path: root/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/')
1 files changed, 1906 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/ b/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b09c0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/
@@ -0,0 +1,1906 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Python easy_install API
+This module provides a high-level Python API for installing packages.
+It doesn't install scripts. It uses setuptools and requires it to be
+import distutils.errors
+import fnmatch
+import glob
+import logging
+import os
+import pkg_resources
+import py_compile
+import re
+import setuptools.archive_util
+import setuptools.command.setopt
+import setuptools.package_index
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import warnings
+import zc.buildout
+import zipimport
+_oprp = getattr(os.path, 'realpath', lambda path: path)
+def realpath(path):
+ return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(_oprp(path)))
+default_index_url = os.environ.get(
+ 'buildout-testing-index-url',
+ '',
+ )
+logger = logging.getLogger('zc.buildout.easy_install')
+url_match = re.compile('[a-z0-9+.-]+://').match
+is_win32 = sys.platform == 'win32'
+is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java')
+is_distribute = (
+ pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools').key=='distribute')
+ 'Buildout has been asked to exclude or limit site-packages so that '
+ 'builds can be repeatable when using a system Python. However, '
+ 'the chosen Python executable has a broken implementation of -S (see '
+ ' for an example '
+ "problem) and this breaks buildout's ability to isolate site-packages. "
+ "If the executable already has a clean site-packages (e.g., "
+ "using virtualenv's ``--no-site-packages`` option) you may be getting "
+ 'equivalent repeatability. To silence this warning, use the -s argument '
+ 'to the buildout script. Alternatively, use a Python executable with a '
+ 'working -S (such as a standard Python binary).')
+if is_jython:
+ import java.lang.System
+ jython_os_name = (java.lang.System.getProperties()['']).lower()
+setuptools_loc = pkg_resources.working_set.find(
+ pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools')
+ ).location
+# Include buildout and setuptools eggs in paths. We prevent dupes just to
+# keep from duplicating any log messages about them.
+buildout_loc = pkg_resources.working_set.find(
+ pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('zc.buildout')).location
+buildout_and_setuptools_path = [setuptools_loc]
+if os.path.normpath(setuptools_loc) != os.path.normpath(buildout_loc):
+ buildout_and_setuptools_path.append(buildout_loc)
+def _has_broken_dash_S(executable):
+ """Detect ."""
+ # The first attempt here was to simply have the executable attempt to import
+ # ConfigParser and return the return code. That worked except for tests on
+ # Windows, where the return code was wrong for the fake Python executable
+ # generated by the virtualenv.txt test, apparently because setuptools' .exe
+ # file does not pass the's returncode back properly, at least in
+ # some circumstances. Therefore...print statements.
+ stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen(
+ [executable, '-Sc',
+ 'try:\n'
+ ' import ConfigParser\n'
+ 'except ImportError:\n'
+ ' print 1\n'
+ 'else:\n'
+ ' print 0\n'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
+ return bool(int(stdout.strip()))
+def _get_system_paths(executable):
+ """Return lists of standard lib and site paths for executable.
+ """
+ # We want to get a list of the site packages, which is not easy.
+ # The canonical way to do this is to use
+ # distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(), but that only returns a
+ # single path, which does not reflect reality for many system
+ # Pythons, which have multiple additions. Instead, we start Python
+ # with -S, which does not import and set up the extra paths
+ # like site-packages or (Ubuntu/Debian) dist-packages and
+ # python-support. We then compare that sys.path with the normal one
+ # (minus user packages if this is Python 2.6, because we don't
+ # support those (yet?). The set of the normal one minus the set of
+ # the ones in ``python -S`` is the set of packages that are
+ # effectively site-packages.
+ #
+ # The given executable might not be the current executable, so it is
+ # appropriate to do another subprocess to figure out what the
+ # additional site-package paths are. Moreover, even if this
+ # executable *is* the current executable, this code might be run in
+ # the context of code that has manipulated the sys.path--for
+ # instance, to add local zc.buildout or setuptools eggs.
+ def get_sys_path(*args, **kwargs):
+ cmd = [executable]
+ cmd.extend(args)
+ cmd.extend([
+ "-c", "import sys, os;"
+ "print repr([os.path.normpath(p) for p in sys.path if p])"])
+ # Windows needs some (as yet to be determined) part of the real env.
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ # We need to make sure that PYTHONPATH, which will often be set
+ # to include a custom buildout-generated, is not set, or
+ # else we will not get an accurate sys.path for the executable.
+ env.pop('PYTHONPATH', None)
+ env.update(kwargs)
+ _proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
+ stdout, stderr = _proc.communicate();
+ if _proc.returncode:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'error trying to get system packages:\n%s' % (stderr,))
+ res = eval(stdout.strip())
+ try:
+ res.remove('.')
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return res
+ stdlib = get_sys_path('-S') # stdlib only
+ no_user_paths = get_sys_path(PYTHONNOUSERSITE='x')
+ site_paths = [p for p in no_user_paths if p not in stdlib]
+ return (stdlib, site_paths)
+def _get_version_info(executable):
+ cmd = [executable, '-Sc',
+ 'import sys; print(repr(tuple(x for x in sys.version_info)))']
+ _proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = _proc.communicate();
+ if _proc.returncode:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'error trying to get system packages:\n%s' % (stderr,))
+ return eval(stdout.strip())
+class IncompatibleVersionError(zc.buildout.UserError):
+ """A specified version is incompatible with a given requirement.
+ """
+_versions = {sys.executable: '%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]}
+def _get_version(executable):
+ try:
+ return _versions[executable]
+ except KeyError:
+ cmd = _safe_arg(executable) + ' -V'
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
+ shell=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ close_fds=not is_win32)
+ i, o = (p.stdin, p.stdout)
+ i.close()
+ version =
+ o.close()
+ pystring, version = version.split()
+ assert pystring == 'Python'
+ version = re.match('(\d[.]\d)([.].*\d)?$', version).group(1)
+ _versions[executable] = version
+ return version
+FILE_SCHEME = re.compile('file://', re.I).match
+class AllowHostsPackageIndex(setuptools.package_index.PackageIndex):
+ """Will allow urls that are local to the system.
+ No matter what is allow_hosts.
+ """
+ def url_ok(self, url, fatal=False):
+ if FILE_SCHEME(url):
+ return True
+ return setuptools.package_index.PackageIndex.url_ok(self, url, False)
+_indexes = {}
+def _get_index(executable, index_url, find_links, allow_hosts=('*',),
+ path=None):
+ # If path is None, the index will use sys.path. If you provide an empty
+ # path ([]), it will complain uselessly about missing index pages for
+ # packages found in the paths that you expect to use. Therefore, this path
+ # is always the same as the _env path in the Installer.
