path: root/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO')
1 files changed, 8235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO b/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba54ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eggs/zc.buildout-1.5.2-py2.6.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,8235 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: zc.buildout
+Version: 1.5.2
+Summary: System for managing development buildouts
+Author: Jim Fulton
+License: ZPL 2.1
+Description: ********
+ Buildout
+ ********
+ .. contents::
+ The Buildout project provides support for creating applications,
+ especially Python applications. It provides tools for assembling
+ applications from multiple parts, Python or otherwise. An application
+ may actually contain multiple programs, processes, and configuration
+ settings.
+ The word "buildout" refers to a description of a set of parts and the
+ software to create and assemble them. It is often used informally to
+ refer to an installed system based on a buildout definition. For
+ example, if we are creating an application named "Foo", then "the Foo
+ buildout" is the collection of configuration and application-specific
+ software that allows an instance of the application to be created. We
+ may refer to such an instance of the application informally as "a Foo
+ buildout".
+ To get a feel for some of the things you might use buildouts for, see
+ the `Buildout examples`_.
+ To lean more about using buildouts, see `Detailed Documentation`_.
+ To see screencasts, talks, useful links and more documentation, visit
+ the `Buildout website <>`_.
+ Recipes
+ *******
+ Existing recipes include:
+ `zc.recipe.egg <>`_
+ The egg recipe installes one or more eggs, with their
+ dependencies. It installs their console-script entry points with
+ the needed eggs included in their paths. It is suitable for use with
+ a "clean" Python: one without packages installed in site-packages.
+ `z3c.recipe.scripts <>`_
+ Like zc.recipe.egg, this recipe builds interpreter scripts and entry
+ point scripts based on eggs. It can be used with a Python that has
+ packages installed in site-packages, such as a system Python. The
+ interpreter also has more features than the one offered by
+ zc.recipe.egg.
+ `zc.recipe.testrunner <>`_
+ The testrunner egg creates a test runner script for one or
+ more eggs.
+ `zc.recipe.zope3checkout <>`_
+ The zope3checkout recipe installs a Zope 3 checkout into a
+ buildout.
+ `zc.recipe.zope3instance <>`_
+ The zope3instance recipe sets up a Zope 3 instance.
+ `zc.recipe.filestorage <>`_
+ The filestorage recipe sets up a ZODB file storage for use in a
+ Zope 3 instance created by the zope3instance recipe.
+ Buildout examples
+ *****************
+ Here are a few examples of what you can do with buildouts. We'll
+ present these as a set of use cases.
+ Try out an egg
+ ==============
+ Sometimes you want to try an egg (or eggs) that someone has released.
+ You'd like to get a Python interpreter that lets you try things
+ interactively or run sample scripts without having to do path
+ manipulations. If you can and don't mind modifying your Python
+ installation, you could use easy_install, otherwise, you could create
+ a directory somewhere and create a buildout.cfg file in that directory
+ containing::
+ [buildout]
+ parts = mypython
+ [mypython]
+ recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+ interpreter = mypython
+ eggs = theegg
+ where theegg is the name of the egg you want to try out.
+ Run buildout in this directory. It will create a bin subdirectory
+ that includes a mypython script. If you run mypython without any
+ arguments you'll get an interactive interpreter with the egg in the
+ path. If you run it with a script and script arguments, the script
+ will run with the egg in its path. Of course, you can specify as many
+ eggs as you want in the eggs option.
+ If the egg provides any scripts (console_scripts entry points), those
+ will be installed in your bin directory too.
+ Work on a package
+ =================
+ I often work on packages that are managed separately. They don't have
+ scripts to be installed, but I want to be able to run their tests
+ using the `zope.testing test runner
+ <>`_. In this kind of
+ application, the program to be installed is the test runner. A good
+ example of this is `zc.ngi <>`_.
+ Here I have a subversion project for the zc.ngi package. The software
+ is in the src directory. The configuration file is very simple::
+ [buildout]
+ develop = .
+ parts = test
+ [test]
+ recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
+ eggs = zc.ngi
+ I use the develop option to create a develop egg based on the current
+ directory. I request a test script named "test" using the
+ zc.recipe.testrunner recipe. In the section for the test script, I
+ specify that I want to run the tests in the zc.ngi package.
+ When I check out this project into a new sandbox, I run
+ to get setuptools and zc.buildout and to create bin/buildout. I run
+ bin/buildout, which installs the test script, bin/test, which I can
+ then use to run the tests.
+ This is probably the most common type of buildout.
+ If I need to run a previous version of zc.buildout, I use the
+ `--version` option of the script::
+ $ python --version 1.1.3
+ The `zc.buildout project <>`_
+ is a slightly more complex example of this type of buildout.
+ Install egg-based scripts
+ =========================
+ A variation of the `Try out an egg`_ use case is to install scripts
+ into your ~/bin directory (on Unix, of course). My ~/bin directory is
+ a buildout with a configuration file that looks like::
+ [buildout]
+ parts = foo bar
+ bin-directory = .
+ [foo]
+ ...
+ where foo and bar are packages with scripts that I want available. As
+ I need new scripts, I can add additional sections. The bin-directory
+ option specified that scripts should be installed into the current
+ directory.
+ Multi-program multi-machine systems
+ ===================================
+ Using an older prototype version of the buildout, we've build a number
+ of systems involving multiple programs, databases, and machines. One
+ typical example consists of:
+ - Multiple Zope instances
+ - Multiple ZEO servers
+ - An LDAP server
+ - Cache-invalidation and Mail delivery servers
+ - Dozens of add-on packages
+ - Multiple test runners
+ - Multiple deployment modes, including dev, stage, and prod,
+ with prod deployment over multiple servers
+ Parts installed include:
+ - Application software installs, including Zope, ZEO and LDAP
+ software
+ - Add-on packages
+ - Bundles of configuration that define Zope, ZEO and LDAP instances
+ - Utility scripts such as test runners, server-control
+ scripts, cron jobs.
+ Questions and Bug Reporting
+ ***************************
+ Please send questions and comments to the
+ `distutils SIG mailing list <mailto://>`_.
+ Report bugs using the `zc.buildout Launchpad Bug Tracker
+ <>`_.
+ System Python and zc.buildout 1.5
+ *********************************
+ The 1.5 line of zc.buildout introduced a number of changes.
+ Problems
+ ========
+ As usual, please send questions and comments to the `distutils SIG
+ mailing list <mailto://>`_. Report bugs using
+ the `zc.buildout Launchpad Bug Tracker
+ <>`_.
+ If problems are keeping you from your work, here's an easy way to
+ revert to the old code temporarily: switch to a custom "emergency"
+ bootstrap script, available from
+ .
+ This customized script will select zc.buildout 1.4.4 by default.
+ zc.buildout 1.4.4 will not upgrade itself unless you explicitly specify
+ a new version. It will also prefer older versions of zc.recipe.egg and
+ some other common recipes. If you have trouble with other recipes,
+ consider using a standard buildout "versions" section to specify older
+ versions of these, as described in the Buildout documentation
+ (
+ Working with a System Python
+ ============================
+ While there are a number of new features available in zc.buildout 1.5,
+ the biggest is that Buildout itself supports usage with a system Python.
+ This can work if you follow a couple of simple rules.
+ 1. Use the new (available from
+ svn://
+ 2. Use buildout recipes that have been upgraded to work with zc.buildout 1.5
+ and higher. Specifically, they should use
+ ``zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts`` to generate
+ their scripts, if any, rather than ``zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts``.
+ See the `Recipes That Support a System Python`_ section below for more
+ details on recipes that are available as of this writing, and
+ `Updating Recipes to Support a System Python`_ for instructions on
+ how to update a recipe. Note that you should generally only need to
+ update recipes that generate scripts.
+ You can then use ``include-site-packages = false`` and
+ ``exec-sitecustomize = false`` buildout options to eliminate access to
+ your Python's site packages and not execute its sitecustomize file, if
+ it exists, respectively.
+ Alternately, you can use the ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` buildout
+ option as a glob-aware whitelist of eggs that may come from site-packages.
+ This value defaults to "*", accepting all eggs.
+ It's important to note that recipes not upgraded for zc.buildout 1.5.0
+ should continue to work--just without internal support for a system Python.
+ Using a system Python is inherently fragile. Using a clean,
+ freshly-installed Python without customization in site-packages is more
+ robust and repeatable. See some of the regression tests added to the
+ 1.5.0 line for the kinds of issues that you can encounter with a system
+ Python, and see
+ for more discussion.
+ However, using a system Python can be very convenient, and the
+ zc.buildout code for this feature has been tested by many users already.
+ Moreover, it has automated tests to exercise the problems that have been
+ encountered and fixed. Many people rely on it.
+ Recipes That Support a System Python
+ ====================================
+ zc.recipe.egg continues to generate old-style scripts that are not safe
+ for use with a system Python. This was done for backwards
+ compatibility, because it is integral to so many buildouts and used as a
+ dependency of so many other recipes.
+ If you want to generate new-style scripts that do support system Python
+ usage, use z3c.recipe.scripts instead
+ ( z3c.recipe.scripts has
+ the same script and interpreter generation options as zc.recipe.egg,
+ plus a few more for the new features mentioned above. In the simplest
+ case, you should be able to simply change ``recipe = zc.recipe.egg`` to
+ ``recipe = z3c.recipe.scripts`` in the pertinent sections of your
+ buildout configuration and your generated scripts will work with a system
+ Python.
+ Other updated recipes include zc.recipe.testrunner 1.4.0 and
+ z3c.recipe.tag 0.4.0. Others should be updated soon: see their change
+ documents for details, or see `Updating Recipes to Support a System
+ Python`_ for instructions on how to update recipes yourself.
+ Templates for creating Python scripts with the z3c.recipe.filetemplate
+ recipe can be easily changed to support a system Python.
+ - If you don't care about supporting relative paths, simply using a
+ generated interpreter with the eggs you want should be sufficient, as
+ it was before. For instance, if the interpreter is named "py", use
+ ``#!${buildout:bin-directory/py}`` or ``#!/usr/bin/env
+ ${buildout:bin-directory/py}``).
+ - If you do care about relative paths, (``relative-paths = true`` in
+ your buildout configuration), then z3c.recipe.scripts does require a
+ bit more changes, as is usual for the relative path support in that
+ package. First, use z3c.recipe.scripts to generate a script or
+ interpreter with the dependencies you want. This will create a
+ directory in ``parts`` that has a and Then,
+ begin your script as in the snippet below. The example assumes that
+ the z3c.recipe.scripts generated were from a Buildout configuration
+ section labeled "scripts": adjust accordingly.
+ ::
+ #!${buildout:executable} -S
+ ${python-relative-path-setup}
+ import sys
+ sys.path.insert(0, ${scripts:parts-directory|path-repr})
+ import site
+ Updating Recipes to Support a System Python
+ ===========================================
+ You should generally only need to update recipes that generate scripts.
+ These recipes need to change from using ``zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts``
+ to be using ``zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts``.
+ The signatures of the two functions are different. Please compare::
+ def scripts(
+ reqs, working_set, executable, dest,
+ scripts=None,
+ extra_paths=(),
+ arguments='',
+ interpreter=None,
+ initialization='',
+ relative_paths=False,
+ ):
+ def sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ dest, working_set, executable, site_py_dest,
+ reqs=(),
+ scripts=None,
+ interpreter=None,
+ extra_paths=(),
+ initialization='',
+ include_site_packages=False,
+ exec_sitecustomize=False,
+ relative_paths=False,
+ script_arguments='',
+ script_initialization='',
+ ):
+ In most cases, the arguments are merely reordered. The ``reqs``
+ argument is no longer required in order to make it easier to generate an
+ interpreter alone. The ``arguments`` argument was renamed to
+ ``script_arguments`` to clarify that it did not affect interpreter
+ generation.
+ The only new required argument is ``site_py_dest``. It must be the path
+ to a directory in which the customized and
+ files will be written. A typical generation in a recipe will look like
+ this.
+ (In the recipe's __init__ method...)
+ ::
+ self.options = options
+ b_options = buildout['buildout']
+ options['parts-directory'] = os.path.join(
+ b_options['parts-directory'],
+ (In the recipe's install method...)
+ ::
+ options = self.options
+ generated = []
+ if not os.path.exists(options['parts-directory']):
+ os.mkdir(options['parts-directory'])
+ generated.append(options['parts-directory'])
+ Then ``options['parts-directory']`` can be used for the ``site_py_dest``
+ value.
+ If you want to support the other arguments (``include_site_packages``,
+ ``exec_sitecustomize``, ``script_initialization``, as well as the
+ ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` option), you might want to look at
+ some of the code in
+ svn://\_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/ .
+ You might even be able to adopt some of it by subclassing or delegating.
+ The Scripts class in that file is the closest to what you might be used
+ to from zc.recipe.egg.
+ Important note for recipe authors: As of buildout 1.5.2, the code in
+ recipes is *always run with the access to the site-packages as
+ configured in the buildout section*.
+ virtualenv
+ ==========
+ Using virtualenv ( with the
+ --no-site-packages option already provided a simple way of using a
+ system Python. This is intended to continue to work, and some automated
+ tests exist to demonstrate this.
+ However, it is only supported to the degree that people have found it to
+ work in the past. The existing Buildout tests for virtualenv are only
+ for problems encountered previously. They are very far from
+ comprehensive.
+ Using Buildout with a system python has at least three advantages over
+ using Buildout in conjunction with virtualenv. They may or may not be
+ pertinent to your desired usage.
+ - Unlike ``virtualenv --no-site-packages``, Buildout's support allows you
+ to choose to let packages from your system Python be available to your
+ software (see ``include-site-packages`` in
+ You can even specify which eggs installed in your system Python can be
+ allowed to fulfill some of your packages' dependencies (see
+ ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` in
+ At the expense of some repeatability and platform dependency, this
+ flexibility means that, for instance, you can rely on
+ difficult-to-build eggs like lxml coming from your system Python.
+ - Buildout's implementation has a full set of automated tests.
+ - An integral Buildout implementation means fewer steps and fewer dependencies
+ to work with a system Python.
+ Detailed Documentation
+ **********************
+ Buildouts
+ =========
+ The word "buildout" refers to a description of a set of parts and the
+ software to create and assemble them. It is often used informally to
+ refer to an installed system based on a buildout definition. For
+ example, if we are creating an application named "Foo", then "the Foo
+ buildout" is the collection of configuration and application-specific
+ software that allows an instance of the application to be created. We
+ may refer to such an instance of the application informally as "a Foo
+ buildout".
+ This document describes how to define buildouts using buildout
+ configuration files and recipes. There are three ways to set up the
+ buildout software and create a buildout instance:
+ 1. Install the zc.buildout egg with easy_install and use the buildout
+ script installed in a Python scripts area.
+ 2. Use the buildout bootstrap script to create a buildout that
+ includes both the setuptools and zc.buildout eggs. This allows you
+ to use the buildout software without modifying a Python install.
+ The buildout script is installed into your buildout local scripts
+ area.
+ 3. Use a buildout command from an already installed buildout to
+ bootstrap a new buildout. (See the section on bootstraping later
+ in this document.)
+ Often, a software project will be managed in a software repository,
+ such as a subversion repository, that includes some software source
+ directories, buildout configuration files, and a copy of the buildout
+ bootstrap script. To work on the project, one would check out the
+ project from the repository and run the bootstrap script which
+ installs setuptools and zc.buildout into the checkout as well as any
+ parts defined.
+ We have a sample buildout that we created using the bootstrap command
+ of an existing buildout (method 3 above). It has the absolute minimum
+ information. We have bin, develop-eggs, eggs and parts directories,
+ and a configuration file:
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d parts
+ The bin directory contains scripts.
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin')
+ - buildout
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'eggs')
+ - setuptools-0.6-py2.4.egg
+ - zc.buildout-1.0-py2.4.egg
+ The develop-eggs directory is initially empty:
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'develop-eggs')
+ The develop-eggs directory holds egg links for software being
+ developed in the buildout. We separate develop-eggs and other eggs to
+ allow eggs directories to be shared across multiple buildouts. For
+ example, a common developer technique is to define a common eggs
+ directory in their home that all non-develop eggs are stored in. This
+ allows larger buildouts to be set up much more quickly and saves disk
+ space.
+ The parts directory just contains some helpers for the buildout script
+ itself.
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts')
+ d buildout
+ The parts directory provides an area where recipes can install
+ part data. For example, if we built a custom Python, we would
+ install it in the part directory. Part data is stored in a
+ sub-directory of the parts directory with the same name as the part.
+ Buildouts are defined using configuration files. These are in the
+ format defined by the Python ConfigParser module, with extensions
+ that we'll describe later. By default, when a buildout is run, it
+ looks for the file buildout.cfg in the directory where the buildout is
+ run.
+ The minimal configuration file has a buildout section that defines no
+ parts:
+ >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg')
+ [buildout]
+ parts =
+ A part is simply something to be created by a buildout. It can be
+ almost anything, such as a Python package, a program, a directory, or
+ even a configuration file.
+ Recipes
+ -------
+ A part is created by a recipe. Recipes are always installed as Python
+ eggs. They can be downloaded from a package server, such as the
+ Python Package Index, or they can be developed as part of a project
+ using a "develop" egg.
+ A develop egg is a special kind of egg that gets installed as an "egg
+ link" that contains the name of a source directory. Develop eggs
+ don't have to be packaged for distribution to be used and can be
+ modified in place, which is especially useful while they are being
+ developed.
+ Let's create a recipe as part of the sample project. We'll create a
+ recipe for creating directories. First, we'll create a recipes source
+ directory for our local recipes:
+ >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'recipes')
+ and then we'll create a source file for our mkdir recipe:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... import logging, os, zc.buildout
+ ...
+ ... class Mkdir:
+ ...
+ ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+ ..., self.options = name, options
+ ... options['path'] = os.path.join(
+ ... buildout['buildout']['directory'],
+ ... options['path'],
+ ... )
+ ... if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(options['path'])):
+ ... logging.getLogger(
+ ... 'Cannot create %s. %s is not a directory.',
+ ... options['path'], os.path.dirname(options['path']))
+ ... raise zc.buildout.UserError('Invalid Path')
+ ...
+ ...
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... path = self.options['path']
+ ... logging.getLogger(
+ ... 'Creating directory %s', os.path.basename(path))
+ ... os.mkdir(path)
+ ... return path
+ ...
+ ... def update(self):
+ ... pass
+ ... """)
+ Currently, recipes must define 3 methods [#future_recipe_methods]_:
+ - a constructor,
+ - an install method, and
+ - an update method.
+ The constructor is responsible for updating a parts options to reflect
+ data read from other sections. The buildout system keeps track of
+ whether a part specification has changed. A part specification has
+ changed if it's options, after adjusting for data read from other
+ sections, has changed, or if the recipe has changed. Only the options
+ for the part are considered. If data are read from other sections,
+ then that information has to be reflected in the parts options. In
+ the Mkdir example, the given path is interpreted relative to the
+ buildout directory, and data from the buildout directory is read. The
+ path option is updated to reflect this. If the directory option was
+ changed in the buildout sections, we would know to update parts
+ created using the mkdir recipe using relative path names.
+ When buildout is run, it saves configuration data for installed parts
+ in a file named ".installed.cfg". In subsequent runs, it compares
+ part-configuration data stored in the .installed.cfg file and the
+ part-configuration data loaded from the configuration files as
+ modified by recipe constructors to decide if the configuration of a
+ part has changed. If the configuration has changed, or if the recipe
+ has changed, then the part is uninstalled and reinstalled. The
+ buildout only looks at the part's options, so any data used to
+ configure the part needs to be reflected in the part's options. It is
+ the job of a recipe constructor to make sure that the options include
+ all relevant data.
+ Of course, parts are also uninstalled if they are no-longer used.
+ The recipe defines a constructor that takes a buildout object, a part
+ name, and an options dictionary. It saves them in instance attributes.
+ If the path is relative, we'll interpret it as relative to the
+ buildout directory. The buildout object passed in is a mapping from
+ section name to a mapping of options for that section. The buildout
+ directory is available as the directory option of the buildout
+ section. We normalize the path and save it back into the options
+ directory.
+ The install method is responsible for creating the part. In this
+ case, we need the path of the directory to create. We'll use a path
+ option from our options dictionary. The install method logs what it's
+ doing using the Python logging call. We return the path that we
+ installed. If the part is uninstalled or reinstalled, then the path
+ returned will be removed by the buildout machinery. A recipe install
+ method is expected to return a string, or an iterable of strings
+ containing paths to be removed if a part is uninstalled. For most
+ recipes, this is all of the uninstall support needed. For more complex
+ uninstallation scenarios use `Uninstall recipes`_.
+ The update method is responsible for updating an already installed
+ part. An empty method is often provided, as in this example, if parts
+ can't be updated. An update method can return None, a string, or an
+ iterable of strings. If a string or iterable of strings is returned,
+ then the saved list of paths to be uninstalled is updated with the new
+ information by adding any new files returned by the update method.
+ We need to provide packaging information so that our recipe can be
+ installed as a develop egg. The minimum information we need to specify
+ [#packaging_info]_ is a name. For recipes, we also need to define the
+ names of the recipe classes as entry points. Packaging information is
+ provided via a script:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ...
+ ... setup(
+ ... name = "recipes",
+ ... entry_points = {'zc.buildout': ['mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir']},
+ ... )
+ ... """)
+ Our setup script defines an entry point. Entry points provide
+ a way for an egg to define the services it provides. Here we've said
+ that we define a zc.buildout entry point named mkdir. Recipe
+ classes must be exposed as entry points in the zc.buildout group. we
+ give entry points names within the group.
+ We also need a README.txt for our recipes to avoid an annoying warning
+ from distutils, on which setuptools and zc.buildout are based:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', 'README.txt', " ")
+ Now let's update our buildout.cfg:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = mystuff
+ ... """)
+ Let's go through the changes one by one::
+ develop = recipes
+ This tells the buildout to install a development egg for our recipes.
+ Any number of paths can be listed. The paths can be relative or
+ absolute. If relative, they are treated as relative to the buildout
+ directory. They can be directory or file paths. If a file path is
+ given, it should point to a Python setup script. If a directory path
+ is given, it should point to a directory containing a file.
+ Development eggs are installed before building any parts, as they may
+ provide locally-defined recipes needed by the parts.
+ ::
+ parts = data-dir
+ Here we've named a part to be "built". We can use any name we want
+ except that different part names must be unique and recipes will often
+ use the part name to decide what to do.
+ ::
+ [data-dir]
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ path = mystuff
+ When we name a part, we also create a section of the same
+ name that contains part data. In this section, we'll define
+ the recipe to be used to install the part. In this case, we also
+ specify the path to be created.
+ Let's run the buildout. We do so by running the build script in the
+ buildout:
+ >>> import os
+ >>> os.chdir(sample_buildout)
+ >>> buildout = os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout')
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory mystuff
+ We see that the recipe created the directory, as expected:
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ - .installed.cfg
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d mystuff
+ d parts
+ d recipes
+ In addition, .installed.cfg has been created containing information
+ about the part we installed:
+ >>> cat(sample_buildout, '.installed.cfg')
+ [buildout]
+ installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
+ parts = data-dir
+ [data-dir]
+ __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/mystuff
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-c7vHV6ekIDUPy/7fjAaYjg==
+ path = /sample-buildout/mystuff
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ Note that the directory we installed is included in .installed.cfg.
+ In addition, the path option includes the actual destination
+ directory.
+ If we change the name of the directory in the configuration file,
+ we'll see that the directory gets removed and recreated:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = mydata
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling data-dir.
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory mydata
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ - .installed.cfg
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d mydata
+ d parts
+ d recipes
+ If any of the files or directories created by a recipe are removed,
+ the part will be reinstalled:
+ >>> rmdir(sample_buildout, 'mydata')
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling data-dir.
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory mydata
+ Error reporting
+ ---------------
+ If a user makes an error, an error needs to be printed and work needs
+ to stop. This is accomplished by logging a detailed error message and
+ then raising a (or an instance of a subclass of a)
+ zc.buildout.UserError exception. Raising an error other than a
+ UserError still displays the error, but labels it as a bug in the
+ buildout software or recipe. In the sample above, of someone gives a
+ non-existent directory to create the directory in:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = /xxx/mydata
+ ... """)
+ We'll get a user error, not a traceback.
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ data-dir: Cannot create /xxx/mydata. /xxx is not a directory.
+ While:
+ Installing.
+ Getting section data-dir.
+ Initializing part data-dir.
+ Error: Invalid Path
+ Recipe Error Handling
+ ---------------------
+ If an error occurs during installation, it is up to the recipe to
+ clean up any system side effects, such as files created. Let's update
+ the mkdir recipe to support multiple paths:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... import logging, os, zc.buildout
+ ...
+ ... class Mkdir:
+ ...
+ ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+ ..., self.options = name, options
+ ...
