path: root/parts/django/docs/ref/contrib/localflavor.txt
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+The "local flavor" add-ons
+.. module:: django.contrib.localflavor
+ :synopsis: A collection of various Django snippets that are useful only for
+ a particular country or culture.
+Following its "batteries included" philosophy, Django comes with assorted
+pieces of code that are useful for particular countries or cultures. These are
+called the "local flavor" add-ons and live in the
+:mod:`django.contrib.localflavor` package.
+Inside that package, country- or culture-specific code is organized into
+subpackages, named using `ISO 3166 country codes`_.
+Most of the ``localflavor`` add-ons are localized form components deriving
+from the :doc:`forms </topics/forms/index>` framework -- for example, a
+:class:`` that knows how to
+validate U.S. state abbreviations, and a
+:class:`` that
+knows how to validate Finnish social security numbers.
+To use one of these localized components, just import the relevant subpackage.
+For example, here's how you can create a form with a field representing a
+French telephone number::
+ from django import forms
+ from import FRPhoneNumberField
+ class MyForm(forms.Form):
+ my_french_phone_no = FRPhoneNumberField()
+Supported countries
+Countries currently supported by :mod:`~django.contrib.localflavor` are:
+ * Argentina_
+ * Australia_
+ * Austria_
+ * Brazil_
+ * Canada_
+ * Chile_
+ * Czech_
+ * Finland_
+ * France_
+ * Germany_
+ * Iceland_
+ * India_
+ * Indonesia_
+ * Ireland_
+ * Italy_
+ * Japan_
+ * Kuwait_
+ * Mexico_
+ * `The Netherlands`_
+ * Norway_
+ * Peru_
+ * Poland_
+ * Portugal_
+ * Romania_
+ * Slovakia_
+ * `South Africa`_
+ * Spain_
+ * Sweden_
+ * Switzerland_
+ * `United Kingdom`_
+ * `United States of America`_
+ * Uruguay_
+The ``django.contrib.localflavor`` package also includes a ``generic`` subpackage,
+containing useful code that is not specific to one particular country or culture.
+Currently, it defines date, datetime and split datetime input fields based on
+those from :doc:`forms </topics/forms/index>`, but with non-US default formats.
+Here's an example of how to use them::
+ from django import forms
+ from django.contrib.localflavor import generic
+ class MyForm(forms.Form):
+ my_date_field = generic.forms.DateField()
+.. _ISO 3166 country codes:
+.. _Argentina: `Argentina (ar)`_
+.. _Australia: `Australia (au)`_
+.. _Austria: `Austria (at)`_
+.. _Brazil: `Brazil (br)`_
+.. _Canada: `Canada (ca)`_
+.. _Chile: `Chile (cl)`_
+.. _Czech: `Czech (cz)`_
+.. _Finland: `Finland (fi)`_
+.. _France: `France (fr)`_
+.. _Germany: `Germany (de)`_
+.. _The Netherlands: `The Netherlands (nl)`_
+.. _Iceland: `Iceland (is\_)`_
+.. _India: `India (in\_)`_
+.. _Indonesia: `Indonesia (id)`_
+.. _Ireland: `Ireland (ie)`_
+.. _Italy: `Italy (it)`_
+.. _Japan: `Japan (jp)`_
+.. _Kuwait: `Kuwait (kw)`_
+.. _Mexico: `Mexico (mx)`_
+.. _Norway: `Norway (no)`_
+.. _Peru: `Peru (pe)`_
+.. _Poland: `Poland (pl)`_
+.. _Portugal: `Portugal (pt)`_
+.. _Romania: `Romania (ro)`_
+.. _Slovakia: `Slovakia (sk)`_
+.. _South Africa: `South Africa (za)`_
+.. _Spain: `Spain (es)`_
+.. _Sweden: `Sweden (se)`_
+.. _Switzerland: `Switzerland (ch)`_
+.. _United Kingdom: `United Kingdom (uk)`_
+.. _United States of America: `United States of America (us)`_
+.. _Uruguay: `Uruguay (uy)`_
+Adding flavors
+We'd love to add more of these to Django, so please `create a ticket`_ with
+any code you'd like to contribute. One thing we ask is that you please use
+Unicode objects (``u'mystring'``) for strings, rather than setting the encoding
+in the file. See any of the existing flavors for examples.