+ key = executable, index_url, tuple(find_links)
+ index = _indexes.get(key)
+ if index is not None:
+ return index
+ if index_url is None:
+ index_url = default_index_url
+ index = AllowHostsPackageIndex(
+ index_url, hosts=allow_hosts, search_path=path,
+ python=_get_version(executable)
+ )
+ if find_links:
+ index.add_find_links(find_links)
+ _indexes[key] = index
+ return index
+clear_index_cache = _indexes.clear
+if is_win32:
+ # work around spawn lamosity on windows
+ # XXX need safe quoting (see the subprocess.list2cmdline) and test
+ def _safe_arg(arg):
+ return '"%s"' % arg
+ _safe_arg = str
+# The following string is used to run easy_install in
+# Installer._call_easy_install. It is usually started with python -S
+# (that is, don't import site at start). That flag, and all of the code
+# in this snippet above the last two lines, exist to work around a
+# relatively rare problem. If
+# - your buildout configuration is trying to install a package that is within
+# a namespace package, and
+# - you use a Python that has a different version of this package
+# installed in in its site-packages using
+# --single-version-externally-managed (that is, using the mechanism
+# sometimes used by system packagers:
+# ), and
+# - the new package tries to do sys.path tricks in the to get a
+# __version__,
+# then the older package will be loaded first, making the setup version
+# the wrong number. While very arguably packages simply shouldn't do
+# the sys.path tricks, some do, and we don't want buildout to fall over
+# when they do.
+# The namespace packages installed in site-packages with
+# --single-version-externally-managed use a mechanism that cause them to
+# be processed when is imported (see
+# for another description of the problem). Simply starting Python with
+# -S addresses the problem in Python 2.4 and 2.5, but Python 2.6's
+# distutils imports a value from the site module, so we unfortunately
+# have to do more drastic surgery in the _easy_install_preface code below.
+# Here's an example of the .pth files created by setuptools when using that
+# flag:
+# import sys,new,os;
+# p = os.path.join(sys._getframe(1).f_locals['sitedir'], *('<NAMESPACE>',));
+# ie = os.path.exists(os.path.join(p,''));
+# m = not ie and sys.modules.setdefault('<NAMESPACE>',new.module('<NAMESPACE>'));
+# mp = (m or []) and m.__dict__.setdefault('__path__',[]);
+# (p not in mp) and mp.append(p)
+# The code, below, then, runs under -S, indicating that should
+# not be loaded initially. It gets the initial sys.path under these
+# circumstances, and then imports site (because Python 2.6's distutils
+# will want it, as mentioned above). It then reinstates the old sys.path
+# value. Then it removes namespace packages (created by the setuptools
+# code above) from sys.modules. It identifies namespace packages by
+# iterating over every loaded module. It first looks if there is a
+# __path__, so it is a package; and then it sees if that __path__ does
+# not have an (Note that PEP 382,
+#, makes it possible to have a
+# namespace package that has an, but also should make it
+# unnecessary for to preprocess these packages, so it should be
+# fine, as far as can be guessed as of this writing.) Finally, it
+# imports easy_install and runs it.
+_easy_install_preface = '''\
+import sys,os;\
+p = sys.path[:];\
+import site;\
+sys.path[:] = p;\
+[sys.modules.pop(k) for k, v in sys.modules.items()\
+ if hasattr(v, '__path__') and len(v.__path__)==1 and\
+ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(v.__path__[0],''))];'''
+_easy_install_cmd = (
+ 'from setuptools.command.easy_install import main;main()')
+class Installer:
+ _versions = {}
+ _download_cache = None
+ _install_from_cache = False
+ _prefer_final = True
+ _use_dependency_links = True
+ _allow_picked_versions = True
+ _always_unzip = False
+ _include_site_packages = True
+ _allowed_eggs_from_site_packages = ('*',)
+ def __init__(self,
+ dest=None,
+ links=(),
+ index=None,
+ executable=sys.executable,
+ always_unzip=None,
+ path=None,
+ newest=True,
+ versions=None,
+ use_dependency_links=None,
+ allow_hosts=('*',),
+ include_site_packages=None,
+ allowed_eggs_from_site_packages=None,
+ prefer_final=None,
+ ):
+ self._dest = dest
+ self._allow_hosts = allow_hosts
+ if self._install_from_cache:
+ if not self._download_cache:
+ raise ValueError("install_from_cache set to true with no"
+ " download cache")
+ links = ()
+ index = 'file://' + self._download_cache
+ if use_dependency_links is not None:
+ self._use_dependency_links = use_dependency_links
+ if prefer_final is not None:
+ self._prefer_final = prefer_final
+ self._links = links = list(_fix_file_links(links))
+ if self._download_cache and (self._download_cache not in links):
+ links.insert(0, self._download_cache)
+ self._index_url = index
+ self._executable = executable
+ self._has_broken_dash_S = _has_broken_dash_S(self._executable)
+ if always_unzip is not None:
+ self._always_unzip = always_unzip
+ path = (path and path[:] or [])
+ if include_site_packages is not None:
+ self._include_site_packages = include_site_packages
+ if allowed_eggs_from_site_packages is not None:
+ self._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages = tuple(
+ allowed_eggs_from_site_packages)
+ if self._has_broken_dash_S:
+ if (not self._include_site_packages or
+ self._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages != ('*',)):
+ # We can't do this if the executable has a broken -S.
+ warnings.warn(BROKEN_DASH_S_WARNING)
+ self._include_site_packages = True
+ self._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages = ('*',)
+ self._easy_install_cmd = _easy_install_cmd
+ else:
+ self._easy_install_cmd = _easy_install_preface + _easy_install_cmd
+ self._easy_install_cmd = _safe_arg(self._easy_install_cmd)
+ stdlib, self._site_packages = _get_system_paths(executable)
+ version_info = _get_version_info(executable)
+ if version_info == sys.version_info:
+ # Maybe we can add the buildout and setuptools path. If we
+ # are including site_packages, we only have to include the extra
+ # bits here, so we don't duplicate. On the other hand, if we
+ # are not including site_packages, we only want to include the
+ # parts that are not in site_packages, so the code is the same.
+ path.extend(
+ set(buildout_and_setuptools_path).difference(
+ self._site_packages))
+ if self._include_site_packages:
+ path.extend(self._site_packages)
+ if dest is not None and dest not in path:
+ path.insert(0, dest)
+ self._path = path
+ if self._dest is None:
+ newest = False
+ self._newest = newest
+ self._env = pkg_resources.Environment(path,
+ python=_get_version(executable))
+ self._index = _get_index(executable, index, links, self._allow_hosts,
+ self._path)
+ if versions is not None:
+ self._versions = versions
+ _allowed_eggs_from_site_packages_regex = None
+ def allow_site_package_egg(self, name):
+ if (not self._include_site_packages or
+ not self._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages):
+ # If the answer is a blanket "no," perform a shortcut.
+ return False
+ if self._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages_regex is None:
+ pattern = '(%s)' % (
+ '|'.join(
+ fnmatch.translate(name)
+ for name in self._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages),
+ )
+ self._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages_regex = re.compile(pattern)
+ return bool(self._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages_regex.match(name))
+ def _satisfied(self, req, source=None):
+ # We get all distributions that match the given requirement. If we are
+ # not supposed to include site-packages for the given egg, we also
+ # filter those out. Even if include_site_packages is False and so we
+ # have excluded site packages from the _env's paths (see
+ # Installer.__init__), we need to do the filtering here because an
+ # .egg-link, such as one for setuptools or zc.buildout installed by
+ # zc.buildout.buildout.Buildout.bootstrap, can indirectly include a
+ # path in our _site_packages.
+ dists = [dist for dist in self._env[req.project_name] if (
+ dist in req and (
+ dist.location not in self._site_packages or
+ self.allow_site_package_egg(dist.project_name))
+ )
+ ]
+ if not dists:
+ logger.debug('We have no distributions for %s that satisfies %r.',
+ req.project_name, str(req))
+ return None, self._obtain(req, source)
+ # Note that dists are sorted from best to worst, as promised by
+ # env.__getitem__
+ for dist in dists:
+ if (dist.precedence == pkg_resources.DEVELOP_DIST and
+ dist.location not in self._site_packages):
+ # System eggs are sometimes installed as develop eggs.
