path: root/parts/django/docs/ref/contrib/gis/gdal.txt
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-.. _ref-gdal:
-.. module:: django.contrib.gis.gdal
- :synopsis: GeoDjango's high-level interface to the GDAL library.
-`GDAL`__ stands for **G**\ eospatial **D**\ ata **A**\ bstraction **L**\ ibrary,
-and is a veritable "swiss army knife" of GIS data functionality. A subset
-of GDAL is the `OGR`__ Simple Features Library, which specializes
-in reading and writing vector geographic data in a variety of standard
-GeoDjango provides a high-level Python interface for some of the
-capabilities of OGR, including the reading and coordinate transformation
-of vector spatial data.
-.. note::
- Although the module is named ``gdal``, GeoDjango only supports
- some of the capabilities of OGR. Thus, none of GDAL's features
- with respect to raster (image) data are supported at this time.
-Sample Data
-The GDAL/OGR tools described here are designed to help you read in
-your geospatial data, in order for most of them to be useful you have
-to have some data to work with. If you're starting out and don't yet
-have any data of your own to use, GeoDjango comes with a number of
-simple data sets that you can use for testing. This snippet will
-determine where these sample files are installed on your computer::
- >>> import os
- >>> import django.contrib.gis
- >>> GIS_PATH = os.path.dirname(django.contrib.gis.__file__)
- >>> CITIES_PATH = os.path.join(GIS_PATH, 'tests/data/cities/cities.shp')
-Vector Data Source Objects
-:class:`DataSource` is a wrapper for the OGR data source object that
-supports reading data from a variety of OGR-supported geospatial file
-formats and data sources using a simple, consistent interface. Each
-data source is represented by a :class:`DataSource` object which contains
-one or more layers of data. Each layer, represented by a :class:`Layer`
-object, contains some number of geographic features (:class:`Feature`),
-information about the type of features contained in that layer (e.g.
-points, polygons, etc.), as well as the names and types of any
-additional fields (:class:`Field`) of data that may be associated with
-each feature in that layer.
-.. class:: DataSource(ds_input)
- The constructor for ``DataSource`` just a single parameter: the path of
- the file you want to read. However, OGR
- also supports a variety of more complex data sources, including
- databases, that may be accessed by passing a special name string instead
- of a path. For more information, see the `OGR Vector Formats`__
- documentation. The :attr:`name` property of a ``DataSource``
- instance gives the OGR name of the underlying data source that it is
- using.
- Once you've created your ``DataSource``, you can find out how many
- layers of data it contains by accessing the :attr:`layer_count` property,
- or (equivalently) by using the ``len()`` function. For information on
- accessing the layers of data themselves, see the next section::
- >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
- >>> ds = DataSource(CITIES_PATH)
- >>> # The exact filename may be different on your computer
- '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/tests/data/cities/cities.shp'
- >>> ds.layer_count # This file only contains one layer
- 1
- .. attribute:: layer_count
- Returns the number of layers in the data source.
- .. attribute:: name
- Returns the name of the data source.
-.. class:: Layer
- ``Layer`` is a wrapper for a layer of data in a ``DataSource`` object.
- You never create a ``Layer`` object directly. Instead, you retrieve
- them from a :class:`DataSource` object, which is essentially a standard
- Python container of ``Layer`` objects. For example, you can access a
- specific layer by its index (e.g. ``ds[0]`` to access the first
- layer), or you can iterate over all the layers in the container in a
- ``for`` loop. The ``Layer`` itself acts as a container for geometric
- features.
- Typically, all the features in a given layer have the same geometry type.
- The :attr:`geom_type` property of a layer is an :class:`OGRGeomType`
- that identifies the feature type. We can use it to print out some basic
- information about each layer in a :class:`DataSource`::
- >>> for layer in ds:
- ... print 'Layer "%s": %i %ss' % (, len(layer),
- ...
- Layer "cities": 3 Points
- The example output is from the cities data source, loaded above, which
- evidently contains one layer, called ``"cities"``, which contains three
- point features. For simplicity, the examples below assume that you've
- stored that layer in the variable ``layer``::
- >>> layer = ds[0]
- .. attribute:: name
- Returns the name of this layer in the data source.
