-changed to use the standard Python introspection method, involving
-``__members__`` and ``__dir__()``.
-If you used ``LazyObject`` in your own code
-and implemented the ``get_all_members()`` method for wrapped objects, you'll need
-to make a couple of changes:
-First, if your class does not have special requirements for introspection (i.e.,
-you have not implemented ``__getattr__()`` or other methods that allow for
-attributes not discoverable by normal mechanisms), you can simply remove the
-``get_all_members()`` method. The default implementation on ``LazyObject`` will
-do the right thing.
-If you have more complex requirements for introspection, first rename the
-``get_all_members()`` method to ``__dir__()``. This is the standard
-introspection method for Python 2.6 and above. If you require support for Python
-versions earlier than 2.6, add the following code to the class::
- __members__ = property(lambda self: self.__dir__())
-``__dict__`` on model instances
-Historically, the ``__dict__`` attribute of a model instance has only contained
-attributes corresponding to the fields on a model.
-In order to support multiple database configurations, Django 1.2 has
-added a ``_state`` attribute to object instances. This attribute will
-appear in ``__dict__`` for a model instance. If your code relies on
-iterating over ``__dict__`` to obtain a list of fields, you must now
-be prepared to handle or filter out the ``_state`` attribute.
-Test runner exit status code
-The exit status code of the test runners (``tests/`` and ``python test``) no longer represents the number of failed tests, because a
-failure of 256 or more tests resulted in a wrong exit status code. The exit
-status code for the test runner is now 0 for success (no failing tests) and 1
-for any number of test failures. If needed, the number of test failures can be
-found at the end of the test runner's output.
-Cookie encoding
-To fix bugs with cookies in Internet Explorer, Safari, and possibly
-other browsers, our encoding of cookie values was changed so that the
-comma and semicolon are treated as non-safe characters, and are
-therefore encoded as ``\054`` and ``\073`` respectively. This could
-produce backwards incompatibilities, especially if you are storing
-comma or semi-colon in cookies and have javascript code that parses
-and manipulates cookie values client-side.
-``ModelForm.is_valid()`` and ``ModelForm.errors``
-Much of the validation work for ModelForms has been moved down to the model
-level. As a result, the first time you call ``ModelForm.is_valid()``, access
-``ModelForm.errors`` or otherwise trigger form validation, your model will be
-cleaned in-place. This conversion used to happen when the model was saved. If
-you need an unmodified instance of your model, you should pass a copy to the
-``ModelForm`` constructor.
-``BooleanField`` on MySQL
-In previous versions of Django, a model's ``BooleanField`` under MySQL
-would return its value as either ``1`` or ``0``, instead of ``True``
-or ``False``; for most people this wasn't a problem because ``bool``
-is a subclass of ``int`` in Python. In Django 1.2, however,
-``BooleanField`` on MySQL correctly returns a real ``bool``. The only
-time this should ever be an issue is if you were expecting the
-``repr`` of a ``BooleanField`` to print ``1`` or ``0``.
-Changes to the interpretation of ``max_num`` in FormSets
-As part of enhancements made to the handling of FormSets, the default
-value and interpretation of the ``max_num`` parameter to the
-:ref:`django.forms.formsets.formset_factory() <formsets-max-num>` and
-<model-formsets-max-num>` functions has changed slightly. This
-change also affects the way the ``max_num`` argument is :ref:`used for
-inline admin objects <ref-contrib-admin-inline-max-num>`
-Previously, the default value for ``max_num`` was ``0`` (zero).
-FormSets then used the boolean value of ``max_num`` to determine if a
-limit was to be imposed on the number of generated forms. The default
-value of ``0`` meant that there was no default limit on the number of
-forms in a FormSet.
-Starting with 1.2, the default value for ``max_num`` has been changed
-to ``None``, and FormSets will differentiate between a value of
-``None`` and a value of ``0``. A value of ``None`` indicates that no
-limit on the number of forms is to be imposed; a value of ``0``
-indicates that a maximum of 0 forms should be imposed. This doesn't
-necessarily mean that no forms will be displayed -- see the
-:ref:`ModelFormSet documentation <model-formsets-max-num>` for more
-If you were manually specifying a value of ``0`` for ``max_num``, you
-will need to update your FormSet and/or admin definitions.
-.. seealso::
- :ref:`1.2-js-assisted-inlines`
-An undocumented regular expression for validating email addresses has been moved
-from ``django.form.fields`` to ``django.core.validators``. You will need to
-update your imports if you are using it.
-.. _deprecated-features-1.2:
-Features deprecated in 1.2
-Finally, Django 1.2 deprecates some features from earlier releases.
-These features are still supported, but will be gradually phased out
-over the next few release cycles.