+ # Those are not the kind of develop eggs we are looking for
+ # here: we want ones that the buildout itself has locally as
+ # develop eggs.
+ logger.debug('We have a develop egg: %s', dist)
+ return dist, None
+ # Special common case, we have a specification for a single version:
+ specs = req.specs
+ if len(specs) == 1 and specs[0][0] == '==':
+ logger.debug('We have the distribution that satisfies %r.',
+ str(req))
+ return dists[0], None
+ if self._prefer_final:
+ fdists = [dist for dist in dists
+ if _final_version(dist.parsed_version)
+ ]
+ if fdists:
+ # There are final dists, so only use those
+ dists = fdists
+ if not self._newest:
+ # We don't need the newest, so we'll use the newest one we
+ # find, which is the first returned by
+ # Environment.__getitem__.
+ return dists[0], None
+ best_we_have = dists[0] # Because dists are sorted from best to worst
+ # We have some installed distros. There might, theoretically, be
+ # newer ones. Let's find out which ones are available and see if
+ # any are newer. We only do this if we're willing to install
+ # something, which is only true if dest is not None:
+ if self._dest is not None:
+ best_available = self._obtain(req, source)
+ else:
+ best_available = None
+ if best_available is None:
+ # That's a bit odd. There aren't any distros available.
+ # We should use the best one we have that meets the requirement.
+ logger.debug(
+ 'There are no distros available that meet %r.\n'
+ 'Using our best, %s.',
+ str(req), best_available)
+ return best_we_have, None
+ if self._prefer_final:
+ if _final_version(best_available.parsed_version):
+ if _final_version(best_we_have.parsed_version):
+ if (best_we_have.parsed_version
+ <
+ best_available.parsed_version
+ ):
+ return None, best_available
+ else:
+ return None, best_available
+ else:
+ if (not _final_version(best_we_have.parsed_version)
+ and
+ (best_we_have.parsed_version
+ <
+ best_available.parsed_version
+ )
+ ):
+ return None, best_available
+ else:
+ if (best_we_have.parsed_version
+ <
+ best_available.parsed_version
+ ):
+ return None, best_available
+ logger.debug(
+ 'We have the best distribution that satisfies %r.',
+ str(req))
+ return best_we_have, None
+ def _load_dist(self, dist):
+ dists = pkg_resources.Environment(
+ dist.location,
+ python=_get_version(self._executable),
+ )[dist.project_name]
+ assert len(dists) == 1
+ return dists[0]
+ def _call_easy_install(self, spec, ws, dest, dist):
+ tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=dest)
+ try:
+ path = setuptools_loc
+ args = ('-c', self._easy_install_cmd, '-mUNxd', _safe_arg(tmp))
+ if not self._has_broken_dash_S:
+ args = ('-S',) + args
+ if self._always_unzip:
+ args += ('-Z', )
+ level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
+ if level > 0:
+ args += ('-q', )
+ elif level < 0:
+ args += ('-v', )
+ args += (_safe_arg(spec), )
+ if level <= logging.DEBUG:
+ logger.debug('Running easy_install:\n%s "%s"\npath=%s\n',
+ self._executable, '" "'.join(args), path)
+ if is_jython:
+ extra_env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=path)
+ else:
+ args += (dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=path), )
+ sys.stdout.flush() # We want any pending output first
+ if is_jython:
+ exit_code = subprocess.Popen(
+ [_safe_arg(self._executable)] + list(args),
+ env=extra_env).wait()
+ else:
+ exit_code = os.spawnle(
+ os.P_WAIT, self._executable, _safe_arg (self._executable),
+ *args)
+ dists = []
+ env = pkg_resources.Environment(
+ [tmp],
+ python=_get_version(self._executable),
+ )
+ for project in env:
+ dists.extend(env[project])
+ if exit_code:
+ logger.error(
+ "An error occurred when trying to install %s. "
+ "Look above this message for any errors that "
+ "were output by easy_install.",
+ dist)
+ if not dists:
+ raise zc.buildout.UserError("Couldn't install: %s" % dist)
+ if len(dists) > 1:
+ logger.warn("Installing %s\n"
+ "caused multiple distributions to be installed:\n"
+ "%s\n",
+ dist, '\n'.join(map(str, dists)))
+ else:
+ d = dists[0]
+ if d.project_name != dist.project_name:
+ logger.warn("Installing %s\n"
+ "Caused installation of a distribution:\n"
+ "%s\n"
+ "with a different project name.",
+ dist, d)
+ if d.version != dist.version:
+ logger.warn("Installing %s\n"
+ "Caused installation of a distribution:\n"
+ "%s\n"
+ "with a different version.",
+ dist, d)
+ result = []
+ for d in dists:
+ newloc = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(d.location))
+ if os.path.exists(newloc):
+ if os.path.isdir(newloc):
+ shutil.rmtree(newloc)
+ else:
+ os.remove(newloc)
+ os.rename(d.location, newloc)
+ [d] = pkg_resources.Environment(
+ [newloc],
+ python=_get_version(self._executable),
+ )[d.project_name]
+ result.append(d)
+ return result
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp)
+ def _obtain(self, requirement, source=None):
+ # initialize out index for this project:
+ index = self._index
+ if index.obtain(requirement) is None:
+ # Nothing is available.
+ return None
+ # Filter the available dists for the requirement and source flag. If
+ # we are not supposed to include site-packages for the given egg, we
+ # also filter those out. Even if include_site_packages is False and so
+ # we have excluded site packages from the _env's paths (see
+ # Installer.__init__), we need to do the filtering here because an
+ # .egg-link, such as one for setuptools or zc.buildout installed by
+ # zc.buildout.buildout.Buildout.bootstrap, can indirectly include a
+ # path in our _site_packages.
+ dists = [dist for dist in index[requirement.project_name] if (
+ dist in requirement and (
+ dist.location not in self._site_packages or
+ self.allow_site_package_egg(dist.project_name))
+ and (
+ (not source) or
+ (dist.precedence == pkg_resources.SOURCE_DIST))
+ )
+ ]
+ # If we prefer final dists, filter for final and use the
+ # result if it is non empty.
+ if self._prefer_final:
+ fdists = [dist for dist in dists
+ if _final_version(dist.parsed_version)
+ ]
+ if fdists:
+ # There are final dists, so only use those
+ dists = fdists
+ # Now find the best one:
+ best = []
+ bestv = ()
+ for dist in dists:
+ distv = dist.parsed_version
+ if distv > bestv:
+ best = [dist]
+ bestv = distv
+ elif distv == bestv:
+ best.append(dist)
+ if not best:
+ return None
+ if len(best) == 1:
+ return best[0]
+ if self._download_cache:
+ for dist in best:
+ if (realpath(os.path.dirname(dist.location))
+ ==
+ self._download_cache
+ ):
+ return dist
+ best.sort()
+ return best[-1]
+ def _fetch(self, dist, tmp, download_cache):
+ if (download_cache
+ and (realpath(os.path.dirname(dist.location)) == download_cache)
+ ):
+ return dist
+ new_location =, tmp)
+ if (download_cache
+ and (realpath(new_location) == realpath(dist.location))
+ and os.path.isfile(new_location)
+ ):
+ # setuptools avoids making extra copies, but we want to copy
+ # to the download cache
+ shutil.copy2(new_location, tmp)
+ new_location = os.path.join(tmp, os.path.basename(new_location))
+ return dist.clone(location=new_location)
+ def _get_dist(self, requirement, ws, always_unzip):
+ __doing__ = 'Getting distribution for %r.', str(requirement)
+ # Maybe an existing dist is already the best dist that satisfies the
+ # requirement
+ dist, avail = self._satisfied(requirement)
+ if dist is None:
+ if self._dest is not None:
+ # Retrieve the dist:
+ if avail is None:
+ raise MissingDistribution(requirement, ws)
+ # We may overwrite distributions, so clear importer
+ # cache.