- >>>
- 'cities'
- .. attribute:: num_feat
- Returns the number of features in the layer. Same as ``len(layer)``::
- >>> layer.num_feat
- 3
- .. attribute:: geom_type
- Returns the geometry type of the layer, as an :class:`OGRGeomType`
- object::
- >>>
- 'Point'
- .. attribute:: num_fields
- Returns the number of fields in the layer, i.e the number of fields of
- data associated with each feature in the layer::
- >>> layer.num_fields
- 4
- .. attribute:: fields
- Returns a list of the names of each of the fields in this layer::
- >>> layer.fields
- ['Name', 'Population', 'Density', 'Created']
- .. attribute field_types
- Returns a list of the data types of each of the fields in this layer.
- These are subclasses of ``Field``, discussed below::
- >>> [ft.__name__ for ft in layer.field_types]
- ['OFTString', 'OFTReal', 'OFTReal', 'OFTDate']
- .. attribute:: field_widths
- Returns a list of the maximum field widths for each of the fields in
- this layer::
- >>> layer.field_widths
- [80, 11, 24, 10]
- .. attribute:: field_precisions
- Returns a list of the numeric precisions for each of the fields in
- this layer. This is meaningless (and set to zero) for non-numeric
- fields::
- >>> layer.field_precisions
- [0, 0, 15, 0]
- .. attribute:: extent
- Returns the spatial extent of this layer, as an :class:`Envelope`
- object::
- >>> layer.extent.tuple
- (-104.609252, 29.763374, -95.23506, 38.971823)
- .. attribute:: srs
- Property that returns the :class:`SpatialReference` associated
- with this layer::
- >>> print layer.srs
- GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
- DATUM["WGS_1984",
- SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],
- PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
- UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]
- If the :class:`Layer` has no spatial reference information associated
- with it, ``None`` is returned.
- .. attribute:: spatial_filter
- .. versionadded:: 1.2
- Property that may be used to retrieve or set a spatial filter for this
- layer. A spatial filter can only be set with an :class:`OGRGeometry`
- instance, a 4-tuple extent, or ``None``. When set with something
- other than ``None``, only features that intersect the filter will be
- returned when iterating over the layer::
- >>> print layer.spatial_filter
- None
- >>> print len(layer)
- 3
- >>> [feat.get('Name') for feat in layer]
- ['Pueblo', 'Lawrence', 'Houston']
- >>> ks_extent = (-102.051, 36.99, -94.59, 40.00) # Extent for state of Kansas
- >>> layer.spatial_filter = ks_extent
- >>> len(layer)
- 1
- >>> [feat.get('Name') for feat in layer]
- ['Lawrence']
- >>> layer.spatial_filter = None
- >>> len(layer)
- 3
- .. method:: get_fields()
- A method that returns a list of the values of a given field for each
- feature in the layer::
- >>> layer.get_fields('Name')
- ['Pueblo', 'Lawrence', 'Houston']
- .. method:: get_geoms([geos=False])
- A method that returns a list containing the geometry of each feature
- in the layer. If the optional argument ``geos`` is set to ``True``
- then the geometries are converted to :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry`
- objects. Otherwise, they are returned as :class:`OGRGeometry` objects::
- >>> [pt.tuple for pt in layer.get_geoms()]
- [(-104.609252, 38.255001), (-95.23506, 38.971823), (-95.363151, 29.763374)]
- .. method:: test_capability(capability)
- Returns a boolean indicating whether this layer supports the
- given capability (a string). Examples of valid capability strings
- include: ``'RandomRead'``, ``'SequentialWrite'``, ``'RandomWrite'``,
- ``'FastSpatialFilter'``, ``'FastFeatureCount'``, ``'FastGetExtent'``,
- ``'CreateField'``, ``'Transactions'``, ``'DeleteFeature'``, and
- ``'FastSetNextByIndex'``.
-.. class:: Feature
- ``Feature`` wraps an OGR feature. You never create a ``Feature``
- object directly. Instead, you retrieve them from a :class:`Layer` object.
