path: root/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/repeatable.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/repeatable.txt')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/repeatable.txt b/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/repeatable.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09078bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/repeatable.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+Repeatable buildouts: controlling eggs used
+One of the goals of zc.buildout is to provide enough control to make
+buildouts repeatable. It should be possible to check the buildout
+configuration files for a project into a version control system and
+later use the checked in files to get the same buildout, subject to
+changes in the environment outside the buildout.
+An advantage of using Python eggs is that depenencies of eggs used are
+automatically determined and used. The automatic inclusion of
+depenent distributions is at odds with the goal of repeatable
+To support repeatable buildouts, a versions section can be created
+with options for each distribution name whos version is to be fixed.
+The section can then be specified via the buildout versions option.
+To see how this works, we'll create two versions of a recipe egg:
+ >>> mkdir('recipe')
+ >>> write('recipe', '',
+ ... '''
+ ... class Recipe:
+ ... def __init__(*a): pass
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... print 'recipe v1'
+ ... return ()
+ ... update = install
+ ... ''')
+ >>> write('recipe', '',
+ ... '''
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ... setup(name='spam', version='1', py_modules=['recipe'],
+ ... entry_points={'zc.buildout': ['default = recipe:Recipe']},
+ ... )
+ ... ''')
+ >>> write('recipe', 'README', '')
+ >>> print system(buildout+' setup recipe bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Running setup script 'recipe/'.
+ ...
+ >>> rmdir('recipe', 'build')
+ >>> write('recipe', '',
+ ... '''
+ ... class Recipe:
+ ... def __init__(*a): pass
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... print 'recipe v2'
+ ... return ()
+ ... update = install
+ ... ''')
+ >>> write('recipe', '',
+ ... '''
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ... setup(name='spam', version='2', py_modules=['recipe'],
+ ... entry_points={'zc.buildout': ['default = recipe:Recipe']},
+ ... )
+ ... ''')
+ >>> print system(buildout+' setup recipe bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Running setup script 'recipe/'.
+ ...
+and we'll configure a buildout to use it:
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = foo
+ ... find-links = %s
+ ...
+ ... [foo]
+ ... recipe = spam
+ ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))
+If we run the buildout, it will use version 2:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Getting distribution for 'spam'.
+ Got spam 2.
+ Installing foo.
+ recipe v2
+We can specify a versions section that lists our recipe and name it in
+the buildout section:
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = foo
+ ... find-links = %s
+ ... versions = release-1
+ ...
+ ... [release-1]
+ ... spam = 1
+ ... eggs = 2.2
+ ...
+ ... [foo]
+ ... recipe = spam
+ ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))
+Here we created a release-1 section listing the version 1 for the spam
+distribution. We told the buildout to use it by specifying release-1
+as in the versions option.
+Now, if we run the buildout, we'll use version 1 of the spam recipe:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Getting distribution for 'spam==1'.
+ Got spam 1.
+ Uninstalling foo.
+ Installing foo.
+ recipe v1
+Running the buildout in verbose mode will help us get information
+about versions used. If we run the buildout in verbose mode without
+specifying a versions section:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:versions= -v'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Installing 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools'.
+ We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 1.0.0.
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
+ Picked: setuptools = 0.6
+ Installing 'spam'.
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'spam'.
+ Picked: spam = 2.
+ Uninstalling foo.
+ Installing foo.
+ recipe v2
+We'll get output that includes lines that tell us what versions
+buildout chose a for us, like::
+ zc.buildout.easy_install.picked: spam = 2
+This allows us to discover versions that are picked dynamically, so
+that we can fix them in a versions section.
+If we run the buildout with the versions section:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' -v'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Installing 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools'.
+ We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 1.0.0.
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
+ Picked: setuptools = 0.6
+ Installing 'spam'.
+ We have the distribution that satisfies 'spam==1'.
+ Uninstalling foo.
+ Installing foo.
+ recipe v1
+We won't get output for the spam distribution, which we didn't pick,
+but we will get output for setuptools, which we didn't specify
+versions for.
+You can request buildout to generate an error if it picks any
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = foo
+ ... find-links = %s
+ ... versions = release-1
+ ... allow-picked-versions = false
+ ...
+ ... [release-1]
+ ... spam = 1
+ ... eggs = 2.2
+ ...
+ ... [foo]
+ ... recipe = spam
+ ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))