+ sys.path_importer_cache.clear()
+ tmp = self._download_cache
+ if tmp is None:
+ tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp('get_dist')
+ try:
+ dist = self._fetch(avail, tmp, self._download_cache)
+ if dist is None:
+ raise zc.buildout.UserError(
+ "Couldn't download distribution %s." % avail)
+ if dist.precedence == pkg_resources.EGG_DIST:
+ # It's already an egg, just fetch it into the dest
+ newloc = os.path.join(
+ self._dest, os.path.basename(dist.location))
+ if os.path.isdir(dist.location):
+ # we got a directory. It must have been
+ # obtained locally. Just copy it.
+ shutil.copytree(dist.location, newloc)
+ else:
+ if self._always_unzip:
+ should_unzip = True
+ else:
+ metadata = pkg_resources.EggMetadata(
+ zipimport.zipimporter(dist.location)
+ )
+ should_unzip = (
+ metadata.has_metadata('not-zip-safe')
+ or
+ not metadata.has_metadata('zip-safe')
+ )
+ if should_unzip:
+ setuptools.archive_util.unpack_archive(
+ dist.location, newloc)
+ else:
+ shutil.copyfile(dist.location, newloc)
+ redo_pyc(newloc)
+ # Getting the dist from the environment causes the
+ # distribution meta data to be read. Cloning isn't
+ # good enough.
+ dists = pkg_resources.Environment(
+ [newloc],
+ python=_get_version(self._executable),
+ )[dist.project_name]
+ else:
+ # It's some other kind of dist. We'll let easy_install
+ # deal with it:
+ dists = self._call_easy_install(
+ dist.location, ws, self._dest, dist)
+ for dist in dists:
+ redo_pyc(dist.location)
+ finally:
+ if tmp != self._download_cache:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp)
+ self._env.scan([self._dest])
+ dist = self._env.best_match(requirement, ws)
+"Got %s.", dist)
+ else:
+ dists = [dist]
+ for dist in dists:
+ if (dist.has_metadata('dependency_links.txt')
+ and not self._install_from_cache
+ and self._use_dependency_links
+ ):
+ for link in dist.get_metadata_lines('dependency_links.txt'):
+ link = link.strip()
+ if link not in self._links:
+ logger.debug('Adding find link %r from %s', link, dist)
+ self._links.append(link)
+ self._index = _get_index(self._executable,
+ self._index_url, self._links,
+ self._allow_hosts, self._path)
+ for dist in dists:
+ # Check whether we picked a version and, if we did, report it:
+ if not (
+ dist.precedence == pkg_resources.DEVELOP_DIST
+ or
+ (len(requirement.specs) == 1
+ and
+ requirement.specs[0][0] == '==')
+ ):
+ logger.debug('Picked: %s = %s',
+ dist.project_name, dist.version)
+ if not self._allow_picked_versions:
+ raise zc.buildout.UserError(
+ 'Picked: %s = %s' % (dist.project_name, dist.version)
+ )
+ return dists
+ def _maybe_add_setuptools(self, ws, dist):
+ if dist.has_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'):
+ for r in dist.requires():
+ if r.project_name in ('setuptools', 'distribute'):
+ break
+ else:
+ # We have a namespace package but no requirement for setuptools
+ if dist.precedence == pkg_resources.DEVELOP_DIST:
+ logger.warn(
+ "Develop distribution: %s\n"
+ "uses namespace packages but the distribution "
+ "does not require setuptools.",
+ dist)
+ requirement = self._constrain(
+ pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools')
+ )
+ if ws.find(requirement) is None:
+ for dist in self._get_dist(requirement, ws, False):
+ ws.add(dist)
+ def _constrain(self, requirement):
+ if is_distribute and requirement.key == 'setuptools':
+ requirement = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('distribute')
+ version = self._versions.get(requirement.project_name)
+ if version:
+ if version not in requirement:
+ logger.error("The version, %s, is not consistent with the "
+ "requirement, %r.", version, str(requirement))
+ raise IncompatibleVersionError("Bad version", version)
+ requirement = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(
+ "%s[%s] ==%s" % (requirement.project_name,
+ ','.join(requirement.extras),
+ version))
+ return requirement
+ def install(self, specs, working_set=None):
+ logger.debug('Installing %s.', repr(specs)[1:-1])
+ path = self._path
+ destination = self._dest
+ if destination is not None and destination not in path:
+ path.insert(0, destination)
+ requirements = [self._constrain(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(spec))
+ for spec in specs]
+ if working_set is None:
+ ws = pkg_resources.WorkingSet([])
+ else:
+ ws = working_set
+ for requirement in requirements:
+ for dist in self._get_dist(requirement, ws, self._always_unzip):
+ ws.add(dist)
+ self._maybe_add_setuptools(ws, dist)
+ # OK, we have the requested distributions and they're in the working
+ # set, but they may have unmet requirements. We'll resolve these
+ # requirements. This is code modified from
+ # pkg_resources.WorkingSet.resolve. We can't reuse that code directly
+ # because we have to constrain our requirements (see
+ # versions_section_ignored_for_dependency_in_favor_of_site_packages in
+ # zc.buildout.tests).
+ requirements.reverse() # Set up the stack.
+ processed = {} # This is a set of processed requirements.
+ best = {} # This is a mapping of key -> dist.
+ # Note that we don't use the existing environment, because we want
+ # to look for new eggs unless what we have is the best that
+ # matches the requirement.
+ env = pkg_resources.Environment(ws.entries)
+ while requirements:
+ # Process dependencies breadth-first.
+ req = self._constrain(requirements.pop(0))
+ if req in processed:
+ # Ignore cyclic or redundant dependencies.
+ continue
+ dist = best.get(req.key)
+ if dist is None:
+ # Find the best distribution and add it to the map.
+ dist = ws.by_key.get(req.key)
+ if dist is None:
+ try:
+ dist = best[req.key] = env.best_match(req, ws)
+ except pkg_resources.VersionConflict, err:
+ raise VersionConflict(err, ws)
+ if dist is None or (
+ dist.location in self._site_packages and not
+ self.allow_site_package_egg(dist.project_name)):
+ # If we didn't find a distribution in the
+ # environment, or what we found is from site
+ # packages and not allowed to be there, try
+ # again.
+ if destination:
+ logger.debug('Getting required %r', str(req))
+ else:
+ logger.debug('Adding required %r', str(req))
+ _log_requirement(ws, req)
+ for dist in self._get_dist(req,
+ ws, self._always_unzip):
+ ws.add(dist)
+ self._maybe_add_setuptools(ws, dist)
+ if dist not in req:
+ # Oops, the "best" so far conflicts with a dependency.