+.. _create a ticket:
+Argentina (``ar``)
+.. class:: ar.forms.ARPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as either a classic four-digit Argentinian
+ postal code or a CPA_.
+.. _CPA:
+.. class:: ar.forms.ARDNIField
+ A form field that validates input as a Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI)
+ number.
+.. class:: ar.forms.ARCUITField
+ A form field that validates input as a Codigo Unico de Identificacion
+ Tributaria (CUIT) number.
+.. class:: ar.forms.ARProvinceSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Argentina's provinces and autonomous
+ cities as its choices.
+Australia (``au``)
+.. class:: au.forms.AUPostCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as an Australian postcode.
+.. class:: au.forms.AUPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as an Australian phone number. Valid numbers
+ have ten digits.
+.. class:: au.forms.AUStateSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Australian states/territories as its
+ choices.
+Austria (``at``)
+.. class:: at.forms.ATZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates its input as an Austrian zip code.
+.. class:: at.forms.ATStateSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Austrian states as its choices.
+.. class:: at.forms.ATSocialSecurityNumberField
+ A form field that validates its input as an Austrian social security number.
+Brazil (``br``)
+.. class:: br.forms.BRPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Brazilian phone number, with the format
+.. class:: br.forms.BRZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Brazilian zip code, with the format
+.. class:: br.forms.BRStateSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Brazilian states/territories as its
+ choices.
+.. class:: br.forms.BRCPFField
+ A form field that validates input as `Brazilian CPF`_.
+ Input can either be of the format XXX.XXX.XXX-VD or be a group of 11 digits.
+.. _Brazilian CPF:
+.. class:: br.forms.BRCNPJField
+ A form field that validates input as `Brazilian CNPJ`_.
+ Input can either be of the format XX.XXX.XXX/XXXX-XX or be a group of 14
+ digits.
+.. _Brazilian CNPJ:
+Canada (``ca``)
+.. class:: ca.forms.CAPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Canadian phone number, with the format
+.. class:: ca.forms.CAPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Canadian postal code, with the format
+.. class:: ca.forms.CAProvinceField
+ A form field that validates input as a Canadian province name or abbreviation.
+.. class:: ca.forms.CASocialInsuranceNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN).
+ A valid number must have the format XXX-XXX-XXX and pass a `Luhn mod-10
+ checksum`_.
+.. _Luhn mod-10 checksum:
+.. class:: ca.forms.CAProvinceSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Canadian provinces and territories as
+ its choices.
+Chile (``cl``)
+.. class:: cl.forms.CLRutField
+ A form field that validates input as a Chilean national identification number
+ ('Rol Unico Tributario' or RUT). The valid format is XX.XXX.XXX-X.
+.. class:: cl.forms.CLRegionSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Chilean regions (Regiones) as its
+ choices.
+Czech (``cz``)
+.. class:: cz.forms.CZPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Czech postal code. Valid formats
+ are XXXXX or XXX XX, where X is a digit.
+.. class:: cz.forms.CZBirthNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Czech Birth Number.
+ A valid number must be in format XXXXXX/XXXX (slash is optional).
+.. class:: cz.forms.CZICNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Czech IC number field.
+.. class:: cz.forms.CZRegionSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Czech regions as its choices.
+Finland (``fi``)
+.. class:: fi.forms.FISocialSecurityNumber
+ A form field that validates input as a Finnish social security number.
+.. class:: fi.forms.FIZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Finnish zip code. Valid codes
+ consist of five digits.
+.. class:: fi.forms.FIMunicipalitySelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Finnish municipalities as its
+ choices.
+France (``fr``)
+.. class:: fr.forms.FRPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a French local phone number. The
+ correct format is 0X XX XX XX XX. 0X.XX.XX.XX.XX and 0XXXXXXXXX validate
+ but are corrected to 0X XX XX XX XX.
+.. class:: fr.forms.FRZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a French zip code. Valid codes
+ consist of five digits.
+.. class:: fr.forms.FRDepartmentSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of French departments as its choices.