+ ... # Normalize paths and check that their parent
+ ... # directories exist:
+ ... paths = []
+ ... for path in options['path'].split():
+ ... path = os.path.join(buildout['buildout']['directory'], path)
+ ... if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
+ ... logging.getLogger(
+ ... 'Cannot create %s. %s is not a directory.',
+ ... options['path'], os.path.dirname(options['path']))
+ ... raise zc.buildout.UserError('Invalid Path')
+ ... paths.append(path)
+ ... options['path'] = ' '.join(paths)
+ ...
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... paths = self.options['path'].split()
+ ... for path in paths:
+ ... logging.getLogger(
+ ... 'Creating directory %s', os.path.basename(path))
+ ... os.mkdir(path)
+ ... return paths
+ ...
+ ... def update(self):
+ ... pass
+ ... """)
+ If there is an error creating a path, the install method will exit and
+ leave previously created paths in place:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = foo bin
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling data-dir.
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory foo
+ data-dir: Creating directory bin
+ While:
+ Installing data-dir.
+ An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
+ recipe being used:
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/sample-buildout/bin'
+ We meant to create a directory bins, but typed bin. Now foo was
+ left behind.
+ >>> os.path.exists('foo')
+ True
+ If we fix the typo:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = foo bins
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory foo
+ While:
+ Installing data-dir.
+ An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
+ recipe being used:
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/sample-buildout/foo'
+ Now they fail because foo exists, because it was left behind.
+ >>> remove('foo')
+ Let's fix the recipe:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... import logging, os, zc.buildout
+ ...
+ ... class Mkdir:
+ ...
+ ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+ ..., self.options = name, options
+ ...
+ ... # Normalize paths and check that their parent
+ ... # directories exist:
+ ... paths = []
+ ... for path in options['path'].split():
+ ... path = os.path.join(buildout['buildout']['directory'], path)
+ ... if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
+ ... logging.getLogger(
+ ... 'Cannot create %s. %s is not a directory.',
+ ... options['path'], os.path.dirname(options['path']))
+ ... raise zc.buildout.UserError('Invalid Path')
+ ... paths.append(path)
+ ... options['path'] = ' '.join(paths)
+ ...
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... paths = self.options['path'].split()
+ ... created = []
+ ... try:
+ ... for path in paths:
+ ... logging.getLogger(
+ ... 'Creating directory %s', os.path.basename(path))
+ ... os.mkdir(path)
+ ... created.append(path)
+ ... except:
+ ... for d in created:
+ ... os.rmdir(d)
+ ... raise
+ ...
+ ... return paths
+ ...
+ ... def update(self):
+ ... pass
+ ... """)
+ And put back the typo:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = foo bin
+ ... """)
+ When we rerun the buildout:
+ >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory foo
+ data-dir: Creating directory bin
+ While:
+ Installing data-dir.
+ An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
+ recipe being used:
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/sample-buildout/bin'
+ .. Wait for the file to really disappear. My linux is weird.
+ >>> wait_until("foo goes away", lambda : not os.path.exists('foo'),
+ ... timeout=200)
+ we get the same error, but we don't get the directory left behind:
+ >>> os.path.exists('foo')
+ False
+ It's critical that recipes clean up partial effects when errors
+ occur. Because recipes most commonly create files and directories,
+ buildout provides a helper API for removing created files when an
+ error occurs. Option objects have a created method that can be called
+ to record files as they are created. If the install or update method
+ returns with an error, then any registered paths are removed
+ automatically. The method returns the files registered and can be
+ used to return the files created. Let's use this API to simplify the
+ recipe:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... import logging, os, zc.buildout
+ ...
+ ... class Mkdir:
+ ...
+ ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+ ..., self.options = name, options
+ ...
+ ... # Normalize paths and check that their parent
+ ... # directories exist:
+ ... paths = []
+ ... for path in options['path'].split():
+ ... path = os.path.join(buildout['buildout']['directory'], path)
+ ... if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)):
+ ... logging.getLogger(
+ ... 'Cannot create %s. %s is not a directory.',
+ ... options['path'], os.path.dirname(options['path']))
+ ... raise zc.buildout.UserError('Invalid Path')
+ ... paths.append(path)
+ ... options['path'] = ' '.join(paths)
+ ...
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... paths = self.options['path'].split()
+ ... for path in paths:
+ ... logging.getLogger(
+ ... 'Creating directory %s', os.path.basename(path))
+ ... os.mkdir(path)
+ ... self.options.created(path)
+ ...
+ ... return self.options.created()
+ ...
+ ... def update(self):
+ ... pass
+ ... """)
+ ..
+ >>> remove(sample_buildout, 'recipes', 'mkdir.pyc')
+ We returned by calling created, taking advantage of the fact that it
+ returns the registered paths. We did this for illustrative purposes.
+ It would be simpler just to return the paths as before.
+ If we rerun the buildout, again, we'll get the error and no
+ directories will be created:
+ >>> print system(buildout), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory foo
+ data-dir: Creating directory bin
+ While:
+ Installing data-dir.
+ An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
+ recipe being used:
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/sample-buildout/bin'
+ >>> os.path.exists('foo')
+ False
+ Now, we'll fix the typo again and we'll get the directories we expect:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = foo bins
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory foo
+ data-dir: Creating directory bins
+ >>> os.path.exists('foo')
+ True
+ >>> os.path.exists('bins')
+ True
+ Configuration file syntax
+ -------------------------
+ As mentioned earlier, buildout configuration files use the format
+ defined by the Python ConfigParser module with extensions. The
+ extensions are:
+ - option names are case sensitive
+ - option values can use a substitution syntax, described below, to
+ refer to option values in specific sections.
+ - option values can be appended or removed using the - and +
+ operators.
+ The ConfigParser syntax is very flexible. Section names can contain
+ any characters other than newlines and right square braces ("]").
+ Option names can contain any characters other than newlines, colons,
+ and equal signs, can not start with a space, and don't include
+ trailing spaces.
+ It is likely that, in the future, some characters will be given
+ special buildout-defined meanings. This is already true of the
+ characters ":", "$", "%", "(", and ")". For now, it is a good idea to
+ keep section and option names simple, sticking to alphanumeric
+ characters, hyphens, and periods.
+ Annotated sections
+ ------------------
+ When used with the `annotate` command, buildout displays annotated sections.
+ All sections are displayed, sorted alphabetically. For each section,
+ all key-value pairs are displayed, sorted alphabetically, along with
+ the origin of the value (file name or COMPUTED_VALUE, DEFAULT_VALUE,
+ >>> print system(buildout+ ' annotate'),
+ Annotated sections
+ ==================
+ [buildout]
+ accept-buildout-test-releases= false
+ allow-hosts= *
+ allow-picked-versions= true
+ allowed-eggs-from-site-packages= *
+ bin-directory= bin
+ develop= recipes
+ /sample-buildout/buildout.cfg
+ develop-eggs-directory= develop-eggs
+ directory= /sample-buildout
+ eggs-directory= eggs
+ exec-sitecustomize= true
+ executable= ...
+ find-links=
+ include-site-packages= true
+ install-from-cache= false
+ installed= .installed.cfg
+ log-format=
+ log-level= INFO
+ newest= true
+ offline= false
+ parts= data-dir
+ /sample-buildout/buildout.cfg
+ parts-directory= parts
+ prefer-final= false
+ python= buildout
+ relative-paths= false
+ socket-timeout=
+ unzip= false
+ use-dependency-links= true
+ [data-dir]
+ path= foo bins
+ /sample-buildout/buildout.cfg
+ recipe= recipes:mkdir
+ /sample-buildout/buildout.cfg
+ Variable substitutions
+ ----------------------
+ Buildout configuration files support variable substitution.
+ To illustrate this, we'll create an debug recipe to
+ allow us to see interactions with the buildout:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... class Debug:
+ ...
+ ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+ ... self.buildout = buildout
+ ... = name
+ ... self.options = options
+ ...
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... items = self.options.items()
+ ... items.sort()
+ ... for option, value in items:
+ ... print option, value
+ ... return ()
+ ...
+ ... update = install
+ ... """)
+ This recipe doesn't actually create anything. The install method
+ doesn't return anything, because it didn't create any files or
+ directories.
+ We also have to update our setup script:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ... entry_points = (
+ ... '''
+ ... [zc.buildout]
+ ... mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir
+ ... debug = debug:Debug
+ ... ''')
+ ... setup(name="recipes", entry_points=entry_points)
+ ... """)
+ We've rearranged the script a bit to make the entry points easier to
+ edit. In particular, entry points are now defined as a configuration
+ string, rather than a dictionary.
+ Let's update our configuration to provide variable substitution
+ examples:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir debug
+ ... log-level = INFO
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... File 1 = ${data-dir:path}/file
+ ... File 2 = ${debug:File 1}/log
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = mydata
+ ... """)
+ We used a string-template substitution for File 1 and File 2. This
+ type of substitution uses the string.Template syntax. Names
+ substituted are qualified option names, consisting of a section name
+ and option name joined by a colon.
+ Now, if we run the buildout, we'll see the options with the values
+ substituted.
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling data-dir.
+ Installing data-dir.
+ data-dir: Creating directory mydata
+ Installing debug.
+ File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
+ File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Note that the substitution of the data-dir path option reflects the
+ update to the option performed by the mkdir recipe.
+ It might seem surprising that mydata was created again. This is
+ because we changed our recipes package by adding the debug module.
+ The buildout system didn't know if this module could effect the mkdir
+ recipe, so it assumed it could and reinstalled mydata. If we rerun
+ the buildout:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Updating data-dir.
+ Updating debug.
+ File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
+ File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ We can see that mydata was not recreated.
+ Note that, in this case, we didn't specify a log level, so
+ we didn't get output about what the buildout was doing.
+ Section and option names in variable substitutions are only allowed to
+ contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, periods and spaces. This
+ restriction might be relaxed in future releases.
+ We can ommit the section name in a variable substitution to refer to
+ the current section. We can also use the special option,
+ _buildout_section_name_ to get the current section name.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir debug
+ ... log-level = INFO
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... File 1 = ${data-dir:path}/file
+ ... File 2 = ${:File 1}/log
+ ... my_name = ${:_buildout_section_name_}
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = mydata
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Updating data-dir.
+ Installing debug.
+ File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
+ File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
+ my_name debug
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Automatic part selection and ordering
+ -------------------------------------
+ When a section with a recipe is referred to, either through variable
+ substitution or by an initializing recipe, the section is treated as a
+ part and added to the part list before the referencing part. For
+ example, we can leave data-dir out of the parts list:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ... log-level = INFO
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... File 1 = ${data-dir:path}/file
+ ... File 2 = ${debug:File 1}/log
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = mydata
+ ... """)
+ It will still be treated as a part:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Updating data-dir.
+ Installing debug.
+ File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
+ File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ >>> cat('.installed.cfg') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [buildout]
+ installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
+ parts = data-dir debug
+ ...
+ Note that the data-dir part is included *before* the debug part,
+ because the debug part refers to the data-dir part. Even if we list
+ the data-dir part after the debug part, it will be included before:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug data-dir
+ ... log-level = INFO
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... File 1 = ${data-dir:path}/file
+ ... File 2 = ${debug:File 1}/log
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = mydata
+ ... """)
+ It will still be treated as a part:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Updating data-dir.
+ Updating debug.
+ File 1 /sample-buildout/mydata/file
+ File 2 /sample-buildout/mydata/file/log
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ >>> cat('.installed.cfg') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [buildout]
+ installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
+ parts = data-dir debug
+ ...
+ Extending sections (macros)
+ ---------------------------
+ A section (other than the buildout section) can extend one or more
+ other sections using the ``<=`` option. Options from the referenced
+ sections are copied to the refering section *before* variable
+ substitution. This, together with the ability to refer to variables
+ of the current section allows sections to be used as macros.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = myfiles
+ ... log-level = INFO
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ...
+ ... [with_file1]
+ ... <= debug
+ ... file1 = ${:path}/file1
+ ... color = red
+ ...
+ ... [with_file2]
+ ... <= debug
+ ... file2 = ${:path}/file2
+ ... color = blue
+ ...
+ ... [myfiles]
+ ... <= with_file1
+ ... with_file2
+ ... path = mydata
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Uninstalling data-dir.
+ Installing myfiles.
+ color blue
+ file1 mydata/file1
+ file2 mydata/file2
+ path mydata
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ In this example, the debug, with_file1 and with_file2 sections act as
+ macros. In particular, the variable substitutions are performed
+ relative to the myfiles section.
+ Adding and removing options
+ ---------------------------
+ We can append and remove values to an option by using the + and -
+ operators.
+ This is illustrated below; first we define a base configuration.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'base.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = part1 part2 part3
+ ...
+ ... [part1]
+ ... recipe =
+ ... option = a1 a2
+ ...
+ ... [part2]
+ ... recipe =
+ ... option = b1 b2 b3 b4
+ ...
+ ... [part3]
+ ... recipe =
+ ... option = c1 c2
+ ...
+ ... """)
+ Extending this configuration, we can "adjust" the values set in the
+ base configuration file.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'extension1.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = base.cfg
+ ...
+ ... # appending values
+ ... [part1]
+ ... option += a3 a4
+ ...
+ ... # removing values
+ ... [part2]
+ ... option -= b1 b2
+ ...
+ ... # alt. spelling
+ ... [part3]
+ ... option+=c3 c4 c5
+ ...
+ ... # normal assignment
+ ... [part4]
+ ... option = h1 h2
+ ...
+ ... """)
+ An additional extension.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'extension2.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = extension1.cfg
+ ...
+ ... # appending values
+ ... [part1]
+ ... option += a5
+ ...
+ ... # removing values
+ ... [part2]
+ ... option -= b1 b2 b3
+ ...
+ ... """)
+ To verify that the options are adjusted correctly, we'll set up an
+ extension that prints out the options.
+ >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'demo')
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', '',
+ ... """
+ ... def ext(buildout):
+ ... print [part['option'] for name, part in buildout.items() \
+ ... if name.startswith('part')]
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ...
+ ... setup(
+ ... name="demo",
+ ... entry_points={'zc.buildout.extension': ['ext = demo:ext']},
+ ... )
+ ... """)
+ Set up a buildout configuration for this extension.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = demo
+ ... parts =
+ ... """)
+ >>> os.chdir(sample_buildout)
+ >>> print system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout')),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo'
+ Uninstalling myfiles.
+ Getting distribution for 'recipes'.
+ zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
+ Got recipes 0.0.0.
+ warning: install_lib: 'build/lib' does not exist -- no Python modules to install
+ Verify option values.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = demo
+ ... extensions = demo
+ ... extends = extension2.cfg
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(os.path.join('bin', 'buildout')),
+ ['a1 a2/na3 a4/na5', 'b1 b2 b3 b4', 'c1 c2/nc3 c4 c5', 'h1 h2']
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo'
+ Annotated sections output shows which files are responsible for which
+ operations.
+ >>> print system(os.path.join('bin', 'buildout') + ' annotate'),
+ Annotated sections
+ ==================
+ ...
+ [part1]
+ option= a1 a2
+ a3 a4
+ a5
+ /sample-buildout/base.cfg
+ += /sample-buildout/extension1.cfg
+ += /sample-buildout/extension2.cfg
+ recipe=
+ /sample-buildout/base.cfg
+ [part2]
+ option= b1 b2 b3 b4
+ /sample-buildout/base.cfg
+ -= /sample-buildout/extension1.cfg
+ -= /sample-buildout/extension2.cfg
+ recipe=
+ /sample-buildout/base.cfg
+ [part3]
+ option= c1 c2
+ c3 c4 c5
+ /sample-buildout/base.cfg
+ += /sample-buildout/extension1.cfg
+ recipe=
+ /sample-buildout/base.cfg
+ [part4]
+ option= h1 h2
+ /sample-buildout/extension1.cfg
+ Cleanup.
+ >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'base.cfg'))
+ >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'extension1.cfg'))
+ >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'extension2.cfg'))
+ Multiple configuration files
+ ----------------------------
+ A configuration file can "extend" another configuration file.
+ Options are read from the other configuration file if they aren't
+ already defined by your configuration file.
+ The configuration files your file extends can extend
+ other configuration files. The same file may be
+ used more than once although, of course, cycles aren't allowed.
+ To see how this works, we use an example:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = base.cfg
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op = buildout
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'base.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... op = base
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing debug.
+ op buildout
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ The example is pretty trivial, but the pattern it illustrates is
+ pretty common. In a more practical example, the base buildout might
+ represent a product and the extending buildout might be a
+ customization.
+ Here is a more elaborate example.
+ >>> other = tmpdir('other')
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = b1.cfg b2.cfg %(b3)s
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op = buildout
+ ... """ % dict(b3=os.path.join(other, 'b3.cfg')))
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'b1.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = base.cfg
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op1 = b1 1
+ ... op2 = b1 2
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'b2.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = base.cfg
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op2 = b2 2
+ ... op3 = b2 3
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(other, 'b3.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = b3base.cfg
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op4 = b3 4
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(other, 'b3base.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op5 = b3base 5
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'base.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... name = base
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing debug.
+ name base
+ op buildout
+ op1 b1 1
+ op2 b2 2
+ op3 b2 3
+ op4 b3 4
+ op5 b3base 5
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ There are several things to note about this example:
+ - We can name multiple files in an extends option.
+ - We can reference files recursively.
+ - Relative file names in extended options are interpreted relative to
+ the directory containing the referencing configuration file.
+ Loading Configuration from URLs
+ -------------------------------
+ Configuration files can be loaded from URLs. To see how this works,
+ we'll set up a web server with some configuration files.
+ >>> server_data = tmpdir('server_data')
+ >>> write(server_data, "r1.cfg",
+ ... """
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op1 = r1 1
+ ... op2 = r1 2
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(server_data, "r2.cfg",
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = r1.cfg
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op2 = r2 2
+ ... op3 = r2 3
+ ... """)
+ >>> server_url = start_server(server_data)
+ >>> write('client.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ... extends = %(url)s/r2.cfg
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... name = base
+ ... """ % dict(url=server_url))
+ >>> print system(buildout+ ' -c client.cfg'),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing debug.
+ name base
+ op1 r1 1
+ op2 r2 2
+ op3 r2 3
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Here we specified a URL for the file we extended. The file we
+ downloaded, itself referred to a file on the server using a relative
+ URL reference. Relative references are interpreted relative to the
+ base URL when they appear in configuration files loaded via URL.
+ We can also specify a URL as the configuration file to be used by a
+ buildout.
+ >>> os.remove('client.cfg')
+ >>> write(server_data, 'remote.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ... extends = r2.cfg
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... name = remote
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout + ' -c ' + server_url + '/remote.cfg'),
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Missing option: buildout:directory
+ Normally, the buildout directory defaults to directory
+ containing a configuration file. This won't work for configuration
+ files loaded from URLs. In this case, the buildout directory would
+ normally be defined on the command line:
+ >>> print system(buildout
+ ... + ' -c ' + server_url + '/remote.cfg'
+ ... + ' buildout:directory=' + sample_buildout
+ ... ),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing debug.
+ name remote
+ op1 r1 1
+ op2 r2 2
+ op3 r2 3
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ User defaults
+ -------------
+ If the file $HOME/.buildout/default.cfg, exists, it is read before
+ reading the configuration file. ($HOME is the value of the HOME
+ environment variable. The '/' is replaced by the operating system file
+ delimiter.)
+ >>> old_home = os.environ['HOME']
+ >>> home = tmpdir('home')
+ >>> mkdir(home, '.buildout')
+ >>> write(home, '.buildout', 'default.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [debug]
+ ... op1 = 1
+ ... op7 = 7
+ ... """)
+ >>> os.environ['HOME'] = home
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing debug.
+ name base
+ op buildout
+ op1 b1 1
+ op2 b2 2
+ op3 b2 3
+ op4 b3 4
+ op5 b3base 5
+ op7 7
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ A buildout command-line argument, -U, can be used to suppress reading
+ user defaults:
+ >>> print system(buildout + ' -U'),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing debug.
+ name base
+ op buildout
+ op1 b1 1
+ op2 b2 2
+ op3 b2 3
+ op4 b3 4
+ op5 b3base 5
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ >>> os.environ['HOME'] = old_home
+ Log level
+ ---------
+ We can control the level of logging by specifying a log level in out
+ configuration file. For example, so suppress info messages, we can
+ set the logging level to WARNING
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... log-level = WARNING
+ ... extends = b1.cfg b2.cfg
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ name base
+ op1 b1 1
+ op2 b2 2
+ op3 b2 3
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Uninstall recipes
+ -----------------
+ As we've seen, when parts are installed, buildout keeps track of files
+ and directories that they create. When the parts are uninstalled these
+ files and directories are deleted.
+ Sometimes more clean up is needed. For example, a recipe might add a
+ system service by calling chkconfig --add during installation. Later
+ during uninstallation, chkconfig --del will need to be called to
+ remove the system service.
+ In order to deal with these uninstallation issues, you can register
+ uninstall recipes. Uninstall recipes are registered using the
+ 'zc.buildout.uninstall' entry point. Parts specify uninstall recipes
+ using the 'uninstall' option.
+ In comparison to regular recipes, uninstall recipes are much
+ simpler. They are simply callable objects that accept the name of the
+ part to be uninstalled and the part's options dictionary. Uninstall
+ recipes don't have access to the part itself since it maybe not be
+ able to be instantiated at uninstallation time.
+ Here's a recipe that simulates installation of a system service, along
+ with an uninstall recipe that simulates removing the service.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... class Service:
+ ...
+ ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+ ... self.buildout = buildout
+ ... = name
+ ... self.options = options
+ ...
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... print "chkconfig --add %s" % self.options['script']
+ ... return ()
+ ...
+ ... def update(self):
+ ... pass
+ ...
+ ...
+ ... def uninstall_service(name, options):
+ ... print "chkconfig --del %s" % options['script']
+ ... """)
+ To use these recipes we must register them using entry points. Make
+ sure to use the same name for the recipe and uninstall recipe. This is
+ required to let buildout know which uninstall recipe goes with which
+ recipe.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ... entry_points = (
+ ... '''
+ ... [zc.buildout]
+ ... mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir
+ ... debug = debug:Debug
+ ... service = service:Service
+ ...
+ ... [zc.buildout.uninstall]
+ ... service = service:uninstall_service
+ ... ''')
+ ... setup(name="recipes", entry_points=entry_points)
+ ... """)
+ Here's how these recipes could be used in a buildout:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = service
+ ...
+ ... [service]
+ ... recipe = recipes:service
+ ... script = /path/to/script
+ ... """)
+ When the buildout is run the service will be installed
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing service.
+ chkconfig --add /path/to/script
+ The service has been installed. If the buildout is run again with no
+ changes, the service shouldn't be changed.
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Updating service.
+ Now we change the service part to trigger uninstallation and
+ re-installation.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = service
+ ...
+ ... [service]
+ ... recipe = recipes:service
+ ... script = /path/to/a/different/script
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling service.
+ Running uninstall recipe.
+ chkconfig --del /path/to/script
+ Installing service.
+ chkconfig --add /path/to/a/different/script
+ Now we remove the service part, and add another part.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling service.
+ Running uninstall recipe.
+ chkconfig --del /path/to/a/different/script
+ Installing debug.
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Uninstall recipes don't have to take care of removing all the files
+ and directories created by the part. This is still done automatically,
+ following the execution of the uninstall recipe. An upshot is that an
+ uninstallation recipe can access files and directories created by a
+ recipe before they are deleted.
+ For example, here's an uninstallation recipe that simulates backing up
+ a directory before it is deleted. It is designed to work with the
+ mkdir recipe introduced earlier.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... import os
+ ... def backup_directory(name, options):
+ ... path = options['path']
+ ... size = len(os.listdir(path))
+ ... print "backing up directory %s of size %s" % (path, size)
+ ... """)
+ It must be registered with the zc.buildout.uninstall entry
+ point. Notice how it is given the name 'mkdir' to associate it with
+ the mkdir recipe.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ... entry_points = (
+ ... '''
+ ... [zc.buildout]
+ ... mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir
+ ... debug = debug:Debug
+ ... service = service:Service
+ ...
+ ... [zc.buildout.uninstall]
+ ... uninstall_service = service:uninstall_service
+ ... mkdir = backup:backup_directory
+ ... ''')
+ ... setup(name="recipes", entry_points=entry_points)
+ ... """)
+ Now we can use it with a mkdir part.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = dir debug
+ ...
+ ... [dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = my_directory
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... """)
+ Run the buildout to install the part.
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing dir.
+ dir: Creating directory my_directory
+ Installing debug.
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Now we remove the part from the configuration file.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... """)
+ When the buildout is run the part is removed, and the uninstall recipe
+ is run before the directory is deleted.
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling dir.
+ Running uninstall recipe.
+ backing up directory /sample-buildout/my_directory of size 0
+ Updating debug.
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Now we will return the registration to normal for the benefit of the
+ rest of the examples.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ... entry_points = (
+ ... '''
+ ... [zc.buildout]
+ ... mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir
+ ... debug = debug:Debug
+ ... ''')
+ ... setup(name="recipes", entry_points=entry_points)
+ ... """)
+ Command-line usage
+ ------------------
+ A number of arguments can be given on the buildout command line. The
+ command usage is::
+ buildout [options and assignments] [command [command arguments]]
+ The following options are supported:
+ -h (or --help)
+ Print basic usage information. If this option is used, then all
+ other options are ignored.