- Each feature consists of a geometry and a set of fields containing
- additional properties. The geometry of a field is accessible via its
- ``geom`` property, which returns an :class:`OGRGeometry` object. A ``Feature``
- behaves like a standard Python container for its fields, which it returns as
- :class:`Field` objects: you can access a field directly by its index or name,
- or you can iterate over a feature's fields, e.g. in a ``for`` loop.
- .. attribute:: geom
- Returns the geometry for this feature, as an ``OGRGeometry`` object::
- >>> city.geom.tuple
- (-104.609252, 38.255001)
- .. attribute:: get
- A method that returns the value of the given field (specified by name)
- for this feature, **not** a ``Field`` wrapper object::
- >>> city.get('Population')
- 102121
- .. attribute:: geom_type
- Returns the type of geometry for this feature, as an :class:`OGRGeomType`
- object. This will be the same for all features in a given layer, and
- is equivalent to the :attr:`Layer.geom_type` property of the
- :class:`Layer`` object the feature came from.
- .. attribute:: num_fields
- Returns the number of fields of data associated with the feature.
- This will be the same for all features in a given layer, and is
- equivalent to the :attr:`Layer.num_fields` property of the
- :class:`Layer` object the feature came from.
- .. attribute:: fields
- Returns a list of the names of the fields of data associated with the
- feature. This will be the same for all features in a given layer, and
- is equivalent to the :attr:`Layer.fields` property of the :class:`Layer`
- object the feature came from.
- .. attribute:: fid
- Returns the feature identifier within the layer::
- >>> city.fid
- 0
- .. attribute:: layer_name
- Returns the name of the :class:`Layer` that the feature came from.
- This will be the same for all features in a given layer::
- >>> city.layer_name
- 'cities'
- .. attribute:: index
- A method that returns the index of the given field name. This will be
- the same for all features in a given layer::
- >>> city.index('Population')
- 1
-.. class:: Field
- .. attribute:: name
- Returns the name of this field::
- >>> city['Name'].name
- 'Name'
- .. attribute:: type
- Returns the OGR type of this field, as an integer. The
- ``FIELD_CLASSES`` dictionary maps these values onto
- subclasses of ``Field``::
- >>> city['Density'].type
- 2
- .. attribute:: type_name
- Returns a string with the name of the data type of this field::
- >>> city['Name'].type_name
- 'String'
- .. attribute:: value
- Returns the value of this field. The ``Field`` class itself
- returns the value as a string, but each subclass returns the
- value in the most appropriate form::
- >>> city['Population'].value
- 102121
- .. attribute:: width
- Returns the width of this field::
- >>> city['Name'].width
- 80
- .. attribute:: precision
- Returns the numeric precision of this field. This is meaningless (and
- set to zero) for non-numeric fields::
- >>> city['Density'].precision
- 15
- .. method:: as_double()
- Returns the value of the field as a double (float)::
- >>> city['Density'].as_double()
- 874.7
- .. method:: as_int()
- Returns the value of the field as an integer::
- >>> city['Population'].as_int()
- 102121
- .. method:: as_string()
- Returns the value of the field as a string::
- >>> city['Name'].as_string()
- 'Pueblo'
- .. method:: as_datetime()
- Returns the value of the field as a tuple of date and time components::
- >>> city['Created'].as_datetime()
- (c_long(1999), c_long(5), c_long(23), c_long(0), c_long(0), c_long(0), c_long(0))
-.. class:: Driver(dr_input)
- The ``Driver`` class is used internally to wrap an OGR :class:`DataSource` driver.
- .. attribute:: driver_count
- Returns the number of OGR vector drivers currently registered.
-OGR Geometries
-:class:`OGRGeometry` objects share similar functionality with
-:class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` objects, and are thin
-wrappers around OGR's internal geometry representation. Thus,
-they allow for more efficient access to data when using :class:`DataSource`.
-Unlike its GEOS counterpart, :class:`OGRGeometry` supports spatial reference
-systems and coordinate transformation::
- >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeometry
- >>> polygon = OGRGeometry('POLYGON((0 0, 5 0, 5 5, 0 5))')
-.. class:: OGRGeometry(geom_input[, srs=None])
- This object is a wrapper for the `OGR Geometry`__ class.