+ raise VersionConflict(
+ pkg_resources.VersionConflict(dist, req), ws)
+ requirements.extend(dist.requires(req.extras)[::-1])
+ processed[req] = True
+ if dist.location in self._site_packages:
+ logger.debug('Egg from site-packages: %s', dist)
+ return ws
+ def build(self, spec, build_ext):
+ requirement = self._constrain(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(spec))
+ dist, avail = self._satisfied(requirement, 1)
+ if dist is not None:
+ return [dist.location]
+ # Retrieve the dist:
+ if avail is None:
+ raise zc.buildout.UserError(
+ "Couldn't find a source distribution for %r."
+ % str(requirement))
+ logger.debug('Building %r', spec)
+ tmp = self._download_cache
+ if tmp is None:
+ tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp('get_dist')
+ try:
+ dist = self._fetch(avail, tmp, self._download_cache)
+ build_tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp('build')
+ try:
+ setuptools.archive_util.unpack_archive(dist.location,
+ build_tmp)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_tmp, '')):
+ base = build_tmp
+ else:
+ setups = glob.glob(
+ os.path.join(build_tmp, '*', ''))
+ if not setups:
+ raise distutils.errors.DistutilsError(
+ "Couldn't find a setup script in %s"
+ % os.path.basename(dist.location)
+ )
+ if len(setups) > 1:
+ raise distutils.errors.DistutilsError(
+ "Multiple setup scripts in %s"
+ % os.path.basename(dist.location)
+ )
+ base = os.path.dirname(setups[0])
+ setup_cfg = os.path.join(base, 'setup.cfg')
+ if not os.path.exists(setup_cfg):
+ f = open(setup_cfg, 'w')
+ f.close()
+ setuptools.command.setopt.edit_config(
+ setup_cfg, dict(build_ext=build_ext))
+ dists = self._call_easy_install(
+ base, pkg_resources.WorkingSet(),
+ self._dest, dist)
+ for dist in dists:
+ redo_pyc(dist.location)
+ return [dist.location for dist in dists]
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(build_tmp)
+ finally:
+ if tmp != self._download_cache:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp)
+def default_versions(versions=None):
+ old = Installer._versions
+ if versions is not None:
+ Installer._versions = versions
+ return old
+def download_cache(path=-1):
+ old = Installer._download_cache
+ if path != -1:
+ if path:
+ path = realpath(path)
+ Installer._download_cache = path
+ return old
+def install_from_cache(setting=None):
+ old = Installer._install_from_cache
+ if setting is not None:
+ Installer._install_from_cache = bool(setting)
+ return old
+def prefer_final(setting=None):
+ old = Installer._prefer_final
+ if setting is not None:
+ Installer._prefer_final = bool(setting)
+ return old
+def include_site_packages(setting=None):
+ old = Installer._include_site_packages
+ if setting is not None:
+ Installer._include_site_packages = bool(setting)
+ return old
+def allowed_eggs_from_site_packages(setting=None):
+ old = Installer._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages
+ if setting is not None:
+ Installer._allowed_eggs_from_site_packages = tuple(setting)
+ return old
+def use_dependency_links(setting=None):
+ old = Installer._use_dependency_links
+ if setting is not None:
+ Installer._use_dependency_links = bool(setting)
+ return old
+def allow_picked_versions(setting=None):
+ old = Installer._allow_picked_versions
+ if setting is not None:
+ Installer._allow_picked_versions = bool(setting)
+ return old
+def always_unzip(setting=None):
+ old = Installer._always_unzip
+ if setting is not None:
+ Installer._always_unzip = bool(setting)
+ return old
+def install(specs, dest,
+ links=(), index=None,
+ executable=sys.executable, always_unzip=None,
+ path=None, working_set=None, newest=True, versions=None,
+ use_dependency_links=None, allow_hosts=('*',),
+ include_site_packages=None, allowed_eggs_from_site_packages=None,
+ prefer_final=None):
+ installer = Installer(
+ dest, links, index, executable, always_unzip, path, newest,
+ versions, use_dependency_links, allow_hosts=allow_hosts,
+ include_site_packages=include_site_packages,
+ allowed_eggs_from_site_packages=allowed_eggs_from_site_packages,
+ prefer_final=prefer_final)
+ return installer.install(specs, working_set)
+def build(spec, dest, build_ext,
+ links=(), index=None,
+ executable=sys.executable,
+ path=None, newest=True, versions=None, allow_hosts=('*',),
+ include_site_packages=None, allowed_eggs_from_site_packages=None):
+ installer = Installer(
+ dest, links, index, executable, True, path, newest, versions,
+ allow_hosts=allow_hosts,
+ include_site_packages=include_site_packages,
+ allowed_eggs_from_site_packages=allowed_eggs_from_site_packages)
+ return, build_ext)
+def _rm(*paths):
+ for path in paths:
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+ elif os.path.exists(path):
+ os.remove(path)
+def _copyeggs(src, dest, suffix, undo):
+ result = []
+ undo.append(lambda : _rm(*result))
+ for name in os.listdir(src):
+ if name.endswith(suffix):
+ new = os.path.join(dest, name)
+ _rm(new)
+ os.rename(os.path.join(src, name), new)
+ result.append(new)
+ assert len(result) == 1, str(result)
+ undo.pop()
+ return result[0]
+def develop(setup, dest,
+ build_ext=None,
+ executable=sys.executable):
+ if os.path.isdir(setup):
+ directory = setup
+ setup = os.path.join(directory, '')
+ else:
+ directory = os.path.dirname(setup)
+ undo = []
+ try:
+ if build_ext:
+ setup_cfg = os.path.join(directory, 'setup.cfg')
+ if os.path.exists(setup_cfg):
+ os.rename(setup_cfg, setup_cfg+'-develop-aside')
+ def restore_old_setup():
+ if os.path.exists(setup_cfg):
+ os.remove(setup_cfg)
+ os.rename(setup_cfg+'-develop-aside', setup_cfg)
+ undo.append(restore_old_setup)
+ else:
+ open(setup_cfg, 'w')
+ undo.append(lambda: os.remove(setup_cfg))
+ setuptools.command.setopt.edit_config(
+ setup_cfg, dict(build_ext=build_ext))
+ fd, tsetup = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ undo.append(lambda: os.remove(tsetup))
+ undo.append(lambda: os.close(fd))
+ os.write(fd, runsetup_template % dict(
+ setuptools=setuptools_loc,
+ setupdir=directory,
+ setup=setup,
+ __file__ = setup,
+ ))
+ tmp3 = tempfile.mkdtemp('build', dir=dest)
+ undo.append(lambda : shutil.rmtree(tmp3))
+ args = [
+ zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(tsetup),
+ '-q', 'develop', '-mxN',
+ '-d', _safe_arg(tmp3),
+ ]
+ log_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
+ if log_level <= 0:
+ if log_level == 0:
+ del args[1]
+ else:
+ args[1] == '-v'
+ if log_level < logging.DEBUG:
+ logger.debug("in: %r\n%s", directory, ' '.join(args))
+ if is_jython:
+ assert subprocess.Popen([_safe_arg(executable)] + args).wait() == 0
+ else:
+ assert os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, executable, _safe_arg(executable),
+ *args) == 0
+ return _copyeggs(tmp3, dest, '.egg-link', undo)
+ finally:
+ undo.reverse()
+ [f() for f in undo]
+def working_set(specs, executable, path, include_site_packages=None,
+ allowed_eggs_from_site_packages=None, prefer_final=None):
+ return install(
+ specs, None, executable=executable, path=path,
+ include_site_packages=include_site_packages,
+ allowed_eggs_from_site_packages=allowed_eggs_from_site_packages,
+ prefer_final=prefer_final)
+# Script generation functions
+def scripts(
+ reqs, working_set, executable, dest,
+ scripts=None,
+ extra_paths=(),
+ arguments='',
+ interpreter=None,
+ initialization='',
+ relative_paths=False,
+ ):
+ """Generate scripts and/or an interpreter.