-Code taking advantage of any of the features below will raise a
-``PendingDeprecationWarning`` in Django 1.2. This warning will be
-silent by default, but may be turned on using Python's `warnings
-module`_, or by running Python with a ``-Wd`` or `-Wall` flag.
-.. _warnings module:
-In Django 1.3, these warnings will become a ``DeprecationWarning``,
-which is *not* silent. In Django 1.4 support for these features will
-be removed entirely.
-.. seealso::
- For more details, see the documentation :doc:`Django's release process
- </internals/release-process>` and our :doc:`deprecation timeline
- </internals/deprecation>`.`
-.. _specifying-databases:
-Specifying databases
-Prior to Django 1.2, Django used a number of settings to control
-access to a single database. Django 1.2 introduces support for
-multiple databases, and as a result the way you define database
-settings has changed.
-Any existing Django settings file will continue to work as expected
-until Django 1.4. Until then, old-style database settings will be
-automatically translated to the new-style format.
-In the old-style (pre 1.2) format, you had a number of ``DATABASE_``
-settings in your settings file. For example::
- DATABASE_NAME = 'test_db'
- DATABASE_ENGINE = 'postgresql_psycopg2'
- DATABASE_USER = 'myusername'
-These settings are now in a dictionary named
-:setting:`DATABASES`. Each item in the dictionary corresponds to a
-single database connection, with the name ``'default'`` describing the
-default database connection. The setting names have also been
-shortened. The previous sample settings would now look like this::
- 'default': {
- 'NAME': 'test_db',
- 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
- 'USER': 'myusername',
- 'PASSWORD': 's3krit',
- }
- }
-This affects the following settings:
- ========================================= ==========================
- Old setting New Setting
- ========================================= ==========================
- :setting:`DATABASE_ENGINE` :setting:`ENGINE`
- :setting:`DATABASE_HOST` :setting:`HOST`
- :setting:`DATABASE_NAME` :setting:`NAME`
- :setting:`DATABASE_OPTIONS` :setting:`OPTIONS`
- :setting:`DATABASE_PASSWORD` :setting:`PASSWORD`
- :setting:`DATABASE_PORT` :setting:`PORT`
- :setting:`DATABASE_USER` :setting:`USER`
- :setting:`TEST_DATABASE_NAME` :setting:`TEST_NAME`
- ========================================= ==========================
-These changes are also required if you have manually created a database
-connection using ``DatabaseWrapper()`` from your database backend of choice.
-In addition to the change in structure, Django 1.2 removes the special
-handling for the built-in database backends. All database backends
-must now be specified by a fully qualified module name (i.e.,
-``django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2``, rather than just
-``postgresql`` database backend
-The ``psycopg1`` library has not been updated since October 2005. As a
-result, the ``postgresql`` database backend, which uses this library,
-has been deprecated.
-If you are currently using the ``postgresql`` backend, you should
-migrate to using the ``postgresql_psycopg2`` backend. To update your
-code, install the ``psycopg2`` library and change the
-:setting:`DATABASE_ENGINE` setting to use
-CSRF response-rewriting middleware
-``CsrfResponseMiddleware``, the middleware that automatically inserted
-CSRF tokens into ``POST`` forms in outgoing pages, has been deprecated
-in favor of a template tag method (see above), and will be removed
-completely in Django 1.4. ``CsrfMiddleware``, which includes the
-functionality of ``CsrfResponseMiddleware`` and
-``CsrfViewMiddleware``, has likewise been deprecated.
-Also, the CSRF module has moved from contrib to core, and the old
-imports are deprecated, as described in the :ref:`upgrading notes
-The ``SMTPConnection`` class has been deprecated in favor of a generic
-e-mail backend API. Old code that explicitly instantiated an instance
-of an SMTPConnection::
- from django.core.mail import SMTPConnection
- connection = SMTPConnection()
- messages = get_notification_email()
- connection.send_messages(messages)
-...should now call :meth:`~django.core.mail.get_connection()` to
-instantiate a generic e-mail connection::
- from django.core.mail import get_connection
- connection = get_connection()
- messages = get_notification_email()
- connection.send_messages(messages)
-Depending on the value of the :setting:`EMAIL_BACKEND` setting, this
-may not return an SMTP connection. If you explicitly require an SMTP
-connection with which to send e-mail, you can explicitly request an
-SMTP connection::
- from django.core.mail import get_connection
- connection = get_connection('django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend')
- messages = get_notification_email()
- connection.send_messages(messages)
-If your call to construct an instance of ``SMTPConnection`` required
-additional arguments, those arguments can be passed to the
-:meth:`~django.core.mail.get_connection()` call::
- connection = get_connection('django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend', hostname='localhost', port=1234)
-User Messages API
-The API for storing messages in the user ``Message`` model (via
-``user.message_set.create``) is now deprecated and will be removed in Django
-1.4 according to the standard :doc:`release process </internals/release-process>`.