- These objects are instantiated directly from the given ``geom_input``
- parameter, which may be a string containing WKT or HEX, a ``buffer``
- containing WKB data, or an :class:`OGRGeomType` object. These objects
- are also returned from the :class:`Feature.geom` attribute, when
- reading vector data from :class:`Layer` (which is in turn a part of
- a :class:`DataSource`).
- __
- .. classmethod:: from_bbox(bbox)
- .. versionadded:: 1.1
- Constructs a :class:`Polygon` from the given bounding-box (a 4-tuple).
- .. method:: __len__
- Returns the number of points in a :class:`LineString`, the
- number of rings in a :class:`Polygon`, or the number of geometries in a
- :class:`GeometryCollection`. Not applicable to other geometry types.
- .. method:: __iter__
- Iterates over the points in a :class:`LineString`, the rings in a
- :class:`Polygon`, or the geometries in a :class:`GeometryCollection`.
- Not applicable to other geometry types.
- .. method:: __getitem__
- Returns the point at the specified index for a :class:`LineString`, the
- interior ring at the specified index for a :class:`Polygon`, or the geometry
- at the specified index in a :class:`GeometryCollection`. Not applicable to
- other geometry types.
- .. attribute:: dimension
- Returns the number of coordinated dimensions of the geometry, i.e. 0
- for points, 1 for lines, and so forth::
- >> polygon.dimension
- 2
- .. attribute:: coord_dim
- .. versionchanged:: 1.2
- Returns or sets the coordinate dimension of this geometry. For
- example, the value would be 2 for two-dimensional geometries.
- .. note::
- Setting this property is only available in versions 1.2 and above.
- .. attribute:: geom_count
- Returns the number of elements in this geometry::
- >>> polygon.geom_count
- 1
- .. attribute:: point_count
- Returns the number of points used to describe this geometry::
- >>> polygon.point_count
- 4
- .. attribute:: num_points
- Alias for :attr:`point_count`.
- .. attribute:: num_coords
- Alias for :attr:`point_count`.
- .. attribute:: geom_type
- Returns the type of this geometry, as an :class:`OGRGeomType` object.
- .. attribute:: geom_name
- Returns the name of the type of this geometry::
- >>> polygon.geom_name
- .. attribute:: area
- Returns the area of this geometry, or 0 for geometries that do not
- contain an area::
- >>> polygon.area
- 25.0
- .. attribute:: envelope
- Returns the envelope of this geometry, as an :class:`Envelope` object.
- .. attribute:: extent
- Returns the envelope of this geometry as a 4-tuple, instead of as an
- :class:`Envelope` object::
- >>> point.extent
- (0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 5.0)
- .. attribute:: srs
- This property controls the spatial reference for this geometry, or
- ``None`` if no spatial reference system has been assigned to it.
- If assigned, accessing this property returns a :class:`SpatialReference`
- object. It may be set with another :class:`SpatialReference` object,
- or any input that :class:`SpatialReference` accepts. Example::
- >>>
- 'GCS_WGS_1984'
- .. attribute:: srid
- Returns or sets the spatial reference identifier corresponding to
- :class:`SpatialReference` of this geometry. Returns ``None`` if
- there is no spatial reference information associated with this
- geometry, or if an SRID cannot be determined.
- .. attribute:: geos
- Returns a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` object
- corresponding to this geometry.
- .. attribute:: gml
- Returns a string representation of this geometry in GML format::
- >>> OGRGeometry('POINT(1 2)').gml
- '<gml:Point><gml:coordinates>1,2</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>'
- .. attribute:: hex
- Returns a string representation of this geometry in HEX WKB format::
- >>> OGRGeometry('POINT(1 2)').hex
- '0101000000000000000000F03F0000000000000040'
- .. attribute:: json
- Returns a string representation of this geometry in JSON format::
- >>> OGRGeometry('POINT(1 2)').json
- '{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 1.000000, 2.000000 ] }'
- .. attribute:: kml
- .. versionadded:: 1.1
- Returns a string representation of this geometry in KML format.