+ -c filename
+ The -c option can be used to specify a configuration file, rather than
+ buildout.cfg in the current directory.
+ -t socket_timeout
+ Specify the socket timeout in seconds.
+ -v
+ Increment the verbosity by 10. The verbosity is used to adjust
+ the logging level. The verbosity is subtracted from the numeric
+ value of the log-level option specified in the configuration file.
+ -q
+ Decrement the verbosity by 10.
+ -U
+ Don't read user-default configuration.
+ -o
+ Run in off-line mode. This is equivalent to the assignment
+ buildout:offline=true.
+ -O
+ Run in non-off-line mode. This is equivalent to the assignment
+ buildout:offline=false. This is the default buildout mode. The
+ -O option would normally be used to override a true offline
+ setting in a configuration file.
+ -n
+ Run in newest mode. This is equivalent to the assignment
+ buildout:newest=true. With this setting, which is the default,
+ buildout will try to find the newest versions of distributions
+ available that satisfy its requirements.
+ -N
+ Run in non-newest mode. This is equivalent to the assignment
+ buildout:newest=false. With this setting, buildout will not seek
+ new distributions if installed distributions satisfy it's
+ requirements.
+ Assignments are of the form::
+ section_name:option_name=value
+ Options and assignments can be given in any order.
+ Here's an example:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'other.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ... installed = .other.cfg
+ ... log-level = WARNING
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... name = other
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... """)
+ Note that we used the installed buildout option to specify an
+ alternate file to store information about installed parts.
+ >>> print system(buildout+' -c other.cfg debug:op1=foo -v'),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing debug.
+ name other
+ op1 foo
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Here we used the -c option to specify an alternate configuration file,
+ and the -v option to increase the level of logging from the default,
+ Options can also be combined in the usual Unix way, as in:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' -vcother.cfg debug:op1=foo'),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Updating debug.
+ name other
+ op1 foo
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Here we combined the -v and -c options with the configuration file
+ name. Note that the -c option has to be last, because it takes an
+ argument.
+ >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'other.cfg'))
+ >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, '.other.cfg'))
+ The most commonly used command is 'install' and it takes a list of
+ parts to install. if any parts are specified, only those parts are
+ installed. To illustrate this, we'll update our configuration and run
+ the buildout in the usual way:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug d1 d2 d3
+ ...
+ ... [d1]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = d1
+ ...
+ ... [d2]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = d2
+ ...
+ ... [d3]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = d3
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing debug.
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ Installing d1.
+ d1: Creating directory d1
+ Installing d2.
+ d2: Creating directory d2
+ Installing d3.
+ d3: Creating directory d3
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ - .installed.cfg
+ - b1.cfg
+ - b2.cfg
+ - base.cfg
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d d1
+ d d2
+ d d3
+ d demo
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d parts
+ d recipes
+ >>> cat(sample_buildout, '.installed.cfg')
+ ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ [buildout]
+ installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
+ parts = debug d1 d2 d3
+ [debug]
+ __buildout_installed__ =
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ recipe = recipes:debug
+ [d1]
+ __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d1
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ path = /sample-buildout/d1
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ [d2]
+ __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d2
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ path = /sample-buildout/d2
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ [d3]
+ __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d3
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ path = /sample-buildout/d3
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ Now we'll update our configuration file:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug d2 d3 d4
+ ...
+ ... [d2]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = data2
+ ...
+ ... [d3]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = data3
+ ...
+ ... [d4]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = ${d2:path}-extra
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... x = 1
+ ... """)
+ and run the buildout specifying just d3 and d4:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' install d3 d4'),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling d3.
+ Installing d3.
+ d3: Creating directory data3
+ Installing d4.
+ d4: Creating directory data2-extra
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ - .installed.cfg
+ - b1.cfg
+ - b2.cfg
+ - base.cfg
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d d1
+ d d2
+ d data2-extra
+ d data3
+ d demo
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d parts
+ d recipes
+ Only the d3 and d4 recipes ran. d3 was removed and data3 and data2-extra
+ were created.
+ The .installed.cfg is only updated for the recipes that ran:
+ >>> cat(sample_buildout, '.installed.cfg')
+ ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ [buildout]
+ installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/recipes.egg-link
+ parts = debug d1 d2 d3 d4
+ [debug]
+ __buildout_installed__ =
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ recipe = recipes:debug
+ [d1]
+ __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d1
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ path = /sample-buildout/d1
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ [d2]
+ __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/d2
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ path = /sample-buildout/d2
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ [d3]
+ __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/data3
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ path = /sample-buildout/data3
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ [d4]
+ __buildout_installed__ = /sample-buildout/data2-extra
+ __buildout_signature__ = recipes-PiIFiO8ny5yNZ1S3JfT0xg==
+ path = /sample-buildout/data2-extra
+ recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ Note that the installed data for debug, d1, and d2 haven't changed,
+ because we didn't install those parts and that the d1 and d2
+ directories are still there.
+ Now, if we run the buildout without the install command:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling d2.
+ Uninstalling d1.
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ Installing debug.
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ x 1
+ Installing d2.
+ d2: Creating directory data2
+ Updating d3.
+ Updating d4.
+ We see the output of the debug recipe and that data2 was created. We
+ also see that d1 and d2 have gone away:
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ - .installed.cfg
+ - b1.cfg
+ - b2.cfg
+ - base.cfg
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d data2
+ d data2-extra
+ d data3
+ d demo
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d parts
+ d recipes
+ Alternate directory and file locations
+ --------------------------------------
+ The buildout normally puts the bin, eggs, and parts directories in the
+ directory in the directory containing the configuration file. You can
+ provide alternate locations, and even names for these directories.
+ >>> alt = tmpdir('sample-alt')
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts =
+ ... develop-eggs-directory = %(developbasket)s
+ ... eggs-directory = %(basket)s
+ ... bin-directory = %(scripts)s
+ ... parts-directory = %(work)s
+ ... """ % dict(
+ ... developbasket = os.path.join(alt, 'developbasket'),
+ ... basket = os.path.join(alt, 'basket'),
+ ... scripts = os.path.join(alt, 'scripts'),
+ ... work = os.path.join(alt, 'work'),
+ ... ))
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Creating directory '/sample-alt/scripts'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-alt/work'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-alt/basket'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-alt/developbasket'.
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Uninstalling d4.
+ Uninstalling d3.
+ Uninstalling d2.
+ Uninstalling debug.
+ >>> ls(alt)
+ d basket
+ d developbasket
+ d scripts
+ d work
+ >>> ls(alt, 'developbasket')
+ - recipes.egg-link
+ You can also specify an alternate buildout directory:
+ >>> rmdir(alt)
+ >>> alt = tmpdir('sample-alt')
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... directory = %(alt)s
+ ... develop = %(recipes)s
+ ... parts =
+ ... """ % dict(
+ ... alt=alt,
+ ... recipes=os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'recipes'),
+ ... ))
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Creating directory '/sample-alt/bin'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-alt/parts'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-alt/eggs'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-alt/develop-eggs'.
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ >>> ls(alt)
+ - .installed.cfg
+ d bin
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d parts
+ >>> ls(alt, 'develop-eggs')
+ - recipes.egg-link
+ Logging control
+ ---------------
+ Three buildout options are used to control logging:
+ log-level
+ specifies the log level
+ verbosity
+ adjusts the log level
+ log-format
+ allows an alternate logging for mat to be specified
+ We've already seen the log level and verbosity. Let's look at an example
+ of changing the format:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts =
+ ... log-level = 25
+ ... verbosity = 5
+ ... log-format = %(levelname)s %(message)s
+ ... """)
+ Here, we've changed the format to include the log-level name, rather
+ than the logger name.
+ We've also illustrated, with a contrived example, that the log level
+ can be a numeric value and that the verbosity can be specified in the
+ configuration file. Because the verbosity is subtracted from the log
+ level, we get a final log level of 20, which is the INFO level.
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ INFO Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Predefined buildout options
+ ---------------------------
+ Buildouts have a number of predefined options that recipes can use
+ and that users can override in their configuration files. To see
+ these, we'll run a minimal buildout configuration with a debug logging
+ level. One of the features of debug logging is that the configuration
+ database is shown.
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts =
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout+' -vv'), # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ Installing 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools'.
+ We have a develop egg: zc.buildout X.X.
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
+ Picked: setuptools = V.V
+ Configuration data:
+ [buildout]
+ accept-buildout-test-releases = false
+ allow-hosts = *
+ allow-picked-versions = true
+ allowed-eggs-from-site-packages = *
+ bin-directory = /sample-buildout/bin
+ develop-eggs-directory = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs
+ directory = /sample-buildout
+ eggs-directory = /sample-buildout/eggs
+ exec-sitecustomize = true
+ executable = python
+ find-links =
+ include-site-packages = true
+ install-from-cache = false
+ installed = /sample-buildout/.installed.cfg
+ log-format =
+ log-level = INFO
+ newest = true
+ offline = false
+ parts =
+ parts-directory = /sample-buildout/parts
+ prefer-final = false
+ python = buildout
+ relative-paths = false
+ socket-timeout =
+ unzip = false
+ use-dependency-links = true
+ verbosity = 20
+ All of these options can be overridden by configuration files or by
+ command-line assignments. We've discussed most of these options
+ already, but let's review them and touch on some we haven't discussed:
+ allowed-eggs-from-site-packages
+ Sometimes you need or want to control what eggs from site-packages are
+ used. The allowed-eggs-from-site-packages option allows you to specify a
+ whitelist of project names that may be included from site-packages. You
+ can use globs to specify the value. It defaults to a single value of '*',
+ indicating that any package may come from site-packages.
+ Here's a usage example::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ allowed-eggs-from-site-packages =
+ demo
+ bigdemo
+ zope.*
+ This option interacts with the ``include-site-packages`` option in the
+ following ways.
+ If ``include-site-packages`` is true, then
+ ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` filters what eggs from site-packages
+ may be chosen. Therefore, if ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` is an
+ empty list, then no eggs from site-packages are chosen, but site-packages
+ will still be included at the end of path lists.
+ If ``include-site-packages`` is false, the value of
+ ``allowed-eggs-from-site-packages`` is irrelevant.
+ See the ``include-site-packages`` description for more information.
+ bin-directory
+ The directory path where scripts are written. This can be a
+ relative path, which is interpreted relative to the directory
+ option.
+ develop-eggs-directory
+ The directory path where development egg links are created for software
+ being created in the local project. This can be a relative path,
+ which is interpreted relative to the directory option.
+ directory
+ The buildout directory. This is the base for other buildout file
+ and directory locations, when relative locations are used.
+ eggs-directory
+ The directory path where downloaded eggs are put. It is common to share
+ this directory across buildouts. Eggs in this directory should
+ *never* be modified. This can be a relative path, which is
+ interpreted relative to the directory option.
+ exec-sitecustomize
+ Normally the Python's real sitecustomize module is processed.
+ If you do not want it to be processed in order to increase the
+ repeatability of your buildout, set this value to 'false'. This will
+ be honored irrespective of the setting for include-site-packages.
+ This option will be honored by some recipes and not others.
+ z3c.recipe.scripts honors this and zc.recipe.egg does not, for
+ instance.
+ executable
+ The Python executable used to run the buildout. See the python
+ option below.
+ include-site-packages
+ You can choose not to have the site-packages of the underlying Python
+ available to your script or interpreter, in addition to the packages
+ from your eggs. This can increase repeatability for your buildout.
+ This option will be better used by some recipes than others.
+ z3c.recipe.scripts honors this fully and zc.recipe.egg only
+ partially, for instance.
+ installed
+ The file path where information about the results of the previous
+ buildout run is written. This can be a relative path, which is
+ interpreted relative to the directory option. This file provides
+ an inventory of installed parts with information needed to decide
+ which if any parts need to be uninstalled.
+ log-format
+ The format used for logging messages.
+ log-level
+ The log level before verbosity adjustment
+ parts
+ A white space separated list of parts to be installed.
+ parts-directory
+ A working directory that parts can used to store data.
+ python
+ The name of a section containing information about the default
+ Python interpreter. Recipes that need a installation
+ typically have options to tell them which Python installation to
+ use. By convention, if a section-specific option isn't used, the
+ option is looked for in the buildout section. The option must
+ point to a section with an executable option giving the path to a
+ Python executable. By default, the buildout section defines the
+ default Python as the Python used to run the buildout.
+ relative-paths
+ The paths generated by zc.buildout are absolute by default, and this
+ option is ``false``. However, if you set this value to be ``true``,
+ bin/buildout will be generated with code that makes the paths relative.
+ Some recipes, such as zc.recipe.egg and z3c.recipe.scripts, honor this
+ value as well.
+ unzip
+ By default, zc.buildout doesn't unzip zip-safe eggs ("unzip = false").
+ This follows the policy followed by setuptools itself. Experience shows
+ this policy to to be inconvenient. Zipped eggs make debugging more
+ difficult and often import more slowly. You can include an unzip option in
+ the buildout section to change the default unzipping policy ("unzip =
+ true").
+ use-dependency-links
+ By default buildout will obey the setuptools dependency_links metadata
+ when it looks for dependencies. This behavior can be controlled with
+ the use-dependency-links buildout option::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ use-dependency-links = false
+ The option defaults to true. If you set it to false, then dependency
+ links are only looked for in the locations specified by find-links.
+ verbosity
+ A log-level adjustment. Typically, this is set via the -q and -v
+ command-line options.
+ Creating new buildouts and bootstrapping
+ ----------------------------------------
+ If zc.buildout is installed, you can use it to create a new buildout
+ with it's own local copies of zc.buildout and setuptools and with
+ local buildout scripts.
+ >>> sample_bootstrapped = tmpdir('sample-bootstrapped')
+ >>> print system(buildout
+ ... +' -c'+os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped, 'setup.cfg')
+ ... +' init'),
+ Creating '/sample-bootstrapped/setup.cfg'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/bin'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/parts'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/eggs'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/develop-eggs'.
+ Generated script '/sample-bootstrapped/bin/buildout'.
+ Note that a basic setup.cfg was created for us.
+ >>> ls(sample_bootstrapped)
+ d bin
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d parts
+ - setup.cfg
+ >>> ls(sample_bootstrapped, 'bin')
+ - buildout
+ >>> _ = (ls(sample_bootstrapped, 'eggs'),
+ ... ls(sample_bootstrapped, 'develop-eggs'))
+ - setuptools-0.6-py2.3.egg
+ - zc.buildout-1.0-py2.3.egg
+ (We list both the eggs and develop-eggs directories because the
+ buildout or setuptools egg could be installed in the develop-eggs
+ directory if the original buildout had develop eggs for either
+ buildout or setuptools.)
+ If relative-paths is ``true``, the buildout script uses relative paths.
+ >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'setup.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... relative-paths = true
+ ... parts =
+ ... ''')
+ >>> print system(buildout
+ ... +' -c'+os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped, 'setup.cfg')
+ ... +' bootstrap'),
+ Generated script '/sample-bootstrapped/bin/buildout'.
+ >>> buildout_script = join(sample_bootstrapped, 'bin', 'buildout')
+ >>> import sys
+ >>> if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ ... buildout_script += ''
+ >>> print open(buildout_script).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ #!... -S
+ import os
+ join = os.path.join
+ base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ base = os.path.dirname(base)
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ join(base, 'parts/buildout'),
+ ]
+ import os
+ path = sys.path[0]
+ if os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
+ path = os.pathsep.join([path, os.environ['PYTHONPATH']])
+ os.environ['BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
+ os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
+ import site # imports custom buildout-generated
+ import zc.buildout.buildout
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ zc.buildout.buildout.main()
+ Note that, in the above two examples, the buildout script was installed
+ but not run. To run the buildout, we'd have to run the installed
+ buildout script.
+ If we have an existing buildout that already has a buildout.cfg, we'll
+ normally use the bootstrap command instead of init. It will complain
+ if there isn't a configuration file:
+ >>> sample_bootstrapped2 = tmpdir('sample-bootstrapped2')
+ >>> print system(buildout
+ ... +' -c'+os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped2, 'setup.cfg')
+ ... +' bootstrap'),
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't open /sample-bootstrapped2/setup.cfg
+ >>> write(sample_bootstrapped2, 'setup.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts =
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout
+ ... +' -c'+os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped2, 'setup.cfg')
+ ... +' bootstrap'),
+ Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped2/bin'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped2/parts'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped2/eggs'.
+ Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped2/develop-eggs'.
+ Generated script '/sample-bootstrapped2/bin/buildout'.
+ Newest and Offline Modes
+ ------------------------
+ By default buildout and recipes will try to find the newest versions
+ of distributions needed to satisfy requirements. This can be very
+ time consuming, especially when incrementally working on setting up a
+ buildout or working on a recipe. The buildout newest option can be
+ used to to suppress this. If the newest option is set to false, then
+ new distributions won't be sought if an installed distribution meets
+ requirements. The newest option can be set to false using the -N
+ command-line option.
+ The offline option goes a bit further. If the buildout offline option
+ is given a value of "true", the buildout and recipes that are aware of
+ the option will avoid doing network access. This is handy when
+ running the buildout when not connected to the internet. It also
+ makes buildouts run much faster. This option is typically set using
+ the buildout -o option.
+ Preferring Final Releases
+ -------------------------
+ Currently, when searching for new releases of your project's
+ dependencies, the newest available release is used. This isn't usually
+ ideal, as you may get a development release or alpha releases not ready
+ to be widely used. You can request that final releases be preferred
+ using the ``prefer-final`` option in the buildout section::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ prefer-final = true
+ When the ``prefer-final`` option is set to true, then when searching for
+ new releases, final releases are preferred. If there are final
+ releases that satisfy distribution requirements, then those releases
+ are used even if newer non-final releases are available.
+ In buildout version 2, all final releases will be preferred by
+ default--that is ``prefer-final`` will also default to 'true'. You will
+ then need to use a 'false' value for ``prefer-final`` to get the newest
+ releases.
+ A separate option controls the behavior of the build system itself.
+ When buildout looks for recipes, extensions, and for updates to itself,
+ it does prefer final releases by default, as of the 1.5.0 release. The
+ ``accept-buildout-test-releases`` option will let you override this behavior.
+ However, it is typically changed by the --accept-buildout-test-releases
+ option to the bootstrap script, since bootstrapping is the first step to
+ selecting a buildout.
+ Finding distributions
+ ---------------------
+ By default, buildout searches the Python Package Index when looking
+ for distributions. You can, instead, specify your own index to search
+ using the `index` option::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ index =
+ This index, or the default of if no
+ index is specified, will always be searched for distributions unless
+ running buildout with options that prevent searching for
+ distributions. The latest version of the distribution that meets the
+ requirements of the buildout will always be used.
+ You can also specify more locations to search for distributions using
+ the `find-links` option. All locations specified will be searched for
+ distributions along with the package index as described before.
+ Locations can be urls::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ find-links =
+ They can also be directories on disk::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ find-links = /some/path
+ Finally, they can also be direct paths to distributions::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ find-links = /some/path/someegg-1.0.0-py2.3.egg
+ Any number of locations can be specified in the `find-links` option::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ find-links =
+ /some/otherpath
+ /some/path/someegg-1.0.0-py2.3.egg
+ Dependency links
+ ----------------
+ By default buildout will obey the setuptools dependency_links metadata
+ when it looks for dependencies. This behavior can be controlled with
+ the use-dependency-links buildout option::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ use-dependency-links = false
+ The option defaults to true. If you set it to false, then dependency
+ links are only looked for in the locations specified by find-links.
+ Controlling the installation database
+ -------------------------------------
+ The buildout installed option is used to specify the file used to save
+ information on installed parts. This option is initialized to
+ ".installed.cfg", but it can be overridden in the configuration file
+ or on the command line:
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = debug
+ ...
+ ... [debug]
+ ... recipe = recipes:debug
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:installed=inst.cfg'),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing debug.
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ - b1.cfg
+ - b2.cfg
+ - base.cfg
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d demo
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ - inst.cfg
+ d parts
+ d recipes
+ The installation database can be disabled by supplying an empty
+ buildout installed option:
+ >>> os.remove('inst.cfg')
+ >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:installed='),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing debug.
+ recipe recipes:debug
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ - b1.cfg
+ - b2.cfg
+ - base.cfg
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d demo
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d parts
+ d recipes
+ Note that there will be no installation database if there are no parts:
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts =
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:installed=inst.cfg'),
+ >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+ - b1.cfg
+ - b2.cfg
+ - base.cfg
+ d bin
+ - buildout.cfg
+ d demo
+ d develop-eggs
+ d eggs
+ d parts
+ d recipes
+ Extensions
+ ----------
+ A feature allows code to be loaded and run after
+ configuration files have been read but before the buildout has begun
+ any processing. The intent is to allow special plugins such as
+ urllib2 request handlers to be loaded.
+ To load an extension, we use the extensions option and list one or
+ more distribution requirements, on separate lines. The distributions
+ named will be loaded and any ``zc.buildout.extension`` entry points found
+ will be called with the buildout as an argument. When buildout
+ finishes processing, any ``zc.buildout.unloadextension`` entry points
+ found will be called with the buildout as an argument.
+ Let's create a sample extension in our sample buildout created in the
+ previous section:
+ >>> mkdir(sample_bootstrapped, 'demo')
+ >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'demo', '',
+ ... """
+ ... def ext(buildout):
+ ... print 'ext', list(buildout)
+ ... def unload(buildout):
+ ... print 'unload', list(buildout)
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'demo', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ...
+ ... setup(
+ ... name = "demo",
+ ... entry_points = {
+ ... 'zc.buildout.extension': ['ext = demo:ext'],
+ ... 'zc.buildout.unloadextension': ['ext = demo:unload'],
+ ... },
+ ... )
+ ... """)
+ Our extension just prints out the word 'demo', and lists the sections
+ found in the buildout passed to it.
+ We'll update our buildout.cfg to list the demo directory as a develop
+ egg to be built:
+ >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = demo
+ ... parts =
+ ... """)
+ >>> os.chdir(sample_bootstrapped)
+ >>> print system(os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped, 'bin', 'buildout')),
+ Develop: '/sample-bootstrapped/demo'
+ Now we can add the extensions option. We were a bit tricky and ran
+ the buildout once with the demo develop egg defined but without the
+ extension option. This is because extensions are loaded before the
+ buildout creates develop eggs. We needed to use a separate buildout
+ run to create the develop egg. Normally, when eggs are loaded from
+ the network, we wouldn't need to do anything special.
+ >>> write(sample_bootstrapped, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = demo
+ ... extensions = demo
+ ... parts =
+ ... """)
+ We see that our extension is loaded and executed:
+ >>> print system(os.path.join(sample_bootstrapped, 'bin', 'buildout')),
+ ext ['buildout']
+ Develop: '/sample-bootstrapped/demo'
+ unload ['buildout']
+ Allow hosts
+ -----------
+ On some environments the links visited by `zc.buildout` can be forbidden
+ by paranoiac firewalls. These URL might be on the chain of links
+ visited by `zc.buildout` wheter they are defined in the `find-links` option,
+ wheter they are defined by various eggs in their `url`, `download_url`,
+ `dependency_links` metadata.
+ It is even harder to track that package_index works like a spider and
+ might visit links and go to other location.
+ The `allow-hosts` option provides a way to prevent this, and
+ works exactly like the one provided in `easy_install`.
+ You can provide a list of allowed host, together with wildcards::
+ [buildout]
+ ...
+ allow-hosts =
+ *
+ All urls that does not match these hosts will not be visited.
+ .. [#future_recipe_methods] In the future, additional methods may be
+ added. Older recipes with fewer methods will still be
+ supported.
+ .. [#packaging_info] If we wanted to create a distribution from this
+ package, we would need specify much more information. See the
+ `setuptools documentation
+ <>`_.
+ Always unzipping eggs
+ =====================
+ By default, zc.buildout doesn't unzip zip-safe eggs.
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = eggs
+ ... find-links = %(link_server)s
+ ...
+ ... [eggs]
+ ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+ ... eggs = demo
+ ... ''' % globals())
+ >>> _ = system(buildout)
+ >>> ls('eggs')
+ - demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.2c1-py2.4.egg
+ d setuptools-0.6c8-py2.4.egg
+ - zc.buildout.egg-link
+ This follows the policy followed by setuptools itself. Experience shows
+ this policy to to be inconvenient. Zipped eggs make debugging more
+ difficult and often import more slowly.
+ You can include an unzip option in the buildout section to change the
+ default unzipping policy.
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = eggs
+ ... find-links = %(link_server)s
+ ... unzip = true
+ ...
