path: root/parts/django/docs/intro/tutorial02.txt
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+Writing your first Django app, part 2
+This tutorial begins where :doc:`Tutorial 1 </intro/tutorial01>` left off. We're
+continuing the Web-poll application and will focus on Django's
+automatically-generated admin site.
+.. admonition:: Philosophy
+ Generating admin sites for your staff or clients to add, change and delete
+ content is tedious work that doesn't require much creativity. For that
+ reason, Django entirely automates creation of admin interfaces for models.
+ Django was written in a newsroom environment, with a very clear separation
+ between "content publishers" and the "public" site. Site managers use the
+ system to add news stories, events, sports scores, etc., and that content is
+ displayed on the public site. Django solves the problem of creating a
+ unified interface for site administrators to edit content.
+ The admin isn't necessarily intended to be used by site visitors; it's for
+ site managers.
+Activate the admin site
+The Django admin site is not activated by default -- it's an opt-in thing. To
+activate the admin site for your installation, do these three things:
+ * Add ``"django.contrib.admin"`` to your :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` setting.
+ * Run ``python syncdb``. Since you have added a new application
+ to :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS`, the database tables need to be updated.
+ * Edit your ``mysite/`` file and uncomment the lines that reference
+ the admin -- there are three lines in total to uncomment. This file is a
+ URLconf; we'll dig into URLconfs in the next tutorial. For now, all you
+ need to know is that it maps URL roots to applications. In the end, you
+ should have a ```` file that looks like this:
+ .. versionchanged:: 1.1
+ The method for adding admin urls has changed in Django 1.1.
+ .. parsed-literal::
+ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+ # Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin:
+ **from django.contrib import admin**
+ **admin.autodiscover()**
+ urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ # Example:
+ # (r'^mysite/', include('')),
+ # Uncomment the admin/doc line below and add 'django.contrib.admindocs'
+ # to INSTALLED_APPS to enable admin documentation:
+ # (r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
+ # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
+ **(r'^admin/', include(,**
+ )
+ (The bold lines are the ones that needed to be uncommented.)
+Start the development server
+Let's start the development server and explore the admin site.
+Recall from Tutorial 1 that you start the development server like so:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ python runserver
+Now, open a Web browser and go to "/admin/" on your local domain -- e.g.,
+ You should see the admin's login screen:
+.. image:: _images/admin01.png
+ :alt: Django admin login screen
+Enter the admin site
+Now, try logging in. (You created a superuser account in the first part of this
+tutorial, remember? If you didn't create one or forgot the password you can
+:ref:`create another one <topics-auth-creating-superusers>`.) You should see
+the Django admin index page:
+.. image:: _images/admin02t.png
+ :alt: Django admin index page
+You should see a few other types of editable content, including groups, users
+and sites. These are core features Django ships with by default.
+Make the poll app modifiable in the admin
+But where's our poll app? It's not displayed on the admin index page.
+Just one thing to do: We need to tell the admin that ``Poll``
+objects have an admin interface. To do this, create a file called
+```` in your ``polls`` directory, and edit it to look like this::
+ from polls.models import Poll
+ from django.contrib import admin
+You'll need to restart the development server to see your changes. Normally,
+the server auto-reloads code every time you modify a file, but the action of
+creating a new file doesn't trigger the auto-reloading logic.
+Explore the free admin functionality
+Now that we've registered ``Poll``, Django knows that it should be displayed on
+the admin index page:
+.. image:: _images/admin03t.png
+ :alt: Django admin index page, now with polls displayed
+Click "Polls." Now you're at the "change list" page for polls. This page
+displays all the polls in the database and lets you choose one to change it.
+There's the "What's up?" poll we created in the first tutorial:
+.. image:: _images/admin04t.png
+ :alt: Polls change list page
+Click the "What's up?" poll to edit it:
+.. image:: _images/admin05t.png
+ :alt: Editing form for poll object
+Things to note here:
+ * The form is automatically generated from the Poll model.
+ * The different model field types (:class:`~django.db.models.DateTimeField`,
+ :class:`~django.db.models.CharField`) correspond to the appropriate HTML
+ input widget. Each type of field knows how to display itself in the Django
+ admin.
+ * Each :class:`~django.db.models.DateTimeField` gets free JavaScript
+ shortcuts. Dates get a "Today" shortcut and calendar popup, and times get
+ a "Now" shortcut and a convenient popup that lists commonly entered times.
+The bottom part of the page gives you a couple of options:
+ * Save -- Saves changes and returns to the change-list page for this type of
+ object.
+ * Save and continue editing -- Saves changes and reloads the admin page for
+ this object.
+ * Save and add another -- Saves changes and loads a new, blank form for this
+ type of object.
+ * Delete -- Displays a delete confirmation page.
+Change the "Date published" by clicking the "Today" and "Now" shortcuts. Then
+click "Save and continue editing." Then click "History" in the upper right.