+ See sitepackage_safe_scripts for a version that can be used with a Python
+ that has code installed in site-packages. It has more options and a
+ different approach.
+ """
+ path = _get_path(working_set, extra_paths)
+ if initialization:
+ initialization = '\n'+initialization+'\n'
+ generated = _generate_scripts(
+ reqs, working_set, dest, path, scripts, relative_paths,
+ initialization, executable, arguments)
+ if interpreter:
+ sname = os.path.join(dest, interpreter)
+ spath, rpsetup = _relative_path_and_setup(sname, path, relative_paths)
+ generated.extend(
+ _pyscript(spath, sname, executable, rpsetup))
+ return generated
+# We need to give an alternate name to the ``scripts`` function so that it
+# can be referenced within sitepackage_safe_scripts, which uses ``scripts``
+# as an argument name.
+_original_scripts_function = scripts
+def sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ dest, working_set, executable, site_py_dest,
+ reqs=(),
+ scripts=None,
+ interpreter=None,
+ extra_paths=(),
+ initialization='',
+ include_site_packages=False,
+ exec_sitecustomize=False,
+ relative_paths=False,
+ script_arguments='',
+ script_initialization='',
+ ):
+ """Generate scripts and/or an interpreter from a system Python.
+ This accomplishes the same job as the ``scripts`` function, above,
+ but it does so in an alternative way that allows safely including
+ Python site packages, if desired, and choosing to execute the Python's
+ sitecustomize.
+ """
+ if _has_broken_dash_S(executable):
+ if not include_site_packages:
+ warnings.warn(BROKEN_DASH_S_WARNING)
+ return _original_scripts_function(
+ reqs, working_set, executable, dest, scripts, extra_paths,
+ script_arguments, interpreter, initialization, relative_paths)
+ generated = []
+ generated.append(_generate_sitecustomize(
+ site_py_dest, executable, initialization, exec_sitecustomize))
+ generated.append(_generate_site(
+ site_py_dest, working_set, executable, extra_paths,
+ include_site_packages, relative_paths))
+ script_initialization = _script_initialization_template % dict(
+ site_py_dest=site_py_dest,
+ script_initialization=script_initialization)
+ if not script_initialization.endswith('\n'):
+ script_initialization += '\n'
+ generated.extend(_generate_scripts(
+ reqs, working_set, dest, [site_py_dest], scripts, relative_paths,
+ script_initialization, executable, script_arguments, block_site=True))
+ if interpreter:
+ generated.extend(_generate_interpreter(
+ interpreter, dest, executable, site_py_dest, relative_paths))
+ return generated
+_script_initialization_template = '''
+import os
+path = sys.path[0]
+if os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
+ path = os.pathsep.join([path, os.environ['PYTHONPATH']])
+os.environ['BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
+os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
+import site # imports custom buildout-generated
+# Utilities for the script generation functions.
+# These are shared by both ``scripts`` and ``sitepackage_safe_scripts``
+def _get_path(working_set, extra_paths=()):
+ """Given working set and extra paths, return a normalized path list."""
+ path = [dist.location for dist in working_set]
+ path.extend(extra_paths)
+ return map(realpath, path)
+def _generate_scripts(reqs, working_set, dest, path, scripts, relative_paths,
+ initialization, executable, arguments,
+ block_site=False):
+ """Generate scripts for the given requirements.
+ - reqs is an iterable of string requirements or entry points.
+ - The requirements must be findable in the given working_set.
+ - The dest is the directory in which the scripts should be created.
+ - The path is a list of paths that should be added to sys.path.
+ - The scripts is an optional dictionary. If included, the keys should be
+ the names of the scripts that should be created, as identified in their
+ entry points; and the values should be the name the script should
+ actually be created with.
+ - relative_paths, if given, should be the path that is the root of the
+ buildout (the common path that should be the root of what is relative).
+ """
+ if isinstance(reqs, str):
+ raise TypeError('Expected iterable of requirements or entry points,'
+ ' got string.')
+ generated = []
+ entry_points = []
+ for req in reqs:
+ if isinstance(req, str):
+ req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(req)
+ dist = working_set.find(req)
+ for name in pkg_resources.get_entry_map(dist, 'console_scripts'):
+ entry_point = dist.get_entry_info('console_scripts', name)
+ entry_points.append(
+ (name, entry_point.module_name,
+ '.'.join(entry_point.attrs))
+ )
+ else:
+ entry_points.append(req)
+ for name, module_name, attrs in entry_points:
+ if scripts is not None:
+ sname = scripts.get(name)
+ if sname is None:
+ continue
+ else:
+ sname = name
+ sname = os.path.join(dest, sname)
+ spath, rpsetup = _relative_path_and_setup(sname, path, relative_paths)
+ generated.extend(
+ _script(sname, executable, rpsetup, spath, initialization,
+ module_name, attrs, arguments, block_site=block_site))
+ return generated
+def _relative_path_and_setup(sname, path,
+ relative_paths=False, indent_level=1,
+ omit_os_import=False):
+ """Return a string of code of paths and of setup if appropriate.
+ - sname is the full path to the script name to be created.
+ - path is the list of paths to be added to sys.path.
+ - relative_paths, if given, should be the path that is the root of the
+ buildout (the common path that should be the root of what is relative).
+ - indent_level is the number of four-space indents that the path should
+ insert before each element of the path.
+ """
+ if relative_paths:
+ relative_paths = os.path.normcase(relative_paths)
+ sname = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(sname))
+ spath = _format_paths(
+ [_relativitize(os.path.normcase(path_item), sname, relative_paths)
+ for path_item in path], indent_level=indent_level)
+ rpsetup = relative_paths_setup
+ if not omit_os_import:
+ rpsetup = '\n\nimport os\n' + rpsetup
+ for i in range(_relative_depth(relative_paths, sname)):
+ rpsetup += "\nbase = os.path.dirname(base)"
+ else:
+ spath = _format_paths((repr(p) for p in path),
+ indent_level=indent_level)
+ rpsetup = ''
+ return spath, rpsetup
+def _relative_depth(common, path):
+ """Return number of dirs separating ``path`` from ancestor, ``common``.
+ For instance, if path is /foo/bar/baz/bing, and common is /foo, this will
+ return 2--in UNIX, the number of ".." to get from bing's directory
+ to foo.
+ This is a helper for _relative_path_and_setup.
+ """
+ n = 0
+ while 1:
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
+ if dirname == path:
+ raise AssertionError("dirname of %s is the same" % dirname)
+ if dirname == common:
+ break
+ n += 1
+ path = dirname
+ return n
+def _relative_path(common, path):
+ """Return the relative path from ``common`` to ``path``.
+ This is a helper for _relativitize, which is a helper to
+ _relative_path_and_setup.
+ """
+ r = []
+ while 1:
+ dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
+ r.append(basename)
+ if dirname == common:
+ break
+ if dirname == path:
+ raise AssertionError("dirname of %s is the same" % dirname)
+ path = dirname
+ r.reverse()
+ return os.path.join(*r)
+def _relativitize(path, script, relative_paths):
+ """Return a code string for the given path.