-To upgrade your code, you need to replace any instances of this::
- user.message_set.create('a message')
-...with the following::
- from django.contrib import messages
- messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'a message')
-Additionally, if you make use of the method, you need to replace the
- for message in user.get_and_delete_messages():
- ...
- from django.contrib import messages
- for message in messages.get_messages(request):
- ...
-For more information, see the full
-:doc:`messages documentation </ref/contrib/messages>`. You should begin to
-update your code to use the new API immediately.
-Date format helper functions
-``django.utils.translation.get_date_formats()`` and
-``django.utils.translation.get_partial_date_formats()`` have been deprecated
-in favor of the appropriate calls to ``django.utils.formats.get_format()``,
-which is locale-aware when :setting:`USE_L10N` is set to ``True``, and falls
-back to default settings if set to ``False``.
-To get the different date formats, instead of writing this::
- from django.utils.translation import get_date_formats
- date_format, datetime_format, time_format = get_date_formats()
- from django.utils import formats
- date_format = formats.get_format('DATE_FORMAT')
- datetime_format = formats.get_format('DATETIME_FORMAT')
- time_format = formats.get_format('TIME_FORMAT')
-Or, when directly formatting a date value::
- from django.utils import formats
- value_formatted = formats.date_format(value, 'DATETIME_FORMAT')
-The same applies to the globals found in ``django.forms.fields``:
-Use ``django.utils.formats.get_format()`` to get the appropriate formats.
-Function-based test runners
-Django 1.2 changes the test runner tools to use a class-based
-approach. Old style function-based test runners will still work, but
-should be updated to use the new :ref:`class-based runners
-.. _1.2-updating-feeds:
-``Feed`` in ``django.contrib.syndication.feeds``
-The :class:`django.contrib.syndication.feeds.Feed` class has been
-replaced by the :class:`django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed` class.
-The old ``feeds.Feed`` class is deprecated, and will be removed in
-Django 1.4.
-The new class has an almost identical API, but allows instances to be
-used as views. For example, consider the use of the old framework in
-the following :doc:`URLconf </topics/http/urls>`::
- from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
- from myproject.feeds import LatestEntries, LatestEntriesByCategory
- feeds = {
- 'latest': LatestEntries,
- 'categories': LatestEntriesByCategory,
- }
- urlpatterns = patterns('',
- # ...
- (r'^feeds/(?P<url>.*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed',
- {'feed_dict': feeds}),
- # ...
- )
-Using the new Feed class, these feeds can be deployed directly as views::
- from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
- from myproject.feeds import LatestEntries, LatestEntriesByCategory
- urlpatterns = patterns('',
- # ...
- (r'^feeds/latest/$', LatestEntries()),
- (r'^feeds/categories/(?P<category_id>\d+)/$', LatestEntriesByCategory()),
- # ...
- )
-If you currently use the ``feed()`` view, the ``LatestEntries`` class would
-often not need to be modified apart from subclassing the new
-:class:`~django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed` class. The exception is if
-Django was automatically working out the name of the template to use to render
-the feed's description and title elements (if you were not specifying the
-``title_template`` and ``description_template`` attributes). You should ensure
-that you always specify ``title_template`` and ``description_template``
-attributes, or provide ``item_title()`` and ``item_description()`` methods.
-However, ``LatestEntriesByCategory`` uses the ``get_object()`` method
-with the ``bits`` argument to specify a specific category to show. In
-the new :class:`~django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed` class,
-``get_object()`` method takes a ``request`` and arguments from the
-URL, so it would look like this::
- from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
- from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
- from myproject.models import Category
- class LatestEntriesByCategory(Feed):
- def get_object(self, request, category_id):
- return get_object_or_404(Category, id=category_id)
- # ...
-Additionally, the ``get_feed()`` method on ``Feed`` classes now take
-different arguments, which may impact you if you use the ``Feed``
-classes directly. Instead of just taking an optional ``url`` argument,
-it now takes two arguments: the object returned by its own
-``get_object()`` method, and the current ``request`` object.
-To take into account ``Feed`` classes not being initialized for each
-request, the ``__init__()`` method now takes no arguments by default.
-Previously it would have taken the ``slug`` from the URL and the
-``request`` object.
-In accordance with `RSS best practices`_, RSS feeds will now include
-an ``atom:link`` element. You may need to update your tests to take
-this into account.
-For more information, see the full :doc:`syndication framework
-documentation </ref/contrib/syndication>`.