+You'll see a page listing all changes made to this object via the Django admin,
+with the timestamp and username of the person who made the change:
+.. image:: _images/admin06t.png
+ :alt: History page for poll object
+Customize the admin form
+Take a few minutes to marvel at all the code you didn't have to write. By
+registering the Poll model with ````, Django was able
+to construct a default form representation. Often, you'll want to customize how
+the admin form looks and works. You'll do this by telling Django the options
+you want when you register the object.
+Let's see how this works by re-ordering the fields on the edit form. Replace
+the ```` line with::
+ class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ fields = ['pub_date', 'question']
+, PollAdmin)
+You'll follow this pattern -- create a model admin object, then pass it as the
+second argument to ```` -- any time you need to change the
+admin options for an object.
+This particular change above makes the "Publication date" come before the
+"Question" field:
+.. image:: _images/admin07.png
+ :alt: Fields have been reordered
+This isn't impressive with only two fields, but for admin forms with dozens
+of fields, choosing an intuitive order is an important usability detail.
+And speaking of forms with dozens of fields, you might want to split the form
+up into fieldsets::
+ class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ fieldsets = [
+ (None, {'fields': ['question']}),
+ ('Date information', {'fields': ['pub_date']}),
+ ]
+, PollAdmin)
+The first element of each tuple in ``fieldsets`` is the title of the fieldset.
+Here's what our form looks like now:
+.. image:: _images/admin08t.png
+ :alt: Form has fieldsets now
+You can assign arbitrary HTML classes to each fieldset. Django provides a
+``"collapse"`` class that displays a particular fieldset initially collapsed.
+This is useful when you have a long form that contains a number of fields that
+aren't commonly used::
+ class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ fieldsets = [
+ (None, {'fields': ['question']}),
+ ('Date information', {'fields': ['pub_date'], 'classes': ['collapse']}),
+ ]
+.. image:: _images/admin09.png
+ :alt: Fieldset is initially collapsed
+Adding related objects
+OK, we have our Poll admin page. But a ``Poll`` has multiple ``Choices``, and
+the admin page doesn't display choices.
+There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to register ``Choice``
+with the admin just as we did with ``Poll``. That's easy::
+ from polls.models import Choice
+Now "Choices" is an available option in the Django admin. The "Add choice" form
+looks like this:
+.. image:: _images/admin10.png
+ :alt: Choice admin page
+In that form, the "Poll" field is a select box containing every poll in the
+database. Django knows that a :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey` should be
+represented in the admin as a ``<select>`` box. In our case, only one poll
+exists at this point.
+Also note the "Add Another" link next to "Poll." Every object with a
+``ForeignKey`` relationship to another gets this for free. When you click "Add
+Another," you'll get a popup window with the "Add poll" form. If you add a poll
+in that window and click "Save," Django will save the poll to the database and
+dynamically add it as the selected choice on the "Add choice" form you're
+looking at.
+But, really, this is an inefficient way of adding Choice objects to the system.
+It'd be better if you could add a bunch of Choices directly when you create the
+Poll object. Let's make that happen.
+Remove the ``register()`` call for the Choice model. Then, edit the ``Poll``
+registration code to read::
+ class ChoiceInline(admin.StackedInline):
+ model = Choice
+ extra = 3
+ class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ fieldsets = [
+ (None, {'fields': ['question']}),
+ ('Date information', {'fields': ['pub_date'], 'classes': ['collapse']}),
+ ]
+ inlines = [ChoiceInline]
+, PollAdmin)
+This tells Django: "Choice objects are edited on the Poll admin page. By
+default, provide enough fields for 3 choices."
+Load the "Add poll" page to see how that looks, you may need to restart your development server:
+.. image:: _images/admin11t.png
+ :alt: Add poll page now has choices on it
+It works like this: There are three slots for related Choices -- as specified
+by ``extra`` -- and each time you come back to the "Change" page for an
+already-created object, you get another three extra slots.
+One small problem, though. It takes a lot of screen space to display all the
+fields for entering related Choice objects. For that reason, Django offers a
+tabular way of displaying inline related objects; you just need to change
+the ``ChoiceInline`` declaration to read::
+ class ChoiceInline(admin.TabularInline):
+ #...
+With that ``TabularInline`` (instead of ``StackedInline``), the
+related objects are displayed in a more compact, table-based format:
+.. image:: _images/admin12.png
+ :alt: Add poll page now has more compact choices
+Customize the admin change list
+Now that the Poll admin page is looking good, let's make some tweaks to the
+"change list" page -- the one that displays all the polls in the system.
+Here's what it looks like at this point:
+.. image:: _images/admin04t.png
+ :alt: Polls change list page
+By default, Django displays the ``str()`` of each object. But sometimes it'd be
+more helpful if we could display individual fields. To do that, use the
+``list_display`` admin option, which is a tuple of field names to display, as
+columns, on the change list page for the object::
+ class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ # ...
+ list_display = ('question', 'pub_date')
+Just for good measure, let's also include the ``was_published_today`` custom
+method from Tutorial 1::
+ class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ # ...