+ Path is relative to the base path ``relative_paths``if the common prefix
+ between ``path`` and ``script`` starts with ``relative_paths``.
+ """
+ if path == script:
+ raise AssertionError("path == script")
+ common = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix([path, script]))
+ if (common == relative_paths or
+ common.startswith(os.path.join(relative_paths, ''))
+ ):
+ return "join(base, %r)" % _relative_path(common, path)
+ else:
+ return repr(path)
+relative_paths_setup = """
+join = os.path.join
+base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))"""
+def _write_script(full_name, contents, logged_type):
+ """Write contents of script in full_name, logging the action.
+ The only tricky bit in this function is that it supports Windows by
+ creating exe files using a pkg_resources helper.
+ """
+ generated = []
+ script_name = full_name
+ if is_win32:
+ script_name += ''
+ # Generate exe file and give the script a magic name.
+ exe = full_name + '.exe'
+ new_data = pkg_resources.resource_string('setuptools', 'cli.exe')
+ if not os.path.exists(exe) or (open(exe, 'rb').read() != new_data):
+ # Only write it if it's different.
+ open(exe, 'wb').write(new_data)
+ generated.append(exe)
+ changed = not (os.path.exists(script_name) and
+ open(script_name).read() == contents)
+ if changed:
+ open(script_name, 'w').write(contents)
+ try:
+ os.chmod(script_name, 0755)
+ except (AttributeError, os.error):
+ pass
+"Generated %s %r.", logged_type, full_name)
+ generated.append(script_name)
+ return generated
+def _format_paths(paths, indent_level=1):
+ """Format paths for inclusion in a script."""
+ separator = ',\n' + indent_level * ' '
+ return separator.join(paths)
+def _script(dest, executable, relative_paths_setup, path, initialization,
+ module_name, attrs, arguments, block_site=False):
+ if block_site:
+ dash_S = ' -S'
+ else:
+ dash_S = ''
+ contents = script_template % dict(
+ python=_safe_arg(executable),
+ dash_S=dash_S,
+ path=path,
+ module_name=module_name,
+ attrs=attrs,
+ arguments=arguments,
+ initialization=initialization,
+ relative_paths_setup=relative_paths_setup,
+ )
+ return _write_script(dest, contents, 'script')
+if is_jython and jython_os_name == 'linux':
+ script_header = '#!/usr/bin/env %(python)s%(dash_S)s'
+ script_header = '#!%(python)s%(dash_S)s'
+sys_path_template = '''\
+import sys
+sys.path[0:0] = [
+ %s,
+ ]
+script_template = script_header + '''\
+import sys
+sys.path[0:0] = [
+ %(path)s,
+ ]
+import %(module_name)s
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ %(module_name)s.%(attrs)s(%(arguments)s)
+# These are used only by the older ``scripts`` function.
+def _pyscript(path, dest, executable, rsetup):
+ contents = py_script_template % dict(
+ python=_safe_arg(executable),
+ dash_S='',
+ path=path,
+ relative_paths_setup=rsetup,
+ )
+ return _write_script(dest, contents, 'interpreter')
+py_script_template = script_header + '''\
+import sys
+sys.path[0:0] = [
+ %(path)s,
+ ]
+_interactive = True
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ _options, _args = __import__("getopt").getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ic:m:')
+ _interactive = False
+ for (_opt, _val) in _options:
+ if _opt == '-i':
+ _interactive = True
+ elif _opt == '-c':
+ exec _val
+ elif _opt == '-m':
+ sys.argv[1:] = _args
+ _args = []
+ __import__("runpy").run_module(
+ _val, {}, "__main__", alter_sys=True)
+ if _args:
+ sys.argv[:] = _args
+ __file__ = _args[0]
+ del _options, _args
+ execfile(__file__)
+if _interactive:
+ del _interactive
+ __import__("code").interact(banner="", local=globals())
+# These are used only by the newer ``sitepackage_safe_scripts`` function.
+def _get_module_file(executable, name, silent=False):
+ """Return a module's file path.
+ - executable is a path to the desired Python executable.
+ - name is the name of the (pure, not C) Python module.
+ """
+ cmd = [executable, "-Sc",
+ "import imp; "
+ "fp, path, desc = imp.find_module(%r); "
+ "fp.close(); "
+ "print path" % (name,)]
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ # We need to make sure that PYTHONPATH, which will often be set to
+ # include a custom buildout-generated, is not set, or else
+ # we will not get an accurate value for the "real" and
+ #
+ env.pop('PYTHONPATH', None)
+ _proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
+ stdout, stderr = _proc.communicate();
+ if _proc.returncode:
+ if not silent:
+ 'Could not find file for module %s:\n%s', name, stderr)
+ return None
+ # else: ...
+ res = stdout.strip()
+ if res.endswith('.pyc') or res.endswith('.pyo'):
+ raise RuntimeError('Cannot find uncompiled version of %s' % (name,))
+ if not os.path.exists(res):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'File does not exist for module %s:\n%s' % (name, res))
+ return res
+def _generate_sitecustomize(dest, executable, initialization='',
+ exec_sitecustomize=False):
+ """Write a sitecustomize file with optional custom initialization.
+ The created script will execute the underlying Python's
+ sitecustomize if exec_sitecustomize is True.
+ """
+ sitecustomize_path = os.path.join(dest, '')
+ sitecustomize = open(sitecustomize_path, 'w')
+ if initialization:
+ sitecustomize.write(initialization + '\n')
+ if exec_sitecustomize:
+ real_sitecustomize_path = _get_module_file(
+ executable, 'sitecustomize', silent=True)
+ if real_sitecustomize_path:
+ real_sitecustomize = open(real_sitecustomize_path, 'r')
+ sitecustomize.write(
+ '\n# The following is from\n# %s\n' %
+ (real_sitecustomize_path,))
+ sitecustomize.write(
+ real_sitecustomize.close()
+ sitecustomize.close()
+ return sitecustomize_path
+def _generate_site(dest, working_set, executable, extra_paths=(),
+ include_site_packages=False, relative_paths=False):
+ """Write a file with eggs from working_set.
+ extra_paths will be added to the path. If include_site_packages is True,
+ paths from the underlying Python will be added.
+ """
+ path = _get_path(working_set, extra_paths)
+ site_path = os.path.join(dest, '')
+ original_path_setup = preamble = ''
+ if include_site_packages:
+ stdlib, site_paths = _get_system_paths(executable)
+ # We want to make sure that paths from site-packages, such as those
+ # allowed by allowed_eggs_from_site_packages, always come last, or
+ # else site-packages paths may include packages that mask the eggs we
+ # really want.
+ path = [p for p in path if p not in site_paths]
+ # Now we set up the code we need.
+ original_path_setup = original_path_snippet % (
+ _format_paths((repr(p) for p in site_paths), 2),)
+ distribution = working_set.find(
+ pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools'))
+ if distribution is not None:
+ # We need to worry about namespace packages.