+Germany (``de``)
+.. class:: de.forms.DEIdentityCardNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a German identity card number
+ (Personalausweis_). Valid numbers have the format
+ XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-X, with no group consisting entirely of zeroes.
+.. _Personalausweis:
+.. class:: de.forms.DEZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a German zip code. Valid codes
+ consist of five digits.
+.. class:: de.forms.DEStateSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of German states as its choices.
+The Netherlands (``nl``)
+.. class:: nl.forms.NLPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Dutch telephone number.
+.. class:: nl.forms.NLSofiNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Dutch social security number
+ (SoFI/BSN).
+.. class:: nl.forms.NLZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Dutch zip code.
+.. class:: nl.forms.NLProvinceSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Dutch provinces as its list of
+ choices.
+Iceland (``is_``)
+.. class:: is_.forms.ISIdNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as an Icelandic identification number
+ (kennitala). The format is XXXXXX-XXXX.
+.. class:: is_.forms.ISPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as an Icelandtic phone number (seven
+ digits with an optional hyphen or space after the first three digits).
+.. class:: is_.forms.ISPostalCodeSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Icelandic postal codes as its
+ choices.
+India (``in_``)
+.. class:: in.forms.INStateField
+ A form field that validates input as an Indian state/territory name or
+ abbreviation. Input is normalized to the standard two-letter vehicle
+ registration abbreviation for the given state or territory.
+.. class:: in.forms.INZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as an Indian zip code, with the
+ format XXXXXXX.
+.. class:: in.forms.INStateSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Indian states/territories as its
+ choices.
+Ireland (``ie``)
+.. class:: ie.forms.IECountySelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Irish Counties as its choices.
+Indonesia (``id``)
+.. class:: id.forms.IDPostCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as an Indonesian post code field.
+.. class:: id.forms.IDProvinceSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Indonesian provinces as its choices.
+.. class:: id.forms.IDPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as an Indonesian telephone number.
+.. class:: id.forms.IDLicensePlatePrefixSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Indonesian license plate
+ prefix code as its choices.
+.. class:: id.forms.IDLicensePlateField
+ A form field that validates input as an Indonesian vehicle license plate.
+.. class:: id.forms.IDNationalIdentityNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as an Indonesian national identity
+ number (`NIK`_/KTP). The output will be in the format of
+ 'XX.XXXX.DDMMYY.XXXX'. Dots or spaces can be used in the input to break
+ down the numbers.
+.. _NIK:
+Italy (``it``)
+.. class:: it.forms.ITSocialSecurityNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as an Italian social security number
+ (`codice fiscale`_).
+.. _codice fiscale:
+.. class:: it.forms.ITVatNumberField
+ A form field that validates Italian VAT numbers (partita IVA).
+.. class:: it.forms.ITZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as an Italian zip code. Valid codes
+ must have five digits.
+.. class:: it.forms.ITProvinceSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Italian provinces as its choices.
+.. class:: it.forms.ITRegionSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Italian regions as its choices.
+Japan (``jp``)
+.. class:: jp.forms.JPPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Japanese postcode. It accepts seven
+ digits, with or without a hyphen.
+.. class:: jp.forms.JPPrefectureSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Japanese prefectures as its choices.
+Kuwait (``kw``)
+.. class:: kw.forms.KWCivilIDNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Kuwaiti Civil ID number. A valid
+ Civil ID number must obey the following rules:
+ * The number consist of 12 digits.
+ * The birthdate of the person is a valid date.
+ * The calculated checksum equals to the last digit of the Civil ID.
+Mexico (``mx``)
+.. class:: mx.forms.MXStateSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Mexican states as its choices.
+Norway (``no``)
+.. class:: no.forms.NOSocialSecurityNumber
+ A form field that validates input as a Norwegian social security number
+ (personnummer_).
+.. _personnummer:
+.. class:: no.forms.NOZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Norwegian zip code. Valid codes
+ have four digits.
+.. class:: no.forms.NOMunicipalitySelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Norwegian municipalities (fylker) as
+ its choices.
+Peru (``pe``)
+.. class:: pe.forms.PEDNIField
+ A form field that validates input as a DNI (Peruvian national identity)
+ number.