+ ... [eggs]
+ ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+ ... eggs = demo
+ ... ''' % globals())
+ >>> import os
+ >>> for name in os.listdir('eggs'):
+ ... if name.startswith('demo'):
+ ... remove('eggs', name)
+ >>> _ = system(buildout)
+ >>> ls('eggs')
+ d demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.2c1-py2.4.egg
+ d setuptools-0.6c8-py2.4.egg
+ - zc.buildout.egg-link
+ Repeatable buildouts: controlling eggs used
+ ===========================================
+ One of the goals of zc.buildout is to provide enough control to make
+ buildouts repeatable. It should be possible to check the buildout
+ configuration files for a project into a version control system and
+ later use the checked in files to get the same buildout, subject to
+ changes in the environment outside the buildout.
+ An advantage of using Python eggs is that depenencies of eggs used are
+ automatically determined and used. The automatic inclusion of
+ depenent distributions is at odds with the goal of repeatable
+ buildouts.
+ To support repeatable buildouts, a versions section can be created
+ with options for each distribution name whos version is to be fixed.
+ The section can then be specified via the buildout versions option.
+ To see how this works, we'll create two versions of a recipe egg:
+ >>> mkdir('recipe')
+ >>> write('recipe', '',
+ ... '''
+ ... class Recipe:
+ ... def __init__(*a): pass
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... print 'recipe v1'
+ ... return ()
+ ... update = install
+ ... ''')
+ >>> write('recipe', '',
+ ... '''
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ... setup(name='spam', version='1', py_modules=['recipe'],
+ ... entry_points={'zc.buildout': ['default = recipe:Recipe']},
+ ... )
+ ... ''')
+ >>> write('recipe', 'README', '')
+ >>> print system(buildout+' setup recipe bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Running setup script 'recipe/'.
+ ...
+ >>> rmdir('recipe', 'build')
+ >>> write('recipe', '',
+ ... '''
+ ... class Recipe:
+ ... def __init__(*a): pass
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... print 'recipe v2'
+ ... return ()
+ ... update = install
+ ... ''')
+ >>> write('recipe', '',
+ ... '''
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ... setup(name='spam', version='2', py_modules=['recipe'],
+ ... entry_points={'zc.buildout': ['default = recipe:Recipe']},
+ ... )
+ ... ''')
+ >>> print system(buildout+' setup recipe bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Running setup script 'recipe/'.
+ ...
+ and we'll configure a buildout to use it:
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = foo
+ ... find-links = %s
+ ...
+ ... [foo]
+ ... recipe = spam
+ ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))
+ If we run the buildout, it will use version 2:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Getting distribution for 'spam'.
+ Got spam 2.
+ Installing foo.
+ recipe v2
+ We can specify a versions section that lists our recipe and name it in
+ the buildout section:
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = foo
+ ... find-links = %s
+ ... versions = release-1
+ ...
+ ... [release-1]
+ ... spam = 1
+ ... eggs = 2.2
+ ...
+ ... [foo]
+ ... recipe = spam
+ ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))
+ Here we created a release-1 section listing the version 1 for the spam
+ distribution. We told the buildout to use it by specifying release-1
+ as in the versions option.
+ Now, if we run the buildout, we'll use version 1 of the spam recipe:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Getting distribution for 'spam==1'.
+ Got spam 1.
+ Uninstalling foo.
+ Installing foo.
+ recipe v1
+ Running the buildout in verbose mode will help us get information
+ about versions used. If we run the buildout in verbose mode without
+ specifying a versions section:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' buildout:versions= -v'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Installing 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools'.
+ We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 1.0.0.
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
+ Picked: setuptools = 0.6
+ Installing 'spam'.
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'spam'.
+ Picked: spam = 2.
+ Uninstalling foo.
+ Installing foo.
+ recipe v2
+ We'll get output that includes lines that tell us what versions
+ buildout chose a for us, like::
+ zc.buildout.easy_install.picked: spam = 2
+ This allows us to discover versions that are picked dynamically, so
+ that we can fix them in a versions section.
+ If we run the buildout with the versions section:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' -v'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Installing 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools'.
+ We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 1.0.0.
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
+ Picked: setuptools = 0.6
+ Installing 'spam'.
+ We have the distribution that satisfies 'spam==1'.
+ Uninstalling foo.
+ Installing foo.
+ recipe v1
+ We won't get output for the spam distribution, which we didn't pick,
+ but we will get output for setuptools, which we didn't specify
+ versions for.
+ You can request buildout to generate an error if it picks any
+ versions:
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = foo
+ ... find-links = %s
+ ... versions = release-1
+ ... allow-picked-versions = false
+ ...
+ ... [release-1]
+ ... spam = 1
+ ... eggs = 2.2
+ ...
+ ... [foo]
+ ... recipe = spam
+ ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))
+ Using the download utility
+ ==========================
+ The ```` module provides a download utility that handles
+ the details of downloading files needed for a buildout run from the internet.
+ It downloads files to the local file system, using the download cache if
+ desired and optionally checking the downloaded files' MD5 checksum.
+ We setup an HTTP server that provides a file we want to download:
+ >>> server_data = tmpdir('sample_files')
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'This is a foo text.')
+ >>> server_url = start_server(server_data)
+ We also use a fresh directory for temporary files in order to make sure that
+ all temporary files have been cleaned up in the end:
+ >>> import tempfile
+ >>> old_tempdir = tempfile.tempdir
+ >>> tempfile.tempdir = tmpdir('tmp')
+ Downloading without using the cache
+ -----------------------------------
+ If no download cache should be used, the download utility is instantiated
+ without any arguments:
+ >>> from import Download
+ >>> download = Download()
+ >>> print download.cache_dir
+ None
+ Downloading a file is achieved by calling the utility with the URL as an
+ argument. A tuple is returned that consists of the path to the downloaded copy
+ of the file and a boolean value indicating whether this is a temporary file
+ meant to be cleaned up during the same buildout run:
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> print path
+ /.../buildout-...
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ As we aren't using the download cache and haven't specified a target path
+ either, the download has ended up in a temporary file:
+ >>> is_temp
+ True
+ >>> import tempfile
+ >>> path.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir())
+ True
+ We are responsible for cleaning up temporary files behind us:
+ >>> remove(path)
+ When trying to access a file that doesn't exist, we'll get an exception:
+ >>> try: download(server_url+'not-there') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ... except: print 'download error'
+ ... else: print 'woops'
+ download error
+ Downloading a local file doesn't produce a temporary file but simply returns
+ the local file itself:
+ >>> download(join(server_data, 'foo.txt'))
+ ('/sample_files/foo.txt', False)
+ We can also have the downloaded file's MD5 sum checked:
+ >>> try: from hashlib import md5
+ ... except ImportError: from md5 import new as md5
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt',
+ ... md5('This is a foo text.').hexdigest())
+ >>> is_temp
+ True
+ >>> remove(path)
+ >>> download(server_url+'foo.txt',
+ ... md5('The wrong text.').hexdigest())
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ChecksumError: MD5 checksum mismatch downloading 'http://localhost/foo.txt'
+ The error message in the event of an MD5 checksum mismatch for a local file
+ reads somewhat differently:
+ >>> download(join(server_data, 'foo.txt'),
+ ... md5('This is a foo text.').hexdigest())
+ ('/sample_files/foo.txt', False)
+ >>> download(join(server_data, 'foo.txt'),
+ ... md5('The wrong text.').hexdigest())
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ChecksumError: MD5 checksum mismatch for local resource at '/sample_files/foo.txt'.
+ Finally, we can download the file to a specified place in the file system:
+ >>> target_dir = tmpdir('download-target')
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt',
+ ... path=join(target_dir, 'downloaded.txt'))
+ >>> print path
+ /download-target/downloaded.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> is_temp
+ False
+ Trying to download a file in offline mode will result in an error:
+ >>> download = Download(cache=None, offline=True)
+ >>> download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ UserError: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/foo.txt' in offline mode.
+ As an exception to this rule, file system paths and URLs in the ``file``
+ scheme will still work:
+ >>> cat(download(join(server_data, 'foo.txt'))[0])
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> cat(download('file:' + join(server_data, 'foo.txt'))[0])
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> remove(path)
+ Downloading using the download cache
+ ------------------------------------
+ In order to make use of the download cache, we need to configure the download
+ utility differently. To do this, we pass a directory path as the ``cache``
+ attribute upon instantiation:
+ >>> cache = tmpdir('download-cache')
+ >>> download = Download(cache=cache)
+ >>> print download.cache_dir
+ /download-cache/
+ Simple usage
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ When using the cache, a file will be stored in the cache directory when it is
+ first downloaded. The file system path returned by the download utility points
+ to the cached copy:
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> print path
+ /download-cache/foo.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> is_temp
+ False
+ Whenever the file is downloaded again, the cached copy is used. Let's change
+ the file on the server to see this:
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'The wrong text.')
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> print path
+ /download-cache/foo.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ If we specify an MD5 checksum for a file that is already in the cache, the
+ cached copy's checksum will be verified:
+ >>> download(server_url+'foo.txt', md5('The wrong text.').hexdigest())
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ChecksumError: MD5 checksum mismatch for cached download
+ from 'http://localhost/foo.txt' at '/download-cache/foo.txt'
+ Trying to access another file at a different URL which has the same base name
+ will result in the cached copy being used:
+ >>> mkdir(server_data, 'other')
+ >>> write(server_data, 'other', 'foo.txt', 'The wrong text.')
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'other/foo.txt')
+ >>> print path
+ /download-cache/foo.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ Given a target path for the download, the utility will provide a copy of the
+ file at that location both when first downloading the file and when using a
+ cached copy:
+ >>> remove(cache, 'foo.txt')
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'This is a foo text.')
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt',
+ ... path=join(target_dir, 'downloaded.txt'))
+ >>> print path
+ /download-target/downloaded.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> is_temp
+ False
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - foo.txt
+ >>> remove(path)
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'The wrong text.')
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt',
+ ... path=join(target_dir, 'downloaded.txt'))
+ >>> print path
+ /download-target/downloaded.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> is_temp
+ False
+ In offline mode, downloads from any URL will be successful if the file is
+ found in the cache:
+ >>> download = Download(cache=cache, offline=True)
+ >>> cat(download(server_url+'foo.txt')[0])
+ This is a foo text.
+ Local resources will be cached just like any others since download caches are
+ sometimes used to create source distributions:
+ >>> remove(cache, 'foo.txt')
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'This is a foo text.')
+ >>> download = Download(cache=cache)
+ >>> cat(download('file:' + join(server_data, 'foo.txt'), path=path)[0])
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - foo.txt
+ >>> remove(cache, 'foo.txt')
+ >>> cat(download(join(server_data, 'foo.txt'), path=path)[0])
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - foo.txt
+ >>> remove(cache, 'foo.txt')
+ However, resources with checksum mismatches will not be copied to the cache:
+ >>> download(server_url+'foo.txt', md5('The wrong text.').hexdigest())
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ChecksumError: MD5 checksum mismatch downloading 'http://localhost/foo.txt'
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ >>> remove(path)
+ Finally, let's see what happens if the download cache to be used doesn't exist
+ as a directory in the file system yet:
+ >>> Download(cache=join(cache, 'non-existent'))(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ UserError: The directory:
+ '/download-cache/non-existent'
+ to be used as a download cache doesn't exist.
+ Using namespace sub-directories of the download cache
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ It is common to store cached copies of downloaded files within sub-directories
+ of the download cache to keep some degree of order. For example, zc.buildout
+ stores downloaded distributions in a sub-directory named "dist". Those
+ sub-directories are also known as namespaces. So far, we haven't specified any
+ namespaces to use, so the download utility stored files directly inside the
+ download cache. Let's use a namespace "test" instead:
+ >>> download = Download(cache=cache, namespace='test')
+ >>> print download.cache_dir
+ /download-cache/test
+ The namespace sub-directory hasn't been created yet:
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ Downloading a file now creates the namespace sub-directory and places a copy
+ of the file inside it:
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> print path
+ /download-cache/test/foo.txt
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ d test
+ >>> ls(cache, 'test')
+ - foo.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> is_temp
+ False
+ The next time we want to download that file, the copy from inside the cache
+ namespace is used. To see this clearly, we put a file with the same name but
+ different content both on the server and in the cache's root directory:
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'The wrong text.')
+ >>> write(cache, 'foo.txt', 'The wrong text.')
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> print path
+ /download-cache/test/foo.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> rmdir(cache, 'test')
+ >>> remove(cache, 'foo.txt')
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'This is a foo text.')
+ Using a hash of the URL as the filename in the cache
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ So far, the base name of the downloaded file read from the URL has been used
+ for the name of the cached copy of the file. This may not be desirable in some
+ cases, for example when downloading files from different locations that have
+ the same base name due to some naming convention, or if the file content
+ depends on URL parameters. In such cases, an MD5 hash of the complete URL may
+ be used as the filename in the cache:
+ >>> download = Download(cache=cache, hash_name=True)
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> print path
+ /download-cache/09f5793fcdc1716727f72d49519c688d
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - 09f5793fcdc1716727f72d49519c688d
+ The path was printed just to illustrate matters; we cannot know the real
+ checksum since we don't know which port the server happens to listen at when
+ the test is run, so we don't actually know the full URL of the file. Let's
+ check that the checksum actually belongs to the particular URL used:
+ >>> path.lower() == join(cache, md5(server_url+'foo.txt').hexdigest()).lower()
+ True
+ The cached copy is used when downloading the file again:
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'The wrong text.')
+ >>> (path, is_temp) == download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ True
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - 09f5793fcdc1716727f72d49519c688d
+ If we change the URL, even in such a way that it keeps the base name of the
+ file the same, the file will be downloaded again this time and put in the
+ cache under a different name:
+ >>> path2, is_temp = download(server_url+'other/foo.txt')
+ >>> print path2
+ /download-cache/537b6d73267f8f4447586989af8c470e
+ >>> path == path2
+ False
+ >>> path2.lower() == join(cache, md5(server_url+'other/foo.txt').hexdigest()).lower()
+ True
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> cat(path2)
+ The wrong text.
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - 09f5793fcdc1716727f72d49519c688d
+ - 537b6d73267f8f4447586989af8c470e
+ >>> remove(path)
+ >>> remove(path2)
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'This is a foo text.')
+ Using the cache purely as a fall-back
+ -------------------------------------
+ Sometimes it is desirable to try downloading a file from the net if at all
+ possible, and use the cache purely as a fall-back option when a server is
+ down or if we are in offline mode. This mode is only in effect if a download
+ cache is configured in the first place:
+ >>> download = Download(cache=cache, fallback=True)
+ >>> print download.cache_dir
+ /download-cache/
+ A downloaded file will be cached:
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - foo.txt
+ >>> cat(cache, 'foo.txt')
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> is_temp
+ False
+ If the file cannot be served, the cached copy will be used:
+ >>> remove(server_data, 'foo.txt')
+ >>> try: Download()(server_url+'foo.txt') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ... except: print 'download error'
+ ... else: print 'woops'
+ download error
+ >>> path, is_temp = download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> is_temp
+ False
+ Similarly, if the file is served but we're in offline mode, we'll fall back to
+ using the cache:
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'The wrong text.')
+ >>> get(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ 'The wrong text.'
+ >>> offline_download = Download(cache=cache, offline=True, fallback=True)
+ >>> path, is_temp = offline_download(server_url+'foo.txt')
+ >>> print path
+ /download-cache/foo.txt
+ >>> cat(path)
+ This is a foo text.
+ >>> is_temp
+ False
+ However, when downloading the file normally with the cache being used in
+ fall-back mode, the file will be downloaded from the net and the cached copy
+ will be replaced with the new content:
+ >>> cat(download(server_url+'foo.txt')[0])
+ The wrong text.
+ >>> cat(cache, 'foo.txt')
+ The wrong text.
+ When trying to download a resource whose checksum does not match, the cached
+ copy will neither be used nor overwritten:
+ >>> write(server_data, 'foo.txt', 'This is a foo text.')
+ >>> download(server_url+'foo.txt', md5('The wrong text.').hexdigest())
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ChecksumError: MD5 checksum mismatch downloading 'http://localhost/foo.txt'
+ >>> cat(cache, 'foo.txt')
+ The wrong text.
+ Configuring the download utility from buildout options
+ ------------------------------------------------------
+ The configuration options explained so far derive from the build logic
+ implemented by the calling code. Other options configure the download utility
+ for use in a particular project or buildout run; they are read from the
+ ``buildout`` configuration section. The latter can be passed directly as the
+ first argument to the download utility's constructor.
+ The location of the download cache is specified by the ``download-cache``
+ option:
+ >>> download = Download({'download-cache': cache}, namespace='cmmi')
+ >>> print download.cache_dir
+ /download-cache/cmmi
+ If the ``download-cache`` option specifies a relative path, it is understood
+ relative to the current working directory, or to the buildout directory if
+ that is given:
+ >>> download = Download({'download-cache': 'relative-cache'})
+ >>> print download.cache_dir
+ /sample-buildout/relative-cache/
+ >>> download = Download({'directory': join(sample_buildout, 'root'),
+ ... 'download-cache': 'relative-cache'})
+ >>> print download.cache_dir
+ /sample-buildout/root/relative-cache/
+ Keyword parameters take precedence over the corresponding options:
+ >>> download = Download({'download-cache': cache}, cache=None)
+ >>> print download.cache_dir
+ None
+ Whether to assume offline mode can be inferred from either the ``offline`` or
+ the ``install-from-cache`` option. As usual with zc.buildout, these options
+ must assume one of the values 'true' and 'false':
+ >>> download = Download({'offline': 'true'})
+ >>> download.offline
+ True
+ >>> download = Download({'offline': 'false'})
+ >>> download.offline
+ False
+ >>> download = Download({'install-from-cache': 'true'})
+ >>> download.offline
+ True
+ >>> download = Download({'install-from-cache': 'false'})
+ >>> download.offline
+ False
+ These two options are combined using logical 'or':
+ >>> download = Download({'offline': 'true', 'install-from-cache': 'false'})
+ >>> download.offline
+ True
+ >>> download = Download({'offline': 'false', 'install-from-cache': 'true'})
+ >>> download.offline
+ True
+ The ``offline`` keyword parameter takes precedence over both the ``offline``
+ and ``install-from-cache`` options:
+ >>> download = Download({'offline': 'true'}, offline=False)
+ >>> download.offline
+ False
+ >>> download = Download({'install-from-cache': 'false'}, offline=True)
+ >>> download.offline
+ True
+ Regressions
+ -----------
+ MD5 checksum calculation needs to be reliable on all supported systems, which
+ requires text files to be treated as binary to avoid implicit line-ending
+ conversions:
+ >>> text = 'First line of text.\r\nSecond line.\r\n'
+ >>> f = open(join(server_data, 'foo.txt'), 'wb')
+ >>> f.write(text)
+ >>> f.close()
+ >>> path, is_temp = Download()(server_url+'foo.txt', md5(text).hexdigest())
+ >>> remove(path)
+ Clean up
+ --------
+ We should have cleaned up all temporary files created by downloading things:
+ >>> ls(tempfile.tempdir)
+ Reset the global temporary directory:
+ >>> tempfile.tempdir = old_tempdir
+ Using a download cache
+ ======================
+ Normally, when distributions are installed, if any processing is
+ needed, they are downloaded from the internet to a temporary directory
+ and then installed from there. A download cache can be used to avoid
+ the download step. This can be useful to reduce network access and to
+ create source distributions of an entire buildout.
+ The buildout download-cache option can be used to specify a directory
+ to be used as a download cache.
+ In this example, we'll create a directory to hold the cache:
+ >>> cache = tmpdir('cache')
+ And set up a buildout that downloads some eggs:
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = eggs
+ ... download-cache = %(cache)s
+ ... find-links = %(link_server)s
+ ...
+ ... [eggs]
+ ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+ ... eggs = demo ==0.2
+ ... ''' % globals())
+ We specified a link server that has some distributions available for
+ download:
+ >>> print get(link_server),
+ <html><body>
+ <a href="bigdemo-0.1-py2.4.egg">bigdemo-0.1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.1-py2.4.egg">demo-0.1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.2-py2.4.egg">demo-0.2-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.3-py2.4.egg">demo-0.3-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg">demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href="index/">index/</a><br>
+ <a href="other-1.0-py2.4.egg">other-1.0-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ </body></html>
+ We'll enable logging on the link server so we can see what's going on:
+ >>> get(link_server+'enable_server_logging')
+ GET 200 /enable_server_logging
+ ''
+ We also specified a download cache.
+ If we run the buildout, we'll see the eggs installed from the link
+ server as usual:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ GET 200 /
+ GET 200 /demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ GET 200 /
+ Installing eggs.
+ Getting distribution for 'demo==0.2'.
+ Got demo 0.2.
+ Getting distribution for 'demoneeded'.
+ Got demoneeded 1.2c1.
+ Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'.
+ We'll also get the download cache populated. The buildout doesn't put
+ files in the cache directly. It creates an intermediate directory,
+ dist:
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ d dist
+ >>> ls(cache, 'dist')
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ -
+ If we remove the installed eggs from eggs directory and re-run the buildout:
+ >>> import os
+ >>> for f in os.listdir('eggs'):
+ ... if f.startswith('demo'):
+ ... remove('eggs', f)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ GET 200 /
+ Updating eggs.
+ Getting distribution for 'demo==0.2'.
+ Got demo 0.2.
+ Getting distribution for 'demoneeded'.
+ Got demoneeded 1.2c1.
+ We see that the distributions aren't downloaded, because they're
+ downloaded from the cache.
+ Installing solely from a download cache
+ ---------------------------------------
+ A download cache can be used as the basis of application source
+ releases. In an application source release, we want to distribute an
+ application that can be built without making any network accesses. In
+ this case, we distribute a buildout with download cache and tell the
+ buildout to install from the download cache only, without making
+ network accesses. The buildout install-from-cache option can be used
+ to signal that packages should be installed only from the download
+ cache.
+ Let's remove our installed eggs and run the buildout with the
+ install-from-cache option set to true:
+ >>> for f in os.listdir('eggs'):
+ ... if f.startswith('demo'):
+ ... remove('eggs', f)
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+ ... '''
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts = eggs
+ ... download-cache = %(cache)s
+ ... install-from-cache = true
+ ... find-links = %(link_server)s
+ ...
+ ... [eggs]
+ ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+ ... eggs = demo
+ ... ''' % globals())
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Uninstalling eggs.
+ Installing eggs.
+ Getting distribution for 'demo'.
+ Got demo 0.2.
+ Getting distribution for 'demoneeded'.
+ Got demoneeded 1.2c1.
+ Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'.
+ Caching extended configuration
+ ==============================
+ As mentioned in the general buildout documentation, configuration files can
+ extend each other, including the ability to download configuration being
+ extended from a URL. If desired, zc.buildout caches downloaded configuration
+ in order to be able to use it when run offline.
+ As we're going to talk about downloading things, let's start an HTTP server.
+ Also, all of the following will take place inside the sample buildout.
+ >>> server_data = tmpdir('server_data')
+ >>> server_url = start_server(server_data)
+ >>> cd(sample_buildout)
+ We also use a fresh directory for temporary files in order to make sure that
+ all temporary files have been cleaned up in the end:
+ >>> import tempfile
+ >>> old_tempdir = tempfile.tempdir
+ >>> tempfile.tempdir = tmpdir('tmp')
+ Basic use of the extends cache
+ ------------------------------
+ We put some base configuration on a server and reference it from a sample
+ buildout:
+ >>> write(server_data, 'base.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts =
+ ... foo = bar
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase.cfg
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ When trying to run this buildout offline, we'll find that we cannot read all
+ of the required configuration:
+ >>> print system(buildout + ' -o')
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base.cfg' in offline mode.
+ Trying the same online, we can:
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+ As long as we haven't said anything about caching downloaded configuration,
+ nothing gets cached. Offline mode will still cause the buildout to fail:
+ >>> print system(buildout + ' -o')
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base.cfg' in offline mode.
+ Let's now specify a cache for base configuration files. This cache is
+ different from the download cache used by recipes for caching distributions
+ and other files; one might, however, use a namespace subdirectory of the
+ download cache for it. The configuration cache we specify will be created when
+ running buildout and the base.cfg file will be put in it (with the file name
+ being a hash of the complete URL):
+ >>> mkdir('cache')
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase.cfg
+ ... extends-cache = cache
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+ >>> cache = join(sample_buildout, 'cache')
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - 5aedc98d7e769290a29d654a591a3a45
+ >>> import os
+ >>> cat(cache, os.listdir(cache)[0])
+ [buildout]
+ parts =
+ foo = bar
+ We can now run buildout offline as it will read base.cfg from the cache:
+ >>> print system(buildout + ' -o')
+ Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+ The cache is being used purely as a fall-back in case we are offline or don't
+ have access to a configuration file to be downloaded. As long as we are
+ online, buildout attempts to download a fresh copy of each file even if a
+ cached copy of the file exists. To see this, we put different configuration in
+ the same place on the server and run buildout in offline mode so it takes
+ base.cfg from the cache:
+ >>> write(server_data, 'base.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts =
+ ... bar = baz
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout + ' -o')
+ Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+ In online mode, buildout will download and use the modified version:
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Unused options for buildout: 'bar'.