+ if relative_paths:
+ location = _relativitize(
+ distribution.location,
+ os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(site_path)),
+ relative_paths)
+ else:
+ location = repr(distribution.location)
+ preamble = namespace_include_site_packages_setup % (location,)
+ original_path_setup = (
+ addsitedir_namespace_originalpackages_snippet +
+ original_path_setup)
+ else:
+ preamble = '\n setuptools_path = None'
+ egg_path_string, relative_preamble = _relative_path_and_setup(
+ site_path, path, relative_paths, indent_level=2, omit_os_import=True)
+ if relative_preamble:
+ relative_preamble = '\n'.join(
+ [(line and ' %s' % (line,) or line)
+ for line in relative_preamble.split('\n')])
+ preamble = relative_preamble + preamble
+ addsitepackages_marker = 'def addsitepackages('
+ enableusersite_marker = 'ENABLE_USER_SITE = '
+ successful_rewrite = False
+ real_site_path = _get_module_file(executable, 'site')
+ real_site = open(real_site_path, 'r')
+ site = open(site_path, 'w')
+ try:
+ for line in real_site.readlines():
+ if line.startswith(enableusersite_marker):
+ site.write(enableusersite_marker)
+ site.write('False # buildout does not support user sites.\n')
+ elif line.startswith(addsitepackages_marker):
+ site.write(addsitepackages_script % (
+ preamble, egg_path_string, original_path_setup))
+ site.write(line[len(addsitepackages_marker):])
+ successful_rewrite = True
+ else:
+ site.write(line)
+ finally:
+ site.close()
+ real_site.close()
+ if not successful_rewrite:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Buildout did not successfully rewrite %s to %s' %
+ (real_site_path, site_path))
+ return site_path
+namespace_include_site_packages_setup = '''
+ setuptools_path = %s
+ sys.path.append(setuptools_path)
+ known_paths.add(os.path.normcase(setuptools_path))
+ import pkg_resources'''
+addsitedir_namespace_originalpackages_snippet = '''
+ pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry(sitedir)'''
+original_path_snippet = '''
+ sys.__egginsert = len(buildout_paths) # Support distribute.
+ original_paths = [
+ %s
+ ]
+ for path in original_paths:
+ if path == setuptools_path or path not in known_paths:
+ addsitedir(path, known_paths)'''
+addsitepackages_script = '''\
+def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+ """Add site packages, as determined by zc.buildout.
+ See original_addsitepackages, below, for the original version."""%s
+ buildout_paths = [
+ %s
+ ]
+ for path in buildout_paths:
+ sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
+ if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
+ sys.path.append(sitedir)
+ known_paths.add(sitedircase)%s
+ return known_paths
+def original_addsitepackages('''
+def _generate_interpreter(name, dest, executable, site_py_dest,
+ relative_paths=False):
+ """Write an interpreter script, using the approach."""
+ full_name = os.path.join(dest, name)
+ site_py_dest_string, rpsetup = _relative_path_and_setup(
+ full_name, [site_py_dest], relative_paths, omit_os_import=True)
+ if rpsetup:
+ rpsetup += "\n"
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ windows_import = '\nimport subprocess'
+ # os.exec* is a mess on Windows, particularly if the path
+ # to the executable has spaces and the Python is using MSVCRT.
+ # The standard fix is to surround the executable's path with quotes,
+ # but that has been unreliable in testing.
+ #
+ # Here's a demonstration of the problem. Given a Python
+ # compiled with a MSVCRT-based compiler, such as the free Visual
+ # C++ 2008 Express Edition, and an executable path with spaces
+ # in it such as the below, we see the following.
+ #
+ # >>> import os
+ # >>> p0 = 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\Downloads\\Python-2.6.4\\PCbuild\\python.exe'
+ # >>> os.path.exists(p0)
+ # True
+ # >>> os.execv(p0, [])
+ # Traceback (most recent call last):
+ # File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+ # OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
+ #
+ # That seems like a standard problem. The standard solution is
+ # to quote the path (see, for instance
+ # However, this solution,
+ # and other variations, fail:
+ #
+ # >>> p1 = '"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\Downloads\\Python-2.6.4\\PCbuild\\python.exe"'
+ # >>> os.execv(p1, [])
+ # Traceback (most recent call last):
+ # File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+ # OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
+ #
+ # We simply use subprocess instead, since it handles everything
+ # nicely, and the transparency of exec* (that is, not running,
+ # perhaps unexpectedly, in a subprocess) is arguably not a
+ # necessity, at least for many use cases.
+ execute = ', env=environ)'
+ else:
+ windows_import = ''
+ execute = 'os.execve(sys.executable, argv, environ)'
+ contents = interpreter_template % dict(
+ python=_safe_arg(executable),
+ dash_S=' -S',
+ site_dest=site_py_dest_string,
+ relative_paths_setup=rpsetup,
+ windows_import=windows_import,
+ execute=execute,
+ )
+ return _write_script(full_name, contents, 'interpreter')
+interpreter_template = script_header + '''
+import os
+import sys%(windows_import)s
+argv = [sys.executable] + sys.argv[1:]
+environ = os.environ.copy()
+path = %(site_dest)s
+if environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
+ path = os.pathsep.join([path, environ['PYTHONPATH']])
+environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
+# End of script generation code.
+runsetup_template = """
+import sys
+sys.path.insert(0, %(setupdir)r)
+sys.path.insert(0, %(setuptools)r)
+import os, setuptools
+__file__ = %(__file__)r
+sys.argv[0] = %(setup)r
+class VersionConflict(zc.buildout.UserError):
+ def __init__(self, err, ws):
+ ws = list(ws)
+ ws.sort()
+ self.err, = err, ws
+ def __str__(self):
+ existing_dist, req = self.err
+ result = ["There is a version conflict.",
+ "We already have: %s" % existing_dist,
+ ]
+ for dist in
+ if req in dist.requires():
+ result.append("but %s requires %r." % (dist, str(req)))
+ return '\n'.join(result)
+class MissingDistribution(zc.buildout.UserError):
+ def __init__(self, req, ws):
+ ws = list(ws)
+ ws.sort()
+ = req, ws
+ def __str__(self):
+ req, ws =
+ return "Couldn't find a distribution for %r." % str(req)
+def _log_requirement(ws, req):
+ ws = list(ws)
+ ws.sort()
+ for dist in ws:
+ if req in dist.requires():
+ logger.debug(" required by %s." % dist)
+def _fix_file_links(links):
+ for link in links:
+ if link.startswith('file://') and link[-1] != '/':
+ if os.path.isdir(link[7:]):
+ # work around excessive restriction in setuptools:
+ link += '/'
+ yield link
+_final_parts = '*final-', '*final'
+def _final_version(parsed_version):
+ for part in parsed_version:
+ if (part[:1] == '*') and (part not in _final_parts):
+ return False
+ return True
+def redo_pyc(egg):
+ if not os.path.isdir(egg):
+ return
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(egg):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if not filename.endswith('.py'):
+ continue
+ filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+ if not (os.path.exists(filepath+'c')
+ or os.path.exists(filepath+'o')):
+ # If it wasn't compiled, it may not be compilable
+ continue
+ # OK, it looks like we should try to compile.
+ # Remove old files.
+ for suffix in 'co':
+ if os.path.exists(filepath+suffix):
+ os.remove(filepath+suffix)
+ # Compile under current optimization
+ try:
+ py_compile.compile(filepath)
+ except py_compile.PyCompileError:
+ logger.warning("Couldn't compile %s", filepath)
+ else:
+ # Recompile under other optimization. :)
+ args = [_safe_arg(sys.executable)]
+ if __debug__:
+ args.append('-O')
+ args.extend(['-m', 'py_compile', _safe_arg(filepath)])
+ if is_jython:
+[sys.executable, args])
+ else:
+ os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, args)