+.. class:: pe.forms.PERUCField
+ A form field that validates input as an RUC (Registro Unico de
+ Contribuyentes) number. Valid RUC numbers have 11 digits.
+.. class:: pe.forms.PEDepartmentSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Peruvian Departments as its choices.
+Poland (``pl``)
+.. class:: pl.forms.PLPESELField
+ A form field that validates input as a Polish national identification number
+ (PESEL_).
+.. _PESEL:
+.. class:: pl.forms.PLREGONField
+ A form field that validates input as a Polish National Official Business
+ Register Number (REGON_), having either seven or nine digits. The checksum
+ algorithm used for REGONs is documented at
+.. _REGON:
+.. class:: pl.forms.PLPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Polish postal code. The valid format
+ is XX-XXX, where X is a digit.
+.. class:: pl.forms.PLNIPField
+ A form field that validates input as a Polish Tax Number (NIP). Valid
+ formats are XXX-XXX-XX-XX or XX-XX-XXX-XXX. The checksum algorithm used
+ for NIPs is documented at
+.. class:: pl.forms.PLCountySelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Polish administrative units as its
+ choices.
+.. class:: pl.forms.PLProvinceSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Polish voivodeships (administrative
+ provinces) as its choices.
+Portugal (``pt``)
+.. class:: pt.forms.PTZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Portuguese zip code.
+.. class:: pt.forms.PTPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Portuguese phone number.
+ Valid numbers have 9 digits (may include spaces) or start by 00
+ or + (international).
+Romania (``ro``)
+.. class:: ro.forms.ROCIFField
+ A form field that validates Romanian fiscal identification codes (CIF). The
+ return value strips the leading RO, if given.
+.. class:: ro.forms.ROCNPField
+ A form field that validates Romanian personal numeric codes (CNP).
+.. class:: ro.forms.ROCountyField
+ A form field that validates its input as a Romanian county (judet) name or
+ abbreviation. It normalizes the input to the standard vehicle registration
+ abbreviation for the given county. This field will only accept names written
+ with diacritics; consider using ROCountySelect as an alternative.
+.. class:: ro.forms.ROCountySelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Romanian counties (judete) as its
+ choices.
+.. class:: ro.forms.ROIBANField
+ A form field that validates its input as a Romanian International Bank
+ Account Number (IBAN). The valid format is ROXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX,
+ with or without hyphens.
+.. class:: ro.forms.ROPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates Romanian phone numbers, short special numbers
+ excluded.
+.. class:: ro.forms.ROPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates Romanian postal codes.
+Slovakia (``sk``)
+.. class:: sk.forms.SKPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Slovak postal code. Valid formats
+ are XXXXX or XXX XX, where X is a digit.
+.. class:: sk.forms.SKDistrictSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Slovak districts as its choices.
+.. class:: sk.forms.SKRegionSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Slovak regions as its choices.
+South Africa (``za``)
+.. class:: za.forms.ZAIDField
+ A form field that validates input as a South African ID number. Validation
+ uses the Luhn checksum and a simplistic (i.e., not entirely accurate) check
+ for birth date.
+.. class:: za.forms.ZAPostCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a South African postcode. Valid
+ postcodes must have four digits.
+Spain (``es``)
+.. class:: es.forms.ESIdentityCardNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Spanish NIF/NIE/CIF (Fiscal
+ Identification Number) code.
+.. class:: es.forms.ESCCCField
+ A form field that validates input as a Spanish bank account number (Codigo
+ Cuenta Cliente or CCC). A valid CCC number has the format
+ EEEE-OOOO-CC-AAAAAAAAAA, where the E, O, C and A digits denote the entity,
+ office, checksum and account, respectively. The first checksum digit
+ validates the entity and office. The second checksum digit validates the
+ account. It is also valid to use a space as a delimiter, or to use no
+ delimiter.
+.. class:: es.forms.ESPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Spanish phone number. Valid numbers
+ have nine digits, the first of which is 6, 8 or 9.
+.. class:: es.forms.ESPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Spanish postal code. Valid codes
+ have five digits, the first two being in the range 01 to 52, representing
+ the province.
+.. class:: es.forms.ESProvinceSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Spanish provinces as its choices.