+ Trying offline mode again, the new version will be used as it has been put in
+ the cache now:
+ >>> print system(buildout + ' -o')
+ Unused options for buildout: 'bar'.
+ Clean up:
+ >>> rmdir(cache)
+ Specifying extends cache and offline mode
+ -----------------------------------------
+ Normally, the values of buildout options such as the location of a download
+ cache or whether to use offline mode are determined by first reading the
+ user's default configuration, updating it with the project's configuration and
+ finally applying command-line options. User and project configuration are
+ assembled by reading a file such as ``~/.buildout/default.cfg``,
+ ``buildout.cfg`` or a URL given on the command line, recursively (depth-first)
+ downloading any base configuration specified by the ``buildout:extends``
+ option read from each of those config files, and finally evaluating each
+ config file to provide default values for options not yet read.
+ This works fine for all options that do not influence how configuration is
+ downloaded in the first place. The ``extends-cache`` and ``offline`` options,
+ however, are treated differently from the procedure described in order to make
+ it simple and obvious to see where a particular configuration file came from
+ under any particular circumstances.
+ - Offline and extends-cache settings are read from the two root config files
+ exclusively. Otherwise one could construct configuration files that, when
+ read, imply that they should have been read from a different source than
+ they have. Also, specifying the extends cache within a file that might have
+ to be taken from the cache before being read wouldn't make a lot of sense.
+ - Offline and extends-cache settings given by the user's defaults apply to the
+ process of assembling the project's configuration. If no extends cache has
+ been specified by the user's default configuration, the project's root
+ config file must be available, be it from disk or from the net.
+ - Offline mode turned on by the ``-o`` command line option is honoured from
+ the beginning even though command line options are applied to the
+ configuration last. If offline mode is not requested by the command line, it
+ may be switched on by either the user's or the project's config root.
+ Extends cache
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Let's see the above rules in action. We create a new home directory for our
+ user and write user and project configuration that recursively extends online
+ bases, using different caches:
+ >>> mkdir('home')
+ >>> mkdir('home', '.buildout')
+ >>> mkdir('cache')
+ >>> mkdir('user-cache')
+ >>> os.environ['HOME'] = join(sample_buildout, 'home')
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+ ... extends-cache = user-cache
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> write(server_data, 'base_default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... foo = bar
+ ... offline = false
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy.cfg
+ ... extends-cache = cache
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('fancy.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase.cfg
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> write(server_data, 'base.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... parts =
+ ... offline = false
+ ... """)
+ Buildout will now assemble its configuration from all of these 6 files,
+ defaults first. The online resources end up in the respective extends caches:
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+ >>> ls('user-cache')
+ - 10e772cf422123ef6c64ae770f555740
+ >>> cat('user-cache', os.listdir('user-cache')[0])
+ [buildout]
+ foo = bar
+ offline = false
+ >>> ls('cache')
+ - c72213127e6eb2208a3e1fc1dba771a7
+ >>> cat('cache', os.listdir('cache')[0])
+ [buildout]
+ parts =
+ offline = false
+ If, on the other hand, the extends caches are specified in files that get
+ extended themselves, they won't be used for assembling the configuration they
+ belong to (user's or project's, resp.). The extends cache specified by the
+ user's defaults does, however, apply to downloading project configuration.
+ Let's rewrite the config files, clean out the caches and re-run buildout:
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+ ... extends-cache = user-cache
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy.cfg
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('fancy.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase.cfg
+ ... extends-cache = cache
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> remove('user-cache', os.listdir('user-cache')[0])
+ >>> remove('cache', os.listdir('cache')[0])
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+ >>> ls('user-cache')
+ - 0548bad6002359532de37385bb532e26
+ >>> cat('user-cache', os.listdir('user-cache')[0])
+ [buildout]
+ parts =
+ offline = false
+ >>> ls('cache')
+ Clean up:
+ >>> rmdir('user-cache')
+ >>> rmdir('cache')
+ Offline mode and installation from cache
+ ----------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ If we run buildout in offline mode now, it will fail because it cannot get at
+ the remote configuration file needed by the user's defaults:
+ >>> print system(buildout + ' -o')
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base_default.cfg' in offline mode.
+ Let's now successively turn on offline mode by different parts of the
+ configuration and see when buildout applies this setting in each case:
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+ ... offline = true
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base_default.cfg' in offline mode.
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+ ... offline = true
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base.cfg' in offline mode.
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy.cfg
+ ... offline = true
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base.cfg' in offline mode.
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy.cfg
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('fancy.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase.cfg
+ ... offline = true
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+ The ``install-from-cache`` option is treated accordingly:
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+ ... install-from-cache = true
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base_default.cfg' in offline mode.
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+ ... install-from-cache = true
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base.cfg' in offline mode.
+ >>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy.cfg
+ ... install-from-cache = true
+ ... """)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ While:
+ Initializing.
+ Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base.cfg' in offline mode.
+ >>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = fancy.cfg
+ ... """)
+ >>> write('fancy.cfg', """\
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... extends = %sbase.cfg
+ ... install-from-cache = true
+ ... """ % server_url)
+ >>> print system(buildout)
+ While:
+ Installing.
+ Checking for upgrades.
+ An internal error occurred ...
+ ValueError: install_from_cache set to true with no download cache
+ Clean up
+ --------
+ We should have cleaned up all temporary files created by downloading things:
+ >>> ls(tempfile.tempdir)
+ Reset the global temporary directory:
+ >>> tempfile.tempdir = old_tempdir
+ Using zc.buildout to run setup scripts
+ ======================================
+ zc buildout has a convenience command for running setup scripts. Why?
+ There are two reasons. If a setup script doesn't import setuptools,
+ you can't use any setuptools-provided commands, like bdist_egg. When
+ buildout runs a setup script, it arranges to import setuptools before
+ running the script so setuptools-provided commands are available.
+ If you use a squeaky-clean Python to do your development, the setup
+ script that would import setuptools because setuptools isn't in the
+ path. Because buildout requires setuptools and knows where it has
+ installed a setuptools egg, it adds the setuptools egg to the Python
+ path before running the script. To run a setup script, use the
+ buildout setup command, passing the name of a script or a directory
+ containing a setup script and arguments to the script. Let's look at
+ an example:
+ >>> mkdir('test')
+ >>> cd('test')
+ >>> write('',
+ ... '''
+ ... from distutils.core import setup
+ ... setup(name='sample')
+ ... ''')
+ We've created a super simple (stupid) setup script. Note that it
+ doesn't import setuptools. Let's try running it to create an egg.
+ We'll use the buildout script from our sample buildout:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' setup'),
+ ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ Error: The setup command requires the path to a setup script or
+ directory containing a setup script, and its arguments.
+ Oops, we forgot to give the name of the setup script:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' setup bdist_egg'),
+ ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Running setup script ''.
+ ...
+ >>> ls('dist')
+ - sample-0.0.0-py2.5.egg
+ Note that we can specify a directory name. This is often shorter and
+ preferred by the lazy :)
+ >>> print system(buildout+' setup . bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Running setup script './'.
+ ...
+ Automatic Buildout Updates
+ ==========================
+ When a buildout is run, one of the first steps performed is to check
+ for updates to either zc.buildout or setuptools. To demonstrate this,
+ we've created some "new releases" of buildout and setuptools in a
+ new_releases folder:
+ >>> ls(new_releases)
+ d setuptools
+ - setuptools-99.99-py2.4.egg
+ d zc.buildout
+ - zc.buildout-100.0b1-pyN.N.egg
+ - zc.buildout-99.99-py2.4.egg
+ Let's update the sample buildout.cfg to look in this area:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... find-links = %(new_releases)s
+ ... index = %(new_releases)s
+ ... parts = show-versions
+ ... develop = showversions
+ ...
+ ... [show-versions]
+ ... recipe = showversions
+ ... """ % dict(new_releases=new_releases))
+ We'll also include a recipe that echos the versions of setuptools and
+ zc.buildout used:
+ >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'showversions')
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'showversions', '',
+ ... """
+ ... import pkg_resources
+ ...
+ ... class Recipe:
+ ...
+ ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+ ... pass
+ ...
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... for project in 'zc.buildout', 'setuptools':
+ ... req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(project)
+ ... print project, pkg_resources.working_set.find(req).version
+ ... return ()
+ ... update = install
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'showversions', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ...
+ ... setup(
+ ... name = "showversions",
+ ... entry_points = {'zc.buildout': ['default = showversions:Recipe']},
+ ... )
+ ... """)
+ Now if we run the buildout, the buildout will upgrade itself to the
+ new versions found in new releases:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Getting distribution for 'zc.buildout'.
+ Got zc.buildout 99.99.
+ Getting distribution for 'setuptools'.
+ Got setuptools 99.99.
+ Upgraded:
+ zc.buildout version 99.99,
+ setuptools version 99.99;
+ restarting.
+ Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/buildout'.
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/showversions'
+ Installing show-versions.
+ zc.buildout 99.99
+ setuptools 99.99
+ Notice that, even though we have a newer beta version of zc.buildout
+ available, the final "99.99" was selected. If you want to get non-final
+ versions, specify a specific version in your buildout's versions
+ section, you typically want to use the --accept-buildout-test-releases
+ option to the bootstrap script, which internally uses the
+ ``accept-buildout-test-releases = true`` discussed below.
+ Our buildout script's has been updated to use the new eggs:
+ >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'buildout', '')
+ "...
+ def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+ """Add site packages, as determined by zc.buildout.
+ See original_addsitepackages, below, for the original version."""
+ setuptools_path = '/sample-buildout/eggs/setuptools-99.99-pyN.N.egg'
+ sys.path.append(setuptools_path)
+ known_paths.add(os.path.normcase(setuptools_path))
+ import pkg_resources
+ buildout_paths = [
+ '/sample-buildout/eggs/zc.buildout-99.99-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/sample-buildout/eggs/setuptools-99.99-pyN.N.egg'
+ ]
+ for path in buildout_paths:
+ sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
+ if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
+ sys.path.append(sitedir)
+ known_paths.add(sitedircase)
+ pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry(sitedir)
+ sys.__egginsert = len(buildout_paths) # Support setuptools.
+ original_paths = [
+ ...
+ ]
+ for path in original_paths:
+ if path == setuptools_path or path not in known_paths:
+ addsitedir(path, known_paths)
+ return known_paths
+ ...
+ Now, let's recreate the sample buildout. If we specify constraints on
+ the versions of zc.buildout and setuptools (or distribute) to use,
+ running the buildout will install earlier versions of these packages:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... find-links = %(new_releases)s
+ ... index = %(new_releases)s
+ ... parts = show-versions
+ ... develop = showversions
+ ... zc.buildout-version = < 99
+ ... setuptools-version = < 99
+ ... distribute-version = < 99
+ ...
+ ... [show-versions]
+ ... recipe = showversions
+ ... """ % dict(new_releases=new_releases))
+ Now we can see that we actually "upgrade" to an earlier version.
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Upgraded:
+ zc.buildout version 1.0.0,
+ setuptools version 0.6;
+ restarting.
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/showversions'
+ Updating show-versions.
+ zc.buildout 1.0.0
+ setuptools 0.6
+ There are a number of cases, described below, in which the updates
+ don't happen.
+ We won't upgrade in offline mode:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... find-links = %(new_releases)s
+ ... index = %(new_releases)s
+ ... parts = show-versions
+ ... develop = showversions
+ ...
+ ... [show-versions]
+ ... recipe = showversions
+ ... """ % dict(new_releases=new_releases))
+ >>> print system(buildout+' -o'),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/showversions'
+ Updating show-versions.
+ zc.buildout 1.0.0
+ setuptools 0.6
+ Or in non-newest mode:
+ >>> print system(buildout+' -N'),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/showversions'
+ Updating show-versions.
+ zc.buildout 1.0.0
+ setuptools 0.6
+ We also won't upgrade if the buildout script being run isn't in the
+ buildout's bin directory. To see this we'll create a new buildout
+ directory:
+ >>> sample_buildout2 = tmpdir('sample_buildout2')
+ >>> write(sample_buildout2, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... find-links = %(new_releases)s
+ ... index = %(new_releases)s
+ ... parts =
+ ... """ % dict(new_releases=new_releases))
+ >>> cd(sample_buildout2)
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Creating directory '/sample_buildout2/bin'.
+ Creating directory '/sample_buildout2/parts'.
+ Creating directory '/sample_buildout2/eggs'.
+ Creating directory '/sample_buildout2/develop-eggs'.
+ Getting distribution for 'zc.buildout'.
+ Got zc.buildout 99.99.
+ Getting distribution for 'setuptools'.
+ Got setuptools 99.99.
+ Not upgrading because not running a local buildout command.
+ >>> ls('bin')
+ As mentioned above, the ``accept-buildout-test-releases = true`` means that
+ newer non-final versions of these dependencies are preferred. Typically
+ users are not expected to actually manipulate this value. Instead, the
+ bootstrap script creates a buildout buildout script that passes in the
+ value as a command line override. This then results in the buildout
+ script being rewritten to remember the decision.
+ We'll mimic this by passing the argument actually in the command line.
+ >>> cd(sample_buildout)
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... find-links = %(new_releases)s
+ ... index = %(new_releases)s
+ ... parts = show-versions
+ ... develop = showversions
+ ...
+ ... [show-versions]
+ ... recipe = showversions
+ ... """ % dict(new_releases=new_releases))
+ >>> print system(buildout +
+ ... ' buildout:accept-buildout-test-releases=true'),
+ ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ Getting distribution for 'zc.buildout'.
+ Got zc.buildout 100.0b1.
+ Upgraded:
+ zc.buildout version 100.0b1,
+ setuptools version 99.99;
+ restarting.
+ Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/buildout'.
+ NOTE: Accepting early releases of build system packages. Rerun bootstrap
+ without --accept-buildout-test-releases (-t) to return to default
+ behavior.
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/showversions'
+ Updating show-versions.
+ zc.buildout 100.0b1
+ setuptools 99.99
+ The buildout script shows the change.
+ >>> buildout_script = join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout')
+ >>> import sys
+ >>> if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ ... buildout_script += ''
+ >>> print open(buildout_script).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ #...
+ sys.argv.insert(1, 'buildout:accept-buildout-test-releases=true')
+ print ('NOTE: Accepting early releases of build system packages. Rerun '
+ 'bootstrap without --accept-buildout-test-releases (-t) to return to '
+ 'default behavior.')
+ ...
+ Debugging buildouts
+ ===================
+ Buildouts can be pretty complex. When things go wrong, it isn't
+ always obvious why. Errors can occur due to problems in user input or
+ due to bugs in zc.buildout or recipes. When an error occurs, Python's
+ post-mortem debugger can be used to inspect the state of the buildout
+ or recipe code where the error occurred. To enable this, use the -D
+ option to the buildout. Let's create a recipe that has a bug:
+ >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'recipes')
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... import os, zc.buildout
+ ...
+ ... class Mkdir:
+ ...
+ ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
+ ..., self.options = name, options
+ ... options['path'] = os.path.join(
+ ... buildout['buildout']['directory'],
+ ... options['path'],
+ ... )
+ ...
+ ... def install(self):
+ ... directory = self.options['directory']
+ ... os.mkdir(directory)
+ ... return directory
+ ...
+ ... def update(self):
+ ... pass
+ ... """)
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '',
+ ... """
+ ... from setuptools import setup
+ ...
+ ... setup(name = "recipes",
+ ... entry_points = {'zc.buildout': ['mkdir = mkdir:Mkdir']},
+ ... )
+ ... """)
+ And create a buildout that uses it:
+ >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+ ... """
+ ... [buildout]
+ ... develop = recipes
+ ... parts = data-dir
+ ...
+ ... [data-dir]
+ ... recipe = recipes:mkdir
+ ... path = mystuff
+ ... """)
+ If we run the buildout, we'll get an error:
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing data-dir.
+ While:
+ Installing data-dir.
+ Error: Missing option: data-dir:directory
+ If we want to debug the error, we can add the -D option. Here's we'll
+ supply some input:
+ >>> print system(buildout+" -D", """\
+ ... up
+ ... p self.options.keys()
+ ... q
+ ... """),
+ Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
+ Installing data-dir.
+ > /zc/buildout/
+ -> raise MissingOption("Missing option: %s:%s" % (, key))
+ (Pdb) > /sample-buildout/recipes/
+ -> directory = self.options['directory']
+ (Pdb) ['path', 'recipe']
+ (Pdb) While:
+ Installing data-dir.
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/zc/buildout/", line 1352, in main
+ getattr(buildout, command)(args)
+ File "/zc/buildout/", line 383, in install
+ installed_files = self[part]._call(recipe.install)
+ File "/zc/buildout/", line 961, in _call
+ return f()
+ File "/sample-buildout/recipes/", line 14, in install
+ directory = self.options['directory']
+ File "/zc/buildout/", line 925, in __getitem__
+ raise MissingOption("Missing option: %s:%s" % (, key))
+ MissingOption: Missing option: data-dir:directory
+ Starting pdb:
+ Testing Support
+ ===============
+ The zc.buildout.testing module provides an API that can be used when
+ writing recipe tests. This API is documented below. Many examples of
+ using this API can be found in the zc.buildout, zc.recipe.egg, and
+ zc.recipe.testrunner tests.
+ zc.buildout.testing.buildoutSetUp(test)
+ ---------------------------------------
+ The buildoutSetup function can be used as a doctest setup function.
+ It creates a sample buildout that can be used by tests, changing the
+ current working directory to the sample_buildout. It also adds a
+ number of names to the test namespace:
+ ``sample_buildout``
+ This is the name of a buildout with a basic configuration.
+ ``buildout``
+ This is the path of the buildout script in the sample buildout.
+ ``ls(*path)``
+ List the contents of a directory. The directory path is provided as one or
+ more strings, to be joined with os.path.join.
+ ``cat(*path)``
+ Display the contents of a file. The file path is provided as one or
+ more strings, to be joined with os.path.join.
+ On Windows, if the file doesn't exist, the function will try
+ adding a '' suffix. This helps to work around a
+ difference in script generation on windows.
+ ``mkdir(*path)``
+ Create a directory. The directory path is provided as one or
+ more strings, to be joined with os.path.join.
+ ``rmdir(*path)``
+ Remove a directory. The directory path is provided as one or
+ more strings, to be joined with os.path.join.
+ ``remove(*path)``
+ Remove a directory or file. The path is provided as one or
+ more strings, to be joined with os.path.join.
+ ``tmpdir(name)``
+ Create a temporary directory with the given name. The directory
+ will be automatically removed at the end of the test. The path of
+ the created directory is returned.
+ Further, if the the normalize_path normlaizing substitution (see
+ below) is used, then any paths starting with this path will be
+ normalized to::
+ /name/restofpath
+ No two temporary directories can be created with the same name. A
+ directory created with tmpdir can be removed with rmdir and recreated.
+ Note that the sample_buildout directory is created by calling this
+ function.
+ ``write(*path_and_contents)``
+ Create a file. The file path is provided as one or more strings,
+ to be joined with os.path.join. The last argument is the file contents.
+ ``system(command, input='')``
+ Execute a system command with the given input passed to the
+ command's standard input. The output (error and regular output)
+ from the command is returned.
+ ``get(url)``
+ Get a web page.
+ ``cd(*path)``
+ Change to the given directory. The directory path is provided as one or
+ more strings, to be joined with os.path.join.
+ The directory will be reset at the end of the test.
+ ``join(*path)``
+ A convenient reference to os.path.join.
+ ``register_teardown(func)``
+ Register a tear-down function. The function will be called with
+ no arguments at the end of the test.
+ ``start_server(path)``
+ Start a web server on the given path. The server will be shut
+ down at the end of the test. The server URL is returned.
+ You can cause the server to start and stop logging it's output
+ using:
+ >>> get(server_url+'enable_server_logging')
+ and:
+ >>> get(server_url+'disable_server_logging')
+ This can be useful to see how buildout is interacting with a
+ server.
+ ``sdist(setup, dest)``
+ Create a source distribution by running the given setup file and
+ placing the result in the given destination directory. If the
+ setup argument is a directory, the thge file in that
+ directory is used.
+ ``bdist_egg(setup, executable, dest)``
+ Create an egg by running the given setup file with the given
+ Python executable and placing the result in the given destination
+ directory. If the setup argument is a directory, then the
+ file in that directory is used.
+ ``find_python(version)``
+ Find a Python executable for the given version, where version is a
+ string like "2.4".
+ This function uses the following strategy to find a Python of the
+ given version:
+ - Look for an environment variable of the form PYTHON%(version)s.
+ - On windows, look for \Pythonm%(version)s\python
+ - on Unix, try running python%(version)s or just python to get the
+ executable
+ ``zc.buildout.testing.buildoutTearDown(test)``
+ ----------------------------------------------
+ Tear down everything set up by zc.buildout.testing.buildoutSetUp. Any
+ functions passed to register_teardown are called as well.
+ ``install(project, destination)``
+ ---------------------------------
+ Install eggs for a given project into a destination. If the
+ destination is a test object, then the eggs directory of the
+ sample buildout (sample_buildout) defined by the test will be used.
+ Tests will use this to install the distributions for the packages
+ being tested (and their dependencies) into a sample buildout. The egg
+ to be used should already be loaded, by importing one of the modules
+ provided, before calling this function.
+ ``install_develop(project, destination)``
+ -----------------------------------------
+ Like install, but a develop egg is installed even if the current egg
+ if not a develop egg.
+ ``Output normalization``
+ ------------------------
+ Recipe tests often generate output that is dependent on temporary file
+ locations, operating system conventions or Python versions. To deal
+ with these dependencies, we often use
+ zope.testing.renormalizing.RENormalizing to normalize test output.
+ zope.testing.renormalizing.RENormalizing takes pairs of regular
+ expressions and substitutions. The zc.buildout.testing module provides
+ a few helpful variables that define regular-expression/substitution
+ pairs that you can pass to zope.testing.renormalizing.RENormalizing.
+ ``normalize_path``
+ Converts tests paths, based on directories created with tmpdir(),
+ to simple paths.
+ ``normalize_script``
+ On Unix-like systems, scripts are implemented in single files
+ without suffixes. On windows, scripts are implemented with 2
+ files, a file and a .exe file. This normalization
+ converts directory listings of Windows scripts to the form
+ generated on UNix-like systems.
+ ``normalize_egg_py``
+ Normalize Python version and platform indicators, if specified, in
+ egg names.
+ Python API for egg and script installation
+ ==========================================
+ The easy_install module provides some functions to provide support for
+ egg and script installation. It provides functionality at the python
+ level that is similar to easy_install, with a few exceptions:
+ - By default, we look for new packages *and* the packages that
+ they depend on. This is somewhat like (and uses) the --upgrade
+ option of easy_install, except that we also upgrade required
+ packages.
+ - If the highest-revision package satisfying a specification is
+ already present, then we don't try to get another one. This saves a
+ lot of search time in the common case that packages are pegged to
+ specific versions.
+ - If there is a develop egg that satisfies a requirement, we don't
+ look for additional distributions. We always give preference to
+ develop eggs.
+ - Distutils options for building extensions can be passed.
+ Distribution installation
+ -------------------------
+ The easy_install module provides a function, install, for installing one
+ or more packages and their dependencies. The install function takes 2
+ positional arguments:
+ - An iterable of setuptools requirement strings for the distributions
+ to be installed, and
+ - A destination directory to install to and to satisfy requirements
+ from. The destination directory can be None, in which case, no new
+ distributions are downloaded and there will be an error if the
+ needed distributions can't be found among those already installed.
+ It supports a number of optional keyword arguments:
+ links
+ A sequence of URLs, file names, or directories to look for
+ links to distributions.
+ index
+ The URL of an index server, or almost any other valid URL. :)
+ If not specified, the Python Package Index,
+, is used. You can specify an
+ alternate index with this option. If you use the links option and
+ if the links point to the needed distributions, then the index can
+ be anything and will be largely ignored. In the examples, here,
+ we'll just point to an empty directory on our link server. This
+ will make our examples run a little bit faster.
+ executable
+ A path to a Python executable. Distributions will be installed
+ using this executable and will be for the matching Python version.
+ path
+ A list of additional directories to search for locally-installed
+ distributions.
+ always_unzip
+ A flag indicating that newly-downloaded distributions should be
+ directories even if they could be installed as zip files.
+ working_set
+ An existing working set to be augmented with additional
+ distributions, if necessary to satisfy requirements. This allows
+ you to call install multiple times, if necessary, to gather
+ multiple sets of requirements.
+ newest
+ A boolean value indicating whether to search for new distributions
+ when already-installed distributions meet the requirement. When
+ this is true, the default, and when the destination directory is
+ not None, then the install function will search for the newest
+ distributions that satisfy the requirements.
+ versions
+ A dictionary mapping project names to version numbers to be used
+ when selecting distributions. This can be used to specify a set of
+ distribution versions independent of other requirements.
+ use_dependency_links
+ A flag indicating whether to search for dependencies using the
+ setup dependency_links metadata or not. If true, links are searched
+ for using dependency_links in preference to other
+ locations. Defaults to true.
+ include_site_packages
+ A flag indicating whether Python's non-standard-library packages should
+ be available for finding dependencies. Defaults to true.