- .. attribute:: wkb_size
- Returns the size of the WKB buffer needed to hold a WKB representation
- of this geometry::
- >>> OGRGeometry('POINT(1 2)').wkb_size
- 21
- .. attribute:: wkb
- Returns a ``buffer`` containing a WKB representation of this geometry.
- .. attribute:: wkt
- Returns a string representation of this geometry in WKT format.
- .. attribute:: ewkt
- .. versionadded:: 1.2
- Returns the EWKT representation of this geometry.
- .. method:: clone()
- Returns a new :class:`OGRGeometry` clone of this geometry object.
- .. method:: close_rings()
- If there are any rings within this geometry that have not been closed,
- this routine will do so by adding the starting point to the end::
- >>> triangle = OGRGeometry('LINEARRING (0 0,0 1,1 0)')
- >>> triangle.close_rings()
- >>> triangle.wkt
- 'LINEARRING (0 0,0 1,1 0,0 0)'
- .. method:: transform(coord_trans, clone=False)
- Transforms this geometry to a different spatial reference system. May
- take a :class:`CoordTransform` object, a :class:`SpatialReference` object,
- or any other input accepted by :class:`SpatialReference` (including
- spatial reference WKT and PROJ.4 strings, or an integer SRID).
- By default nothing is returned and the geometry is transformed in-place.
- However, if the `clone` keyword is set to ``True`` then a transformed clone
- of this geometry is returned instead.
- .. method:: intersects(other)
- Returns ``True`` if this geometry intersects the other, otherwise returns
- ``False``.
- .. method:: equals(other)
- Returns ``True`` if this geometry is equivalent to the other, otherwise returns
- ``False``.
- .. method:: disjoint(other)
- Returns ``True`` if this geometry is spatially disjoint to (i.e. does
- not intersect) the other, otherwise returns ``False``.
- .. method:: touches(other)
- Returns ``True`` if this geometry touches the other, otherwise returns
- ``False``.
- .. method:: crosses(other)
- Returns ``True`` if this geometry crosses the other, otherwise returns
- ``False``.
- .. method:: within(other)
- Returns ``True`` if this geometry is contained within the other, otherwise returns
- ``False``.
- .. method:: contains(other)
- Returns ``True`` if this geometry contains the other, otherwise returns
- ``False``.
- .. method:: overlaps(other)
- Returns ``True`` if this geometry overlaps the other, otherwise returns
- ``False``.
- .. method:: boundary
- The boundary of this geometry, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
- .. attribute:: convex_hull
- The smallest convex polygon that contains this geometry, as a new
- :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
- .. method:: difference
- Returns the region consisting of the difference of this geometry and
- the other, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
- .. method:: intersection
- Returns the region consisting of the intersection of this geometry and
- the other, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
- .. method:: sym_difference
- Returns the region consisting of the symmetric difference of this
- geometry and the other, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
- .. method:: union
- Returns the region consisting of the union of this geometry and
- the other, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
- .. attribute:: tuple
- Returns the coordinates of a point geometry as a tuple, the
- coordinates of a line geometry as a tuple of tuples, and so forth::
- >>> OGRGeometry('POINT (1 2)').tuple
- (1.0, 2.0)
- >>> OGRGeometry('LINESTRING (1 2,3 4)').tuple
- ((1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0))
- .. attribute:: coords
- An alias for :attr:`tuple`.
-.. class:: Point
- .. attribute:: x
- Returns the X coordinate of this point::
- >>> OGRGeometry('POINT (1 2)').x
- 1.0
- .. attribute:: y
- Returns the Y coordinate of this point::
- >>> OGRGeometry('POINT (1 2)').y
- 2.0
- .. attribute:: z
- Returns the Z coordinate of this point, or ``None`` if the
- the point does not have a Z coordinate::
- >>> OGRGeometry('POINT (1 2 3)').z
- 3.0
-.. class:: LineString
- .. attribute:: x
- Returns a list of X coordinates in this line::
- >>> OGRGeometry('LINESTRING (1 2,3 4)').x
- [1.0, 3.0]
- .. attribute:: y
- Returns a list of Y coordinates in this line::
- >>> OGRGeometry('LINESTRING (1 2,3 4)').y
- [2.0, 4.0]
- .. attribute:: z
- Returns a list of Z coordinates in this line, or ``None`` if the
- line does not have Z coordinates::
- >>> OGRGeometry('LINESTRING (1 2 3,4 5 6)').z
- [3.0, 6.0]
-.. class:: Polygon
- .. attribute:: shell
- Returns the shell or exterior ring of this polygon, as a ``LinearRing``
- geometry.