+.. class:: es.forms.ESRegionSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Spanish regions as its choices.
+Sweden (``se``)
+.. class:: se.forms.SECountySelect
+ A Select form widget that uses a list of the Swedish counties (län) as its
+ choices.
+ The cleaned value is the official county code -- see
+ for a list.
+.. class:: se.forms.SEOrganisationNumber
+ A form field that validates input as a Swedish organisation number
+ (organisationsnummer).
+ It accepts the same input as SEPersonalIdentityField (for sole
+ proprietorships (enskild firma). However, co-ordination numbers are not
+ accepted.
+ It also accepts ordinary Swedish organisation numbers with the format
+ The return value will be YYYYMMDDXXXX for sole proprietors, and NNNNNNNNNN
+ for other organisations.
+.. class:: se.forms.SEPersonalIdentityNumber
+ A form field that validates input as a Swedish personal identity number
+ (personnummer).
+ A \+ indicates that the person is older than 100 years, which will be taken
+ into consideration when the date is validated.
+ The checksum will be calculated and checked. The birth date is checked
+ to be a valid date.
+ By default, co-ordination numbers (samordningsnummer) will be accepted. To
+ only allow real personal identity numbers, pass the keyword argument
+ coordination_number=False to the constructor.
+ The cleaned value will always have the format YYYYMMDDXXXX.
+.. class:: se.forms.SEPostalCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Swedish postal code (postnummer).
+ Valid codes consist of five digits (XXXXX). The number can optionally be
+ formatted with a space after the third digit (XXX XX).
+ The cleaned value will never contain the space.
+Switzerland (``ch``)
+.. class:: ch.forms.CHIdentityCardNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Swiss identity card number.
+ A valid number must confirm to the X1234567<0 or 1234567890 format and
+ have the correct checksums -- see
+.. class:: ch.forms.CHPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a Swiss phone number. The correct
+ format is 0XX XXX XX XX. 0XX.XXX.XX.XX and 0XXXXXXXXX validate but are
+ corrected to 0XX XXX XX XX.
+.. class:: ch.forms.CHZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a Swiss zip code. Valid codes
+ consist of four digits.
+.. class:: ch.forms.CHStateSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Swiss states as its choices.
+United Kingdom (``uk``)
+.. class:: uk.forms.UKPostcodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a UK postcode. The regular
+ expression used is sourced from the schema for British Standard BS7666
+ address types at
+.. class:: uk.forms.UKCountySelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of UK counties/regions as its choices.
+.. class:: uk.forms.UKNationSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of UK nations as its choices.
+United States of America (``us``)
+.. class:: us.forms.USPhoneNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a U.S. phone number.
+.. class:: us.forms.USSocialSecurityNumberField
+ A form field that validates input as a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN).
+ A valid SSN must obey the following rules:
+ * Format of XXX-XX-XXXX
+ * No group of digits consisting entirely of zeroes
+ * Leading group of digits cannot be 666
+ * Number not in promotional block 987-65-4320 through 987-65-4329
+ * Number not one known to be invalid due to widespread promotional
+ use or distribution (e.g., the Woolworth's number or the 1962
+ promotional number)
+.. class:: us.forms.USStateField
+ A form field that validates input as a U.S. state name or abbreviation. It
+ normalizes the input to the standard two-letter postal service abbreviation
+ for the given state.
+.. class:: us.forms.USZipCodeField
+ A form field that validates input as a U.S. ZIP code. Valid formats are
+.. class:: us.forms.USStateSelect
+ A form ``Select`` widget that uses a list of U.S. states/territories as its
+ choices.
+.. class:: us.models.PhoneNumberField
+ A :class:`CharField` that checks that the value is a valid U.S.A.-style phone
+ number (in the format ``XXX-XXX-XXXX``).
+.. class:: us.models.USStateField
+ A model field that forms represent as a ``forms.USStateField`` field and
+ stores the two-letter U.S. state abbreviation in the database.
+Uruguay (``uy``)
+.. class:: uy.forms.UYCIField
+ A field that validates Uruguayan 'Cedula de identidad' (CI) numbers.
+.. class:: uy.forms.UYDepartamentSelect
+ A ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Uruguayan departaments as its
+ choices.