+ Paths outside of Python's standard library--or more precisely, those that
+ are not included when Python is started with the -S argument--are loosely
+ referred to as "site-packages" here.
+ relative_paths
+ Adjust egg paths so they are relative to the script path. This
+ allows scripts to work when scripts and eggs are moved, as long as
+ they are both moved in the same way.
+ The install method returns a working set containing the distributions
+ needed to meet the given requirements.
+ We have a link server that has a number of eggs:
+ >>> print get(link_server),
+ <html><body>
+ <a href="bigdemo-0.1-py2.4.egg">bigdemo-0.1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.1-py2.4.egg">demo-0.1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.2-py2.4.egg">demo-0.2-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.3-py2.4.egg">demo-0.3-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg">demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href="index/">index/</a><br>
+ <a href="other-1.0-py2.4.egg">other-1.0-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ </body></html>
+ Let's make a directory and install the demo egg to it, using the demo:
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ >>> import zc.buildout.easy_install
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo==0.2'], dest,
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ We requested version 0.2 of the demo distribution to be installed into
+ the destination server. We specified that we should search for links
+ on the link server and that we should use the (empty) link server
+ index directory as a package index.
+ The working set contains the distributions we retrieved.
+ >>> for dist in ws:
+ ... print dist
+ demo 0.2
+ demoneeded 1.1
+ We got demoneeded because it was a dependency of demo.
+ And the actual eggs were added to the eggs directory.
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ If we remove the version restriction on demo, but specify a false
+ value for newest, no new distributions will be installed:
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... newest=False)
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ If we leave off the newest option, we'll get an update for demo:
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ - demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ Note that we didn't get the newest versions available. There were
+ release candidates for newer versions of both packages. By default,
+ final releases are preferred. We can change this behavior using the
+ prefer_final function:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.prefer_final(False)
+ True
+ The old setting is returned.
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> for dist in ws:
+ ... print dist
+ demo 0.4c1
+ demoneeded 1.2c1
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ - demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ - demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.2c1-py2.4.egg
+ Let's put the setting back to the default.
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.prefer_final(True)
+ False
+ We can supply additional distributions. We can also supply
+ specifications for distributions that would normally be found via
+ dependencies. We might do this to specify a specific version.
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo', 'other', 'demoneeded==1.0'], dest,
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> for dist in ws:
+ ... print dist
+ demo 0.3
+ other 1.0
+ demoneeded 1.0
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ - demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ - demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.0-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.2c1-py2.4.egg
+ d other-1.0-py2.4.egg
+ We can request that eggs be unzipped even if they are zip safe. This
+ can be useful when debugging. (Note that Distribute will unzip eggs by
+ default, so if you are using Distribute, most or all eggs will already be
+ unzipped without this flag.)
+ >>> rmdir(dest)
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... always_unzip=True)
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ d demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ >>> rmdir(dest)
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... always_unzip=False)
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ We can also set a default by calling the always_unzip function:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.always_unzip(True)
+ False
+ The old default is returned:
+ >>> rmdir(dest)
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ d demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.always_unzip(False)
+ True
+ >>> rmdir(dest)
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ >>> rmdir(dest)
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... always_unzip=True)
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ d demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ Specifying version information independent of requirements
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ Sometimes it's useful to specify version information independent of
+ normal requirements specifications. For example, a buildout may need
+ to lock down a set of versions, without having to put put version
+ numbers in setup files or part definitions. If a dictionary is passed
+ to the install function, mapping project names to version numbers,
+ then the versions numbers will be used.
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... versions = dict(demo='0.2', demoneeded='1.0'))
+ >>> [d.version for d in ws]
+ ['0.2', '1.0']
+ In this example, we specified a version for demoneeded, even though we
+ didn't define a requirement for it. The versions specified apply to
+ dependencies as well as the specified requirements.
+ If we specify a version that's incompatible with a requirement, then
+ we'll get an error:
+ >>> from zope.testing.loggingsupport import InstalledHandler
+ >>> handler = InstalledHandler('zc.buildout.easy_install')
+ >>> import logging
+ >>> logging.getLogger('zc.buildout.easy_install').propagate = False
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo >0.2'], dest, links=[link_server],
+ ... index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... versions = dict(demo='0.2', demoneeded='1.0'))
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ IncompatibleVersionError: Bad version 0.2
+ >>> print handler
+ zc.buildout.easy_install DEBUG
+ Installing 'demo >0.2'.
+ zc.buildout.easy_install ERROR
+ The version, 0.2, is not consistent with the requirement, 'demo>0.2'.
+ >>> handler.clear()
+ If no versions are specified, a debugging message will be output
+ reporting that a version was picked automatically:
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... )
+ >>> print handler
+ zc.buildout.easy_install DEBUG
+ Installing 'demo'.
+ zc.buildout.easy_install DEBUG
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'demo'.
+ zc.buildout.easy_install DEBUG
+ Picked: demo = 0.3
+ zc.buildout.easy_install DEBUG
+ Getting required 'demoneeded'
+ zc.buildout.easy_install DEBUG
+ required by demo 0.3.
+ zc.buildout.easy_install DEBUG
+ We have the best distribution that satisfies 'demoneeded'.
+ zc.buildout.easy_install DEBUG
+ Picked: demoneeded = 1.1
+ >>> handler.uninstall()
+ >>> logging.getLogger('zc.buildout.easy_install').propagate = True
+ We can request that we get an error if versions are picked:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.allow_picked_versions(False)
+ True
+ (The old setting is returned.)
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... )
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ UserError: Picked: demo = 0.3
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.allow_picked_versions(True)
+ False
+ The function default_versions can be used to get and set default
+ version information to be used when no version information is passes.
+ If called with an argument, it sets the default versions:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.default_versions(dict(demoneeded='1'))
+ {}
+ It always returns the previous default versions. If called without an
+ argument, it simply returns the default versions without changing
+ them:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.default_versions()
+ {'demoneeded': '1'}
+ So with the default versions set, we'll get the requested version even
+ if the versions option isn't used:
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... )
+ >>> [d.version for d in ws]
+ ['0.3', '1.0']
+ Of course, we can unset the default versions by passing an empty
+ dictionary:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.default_versions({})
+ {'demoneeded': '1'}
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest, links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... )
+ >>> [d.version for d in ws]
+ ['0.3', '1.1']
+ Dependencies in Site Packages
+ -----------------------------
+ Paths outside of Python's standard library--or more precisely, those that are
+ not included when Python is started with the -S argument--are loosely referred
+ to as "site-packages" here. These site-packages are searched by default for
+ distributions. This can be disabled, so that, for instance, a system Python
+ can be used with buildout, cleaned of any packages installed by a user or
+ system package manager.
+ The default behavior can be controlled and introspected using
+ zc.buildout.easy_install.include_site_packages.
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.include_site_packages()
+ True
+ Here's an example of using a Python executable that includes our dependencies.
+ Our "py_path" will have the "demoneeded," and "demo" packages available.
+ We'll simply be asking for "demoneeded" here, but without any external
+ index or links.
+ >>> from zc.buildout.tests import create_sample_sys_install
+ >>> py_path, site_packages_path = make_py()
+ >>> create_sample_sys_install(site_packages_path)
+ >>> example_dest = tmpdir('site-packages-example-install')
+ >>> workingset = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demoneeded'], example_dest, links=[], executable=py_path,
+ ... index=None)
+ >>> [dist.project_name for dist in workingset]
+ ['demoneeded']
+ That worked fine. Let's try again with site packages not allowed. We'll
+ change the policy by changing the default. Notice that the function for
+ changing the default value returns the previous value.
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.include_site_packages(False)
+ True
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.include_site_packages()
+ False
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.clear_index_cache()
+ >>> rmdir(example_dest)
+ >>> example_dest = tmpdir('site-packages-example-install')
+ >>> workingset = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demoneeded'], example_dest, links=[], executable=py_path,
+ ... index=None)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ MissingDistribution: Couldn't find a distribution for 'demoneeded'.
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.clear_index_cache()
+ Now we'll reset the default.
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.include_site_packages(True)
+ False
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.include_site_packages()
+ True
+ Dependency links
+ ----------------
+ Setuptools allows metadata that describes where to search for package
+ dependencies. This option is called dependency_links. Buildout has its
+ own notion of where to look for dependencies, but it also uses the
+ setup tools dependency_links information if it's available.
+ Let's demo this by creating an egg that specifies dependency_links.
+ To begin, let's create a new egg repository. This repository hold a
+ newer version of the 'demoneeded' egg than the sample repository does.
+ >>> repoloc = tmpdir('repo')
+ >>> from zc.buildout.tests import create_egg
+ >>> create_egg('demoneeded', '1.2', repoloc)
+ >>> link_server2 = start_server(repoloc)
+ Turn on logging on this server so that we can see when eggs are pulled
+ from it.
+ >>> get(link_server2 + 'enable_server_logging')
+ GET 200 /enable_server_logging
+ ''
+ Now we can create an egg that specifies that its dependencies are
+ found on this server.
+ >>> repoloc = tmpdir('repo2')
+ >>> create_egg('hasdeps', '1.0', repoloc,
+ ... install_requires = "'demoneeded'",
+ ... dependency_links = [link_server2])
+ Let's add the egg to another repository.
+ >>> link_server3 = start_server(repoloc)
+ Now let's install the egg.
+ >>> example_dest = tmpdir('example-install')
+ >>> workingset = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['hasdeps'], example_dest,
+ ... links=[link_server3], index=link_server3+'index/')
+ GET 200 /
+ GET 200 /demoneeded-1.2-pyN.N.egg
+ The server logs show that the dependency was retrieved from the server
+ specified in the dependency_links.
+ Now let's see what happens if we provide two different ways to retrieve
+ the dependencies.
+ >>> rmdir(example_dest)
+ >>> example_dest = tmpdir('example-install')
+ >>> workingset = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['hasdeps'], example_dest, index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... links=[link_server, link_server3])
+ GET 200 /
+ GET 200 /demoneeded-1.2-pyN.N.egg
+ Once again the dependency is fetched from the logging server even
+ though it is also available from the non-logging server. This is
+ because the version on the logging server is newer and buildout
+ normally chooses the newest egg available.
+ If you wish to control where dependencies come from regardless of
+ dependency_links setup metadata use the 'use_dependency_links' option
+ to zc.buildout.easy_install.install().
+ >>> rmdir(example_dest)
+ >>> example_dest = tmpdir('example-install')
+ >>> workingset = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['hasdeps'], example_dest, index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... links=[link_server, link_server3],
+ ... use_dependency_links=False)
+ Notice that this time the dependency egg is not fetched from the
+ logging server. When you specify not to use dependency_links, eggs
+ will only be searched for using the links you explicitly provide.
+ Another way to control this option is with the
+ zc.buildout.easy_install.use_dependency_links() function. This
+ function sets the default behavior for the zc.buildout.easy_install()
+ function.
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.use_dependency_links(False)
+ True
+ The function returns its previous setting.
+ >>> rmdir(example_dest)
+ >>> example_dest = tmpdir('example-install')
+ >>> workingset = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['hasdeps'], example_dest, index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... links=[link_server, link_server3])
+ It can be overridden by passing a keyword argument to the install
+ function.
+ >>> rmdir(example_dest)
+ >>> example_dest = tmpdir('example-install')
+ >>> workingset = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['hasdeps'], example_dest, index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... links=[link_server, link_server3],
+ ... use_dependency_links=True)
+ GET 200 /demoneeded-1.2-pyN.N.egg
+ To return the dependency_links behavior to normal call the function again.
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.use_dependency_links(True)
+ False
+ >>> rmdir(example_dest)
+ >>> example_dest = tmpdir('example-install')
+ >>> workingset = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['hasdeps'], example_dest, index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... links=[link_server, link_server3])
+ GET 200 /demoneeded-1.2-pyN.N.egg
+ Script generation
+ -----------------
+ The easy_install module provides support for creating scripts from eggs.
+ It provides two competing functions. One, ``scripts``, is a
+ well-established approach to generating reliable scripts with a "clean"
+ Python--e.g., one that does not have any packages in its site-packages.
+ The other, ``sitepackage_safe_scripts``, is newer, a bit trickier, and is
+ designed to work with a Python that has code in its site-packages, such
+ as a system Python.
+ Both are similar to setuptools except that they provides facilities for
+ baking a script's path into the script. This has two advantages:
+ - The eggs to be used by a script are not chosen at run time, making
+ startup faster and, more importantly, deterministic.
+ - The script doesn't have to import pkg_resources because the logic that
+ pkg_resources would execute at run time is executed at script-creation
+ time. (There is an exception in ``sitepackage_safe_scripts`` if you
+ want to have your Python's site packages available, as discussed
+ below, but even in that case pkg_resources is only partially
+ activated, which can be a significant time savings.)
+ The ``scripts`` function
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ The ``scripts`` function is the first way to generate scripts that we'll
+ examine. It is the earlier approach that the package offered. Let's
+ create a destination directory for it to place them in:
+ >>> bin = tmpdir('bin')
+ Now, we'll use the scripts function to generate scripts in this directory
+ from the demo egg:
+ >>> import sys
+ >>> scripts = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+ ... ['demo'], ws, sys.executable, bin)
+ the four arguments we passed were:
+ 1. A sequence of distribution requirements. These are of the same
+ form as setuptools requirements. Here we passed a single
+ requirement, for the version 0.1 demo distribution.
+ 2. A working set,
+ 3. The Python executable to use, and
+ 3. The destination directory.
+ The bin directory now contains a generated script:
+ >>> ls(bin)
+ - demo
+ The return value is a list of the scripts generated:
+ >>> import os, sys
+ >>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ ... scripts == [os.path.join(bin, 'demo.exe'),
+ ... os.path.join(bin, '')]
+ ... else:
+ ... scripts == [os.path.join(bin, 'demo')]
+ True
+ Note that in Windows, 2 files are generated for each script. A script
+ file, ending in '', and an exe file that allows the script
+ to be invoked directly without having to specify the Python
+ interpreter and without having to provide a '.py' suffix.
+ The demo script run the entry point defined in the demo egg:
+ >>> cat(bin, 'demo') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ '/sample-install/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
+ '/sample-install/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
+ ]
+ import eggrecipedemo
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ eggrecipedemo.main()
+ Some things to note:
+ - The demo and demoneeded eggs are added to the beginning of sys.path.
+ - The module for the script entry point is imported and the entry
+ point, in this case, 'main', is run.
+ Rather than requirement strings, you can pass tuples containing 3
+ strings:
+ - A script name,
+ - A module,
+ - An attribute expression for an entry point within the module.
+ For example, we could have passed entry point information directly
+ rather than passing a requirement:
+ >>> scripts = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+ ... [('demo', 'eggrecipedemo', 'main')],
+ ... ws, sys.executable, bin)
+ >>> cat(bin, 'demo') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ '/sample-install/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
+ '/sample-install/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
+ ]
+ import eggrecipedemo
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ eggrecipedemo.main()
+ Passing entry-point information directly is handy when using eggs (or
+ distributions) that don't declare their entry points, such as
+ distributions that aren't based on setuptools.
+ The interpreter keyword argument can be used to generate a script that can
+ be used to invoke the Python interactive interpreter with the path set
+ based on the working set. This generated script can also be used to
+ run other scripts with the path set on the working set:
+ >>> scripts = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+ ... ['demo'], ws, sys.executable, bin, interpreter='py')
+ >>> ls(bin)
+ - demo
+ - py
+ >>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ ... scripts == [os.path.join(bin, 'demo.exe'),
+ ... os.path.join(bin, ''),
+ ... os.path.join(bin, 'py.exe'),
+ ... os.path.join(bin, '')]
+ ... else:
+ ... scripts == [os.path.join(bin, 'demo'),
+ ... os.path.join(bin, 'py')]
+ True
+ The py script simply runs the Python interactive interpreter with
+ the path set:
+ >>> cat(bin, 'py') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ '/sample-install/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/sample-install/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
+ ]
+ _interactive = True
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ _options, _args = __import__("getopt").getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ic:m:')
+ _interactive = False
+ for (_opt, _val) in _options:
+ if _opt == '-i':
+ _interactive = True
+ elif _opt == '-c':
+ exec _val
+ elif _opt == '-m':
+ sys.argv[1:] = _args
+ _args = []
+ __import__("runpy").run_module(
+ _val, {}, "__main__", alter_sys=True)
+ if _args:
+ sys.argv[:] = _args
+ __file__ = _args[0]
+ del _options, _args
+ execfile(__file__)
+ if _interactive:
+ del _interactive
+ __import__("code").interact(banner="", local=globals())
+ If invoked with a script name and arguments, it will run that script, instead.
+ >>> write('ascript', '''
+ ... "demo doc"
+ ... print sys.argv
+ ... print (__name__, __file__, __doc__)
+ ... ''')
+ >>> print system(join(bin, 'py')+' ascript a b c'),
+ ['ascript', 'a', 'b', 'c']
+ ('__main__', 'ascript', 'demo doc')
+ For Python 2.5 and higher, you can also use the -m option to run a
+ module:
+ >>> print system(join(bin, 'py')+' -m pdb'),
+ usage: scriptfile [arg] ...
+ >>> print system(join(bin, 'py')+' -m pdb what'),
+ Error: what does not exist
+ An additional argument can be passed to define which scripts to install
+ and to provide script names. The argument is a dictionary mapping
+ original script names to new script names.
+ >>> bin = tmpdir('bin2')
+ >>> scripts = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+ ... ['demo'], ws, sys.executable, bin, dict(demo='run'))
+ >>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ ... scripts == [os.path.join(bin, 'run.exe'),
+ ... os.path.join(bin, '')]
+ ... else:
+ ... scripts == [os.path.join(bin, 'run')]
+ True
+ >>> ls(bin)
+ - run
+ >>> print system(os.path.join(bin, 'run')),
+ 3 1
+ The ``scripts`` function: Including extra paths in scripts
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ We can pass a keyword argument, extra paths, to cause additional paths
+ to be included in the a generated script:
+ >>> foo = tmpdir('foo')
+ >>> scripts = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+ ... ['demo'], ws, sys.executable, bin, dict(demo='run'),
+ ... extra_paths=[foo])
+ >>> cat(bin, 'run') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ '/sample-install/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
+ '/sample-install/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
+ '/foo',
+ ]
+ import eggrecipedemo
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ eggrecipedemo.main()
+ The ``scripts`` function: Providing script arguments
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ An "argument" keyword argument can be used to pass arguments to an
+ entry point. The value passed is a source string to be placed between the
+ parentheses in the call:
+ >>> scripts = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+ ... ['demo'], ws, sys.executable, bin, dict(demo='run'),
+ ... arguments='1, 2')
+ >>> cat(bin, 'run') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ '/sample-install/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
+ '/sample-install/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
+ ]
+ import eggrecipedemo
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ eggrecipedemo.main(1, 2)
+ The ``scripts`` function: Passing initialization code
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ You can also pass script initialization code:
+ >>> scripts = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+ ... ['demo'], ws, sys.executable, bin, dict(demo='run'),
+ ... arguments='1, 2',
+ ... initialization='import os\nos.chdir("foo")')
+ >>> cat(bin, 'run') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ '/sample-install/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
+ '/sample-install/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
+ ]
+ import os
+ os.chdir("foo")
+ import eggrecipedemo
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ eggrecipedemo.main(1, 2)
+ The ``scripts`` function: Relative paths
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Sometimes, you want to be able to move a buildout directory around and
+ have scripts still work without having to rebuild them. We can
+ control this using the relative_paths option to install. You need
+ to pass a common base directory of the scripts and eggs:
+ >>> bo = tmpdir('bo')
+ >>> ba = tmpdir('ba')
+ >>> mkdir(bo, 'eggs')
+ >>> mkdir(bo, 'bin')
+ >>> mkdir(bo, 'other')
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], join(bo, 'eggs'), links=[link_server],
+ ... index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> scripts = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+ ... ['demo'], ws, sys.executable, join(bo, 'bin'), dict(demo='run'),
+ ... extra_paths=[ba, join(bo, 'bar')],
+ ... interpreter='py',
+ ... relative_paths=bo)
+ >>> cat(bo, 'bin', 'run') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+ import os
+ join = os.path.join
+ base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ base = os.path.dirname(base)
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ join(base, 'eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg'),
+ join(base, 'eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg'),
+ '/ba',
+ join(base, 'bar'),
+ ]
+ import eggrecipedemo
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ eggrecipedemo.main()
+ Note that the extra path we specified that was outside the directory
+ passed as relative_paths wasn't converted to a relative path.
+ Of course, running the script works:
+ >>> print system(join(bo, 'bin', 'run')),
+ 3 1
+ We specified an interpreter and its paths are adjusted too:
+ >>> cat(bo, 'bin', 'py') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+ import os
+ join = os.path.join
+ base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ base = os.path.dirname(base)
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ join(base, 'eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg'),
+ join(base, 'eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg'),
+ '/ba',
+ join(base, 'bar'),
+ ]
+ _interactive = True
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ _options, _args = __import__("getopt").getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ic:m:')
+ _interactive = False
+ for (_opt, _val) in _options:
+ if _opt == '-i':
+ _interactive = True
+ elif _opt == '-c':
+ exec _val
+ elif _opt == '-m':
+ sys.argv[1:] = _args
+ _args = []
+ __import__("runpy").run_module(
+ _val, {}, "__main__", alter_sys=True)
+ if _args:
+ sys.argv[:] = _args
+ __file__ = _args[0]
+ del _options, _args
+ execfile(__file__)
+ if _interactive:
+ del _interactive
+ __import__("code").interact(banner="", local=globals())
+ The ``sitepackage_safe_scripts`` function
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ The newer function for creating scripts is ``sitepackage_safe_scripts``.
+ It has the same basic functionality as the ``scripts`` function: it can
+ create scripts to run arbitrary entry points, and to run a Python
+ interpreter. The following are the differences from a user's
+ perspective.
+ - It can be used safely with a Python that has packages installed itself,
+ such as a system-installed Python.
+ - In contrast to the interpreter generated by the ``scripts`` method, which
+ supports only a small subset of the usual Python executable's options,
+ the interpreter generated by ``sitepackage_safe_scripts`` supports all
+ of them. This makes it possible to use as full Python replacement for
+ scripts that need the distributions specified in your buildout.
+ - Both the interpreter and the entry point scripts allow you to include the
+ site packages, and/or the sitecustomize, of the Python executable, if
+ desired.
+ It works by creating and files that set up the
+ desired paths and initialization. These must be placed within an otherwise
+ empty directory. Typically this is in a recipe's parts directory.
+ Here's the simplest example, building an interpreter script.
+ >>> interpreter_dir = tmpdir('interpreter')
+ >>> interpreter_parts_dir = os.path.join(
+ ... interpreter_dir, 'parts', 'interpreter')
+ >>> interpreter_bin_dir = os.path.join(interpreter_dir, 'bin')
+ >>> mkdir(interpreter_bin_dir)
+ >>> mkdir(interpreter_dir, 'eggs')
+ >>> mkdir(interpreter_dir, 'parts')
+ >>> mkdir(interpreter_parts_dir)
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], join(interpreter_dir, 'eggs'), links=[link_server],
+ ... index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... interpreter='py')
+ Depending on whether the machine being used is running Windows or not, this
+ produces either three or four files. In both cases, we have and
+ generated in the parts/interpreter directory. For Windows,
+ we have py.exe and; for other operating systems, we have py.
+ >>> sitecustomize_path = os.path.join(
+ ... interpreter_parts_dir, '')
+ >>> site_path = os.path.join(interpreter_parts_dir, '')
+ >>> interpreter_path = os.path.join(interpreter_bin_dir, 'py')
+ >>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ ... py_path = os.path.join(interpreter_bin_dir, '')
+ ... expected = [sitecustomize_path,
+ ... site_path,
+ ... os.path.join(interpreter_bin_dir, 'py.exe'),
+ ... py_path]
+ ... else:
+ ... py_path = interpreter_path
+ ... expected = [sitecustomize_path, site_path, py_path]
+ ...
+ >>> assert generated == expected, repr((generated, expected))
+ We didn't ask for any initialization, and we didn't ask to use the underlying
+ sitecustomization, so is empty.
+ >>> cat(sitecustomize_path)
+ The interpreter script is simple. It puts the directory with the
+ and on the PYTHONPATH and (re)starts Python.
+ >>> cat(py_path)
+ #!/usr/bin/python -S
+ import os
+ import sys
+ argv = [sys.executable] + sys.argv[1:]
+ environ = os.environ.copy()
+ path = '/interpreter/parts/interpreter'
+ if environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
+ path = os.pathsep.join([path, environ['PYTHONPATH']])
+ environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
+ os.execve(sys.executable, argv, environ)
+ The file is a modified version of the underlying Python's
+ The most important modification is that it has a different version of the
+ addsitepackages function. It sets up the Python path, similarly to the
+ behavior of the function it replaces. The following shows the part that
+ buildout inserts, in the simplest case.
+ >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path)
+ #...
+ def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+ """Add site packages, as determined by zc.buildout.