- .. attribute:: exterior_ring
- An alias for :attr:`shell`.
- .. attribute:: centroid
- Returns a :class:`Point` representing the centroid of this polygon.
-.. class:: GeometryCollection
- .. method:: add(geom)
- Adds a geometry to this geometry collection. Not applicable to other
- geometry types.
-.. class:: OGRGeomType(type_input)
- This class allows for the representation of an OGR geometry type
- in any of several ways::
- >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeomType
- >>> gt1 = OGRGeomType(3) # Using an integer for the type
- >>> gt2 = OGRGeomType('Polygon') # Using a string
- >>> gt3 = OGRGeomType('POLYGON') # It's case-insensitive
- >>> print gt1 == 3, gt1 == 'Polygon' # Equivalence works w/non-OGRGeomType objects
- True True
- .. attribute:: name
- Returns a short-hand string form of the OGR Geometry type::
- >>>
- 'Polygon'
- .. attribute:: num
- Returns the number corresponding to the OGR geometry type::
- >>> gt1.num
- 3
- .. attribute:: django
- Returns the Django field type (a subclass of GeometryField) to use for
- storing this OGR type, or ``None`` if there is no appropriate Django
- type::
- >>> gt1.django
- 'PolygonField'
-.. class:: Envelope(*args)
- Represents an OGR Envelope structure that contains the
- minimum and maximum X, Y coordinates for a rectangle bounding box.
- The naming of the variables is compatible with the OGR Envelope
- C structure.
- .. attribute:: min_x
- The value of the minimum X coordinate.
- .. attribute:: min_y
- The value of the maximum X coordinate.
- .. attribute:: max_x
- The value of the minimum Y coordinate.
- .. attribute:: max_y
- The value of the maximum Y coordinate.
- .. attribute:: ur
- The upper-right coordinate, as a tuple.
- .. attribute:: ll
- The lower-left coordinate, as a tuple.
- .. attribute:: tuple
- A tuple representing the envelope.
- .. attribute:: wkt
- A string representing this envelope as a polygon in WKT format.
- .. method:: expand_to_include(self, *args)
- .. versionadded:: 1.1
-Coordinate System Objects
-.. class:: SpatialReference(srs_input)
- Spatial reference objects are initialized on the given ``srs_input``,
- which may be one of the following:
- * OGC Well Known Text (WKT) (a string)
- * EPSG code (integer or string)
- * PROJ.4 string
- * A shorthand string for well-known standards (``'WGS84'``, ``'WGS72'``, ``'NAD27'``, ``'NAD83'``)
- Example::
- >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference('WGS84') # shorthand string
- >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference(4326) # EPSG code
- >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference('EPSG:4326') # EPSG string
- >>> proj4 = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs '
- >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference(proj4) # PROJ.4 string
- >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference("""GEOGCS["WGS 84",
- DATUM["WGS_1984",
- SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
- AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
- AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
- PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
- AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
- UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,
- AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],
- AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]""") # OGC WKT
- .. method:: __getitem__(target)
- Returns the value of the given string attribute node, ``None`` if the node
- doesn't exist. Can also take a tuple as a parameter, (target, child),
- where child is the index of the attribute in the WKT. For example::
- >>> wkt = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984, ... AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]')
- >>> srs = SpatialReference(wkt) # could also use 'WGS84', or 4326
- >>> print srs['GEOGCS']
- WGS 84
- >>> print srs['DATUM']
- WGS_1984
- >>> print srs['AUTHORITY']
- >>> print srs['AUTHORITY', 1] # The authority value
- 4326
- >>> print srs['TOWGS84', 4] # the fourth value in this wkt
- 0
- >>> print srs['UNIT|AUTHORITY'] # For the units authority, have to use the pipe symbole.