+ list_display = ('question', 'pub_date', 'was_published_today')
+Now the poll change list page looks like this:
+.. image:: _images/admin13t.png
+ :alt: Polls change list page, updated
+You can click on the column headers to sort by those values -- except in the
+case of the ``was_published_today`` header, because sorting by the output of
+an arbitrary method is not supported. Also note that the column header for
+``was_published_today`` is, by default, the name of the method (with
+underscores replaced with spaces). But you can change that by giving that
+method (in ````) a ``short_description`` attribute::
+ def was_published_today(self):
+ return ==
+ was_published_today.short_description = 'Published today?'
+Edit your file again and add an improvement to the Poll change list page: Filters. Add the
+following line to ``PollAdmin``::
+ list_filter = ['pub_date']
+That adds a "Filter" sidebar that lets people filter the change list by the
+``pub_date`` field:
+.. image:: _images/admin14t.png
+ :alt: Polls change list page, updated
+The type of filter displayed depends on the type of field you're filtering on.
+Because ``pub_date`` is a DateTimeField, Django knows to give the default
+filter options for DateTimeFields: "Any date," "Today," "Past 7 days,"
+"This month," "This year."
+This is shaping up well. Let's add some search capability::
+ search_fields = ['question']
+That adds a search box at the top of the change list. When somebody enters
+search terms, Django will search the ``question`` field. You can use as many
+fields as you'd like -- although because it uses a ``LIKE`` query behind the
+scenes, keep it reasonable, to keep your database happy.
+Finally, because Poll objects have dates, it'd be convenient to be able to
+drill down by date. Add this line::
+ date_hierarchy = 'pub_date'
+That adds hierarchical navigation, by date, to the top of the change list page.
+At top level, it displays all available years. Then it drills down to months
+and, ultimately, days.
+Now's also a good time to note that change lists give you free pagination. The
+default is to display 50 items per page. Change-list pagination, search boxes,
+filters, date-hierarchies and column-header-ordering all work together like you
+think they should.
+Customize the admin look and feel
+Clearly, having "Django administration" at the top of each admin page is
+ridiculous. It's just placeholder text.
+That's easy to change, though, using Django's template system. The Django admin
+is powered by Django itself, and its interfaces use Django's own template
+Open your settings file (``mysite/``, remember) and look at the
+:setting:`TEMPLATE_DIRS` setting. :setting:`TEMPLATE_DIRS` is a tuple of
+filesystem directories to check when loading Django templates. It's a search
+By default, :setting:`TEMPLATE_DIRS` is empty. So, let's add a line to it, to
+tell Django where our templates live::
+ "/home/my_username/mytemplates", # Change this to your own directory.
+ )
+Now copy the template ``admin/base_site.html`` from within the default Django
+admin template directory in the source code of Django itself
+(``django/contrib/admin/templates``) into an ``admin`` subdirectory of
+whichever directory you're using in :setting:`TEMPLATE_DIRS`. For example, if
+your :setting:`TEMPLATE_DIRS` includes ``"/home/my_username/mytemplates"``, as
+above, then copy ``django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/base_site.html`` to
+``/home/my_username/mytemplates/admin/base_site.html``. Don't forget that
+``admin`` subdirectory.
+Then, just edit the file and replace the generic Django text with your own
+site's name as you see fit.
+This template file contains lots of text like ``{% block branding %}``
+and ``{{ title }}``. The ``{%`` and ``{{`` tags are part of Django's
+template language. When Django renders ``admin/base_site.html``, this
+template language will be evaluated to produce the final HTML page.
+Don't worry if you can't make any sense of the template right now --
+we'll delve into Django's templating language in Tutorial 3.
+Note that any of Django's default admin templates can be overridden. To
+override a template, just do the same thing you did with ``base_site.html`` --
+copy it from the default directory into your custom directory, and make
+Astute readers will ask: But if :setting:`TEMPLATE_DIRS` was empty by default,
+how was Django finding the default admin templates? The answer is that, by
+default, Django automatically looks for a ``templates/`` subdirectory within
+each app package, for use as a fallback. See the :ref:`template loader
+documentation <template-loaders>` for full information.
+Customize the admin index page
+On a similar note, you might want to customize the look and feel of the Django
+admin index page.
+By default, it displays all the apps in :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` that have been
+registered with the admin application, in alphabetical order. You may want to
+make significant changes to the layout. After all, the index is probably the
+most important page of the admin, and it should be easy to use.
+The template to customize is ``admin/index.html``. (Do the same as with
+``admin/base_site.html`` in the previous section -- copy it from the default
+directory to your custom template directory.) Edit the file, and you'll see it
+uses a template variable called ``app_list``. That variable contains every
+installed Django app. Instead of using that, you can hard-code links to
+object-specific admin pages in whatever way you think is best. Again,
+don't worry if you can't understand the template language -- we'll cover that
+in more detail in Tutorial 3.
+When you're comfortable with the admin site, read :doc:`part 3 of this tutorial
+</intro/tutorial03>` to start working on public poll views.