+ See original_addsitepackages, below, for the original version."""
+ buildout_paths = [
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg'
+ ]
+ for path in buildout_paths:
+ sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
+ if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
+ sys.path.append(sitedir)
+ known_paths.add(sitedircase)
+ return known_paths
+ def original_addsitepackages(known_paths):...
+ Here are some examples of the interpreter in use.
+ >>> print call_py(interpreter_path, "print 16+26")
+ 42
+ >>> res = call_py(interpreter_path, "import sys; print sys.path")
+ >>> print res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ ['',
+ '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+ ...,
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg']
+ >>> clean_paths = eval(res.strip()) # This is used later for comparison.
+ If you provide initialization, it goes in
+ >>> def reset_interpreter():
+ ... # This is necessary because, in our tests, the timestamps of the
+ ... # .pyc files are not outdated when we want them to be.
+ ... rmdir(interpreter_bin_dir)
+ ... mkdir(interpreter_bin_dir)
+ ... rmdir(interpreter_parts_dir)
+ ... mkdir(interpreter_parts_dir)
+ ...
+ >>> reset_interpreter()
+ >>> initialization_string = """\
+ ... import os
+ ... os.environ['FOO'] = 'bar baz bing shazam'"""
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... interpreter='py', initialization=initialization_string)
+ >>> cat(sitecustomize_path)
+ import os
+ os.environ['FOO'] = 'bar baz bing shazam'
+ >>> print call_py(interpreter_path, "import os; print os.environ['FOO']")
+ bar baz bing shazam
+ If you use relative paths, this affects the interpreter and (This is
+ again the UNIX version; the Windows version uses subprocess instead of
+ os.execve.)
+ >>> reset_interpreter()
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... interpreter='py', relative_paths=interpreter_dir)
+ >>> cat(py_path)
+ #!/usr/bin/python -S
+ import os
+ import sys
+ join = os.path.join
+ base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ base = os.path.dirname(base)
+ argv = [sys.executable] + sys.argv[1:]
+ environ = os.environ.copy()
+ path = join(base, 'parts/interpreter')
+ if environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
+ path = os.pathsep.join([path, environ['PYTHONPATH']])
+ environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
+ os.execve(sys.executable, argv, environ)
+ For, we again show only the pertinent parts. Notice that the egg
+ paths join a base to a path, as with the use of this argument in the
+ ``scripts`` function.
+ >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ #...
+ def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+ """Add site packages, as determined by zc.buildout.
+ See original_addsitepackages, below, for the original version."""
+ join = os.path.join
+ base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ base = os.path.dirname(base)
+ base = os.path.dirname(base)
+ buildout_paths = [
+ join(base, 'eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg'),
+ join(base, 'eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg')
+ ]...
+ The paths resolve in practice as you would expect.
+ >>> print call_py(interpreter_path,
+ ... "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)")
+ ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ['',
+ '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+ ...,
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg']
+ The ``extra_paths`` argument affects the path in Notice that
+ /interpreter/other is added after the eggs.
+ >>> reset_interpreter()
+ >>> mkdir(interpreter_dir, 'other')
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... interpreter='py', extra_paths=[join(interpreter_dir, 'other')])
+ >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ #...
+ def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+ """Add site packages, as determined by zc.buildout.
+ See original_addsitepackages, below, for the original version."""
+ buildout_paths = [
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/other'
+ ]...
+ >>> print call_py(interpreter_path,
+ ... "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)")
+ ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ['',
+ '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+ ...,
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/other']
+ The ``sitepackage_safe_scripts`` function: using site-packages
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ The ``sitepackage_safe_scripts`` function supports including site
+ packages. This has some advantages and some serious dangers.
+ A typical reason to include site-packages is that it is easier to
+ install one or more dependencies in your Python than it is with
+ buildout. Some packages, such as lxml or Python PostgreSQL integration,
+ have dependencies that can be much easier to build and/or install using
+ other mechanisms, such as your operating system's package manager. By
+ installing some core packages into your Python's site-packages, this can
+ significantly simplify some application installations.
+ However, doing this has a significant danger. One of the primary goals
+ of buildout is to provide repeatability. Some packages (one of the
+ better known Python openid packages, for instance) change their behavior
+ depending on what packages are available. If Python curl bindings are
+ available, these may be preferred by the library. If a certain XML
+ package is installed, it may be preferred by the library. These hidden
+ choices may cause small or large behavior differences. The fact that
+ they can be rarely encountered can actually make it worse: you forget
+ that this might be a problem, and debugging the differences can be
+ difficult. If you allow site-packages to be included in your buildout,
+ and the Python you use is not managed precisely by your application (for
+ instance, it is a system Python), you open yourself up to these
+ possibilities. Don't be unaware of the dangers.
+ That explained, let's see how it works. If you don't use namespace packages,
+ this is very straightforward.
+ >>> reset_interpreter()
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... interpreter='py', include_site_packages=True)
+ >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path)
+ #...
+ def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+ """Add site packages, as determined by zc.buildout.
+ See original_addsitepackages, below, for the original version."""
+ setuptools_path = None
+ buildout_paths = [
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg'
+ ]
+ for path in buildout_paths:
+ sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
+ if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
+ sys.path.append(sitedir)
+ known_paths.add(sitedircase)
+ sys.__egginsert = len(buildout_paths) # Support distribute.
+ original_paths = [
+ ...
+ ]
+ for path in original_paths:
+ if path == setuptools_path or path not in known_paths:
+ addsitedir(path, known_paths)
+ return known_paths
+ def original_addsitepackages(known_paths):...
+ It simply adds the original paths using addsitedir after the code to add the
+ buildout paths.
+ Here's an example of the new script in use. Other documents and tests in
+ this package give the feature a more thorough workout, but this should
+ give you an idea of the feature.
+ >>> res = call_py(interpreter_path, "import sys; print sys.path")
+ >>> print res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ ['',
+ '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+ ...,
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
+ ...]
+ The clean_paths gathered earlier is a subset of this full list of paths.
+ >>> full_paths = eval(res.strip())
+ >>> len(clean_paths) < len(full_paths)
+ True
+ >>> set(os.path.normpath(p) for p in clean_paths).issubset(
+ ... os.path.normpath(p) for p in full_paths)
+ True
+ Unfortunately, because of how setuptools namespace packages are implemented
+ differently for operating system packages (debs or rpms) as opposed to
+ standard setuptools installation, there's a slightly trickier dance if you
+ use them. To show this we'll needs some extra eggs that use namespaces.
+ We'll use the ``tellmy.fortune`` package, which we'll need to make an initial
+ call to another text fixture to create.
+ >>> from zc.buildout.tests import create_sample_namespace_eggs
+ >>> namespace_eggs = tmpdir('namespace_eggs')
+ >>> create_sample_namespace_eggs(namespace_eggs)
+ >>> reset_interpreter()
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo', 'tellmy.fortune'], join(interpreter_dir, 'eggs'),
+ ... links=[link_server, namespace_eggs], index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... interpreter='py', include_site_packages=True)
+ >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path)
+ #...
+ def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+ """Add site packages, as determined by zc.buildout.
+ See original_addsitepackages, below, for the original version."""
+ setuptools_path = '...setuptools...'
+ sys.path.append(setuptools_path)
+ known_paths.add(os.path.normcase(setuptools_path))
+ import pkg_resources
+ buildout_paths = [
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/tellmy.fortune-1.0-pyN.N.egg',
+ '...setuptools...',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg'
+ ]
+ for path in buildout_paths:
+ sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
+ if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
+ sys.path.append(sitedir)
+ known_paths.add(sitedircase)
+ pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry(sitedir)
+ sys.__egginsert = len(buildout_paths) # Support distribute.
+ original_paths = [
+ ...
+ ]
+ for path in original_paths:
+ if path == setuptools_path or path not in known_paths:
+ addsitedir(path, known_paths)
+ return known_paths
+ def original_addsitepackages(known_paths):...
+ >>> print call_py(interpreter_path, "import sys; print sys.path")
+ ['',
+ '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+ ...,
+ '...setuptools...',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/tellmy.fortune-1.0-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
+ ...]
+ As you can see, the script now first imports pkg_resources. Then we
+ need to process egg files specially to look for namespace packages there
+ *before* we process process lines in .pth files that use the "import"
+ feature--lines that might be part of the setuptools namespace package
+ implementation for system packages, as mentioned above, and that must
+ come after processing egg namespaces.
+ The most complex that this function gets is if you use namespace packages,
+ include site-packages, and use relative paths. For completeness, we'll look
+ at that result.
+ >>> reset_interpreter()
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... interpreter='py', include_site_packages=True,
+ ... relative_paths=interpreter_dir)
+ >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path)
+ #...
+ def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+ """Add site packages, as determined by zc.buildout.
+ See original_addsitepackages, below, for the original version."""
+ join = os.path.join
+ base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ base = os.path.dirname(base)
+ base = os.path.dirname(base)
+ setuptools_path = '...setuptools...'
+ sys.path.append(setuptools_path)
+ known_paths.add(os.path.normcase(setuptools_path))
+ import pkg_resources
+ buildout_paths = [
+ join(base, 'eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg'),
+ join(base, 'eggs/tellmy.fortune-1.0-pyN.N.egg'),
+ '...setuptools...',
+ join(base, 'eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg')
+ ]
+ for path in buildout_paths:
+ sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
+ if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
+ sys.path.append(sitedir)
+ known_paths.add(sitedircase)
+ pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry(sitedir)
+ sys.__egginsert = len(buildout_paths) # Support distribute.
+ original_paths = [
+ ...
+ ]
+ for path in original_paths:
+ if path == setuptools_path or path not in known_paths:
+ addsitedir(path, known_paths)
+ return known_paths
+ def original_addsitepackages(known_paths):...
+ >>> print call_py(interpreter_path, "import sys; print sys.path")
+ ['',
+ '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+ ...,
+ '...setuptools...',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/tellmy.fortune-1.0-pyN.N.egg',
+ '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
+ ...]
+ The ``exec_sitecustomize`` argument does the same thing for the
+ sitecustomize module--it allows you to include the code from the
+ sitecustomize module in the underlying Python if you set the argument to
+ True. The z3c.recipe.scripts package sets up the full environment necessary
+ to demonstrate this piece.
+ The ``sitepackage_safe_scripts`` function: writing scripts for entry points
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ All of the examples so far for this function have been creating
+ interpreters. The function can also write scripts for entry
+ points. They are almost identical to the scripts that we saw for the
+ ``scripts`` function except that they ``import site`` after setting the
+ sys.path to include our custom and files. These
+ files then initialize the Python environment as we have already seen. Let's
+ see a simple example.
+ >>> reset_interpreter()
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], join(interpreter_dir, 'eggs'), links=[link_server],
+ ... index=link_server+'index/')
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... reqs=['demo'])
+ As before, in Windows, 2 files are generated for each script. A script
+ file, ending in '', and an exe file that allows the script
+ to be invoked directly without having to specify the Python
+ interpreter and without having to provide a '.py' suffix. This is in addition
+ to the and files that are generated as with our
+ interpreter examples above.
+ >>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ ... demo_path = os.path.join(interpreter_bin_dir, '')
+ ... expected = [sitecustomize_path,
+ ... site_path,
+ ... os.path.join(interpreter_bin_dir, 'demo.exe'),
+ ... demo_path]
+ ... else:
+ ... demo_path = os.path.join(interpreter_bin_dir, 'demo')
+ ... expected = [sitecustomize_path, site_path, demo_path]
+ ...
+ >>> assert generated == expected, repr((generated, expected))
+ The demo script runs the entry point defined in the demo egg:
+ >>> cat(demo_path) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 -S
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+ ]
+ import os
+ path = sys.path[0]
+ if os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
+ path = os.pathsep.join([path, os.environ['PYTHONPATH']])
+ os.environ['BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
+ os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
+ import site # imports custom buildout-generated
+ import eggrecipedemo
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ eggrecipedemo.main()
+ >>> demo_call = join(interpreter_bin_dir, 'demo')
+ >>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ ... demo_call = '"%s"' % demo_call
+ >>> print system(demo_call)
+ 3 1
+ There are a few differences from the ``scripts`` function. First, the
+ ``reqs`` argument (an iterable of string requirements or entry point
+ tuples) is a keyword argument here. We see that in the example above.
+ Second, the ``arguments`` argument is now named ``script_arguments`` to
+ try and clarify that it does not affect interpreters. While the
+ ``initialization`` argument continues to affect both the interpreters
+ and the entry point scripts, if you have initialization that is only
+ pertinent to the entry point scripts, you can use the
+ ``script_initialization`` argument.
+ Let's see ``script_arguments`` and ``script_initialization`` in action.
+ >>> reset_interpreter()
+ >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts(
+ ... interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+ ... reqs=['demo'], script_arguments='1, 2',
+ ... script_initialization='import os\nos.chdir("foo")')
+ >>> cat(demo_path) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 -S
+ import sys
+ sys.path[0:0] = [
+ '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+ ]
+ import os
+ path = sys.path[0]
+ if os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
+ path = os.pathsep.join([path, os.environ['PYTHONPATH']])
+ os.environ['BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
+ os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
+ import site # imports custom buildout-generated
+ import os
+ os.chdir("foo")
+ import eggrecipedemo
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ eggrecipedemo.main(1, 2)
+ Handling custom build options for extensions provided in source distributions
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Sometimes, we need to control how extension modules are built. The
+ build function provides this level of control. It takes a single
+ package specification, downloads a source distribution, and builds it
+ with specified custom build options.
+ The build function takes 3 positional arguments:
+ spec
+ A package specification for a source distribution
+ dest
+ A destination directory
+ build_ext
+ A dictionary of options to be passed to the distutils build_ext
+ command when building extensions.
+ It supports a number of optional keyword arguments:
+ links
+ a sequence of URLs, file names, or directories to look for
+ links to distributions,
+ index
+ The URL of an index server, or almost any other valid URL. :)
+ If not specified, the Python Package Index,
+, is used. You can specify an
+ alternate index with this option. If you use the links option and
+ if the links point to the needed distributions, then the index can
+ be anything and will be largely ignored. In the examples, here,
+ we'll just point to an empty directory on our link server. This
+ will make our examples run a little bit faster.
+ executable
+ A path to a Python executable. Distributions will be installed
+ using this executable and will be for the matching Python version.
+ path
+ A list of additional directories to search for locally-installed
+ distributions.
+ newest
+ A boolean value indicating whether to search for new distributions
+ when already-installed distributions meet the requirement. When
+ this is true, the default, and when the destination directory is
+ not None, then the install function will search for the newest
+ distributions that satisfy the requirements.
+ versions
+ A dictionary mapping project names to version numbers to be used
+ when selecting distributions. This can be used to specify a set of
+ distribution versions independent of other requirements.
+ Our link server included a source distribution that includes a simple
+ extension, extdemo.c::
+ #include <Python.h>
+ #include <extdemo.h>
+ static PyMethodDef methods[] = {};
+ initextdemo(void)
+ {
+ PyObject *m;
+ m = Py_InitModule3("extdemo", methods, "");
+ #ifdef TWO
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "val", PyInt_FromLong(2));
+ #else
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "val", PyInt_FromLong(EXTDEMO));
+ #endif
+ }
+ The extension depends on a system-dependent include file, extdemo.h,
+ that defines a constant, EXTDEMO, that is exposed by the extension.
+ We'll add an include directory to our sample buildout and add the
+ needed include file to it:
+ >>> mkdir('include')
+ >>> write('include', 'extdemo.h',
+ ... """
+ ... #define EXTDEMO 42
+ ... """)
+ Now, we can use the build function to create an egg from the source
+ distribution:
+ >>>
+ ... 'extdemo', dest,
+ ... {'include-dirs': os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'include')},
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ ['/sample-install/extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg']
+ The function returns the list of eggs
+ Now if we look in our destination directory, we see we have an extdemo egg:
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ d demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.0-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg
+ Let's update our link server with a new version of extdemo:
+ >>> update_extdemo()
+ >>> print get(link_server),
+ <html><body>
+ <a href="bigdemo-0.1-py2.4.egg">bigdemo-0.1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.1-py2.4.egg">demo-0.1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.2-py2.4.egg">demo-0.2-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.3-py2.4.egg">demo-0.3-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href="demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg">demo-0.4c1-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href=""></a><br>
+ <a href="index/">index/</a><br>
+ <a href="other-1.0-py2.4.egg">other-1.0-py2.4.egg</a><br>
+ </body></html>
+ The easy_install caches information about servers to reduce network
+ access. To see the update, we have to call the clear_index_cache
+ function to clear the index cache:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.clear_index_cache()
+ If we run build with newest set to False, we won't get an update:
+ >>>
+ ... 'extdemo', dest,
+ ... {'include-dirs': os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'include')},
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... newest=False)
+ ['/sample-install/extdemo-1.4-py2.4-linux-i686.egg']
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ d demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.0-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg
+ But if we run it with the default True setting for newest, then we'll
+ get an updated egg:
+ >>>
+ ... 'extdemo', dest,
+ ... {'include-dirs': os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'include')},
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ ['/sample-install/extdemo-1.5-py2.4-unix-i686.egg']
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ d demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ - demoneeded-1.0-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg
+ d extdemo-1.5-py2.4-unix-i686.egg
+ The versions option also influences the versions used. For example,
+ if we specify a version for extdemo, then that will be used, even
+ though it isn't the newest. Let's clean out the destination directory
+ first:
+ >>> import os
+ >>> for name in os.listdir(dest):
+ ... remove(dest, name)
+ >>>
+ ... 'extdemo', dest,
+ ... {'include-dirs': os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'include')},
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... versions=dict(extdemo='1.4'))
+ ['/sample-install/extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg']
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg
+ Handling custom build options for extensions in develop eggs
+ ------------------------------------------------------------
+ The develop function is similar to the build function, except that,
+ rather than building an egg from a source directory containing a
+ script.
+ The develop function takes 2 positional arguments:
+ setup
+ The path to a setup script, typically named "", or a
+ directory containing a script.
+ dest
+ The directory to install the egg link to
+ It supports some optional keyword argument:
+ build_ext
+ A dictionary of options to be passed to the distutils build_ext
+ command when building extensions.
+ executable
+ A path to a Python executable. Distributions will be installed
+ using this executable and will be for the matching Python version.
+ We have a local directory containing the extdemo source:
+ >>> ls(extdemo)
+ -
+ - extdemo.c
+ -
+ Now, we can use the develop function to create a develop egg from the source
+ distribution:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.develop(
+ ... extdemo, dest,
+ ... {'include-dirs': os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'include')})
+ '/sample-install/extdemo.egg-link'
+ The name of the egg link created is returned.
+ Now if we look in our destination directory, we see we have an extdemo
+ egg link:
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg
+ - extdemo.egg-link
+ And that the source directory contains the compiled extension:
+ >>> ls(extdemo)
+ -
+ d build
+ - extdemo.c
+ d extdemo.egg-info
+ -
+ -
+ Download cache
+ --------------
+ Normally, when distributions are installed, if any processing is
+ needed, they are downloaded from the internet to a temporary directory
+ and then installed from there. A download cache can be used to avoid
+ the download step. This can be useful to reduce network access and to
+ create source distributions of an entire buildout.
+ A download cache is specified by calling the download_cache
+ function. The function always returns the previous setting. If no
+ argument is passed, then the setting is unchanged. If an argument is
+ passed, the download cache is set to the given path, which must point
+ to an existing directory. Passing None clears the cache setting.
+ To see this work, we'll create a directory and set it as the cache
+ directory:
+ >>> cache = tmpdir('cache')
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.download_cache(cache)
+ We'll recreate our destination directory:
+ >>> remove(dest)
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ We'd like to see what is being fetched from the server, so we'll
+ enable server logging:
+ >>> get(link_server+'enable_server_logging')
+ GET 200 /enable_server_logging
+ ''
+ Now, if we install demo, and extdemo:
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo==0.2'], dest,
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... always_unzip=True)
+ GET 200 /
+ GET 404 /index/demo/
+ GET 200 /index/
+ GET 200 /demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ GET 404 /index/demoneeded/
+ GET 200 /
+ >>>
+ ... 'extdemo', dest,
+ ... {'include-dirs': os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'include')},
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ GET 404 /index/extdemo/
+ GET 200 /
+ ['/sample-install/extdemo-1.5-py2.4-linux-i686.egg']
+ Not only will we get eggs in our destination directory:
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ d demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ d extdemo-1.5-py2.4-linux-i686.egg
+ But we'll get distributions in the cache directory:
+ >>> ls(cache)
+ - demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ -
+ -
+ The cache directory contains uninstalled distributions, such as zipped
+ eggs or source distributions.
+ Let's recreate our destination directory and clear the index cache:
+ >>> remove(dest)
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.clear_index_cache()
+ Now when we install the distributions:
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo==0.2'], dest,
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... always_unzip=True)
+ GET 200 /
+ GET 404 /index/demo/
+ GET 200 /index/
+ GET 404 /index/demoneeded/
+ >>>
+ ... 'extdemo', dest,
+ ... {'include-dirs': os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'include')},
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/')
+ GET 404 /index/extdemo/
+ ['/sample-install/extdemo-1.5-py2.4-linux-i686.egg']
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ d demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ d extdemo-1.5-py2.4-linux-i686.egg
+ Note that we didn't download the distributions from the link server.
+ If we remove the restriction on demo, we'll download a newer version
+ from the link server:
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest,
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... always_unzip=True)
+ GET 200 /demo-0.3-py2.4.egg
+ Normally, the download cache is the preferred source of downloads, but
+ not the only one.
+ Installing solely from a download cache
+ ---------------------------------------
+ A download cache can be used as the basis of application source
+ releases. In an application source release, we want to distribute an
+ application that can be built without making any network accesses. In
+ this case, we distribute a download cache and tell the easy_install
+ module to install from the download cache only, without making network
+ accesses. The install_from_cache function can be used to signal that
+ packages should be installed only from the download cache. The
+ function always returns the previous setting. Calling it with no
+ arguments returns the current setting without changing it:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.install_from_cache()
+ False
+ Calling it with a boolean value changes the setting and returns the
+ previous setting:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.install_from_cache(True)
+ False
+ Let's remove demo-0.3-py2.4.egg from the cache, clear the index cache,
+ recreate the destination directory, and reinstall demo:
+ >>> for f in os.listdir(cache):
+ ... if f.startswith('demo-0.3-'):
+ ... remove(cache, f)
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.clear_index_cache()
+ >>> remove(dest)
+ >>> dest = tmpdir('sample-install')
+ >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+ ... ['demo'], dest,
+ ... links=[link_server], index=link_server+'index/',
+ ... always_unzip=True)
+ >>> ls(dest)
+ d demo-0.2-py2.4.egg
+ d demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg
+ This time, we didn't download from or even query the link server.
+ .. Disable the download cache:
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.download_cache(None)
+ '/cache'
+ >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.install_from_cache(False)
+ True
+ Distribute Support
+ ==================
+ Distribute is a drop-in replacement for Setuptools.
+ zc.buildout is now compatible with Distribute 0.6. To use Distribute in your
+ buildout, you need use the ``--distribute`` option of the ````
+ script::
+ $ python --distribute
+ This will download and install the latest Distribute 0.6 release in the
+ ``eggs`` directory, and use this version for the scripts that are created
+ in ``bin``.
+ Notice that if you have a shared eggs directory, a buildout that uses
+ Distribute will not interfer with other buildouts that are based on Setuptools
+ and that are sharing the same eggs directory.
+ Form more information about the Distribute project, see:
+ Change History
+ **************
+ 1.5.2 (2010-10-11)
+ ==================
+ - changed metadata 'url' to in order to solve
+ a temporary outage of
+ - IMPORTANT: For better backwards compatibility with the pre-1.5 line,
+ this release has two big changes from 1.5.0 and 1.5.1.
+ - Buildout defaults to including site packages.
+ - Buildout loads recipes and extensions with the same constraints to
+ site-packages that it builds eggs, instead of never allowing access
+ to site-packages.
+ This means that the default configuration should better support
+ pre-existing use of system Python in recipes or builds.
+ - To make it easier to detect the fact that buildout has set the PYTHONPATH,
+ BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH is always set in the environment, even if
+ be an empty string if PYTHONPATH was not set.
+ 1.5.1 (2010-08-29)
+ ==================
+ New features:
+ - Scripts store the old PYTHONPATH in BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH if it
+ existed, and store nothing in the value if it did not exist. This allows
+ code that does not want subprocesses to have the system-Python-protected
+ to set the environment of the subprocess as it was originally.
+ Bugs fixed:
+ - : If include-site-packages were
+ true and versions were not set explicitly, system eggs were preferred
+ over newer released eggs. Fixed.
+ 1.5.0 (2010-08-23)
+ ==================
+ New features:
+ - zc.buildout supports Python 2.7.
+ - By default, Buildout and the bootstrap script now prefer final versions of
+ Buildout, recipes, and extensions. This can be changed by using the
+ --accept-buildout-test-releases flag (or -t for short) when calling
+ bootstrap. This will hopefully allow beta releases of these items to
+ be more easily and safely made in the future.