- >>> print srs['UNIT|AUTHORITY', 1] # The authority value for the untis
- 9122
- .. method:: attr_value(target, index=0)
- The attribute value for the given target node (e.g. ``'PROJCS'``).
- The index keyword specifies an index of the child node to return.
- .. method:: auth_name(target)
- Returns the authority name for the given string target node.
- .. method:: auth_code(target)
- Returns the authority code for the given string target node.
- .. method:: clone()
- Returns a clone of this spatial reference object.
- .. method:: identify_epsg()
- This method inspects the WKT of this SpatialReference, and will
- add EPSG authority nodes where an EPSG identifier is applicable.
- .. method:: from_esri()
- Morphs this SpatialReference from ESRI's format to EPSG
- .. method:: to_esri()
- Morphs this SpatialReference to ESRI's format.
- .. method:: validate()
- Checks to see if the given spatial reference is valid, if not
- an exception will be raised.
- .. method:: import_epsg(epsg)
- Import spatial reference from EPSG code.
- .. method:: import_proj(proj)
- Import spatial reference from PROJ.4 string.
- .. method:: import_user_input(user_input)
- .. versionadded:: 1.1
- .. method:: import_wkt(wkt)
- Import spatial reference from WKT.
- .. method:: import_xml(xml)
- Import spatial reference from XML.
- .. attribute:: name
- Returns the name of this Spatial Reference.
- .. attribute:: srid
- Returns the SRID of top-level authority, or ``None`` if undefined.
- .. attribute:: linear_name
- Returns the name of the linear units.
- .. attribute:: linear_units
- Returns the value of the linear units.
- .. attribute:: angular_name
- Returns the name of the angular units."
- .. attribute:: angular_units
- Returns the value of the angular units.
- .. attribute:: units
- Returns a 2-tuple of the units value and the units name,
- and will automatically determines whether to return the linear
- or angular units.
- .. attribute:: ellisoid
- Returns a tuple of the ellipsoid parameters for this spatial
- reference: (semimajor axis, semiminor axis, and inverse flattening)
- .. attribute:: semi_major
- Returns the semi major axis of the ellipsoid for this spatial reference.
- .. attribute:: semi_minor
- Returns the semi minor axis of the ellipsoid for this spatial reference.
- .. attribute:: inverse_flattening
- Returns the inverse flattening of the ellipsoid for this spatial reference.
- .. attribute:: geographic
- Returns ``True`` if this spatial reference is geographic
- (root node is ``GEOGCS``).
- .. attribute:: local
- Returns ``True`` if this spatial reference is local
- (root node is ``LOCAL_CS``).
- .. attribute:: projected
- Returns ``True`` if this spatial reference is a projected coordinate
- system (root node is ``PROJCS``).
- .. attribute:: wkt
- Returns the WKT representation of this spatial reference.
- .. attribute:: pretty_wkt
- Returns the 'pretty' representation of the WKT.
- .. attribute:: proj
- Returns the PROJ.4 representation for this spatial reference.
- .. attribute:: proj4
- Alias for :attr:`SpatialReference.proj`.
- .. attribute:: xml
- Returns the XML representation of this spatial reference.
-.. class:: CoordTransform(source, target)
-Represents a coordinate system transform. It is initialized with two
-:class:`SpatialReference`, representing the source and target coordinate
-systems, respectively. These objects should be used when performing
-the same coordinate transformation repeatedly on different geometries::
- >>> ct = CoordTransform(SpatialReference('WGS84'), SpatialReference('NAD83'))
- >>> for feat in layer:
- ... geom = feat.geom # getting clone of feature geometry
- ... geom.transform(ct) # transforming
-.. setting:: GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH
-A string specifying the location of the GDAL library. Typically,
-this setting is only used if the GDAL library is in a non-standard
-location (e.g., ``/home/john/lib/``).