-.. _RSS best practices:
-Technical message IDs
-Up to version 1.1 Django used :ref:`technical message IDs<technical-messages>`
-to provide localizers the possibility to translate date and time formats. They
-were translatable :term:`translation strings <translation string>` that could
-be recognized because they were all upper case (for example
-``DATETIME_FORMAT``, ``DATE_FORMAT``, ``TIME_FORMAT``). They have been
-deprecated in favor of the new :ref:`Format localization
-<format-localization>` infrastructure that allows localizers to specify that
-information in a ```` file in the corresponding
-``django/conf/locale/<locale name>/`` directory.
-To allow support for multiple databases, the GeoDjango database internals were
-changed substantially. The largest backwards-incompatible change is that
-the module ``django.contrib.gis.db.backend`` was renamed to
-:mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends`, where the full-fledged
-:ref:`spatial database backends <spatial-backends>` now exist. The
-following sections provide information on the most-popular APIs that
-were affected by these changes.
-Prior to the creation of the separate spatial backends, the
-``django.contrib.gis.db.backend.SpatialBackend`` object was
-provided as an abstraction to introspect on the capabilities of
-the spatial database. All of the attributes and routines provided by
-``SpatialBackend`` are now a part of the ``ops`` attribute of the
-database backend.
-The old module ``django.contrib.gis.db.backend`` is still provided
-for backwards-compatibility access to a ``SpatialBackend`` object,
-which is just an alias to the ``ops`` module of the
-*default* spatial database connection.
-Users that were relying on undocumented modules and objects
-within ``django.contrib.gis.db.backend``, rather the abstractions
-provided by ``SpatialBackend``, are required to modify their code.
-For example, the following import which would work in 1.1 and
- from django.contrib.gis.db.backend.postgis import PostGISAdaptor
-Would need to be changed::
- from django.db import connection
- PostGISAdaptor = connection.ops.Adapter
-``SpatialRefSys`` and ``GeometryColumns`` models
-In previous versions of GeoDjango, :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.models`
-had ``SpatialRefSys`` and ``GeometryColumns`` models for querying
-the OGC spatial metadata tables ``spatial_ref_sys`` and ``geometry_columns``,
-While these aliases are still provided, they are only for the
-*default* database connection and exist only if the default connection
-is using a supported spatial database backend.
-.. note::
- Because the table structure of the OGC spatial metadata tables
- differs across spatial databases, the ``SpatialRefSys`` and
- ``GeometryColumns`` models can no longer be associated with
- the ``gis`` application name. Thus, no models will be returned
- when using the ``get_models`` method in the following example::
- >>> from django.db.models import get_app, get_models
- >>> get_models(get_app('gis'))
- []
-To get the correct ``SpatialRefSys`` and ``GeometryColumns``
-for your spatial database use the methods provided by the spatial backend::
- >>> from django.db import connections
- >>> SpatialRefSys = connections['my_spatialite'].ops.spatial_ref_sys()
- >>> GeometryColumns = connections['my_postgis'].ops.geometry_columns()
-.. note::
- When using the models returned from the ``spatial_ref_sys()`` and
- ``geometry_columns()`` method, you'll still need to use the
- correct database alias when querying on the non-default connection.
- In other words, to ensure that the models in the example above
- use the correct database::
- sr_qs = SpatialRefSys.objects.using('my_spatialite').filter(...)
- gc_qs = GeometryColumns.objects.using('my_postgis').filter(...)
-Language code ``no``
-The currently used language code for Norwegian Bokmål ``no`` is being
-replaced by the more common language code ``nb``.
diff --git a/parts/django/docs/releases/index.txt b/parts/django/docs/releases/index.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7abaf78..0000000
--- a/parts/django/docs/releases/index.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Release notes
-Release notes for the official Django releases. Each release note will tell you
-what's new in each version, and will also describe any backwards-incompatible
-changes made in that version.
-For those upgrading to a new version of Django, you will need to check
-all the backwards-incompatible changes and deprecated features for
-each 'final' release from the one after your current Django version,
-up to and including the new version.
-Final releases
-1.2 release
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- 1.2.4
- 1.2.2
- 1.2
-1.1 release
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- 1.1.2
- 1.1
-1.0 release
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0
-Pre-1.0 releases
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- 0.96
- 0.95
-Development releases
-These notes are retained for historical purposes. If you are upgrading
-between formal Django releases, you don't need to worry about these
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- 1.2-rc-1
- 1.2-beta-1
- 1.2-alpha-1
- 1.1-rc-1
- 1.1-beta-1
- 1.1-alpha-1
- 1.0-beta-2
- 1.0-beta
- 1.0-alpha-2
- 1.0-alpha-1