+ NOTE: dependencies of your own software are not affected by this new
+ behavior. Buildout continues to choose the newest available versions
+ of your dependencies regardless of whether they are final releases. To
+ prevent this, use the pre-existing switch ``prefer-final = true`` in
+ the [buildout] section of your configuration file (see
+ or
+ pin your versions using a versions section (see
+ Bugs fixed:
+ - You can now again use virtualenv with Buildout. The new features to let
+ buildout be used with a system Python are disabled in this configuration,
+ and the previous script generation behavior (1.4.3) is used, even if
+ the new function ``zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts``
+ is used.
+ 1.5.0b2 (2010-04-29)
+ ====================
+ This was a re-release of 1.4.3 in order to keep 1.5.0b1 release from hurting
+ workflows that combined virtualenv with zc.buildout.
+ 1.5.0b1 (2010-04-29)
+ ====================
+ New Features:
+ - Added buildout:socket-timout option so that socket timeout can be configured
+ both from command line and from config files. (gotcha)
+ - Buildout can be safely used with a system Python (or any Python with code
+ in site-packages), as long as you use (1) A fresh checkout, (2) the
+ new, and (3) recipes that use the new
+ ``zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts`` function to generate
+ scripts and interpreters. Many recipes will need to be updated to use
+ this new function. The scripts and interpreters generated by
+ ``zc.recipe.egg`` will continue to use the older function, not safe
+ with system Pythons. Use the ``z3c.recipe.scripts`` as a replacement.
+ zc.recipe.egg is still a fully supported, and simpler, way of
+ generating scripts and interpreters if you are using a "clean" Python,
+ without code installed in site-packages. It keeps its previous behavior in
+ order to provide backwards compatibility.
+ The z3c.recipe.scripts recipe allows you to control how you use the
+ code in site-packages. You can exclude it entirely (preferred); allow
+ eggs in it to fulfill package dependencies declared in and
+ buildout configuration; allow it to be available but not used to
+ fulfill dependencies declared in or buildout configuration;
+ or only allow certain eggs in site-packages to fulfill dependencies.
+ - Added new function, ``zc.buildout.easy_install.sitepackage_safe_scripts``,
+ to generate scripts and interpreter. It produces a full-featured
+ interpreter (all command-line options supported) and the ability to
+ safely let scripts include site packages, such as with a system
+ Python. The ``z3c.recipe.scripts`` recipe uses this new function.
+ - Improve bootstrap.
+ * New options let you specify where to find and where to find
+ a download cache. These options can keep bootstrap from going over the
+ network.
+ * Another new option lets you specify where to put generated eggs.
+ * The buildout script generated by bootstrap honors more of the settings
+ in the designated configuration file (e.g., buildout.cfg).
+ * Correctly handle systems where pkg_resources is present but the rest of
+ setuptools is missing (like Ubuntu installs).
+ - You can develop zc.buildout using Distribute instead of Setuptools. Use
+ the --distribute option on the script. (Releases should be tested
+ with both Distribute and Setuptools.) The tests for zc.buildout pass
+ with Setuptools and Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7; and with Distribute and
+ Python 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7. Using zc.buildout with Distribute and Python 2.4
+ is not recommended.
+ - The ``distribute-version`` now works in the [buildout] section, mirroring
+ the ``setuptools-version`` option (this is for consistency; using the
+ general-purpose ``versions`` option is preferred).
+ Bugs fixed:
+ - Using Distribute with the ``allow-picked-versions = false`` buildout
+ option no longer causes an error.
+ - The handling and documenting of default buildout options was normalized.
+ This means, among other things, that ``bin/buildout -vv`` and
+ ``bin/buildout annotate`` correctly list more of the options.
+ - Installing a namespace package using a Python that already has a package
+ in the same namespace (e.g., in the Python's site-packages) failed in
+ some cases. It is now handled correctly.
+ - Another variation of this error showed itself when at least two
+ dependencies were in a shared location like site-packages, and the
+ first one met the "versions" setting. The first dependency would be
+ added, but subsequent dependencies from the same location (e.g.,
+ site-packages) would use the version of the package found in the
+ shared location, ignoring the version setting. This is also now
+ handled correctly.
+ 1.4.3 (2009-12-10)
+ ==================
+ Bugs fixed:
+ - Using pre-detected setuptools version for easy_installing tgz files. This
+ prevents a recursion error when easy_installing an upgraded "distribute"
+ tgz. Note that setuptools did not have this recursion problem solely
+ because it was packaged as an ``.egg``, which does not have to go through
+ the easy_install step.
+ 1.4.2 (2009-11-01)
+ ==================
+ New Feature:
+ - Added a --distribute option to the bootstrap script, in order
+ to use Distribute rather than Setuptools. By default, Setuptools
+ is used.
+ Bugs fixed:
+ - While checking for new versions of setuptools and buildout itself,
+ compare requirement locations instead of requirement objects.
+ - Incrementing didn't work properly when extending multiple files.
+ - The download API computed MD5 checksums of text files wrong on Windows.
+ 1.4.1 (2009-08-27)
+ ==================
+ New Feature:
+ - Added a debug built-in recipe to make writing some tests easier.
+ Bugs fixed:
+ - (introduced in 1.4.0) option incrementing (-=) and decrementing (-=)
+ didn't work in the buildout section.
+ - Option incrementing and decrementing didn't work for options
+ specified on the command line.
+ - Scripts generated with relative-paths enabled couldn't be
+ symbolically linked to other locations and still work.
+ - Scripts run using generated interpreters didn't have __file__ set correctly.
+ - The standard Python -m option didn't work for custom interpreters.
+ 1.4.0 (2009-08-26)
+ ==================
+ - When doing variable substitutions, you can omit the section name to
+ refer to a variable in the same section (e.g. ${:foo}).
+ - When doing variable substitution, you can use the special option,
+ ``_buildout_section_name_`` to get the section name. This is most handy
+ for getting the current section name (e.g. ${:_buildout_section_name_}).
+ - A new special option, ``<`` allows sections to be used as macros.
+ - Added annotate command for annotated sections. Displays sections
+ key-value pairs along with the value origin.
+ - Added a download API that handles the download cache, offline mode etc and
+ is meant to be reused by recipes.
+ - Used the download API to allow caching of base configurations (specified by
+ the buildout section's 'extends' option).
+ 1.3.1 (2009-08-12)
+ ==================
+ - Bug fixed: extras were ignored in some cases when versions were specified.
+ 1.3.0 (2009-06-22)
+ ==================
+ - Better Windows compatibility in test infrastructure.
+ - Now the has an optional --version argument,
+ that can be used to force zc.buildout version to use.
+ - ``zc.buildout.testing.buildoutSetUp`` installs a new handler in the
+ python root logging facility. This handler is now removed during
+ tear down as it might disturb other packages reusing buildout's
+ testing infrastructure.
+ - fixed usage of 'relative_paths' keyword parameter on Windows
+ - Added an unload entry point for extensions.
+ - Fixed bug: when the relative paths option was used, relative paths
+ could be inserted into sys.path if a relative path was used to run
+ the generated script.
+ 1.2.1 (2009-03-18)
+ ==================
+ - Refactored generation of relative egg paths to generate simpler code.
+ 1.2.0 (2009-03-17)
+ ==================
+ - Added a relative_paths option to zc.buildout.easy_install.script to
+ generate egg paths relative to the script they're used in.
+ 1.1.2 (2009-03-16)
+ ==================
+ - Added Python 2.6 support. Removed Python 2.3 support.
+ - Fixed remaining deprecation warnings under Python 2.6, both when running
+ our tests and when using the package.
+ - Switched from using os.popen* to subprocess.Popen, to avoid a deprecation
+ warning in Python 2.6. See:
+ - Made sure the 'redo_pyc' function and the doctest checkers work with Python
+ executable paths containing spaces.
+ - Expand shell patterns when processing the list of paths in `develop`, e.g::
+ [buildout]
+ develop = ./local-checkouts/*
+ - Conditionally import and use hashlib.md5 when it's available instead
+ of md5 module, which is deprecated in Python 2.6.
+ - Added Jython support for bootstrap, development bootstrap
+ and zc.buildout support on Jython
+ - Fixed a bug that would cause buildout to break while computing a
+ directory hash if it found a broken symlink (Launchpad #250573)
+ 1.1.1 (2008-07-28)
+ ==================
+ - Fixed a bug that caused buildouts to fail when variable
+ substitutions are used to name standard directories, as in::
+ [buildout]
+ eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/develop-eggs
+ 1.1.0 (2008-07-19)
+ ==================
+ - Added a buildout-level unzip option tp change the default policy for
+ unzipping zip-safe eggs.
+ - Tracebacks are now printed for internal errors (as opposed to user
+ errors) even without the -D option.
+ - pyc and pyo files are regenerated for installed eggs so that the
+ stored path in code objects matches the the install location.
+ 1.0.6 (2008-06-13)
+ ==================
+ - Manually reverted the changeset for the fix for
+ to verify thet the test
+ actually fails with the changeset:
+ Thanks tarek for pointing this out. (seletz)
+ - fixed the test for the += -= syntax in buildout.txt as the test
+ was actually wronng. The original implementation did a split/join
+ on whitespace, and later on that was corrected to respect the original
+ EOL setting, the test was not updated, though. (seletz)
+ - added a test to verify against
+ in allowhosts.txt (seletz)
+ - further fixes for """AttributeError: Buildout instance has no
+ attribute '_logger'""" by providing reasonable defaults
+ within the Buildout constructor (related to the new 'allow-hosts' option)
+ (patch by Gottfried Ganssauge) (ajung)
+ 1.0.5 (2008-06-10)
+ ==================
+ - Fixed wrong split when using the += and -= syntax (mustapha)
+ 1.0.4 (2008-06-10)
+ ==================
+ - Added the `allow-hosts` option (tarek)
+ - Quote the 'executable' argument when trying to detect the python
+ version using popen4. (sidnei)
+ - Quote the 'spec' argument, as in the case of installing an egg from
+ the buildout-cache, if the filename contains spaces it would fail (sidnei)
+ - Extended configuration syntax to allow -= and += operators (malthe, mustapha).
+ 1.0.3 (2008-06-01)
+ ==================
+ - fix for """AttributeError: Buildout instance has no attribute '_logger'"""
+ by providing reasonable defaults within the Buildout constructor.
+ (patch by Gottfried Ganssauge) (ajung)
+ 1.0.2 (2008-05-13)
+ ==================
+ - More fixes for Windows. A quoted sh-bang is now used on Windows to make the
+ .exe files work with a Python executable in 'program files'.
+ - Added "-t <timeout_in_seconds>" option for specifying the socket timeout.
+ (ajung)
+ 1.0.1 (2008-04-02)
+ ==================
+ - Made's _get_version accept non-final releases of Python,
+ like 2.4.4c0. (hannosch)
+ - Applied various patches for Windows (patch by Gottfried Ganssauge). (ajung)
+ - Applied patch fixing rmtree issues on Windows (patch by
+ Gottfried Ganssauge). (ajung)
+ 1.0.0 (2008-01-13)
+ ==================
+ - Added a French translation of the buildout tutorial.
+ 1.0.0b31 (2007-11-01)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Added a configuration option that allows buildouts to ignore
+ dependency_links metadata specified in setup. By default
+ dependency_links in setup are used in addition to buildout specified
+ find-links. This can make it hard to control where eggs come
+ from. Here's how to tell buildout to ignore URLs in
+ dependency_links::
+ [buildout]
+ use-dependency-links = false
+ By default use-dependency-links is true, which matches the behavior
+ of previous versions of buildout.
+ - Added a configuration option that causes buildout to error if a
+ version is picked. This is a nice safety belt when fixing all
+ versions is intended, especially when creating releases.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - 151820: Develop failed if the script imported modules in
+ the distribution directory.
+ - Verbose logging of the develop command was omitting detailed
+ output.
+ - The setup command wasn't documented.
+ - The setup command failed if run in a directory without specifying a
+ configuration file.
+ - The setup command raised a stupid exception if run without arguments.
+ - When using a local find links or index, distributions weren't copied
+ to the download cache.
+ - When installing from source releases, a version specification (via a
+ buildout versions section) for setuptools was ignored when deciding
+ which setuptools to use to build an egg from the source release.
+ 1.0.0b30 (2007-08-20)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Changed the default policy back to what it was to avoid breakage in
+ existing buildouts. Use::
+ [buildout]
+ prefer-final = true
+ to get the new policy. The new policy will go into effect in
+ buildout 2.
+ 1.0.0b29 (2007-08-20)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Now, final distributions are prefered over non-final versions. If
+ both final and non-final versions satisfy a requirement, then the
+ final version will be used even if it is older. The normal way to
+ override this for specific packages is to specifically require a
+ non-final version, either specifically or via a lower bound.
+ - There is a buildout prefer-final version that can be used with a
+ value of "false"::
+ prefer-final = false
+ To prefer newer versions, regardless of whether or not they are
+ final, buildout-wide.
+ - The new simple Python index,, is
+ used as the default index. This will provide better performance
+ than the human package index interface,
+ More importantly, it lists hidden
+ distributions, so buildouts with fixed distribution versions will be
+ able to find old distributions even if the distributions have been
+ hidden in the human PyPI interface.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - 126441: Look for default.cfg in the right place on Windows.
+ 1.0.0b28 (2007-07-05)
+ =====================
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - When requiring a specific version, buildout looked for new versions
+ even if that single version was already installed.
+ 1.0.0b27 (2007-06-20)
+ =====================
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - Scripts were generated incorrectly on Windows. This included the
+ buildout script itself, making buildout completely unusable.
+ 1.0.0b26 (2007-06-19)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Thanks to recent fixes in setuptools, I was able to change buildout
+ to use find-link and index information when searching extensions.
+ Sadly, this work, especially the timing, was motivated my the need
+ to use alternate indexes due to performance problems in the cheese
+ shop ( I really home we can address
+ these performance problems soon.
+ 1.0.0b25 (2007-05-31)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - buildout now changes to the buildout directory before running recipe
+ install and update methods.
+ - Added a new init command for creating a new buildout. This creates
+ an empty configuration file and then bootstraps.
+ - Except when using the new init command, it is now an error to run
+ buildout without a configuration file.
+ - In verbose mode, when adding distributions to fulful requirements of
+ already-added distributions, we now show why the new distributions
+ are being added.
+ - Changed the logging format to exclude the logger name for the
+ zc.buildout logger. This reduces noise in the output.
+ - Clean up lots of messages, adding missing periods and adding quotes around
+ requirement strings and file paths.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - 114614: Buildouts could take a very long time if there were
+ dependency problems in large sets of pathologically interdependent
+ packages.
+ - 59270: Buggy recipes can cause failures in later recipes via chdir
+ - 61890: file:// urls don't seem to work in find-links
+ setuptools requires that file urls that point to directories must
+ end in a "/". Added a workaround.
+ - 75607: buildout should not run if it creates an empty buildout.cfg
+ 1.0.0b24 (2007-05-09)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Improved error reporting by showing which packages require other
+ packages that can't be found or that cause version conflicts.
+ - Added an API for use by recipe writers to clean up created files
+ when recipe errors occur.
+ - Log installed scripts.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - 92891: bootstrap crashes with recipe option in buildout section.
+ - 113085: Buildout exited with a zero exist status when internal errors
+ occurred.
+ 1.0.0b23 (2007-03-19)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Added support for download caches. A buildout can specify a cache
+ for distribution downloads. The cache can be shared among buildouts
+ to reduce network access and to support creating source
+ distributions for applications allowing install without network
+ access.
+ - Log scripts created, as suggested in:
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - It wasn't possible to give options on the command line for sections
+ not defined in a configuration file.
+ 1.0.0b22 (2007-03-15)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Improved error reporting and debugging support:
+ - Added "logical tracebacks" that show functionally what the buildout
+ was doing when an error occurs. Don't show a Python traceback
+ unless the -D option is used.
+ - Added a -D option that causes the buildout to print a traceback and
+ start the pdb post-mortem debugger when an error occurs.
+ - Warnings are printed for unused options in the buildout section and
+ installed-part sections. This should make it easier to catch option
+ misspellings.
+ - Changed the way the installed database (.installed.cfg) is handled
+ to avoid database corruption when a user breaks out of a buildout
+ with control-c.
+ - Don't save an installed database if there are no installed parts or
+ develop egg links.
+ 1.0.0b21 (2007-03-06)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Added support for repeatable buildouts by allowing egg versions to
+ be specified in a versions section.
+ - The easy_install module install and build functions now accept a
+ versions argument that supplied to mapping from project name to
+ version numbers. This can be used to fix version numbers for
+ required distributions and their depenencies.
+ When a version isn't fixed, using either a versions option or using
+ a fixed version number in a requirement, then a debug log message is
+ emitted indicating the version picked. This is useful for setting
+ versions options.
+ A default_versions function can be used to set a default value for
+ this option.
+ - Adjusted the output for verbosity levels. Using a single -v option
+ no longer causes voluminous setuptools output. Uisng -vv and -vvv
+ now triggers extra setuptools output.
+ - Added a remove testing helper function that removes files or directories.
+ 1.0.0b20 (2007-02-08)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Added a buildout newest option, to control whether the newest
+ distributions should be sought to meet requirements. This might
+ also provide a hint to recipes that don't deal with
+ distributions. For example, a recipe that manages subversion
+ checkouts might not update a checkout if newest is set to "false".
+ - Added a *newest* keyword parameter to the
+ zc.buildout.easy_install.install and
+ functions to control whether the newest distributions that meed
+ given requirements should be sought. If a false value is provided
+ for this parameter and already installed eggs meet the given
+ requirements, then no attempt will be made to search for newer
+ distributions.
+ - The recipe-testing support setUp function now adds the name
+ *buildout* to the test namespace with a value that is the path to
+ the buildout script in the sample buildout. This allows tests to
+ use
+ >>> print system(buildout),
+ rather than:
+ >>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout')),
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - Paths returned from update methods replaced lists of installed files
+ rather than augmenting them.
+ 1.0.0b19 (2007-01-24)
+ =====================
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - Explicitly specifying a Python executable failed if the output of
+ running Python with the -V option included a 2-digit (rather than a
+ 3-digit) version number.
+ 1.0.0b18 (2007-01-22)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Added documentation for some previously undocumented features of the
+ easy_install APIs.
+ - By popular demand, added a -o command-line option that is a short
+ hand for the assignment buildout:offline=true.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - When deciding whether recipe develop eggs had changed, buildout
+ incorrectly considered files in .svn and CVS directories.
+ 1.0.0b17 (2006-12-07)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Configuration files can now be loaded from URLs.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ -
+ Buildout extensions installed as eggs couldn't be loaded in offline
+ mode.
+ 1.0.0b16 (2006-12-07)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - A new command-line argument, -U, suppresses reading user defaults.
+ - You can now suppress use of an installed-part database
+ (e.g. .installed.cfg) by sprifying an empty value for the buildout
+ installed option.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - When the install command is used with a list of parts, only
+ those parts are supposed to be installed, but the buildout was also
+ building parts that those parts depended on.
+ 1.0.0b15 (2006-12-06)
+ =====================
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - Uninstall recipes weren't loaded correctly in cases where
+ no parts in the (new) configuration used the recipe egg.
+ 1.0.0b14 (2006-12-05)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Added uninstall recipes for dealing with complex uninstallation
+ scenarios.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - Automatic upgrades weren't performed on Windows due to a bug that
+ caused buildout to incorrectly determine that it wasn't running
+ locally in a buildout.
+ - Fixed some spurious test failures on Windows.
+ 1.0.0b13 (2006-12-04)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Variable substitutions now reflect option data written by recipes.
+ - A part referenced by a part in a parts list is now added to the parts
+ list before the referencing part. This means that you can omit
+ parts from the parts list if they are referenced by other parts.
+ - Added a develop function to the easy_install module to aid in
+ creating develop eggs with custom build_ext options.
+ - The build and develop functions in the easy_install module now
+ return the path of the egg or egg link created.
+ - Removed the limitation that parts named in the install command can
+ only name configured parts.
+ - Removed support ConfigParser-style variable substitutions
+ (e.g. %(foo)s). Only the string-template style of variable
+ (e.g. ${section:option}) substitutions will be supported.
+ Supporting both violates "there's only one way to do it".
+ - Deprecated the buildout-section extendedBy option.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - We treat setuptools as a dependency of any distribution that
+ (declares that it) uses namespace packages, whether it declares
+ setuptools as a dependency or not. This wasn't working for eggs
+ intalled by virtue of being dependencies.
+ 1.0.0b12 (2006-10-24)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Added an initialization argument to the
+ zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts function to include initialization
+ code in generated scripts.
+ 1.0.0b11 (2006-10-24)
+ =====================
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ `67737 <>`_
+ Verbose and quite output options caused errors when the
+ develop buildout option was used to create develop eggs.
+ `67871 <>`_
+ Installation failed if the source was a (local) unzipped
+ egg.
+ `67873 <>`_
+ There was an error in producing an error message when part names
+ passed to the install command weren't included in the
+ configuration.
+ 1.0.0b10 (2006-10-16)
+ =====================
+ Feature Changes
+ ---------------
+ - Renamed the runsetup command to setup. (The old name still works.)
+ - Added a recipe update method. Now install is only called when a part
+ is installed for the first time, or after an uninstall. Otherwise,
+ update is called. For backward compatibility, recipes that don't
+ define update methiods are still supported.
+ - If a distribution defines namespace packages but fails to declare
+ setuptools as one of its dependencies, we now treat setuptools as an
+ implicit dependency. We generate a warning if the distribution
+ is a develop egg.
+ - You can now create develop eggs for setup scripts that don't use setuptools.
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - Egg links weren't removed when corresponding entries were removed
+ from develop sections.
+ - Running a non-local buildout command (one not installed in the
+ buildout) ket to a hang if there were new versions of zc.buildout or
+ setuptools were available. Now we issue a warning and don't
+ upgrade.
+ - When installing zip-safe eggs from local directories, the eggs were
+ moved, rather than copied, removing them from the source directory.
+ 1.0.0b9 (2006-10-02)
+ ====================
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ Non-zip-safe eggs were not unzipped when they were installed.
+ 1.0.0b8 (2006-10-01)
+ ====================
+ Bugs Fixed
+ ----------
+ - Installing source distributions failed when using alternate Python
+ versions (depending on the versions of Python used.)
+ - Installing eggs wasn't handled as efficiently as possible due to a
+ bug in egg URL parsing.
+ - Fixed a bug in runsetup that caused setup scripts that introspected
+ __file__ to fail.
+ 1.0.0b7
+ =======
+ Added a documented testing framework for use by recipes. Refactored
+ the buildout tests to use it.
+ Added a runsetup command run a setup script. This is handy if, like
+ me, you don't install setuptools in your system Python.
+ 1.0.0b6
+ =======
+ Fixed
+ Use of extension options caused bootstrapping to fail if the eggs
+ directory didn't already exist. We no longer use extensions for
+ bootstrapping. There really isn't any reason to anyway.
+ 1.0.0b5
+ =======
+ Refactored to do more work in buildout and less work in easy_install.
+ This makes things go a little faster, makes errors a little easier to
+ handle, and allows extensions (like the sftp extension) to influence
+ more of the process. This was done to fix a problem in using the sftp
+ support.
+ 1.0.0b4
+ =======
+ - Added an **experimental** extensions mechanism, mainly to support
+ adding sftp support to buildouts that need it.
+ - Fixed buildout self-updating on Windows.
+ 1.0.0b3
+ =======
+ - Added a help option (-h, --help)
+ - Increased the default level of verbosity.
+ - Buildouts now automatically update themselves to new versions of
+ zc.buildout and setuptools.
+ - Added Windows support.
+ - Added a recipe API for generating user errors.
+ - No-longer generate a py_zc.buildout script.
+ - Fixed some bugs in variable substitutions.
+ The characters "-", "." and " ", weren't allowed in section or
+ option names.
+ Substitutions with invalid names were ignored, which caused
+ missleading failures downstream.
+ - Improved error handling. No longer show tracebacks for user errors.
+ - Now require a recipe option (and therefore a section) for every part.
+ - Expanded the easy_install module API to:
+ - Allow extra paths to be provided
+ - Specify explicit entry points
+ - Specify entry-point arguments
+ 1.0.0b2
+ =======
+ Added support for specifying some build_ext options when installing eggs
+ from source distributions.
+ 1.0.0b1
+ =======
+ - Changed the bootstrapping code to only install setuptools and
+ zc.buildout. The bootstrap code no-longer runs the buildout itself.
+ This was to fix a bug that caused parts to be recreated
+ unnecessarily because the recipe signature in the initial buildout
+ reflected temporary locations for setuptools and zc.buildout.
+ - Now create a minimal if it doesn't exist and issue a
+ warning that it is being created.
+ - Fixed bug in saving installed configuration data. %'s and extra
+ spaces weren't quoted.
+ 1.0.0a1
+ =======
+ Initial public version
+ Download
+ **********************
+Keywords: development build
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules